0.0 av 5
Turn This Car Around
Our nation has become one full of apologies and Politically Correct (PC) statements. It's time for the true right to make a political comeback. Former Governor Robert Ehrlich has written the roadmap - Turn This Car Around. He urges the American public to make a real change and address (with him) the issues of union strangleholds, Obamacare, a failed stimulus package, soaring energy costs and high unemployment, the race-card, the Living Wage war, bipartisanship and other heated topics. Ehrlich notes thatour education system is not meeting the needs of our children, race relations have been derailed and the family structure is crumbling. This needs to change. There is too much at stake for the country and our culture. Turn This Car Around is a call to action, and a blunt collection of dispatches from America's culture wars, retold by a former state legislator, congressman, and governor who fought on the front lines. Bob Ehrlich recounts the contentious battles he waged in the widely recognized liberal state of Maryland, and provides insightful suggestions to help resolve many of the issues in America.
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Renewable Energy
This revised edition is fully updated and continues to provide the best in-depth introduction to renewable energy science. It focuses mainly on renewable energy, but also addresses nonrenewable energy (fossil fuels and nuclear technology). The coverage extends from the basic physics to conservation, economic, and public policy issues, with strong emphasis on explaining how things work in practice. The authors avoid technical jargon and advanced math, but address fundamental analytical skills with wide application, including:Two brand new chapters giving an introduction to population dynamics and statistical analysis for energy studiesAdditional self-study problems and answersMore worked examplesUp-to-date coverage of areas such as hydraulic fracturing, integration of renewable energy to power grid, and cost.
5.0 av 5
Merchants of Despair
There was a time when humanity looked in the mirror and saw something precious, worth protecting and fighting for--indeed, worth liberating. But now we are beset on all sides by propaganda promoting a radically different viewpoint. According to this idea, human beings are a cancer upon the Earth, a species whose aspirations and appetites are endangering the natural order. This is the core of antihumanism. Merchants of Despair traces the pedigree of this ideology and exposes its deadly consequences in startling and horrifying detail. The book names the chief prophets and promoters of antihumanism over the last two centuries, from Thomas Malthus through Paul Ehrlich and Al Gore. It exposes the worst crimes perpetrated by the antihumanist movement, including eugenics campaigns in the United States and genocidal anti-development and population-control programs around the world.Combining riveting tales from history with powerful policy arguments, Merchants of Despair provides scientific refutations to antihumanism's major pseudo-scientific claims, including its modern tirades against nuclear power, pesticides, population growth, biotech foods, resource depletion, industrial development, and, most recently, fear-mongering about global warming. Merchants of Despair exposes this dangerous agenda and makes the definitive scientific and moral case against it.
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Pioneers of microbiology and the Nobel Prize
We are swamped with information and each day seems to bring new discoveries that must be considered. Never before in the history of science have so many scientists been as active as today. It has become a major problem for the expert just to keep up with the literature in his or her own field of research. Why, then, should experts and their poor students worry about the pioneers of microbiology, those half-forgotten scientists who a century ago devoted their lives to a new science that was on its way to revolutionizing medicine?With so many new facts and problems screaming for our attention, it is easy to lose sight of the long road that we have travelled in order to get to the point where we are now. Tracing the path of those who have gone before us will help us to see our own scientific goals and efforts in a more revealing perspective.The great figures who are at the center of interest in this book - Robert Koch, Emil von Behring, Paul Ehrlich and Elie Metchnikoff - were far from uncontroversial during their lifetimes. It is interesting to see how they were judged by their peers at the Karolinska Institutet when they were considered for the Nobel Prize.Pioneers of Microbiology and the Nobel Prize has been written in such a way that it can be enjoyed even without an extensive knowledge of microbiology and medicine. In fact, a considerable part of the book portrays the state of medicine during the middle of the 19th century, when bacteriology can be said to have made its debut on the medical scene.
