Den moderne verdens opprinnelse: en global og økologisk beretning fra det femtende til det tjueførste århundre
Robert Marks lykkes i denne boka i å skrive både lettlest og grundig om intet mindre enn verdens utvikling - og han gjør det i et genuint globalt perspektiv. Boka viser for det første at globalisering ikke er noe som startet sent i forrige århundre, men at det har røtter langt tilbake. Han forklarer ikke Vestens forsprang som noe naturgitt, som er en beskrivelse med fordommer mot andre deler av verden, men viser at andre kontinenter og kulturer har vært minst like framstående. Marks eminente sammenfatning av moderne, global forskning på historieområdet burde derfor mane til ettertanke om Vestens fortreffelighet. Dette er en bok for alle som ønsker å forstå den verden vi lever i.
4.3 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
This deeply informed and clearly written text provides a comprehensive and comprehensible history of China from prehistory to the present. Now updated to include recent political events and scientific research, the book focuses on the interaction of humans and their environment. Tracing changes in the physical and cultural world that is home to a fifth of humankind, Robert B. Marks illuminates the paradoxes inherent in China's environmental narrative, demonstrating how historically sustainable practices can, in fact, be profoundly ecologically unsound. The author also reevaluates China's traditional "heroic" storyline, highlighting the marginalization of nature and contacts with other peoples that followed the spread of Chinese civilization while examining the development of a distinctly Chinese way of relating to and altering the environment. Unmatched in his ability to synthesize a complex subject clearly and cogently, Marks has written an accessible yet nuanced history for any student interested in China, past or present, or indeed in the world's environmental future.
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The Origins of the Modern World
This clearly written and engrossing book presents a global narrative of the origins of the modern world from 1400 to the present. Unlike most studies, which assume that the "rise of the West" is the story of the coming of the modern world, this history, drawing upon new scholarship on Asia, Africa, and the New World and upon the maturing field of environmental history, constructs a story in which those parts of the world play major roles, including their impacts on the environment. Robert B. Marks defines the modern world as one marked by industry, the nation state, interstate warfare, a large and growing gap between the wealthiest and poorest parts of the world, increasing inequality within the wealthiest industrialized countries, and an escape from the environmental constraints of the "biological old regime." He explains its origins by emphasizing contingencies (such as the conquest of the New World); the broad comparability of the most advanced regions in China, India, and Europe; the reasons why England was able to escape from common ecological constraints facing all of those regions by the eighteenth century; a conjuncture of human and natural forces that solidified a gap between the industrialized and non-industrialized parts of the world; the mounting environmental crisis that defines the modern world; and the ways in which the forces of globalization stress the economic and political underpinnings of the modern world. Now in a new edition that brings the saga of the modern world to the present in an environmental context, the book considers how and why the United States emerged as a world power in the twentieth century and became the sole superpower by the twenty-first century, and why the changed relationship of humans to the environmental likely will be the hallmark of the modern era-the Anthopocene. Once again arguing that the US rise to global hegemon was contingent, not inevitable, Marks also points to the resurgence of Asia and the vastly changed relationship of humans to the environment that may in the long run overshadow any political and economic milestones of the past hundred years.
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Den moderna världens ursprung
Robert B. Marks skildrar i denna lättillgängliga och fängslande bok den moderna världens ursprung i globalt perspektiv. Till skillnad från de flesta andra böcker i ämnet, som förutsätter att den moderna världens tillblivelse handlar om "västerlandets uppgång", stödjer denna sig på ny kunskap och tilldelar Asien, Afrika och Nya världen viktiga roller i berättelsen.Enligt Marks präglas den moderna världen av industrin, nationalstaten, mellanstatlig krigföring, en vid och växande klyfta mellan världens rikaste och fattigaste delar samt befrielsen från "den biologiska gamla regimen". Han förklarar dess ursprung genom att betona tillfälligheter (som erövringen av Nya världen); den stora jämförbarheten mellan de mest utvecklade områdena i Kina, Indien och Europa; skälen till att England kunde frigöra sig från de ekologiska begränsningar som hämmade alla de områdena på 1700-talet; och den förening av mänskliga ansträngningar och naturkrafter som befäste klyftan mellan världens industrialiserade och icke-industrialiserade delar.