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Notes From Underground
"Backgrounds and Sources" includes relevant writings by Dostoevsky, among them "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions," the author’s account of a formative trip to the West. New to the Second Edition are excerpts from V. F. Odoevksy’s "Russian Nights" and I. S. Turgenev’s "Hamlet of Shchigrovsk District." In "Responses", Michael Katz links this seminal novel to the theme of the underground man in six famous works, two of them new to the Second Edition: an excerpt from M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin’s The Swallows, Woody Allen’s Notes from the Overfed, Robert Walser’s The Child, an excerpt from Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man, an excerpt from Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We, and an excerpt from Jean-Paul Sartre’s Erostratus. "Criticism" brings together eleven interpretations by both Russian and Western critics from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, two of them new to the Second Edition. Included are essays by Nikolai K. Mikhailovsky, Vasily Rozanov, Lev Shestov, M. M. Bakhtin, Ralph E. Matlaw, Victor Erlich, Robert Louis Jackson, Gary Saul Morson, Richard H. Weisberg, Joseph Frank, and Tzvetan Todorov. A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included.
0.0 av 5
How Children Develop: Sixth Edition
This hugely popular textbook has established itself as the topically organized textbook teachers and researchers trust for the most up-to-date perspectives on child and adolescent development.
4.8 av 5
Introduksjon Til Mikroøkonomi
4.6 av 5
Pareto II
4.9 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Calculus: A Complete Course
Lærebok til TMA4100 Matematikk 1 og TMA4105 Matematikk 2
4.7 av 5
Produktiv motivasjon i arbeidslivet
Produktiv motivasjon i arbeidslivet 2021
4.9 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Pricing Strategies
<p>This book makes basic pricing concepts more accessible to business students through a simple unified system for the setting and management of prices. Robert M. Schindler demystifies the formulas used in pricing and shows students how they can do the math necessary for making effective price-related decisions. He demonstrates how pricing should be guided by the marketing concept, focusing on the needs and sensitivities of the customer, showing that an understanding of consumer behavior is central to core pricing questions. Chapters end with discussion questions and exercises to help reinforce what students have learned.</p><p><p><b>Key Features</b></p><p><b></b></p><p><p><b>* Provides a simple, consistent framework for setting and managing prices, applying Thomas Nagle's idea of a price-change breakeven analysis</b></p><p><b>* Uses intuitive mathematical techniques and only a small number of formulas and mathematical concepts, to reduce student anxiety and reinforce understanding</b></p><p><b>* Focuses on consumer needs and behavior, showing how the practice of pricing benefits from a customer focus as much as do marketing practices such as advertising or product design</b></p><p><b>* Includes examples and illustrations that students can relate to from retail businesses and small businesses that are easy to understand and illustrate basic pricing principles</b></p><p><b>* Grounds pricing discussion in practical theory, making consistent use of a small number of key concepts that students can master and therefore use </b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b>An Instructor Teaching Site at provides password-protected resources including PowerPoint slides, answers to chapter questions, full-text SAGE journal articles, teaching tips, and figures and tables from the book in any easily-downloadable format.</b></p>
4.8 av 5
Den moderne verdens opprinnelse: en global og økologisk beretning fra det femtende til det tjueførste århundre
Robert Marks lykkes i denne boka i å skrive både lettlest og grundig om intet mindre enn verdens utvikling - og han gjør det i et genuint globalt perspektiv. Boka viser for det første at globalisering ikke er noe som startet sent i forrige århundre, men at det har røtter langt tilbake. Han forklarer ikke Vestens forsprang som noe naturgitt, som er en beskrivelse med fordommer mot andre deler av verden, men viser at andre kontinenter og kulturer har vært minst like framstående. Marks eminente sammenfatning av moderne, global forskning på historieområdet burde derfor mane til ettertanke om Vestens fortreffelighet. Dette er en bok for alle som ønsker å forstå den verden vi lever i.
4.3 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
I 1995 forsvinner 17 år gamle Isabell Lilleng fra Rømskog. Robert Taule er nylig løslatt etter en voldtektsdom og blir straks hovedmistenkt. Så forsvinner også han. Etter at lensmannen går av med pensjon, blir han besatt av å løse saken. En livstruende sykdom gjør at tiden hans er knapp. Hvor nær sannheten rekker han å komme før han blir borte for alltid? I nåtid blir Isabells levninger funnet. Anton Brekke blir engasjert av truecrimejournalist Kristian Bolstad, som vil lage podkast om forsvinningen. De begynner å tråkke opp en ny, ukjent sti for å løse saken før politiet gjør det. Men Isabells morder er villig til å gjøre alt for å holde seg skjult.
4.8 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Fra Moses til Marley: Det gamle testamentets teologi og virkningshistorie
Denne boka gir leseren et første innblikk i Det gamle testamentets teologi og virkningshistorie. I stedet for å gi en tradisjonell innledning til Det gamle testamentet – med en innføring i alle skriftene og drøfting av forfatterspørsmål og datering – står synet på Gud, verden og mennesket sentralt i fremstillingen. Det gamle testamentet utgjør første del av den kristne Bibel, og sammenhengen mellom Det gamle og Det nye testamentet kommenteres gjennom boken. Det gamle testamentet og den kristne Bibel har vært en inspirasjonskilde for musikk, billedkunst og skulptur gjennom flere hundre år. Menneskets forhold til Gud, tro og tvil, skyld og soning er evige i kunsten. Moderne artister som Nick Cave, Bono, Svein Tindberg, Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction), Suzanne Vega og Ingvar Ambjørnsen bruker også Bibelen i sine uttrykk. Boken gir oss et innblikk i Bibelens innflytelse på både kulturen vi er en del av, og språket vårt. Boken er spennende og aktuell og er primært rettet mot lærerutdanningen og dem som underviser i faget religion, livssyn og etikk (RLE). Robert W. Kvalvaag er cand.theol. og har også studert religionshistorie og vært stipendiat i bibelfag ved Menighetsfakultetet. Han har undervisningserfaring fra ungdomsskolen og er nå førstelektor ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus. Kvalvaag har også skrevet boken Det guddommelige jeg og publisert en rekke artikler i norske og utenlandske tidsskrifter.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Worlds together, Worlds apart: From the Begging of Humankind to the Present
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart provides a compelling chronological foundation for world history. A global story frames each chapter, making thousands of years of history less daunting for students and instructors. New lead authors and master teachers, Jeremy Adelman and Elizabeth Pollard, distill cutting-edge scholarship with a focus on introductory students. By supporting students in making comparisons and connections across the narrative, primary sources, images, maps, and in the text and online resources, Worlds Together is global history’s most effective teaching tool.
4.9 av 5
Pareto 2: Samfunnsøkonomi 2
Brukt til samfunnsøkonomi på høyskolen Kristiania. 3. utgave.
4.6 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Påvirkning: teori og praksis
Mer enn en million bøker solgt! Hvordan påvirker denne informasjonen følelsene dine for denne boken? Hvis du nå et øyeblikk tenker at en renommert og populær bok som denne kanskje er noe for deg, har du kanskje blitt overbevist ved et kraftfullt påvirkningsprinsipp - i dette tilfellet prinsippet om "sosialt bevis": å avgjøre hva som er riktig, ved å finne ut hva andre mennesker synes er riktig. I denne reviderte, oppdaterte og utvidede utgaven av Influence - Science and Practice får du ikke bare vite hva som fikk deg til å si ja, du lærer også noen nyttige forsvarsteknikker mot fremtidige tilbud. Cialdini henter eksempler fra alt fra moderne salgssituasjoner til krig og politikk, fra religiøse sekter til barneoppdragelse. Her kombineres enkle lærdommer og råd med grundig vitenskapelighet på en unik måte. Boken regnes som "state of the art" når det gjelder å forklare de sosialpsykologiske mekanismene knyttet til påvirkning og overtalelse.
4.8 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Influence, the psychology of persuasion: New and expanded
5.0 av 5
Calculus 1 tenth edition: Specially adapted for NTNU
5.0 av 5
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