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Den moderne verden opprinnelse
Robert Marks lykkes i denne boka i å skrive både lettlest og grundig om intet mindre enn verdens utvikling - og han gjør det i et genuint globalt perspektiv. Boka viser for det første at globalisering ikke er noe som startet sent i forrige århundre, men at det har røtter langt tilbake. Han forklarer ikke Vestens forsprang som noe naturgitt, som er en beskrivelse med fordommer mot andre deler av verden, men viser at andre kontinenter og kulturer har vært minst like framstående. Marks eminente sammenfatning av moderne, global forskning på historieområdet burde derfor mane til ettertanke om Vestens fortreffelighet. Dette er en bok for alle som ønsker å forstå den verden vi lever i.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Diablo archive: The for original tales set in the world of blizzard entertainment'sdark fantastisk computer game
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The Virginian: A Horseman of the Plains
With a new introduction by Robert B. Parker He is the Virginian-the first fully realized cowboy hero in American literature, a near-mythic figure whose idealized image has profoundly influenced our national consciousness. This enduring work of fiction marks the birth of a legend that lives with us still.
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Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers
The fourth volume of the Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers marks the period of deepening crisis in the UNIA's political and economic fortunes. After September of 1921, membership declined and morale in the UNIA began to weaken. Underlying it all, however, was the final failure of the Black Star Line that resulted when negotiations with the United States Chipping Board for the purchase of the long proposed African ship collapsed in March 1922. The movement also suffered a major setback when the first Liberian colonization plan aborted in the summer of 1921. On the political front, Garvey's African program had to compete with W.E.B. Du Bois's Second Pan-African Congress. The were also major shifts in Garvey's political strategy during this period, his speeches reflecting a desire to placate the U.S. government, while simultaneously assailing his lef-wing critics for promoting "social equality." This disavowal of radicalism earned him further enemies on the left. One of his chief black critics, Cyril V.Briggs, the leader of the African Blood Brotherhood, unwittingly supplied federal investigators with evidence that led to Garvey's indictment on charges of mail fraud in February 1922. By prosecuting him, however, the Department of Justice did not discredit Garvey in the eyes of his followers; rather, it temporarily strengthened his hold over the movement as the appearance of persecution intensified the loyalty of the UNIA membership. But later in 1922 Garvey did lose favor among many of his followers when it was disclosed that he had met secretly in Atlanta with the Acting Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. What Garvey had thought was a diplomatic triumph proved instead to be anathema to most blacks. At the Third UNIA Convention in 1922, Garvey repudiated the entire executive council of the UNIA, while expressing his anger of "plots" against him from within the UNIA leadership. Loyalty to Garvey thus became a more urgent issue than ever before. But although Garvey was once again able to silence his critics within the UNIA, the price was to be a badly fractured and demoralized movement.At the same time, his political adversaries outside the UNIA were steadily gaining ground against him. As meticulously documented as the three previous volumes, Volume IV provides the first extended record of Garvey's emergent social philosophy, particularly as it relates to his conception of "racial purity" and the metaphysics of the human condition. It stands as an impressive record of the Garvey movement.
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Eudemus of Rhodes
Eudemus of Rhodes was a pupil of Aristotle in the second half of the fourth century BCE. When Aristotle died, having chosen Theophrastus as his successor, Eudemus returned to Rhodes where it appears he founded his own school. His contributions to logic were significant: he took issue with Aristotle concerning the status of the existential "is," and together with Theophrastus he made important contributions to hypothetical syllogistic and modal logic. He wrote at length on physics, largely following Aristotle, and took an interest in animal behavior. His histories of geometry, arithmetic, and astronomy were of great importance and are responsible for much of what we know of these subjects in earlier times.Volume 11 in the series Rutgers Studies in Classical Humanities is different in that it is composed entirely of articles that discuss Eudemus from a variety of viewpoints. Sixteen scholars representing seven nations have contributed essays to the volume. A special essay by Dimitri Gutas brings together for the first time the Arabic material relating to Eudemus. Other contributors and essays are: Hans B. Gottschalk, "Eudemus and the Peripatos"; Tiziano Dorandi, "Quale aspetto controverso della biografia di Eudemo di Rodi"; William W. Fortenbaugh, "Eudemus' Work On Expression"; Pamela M. Huby, "Did Aristotle Reply to Eudemus and Theophrastus on Some Logical Issues?"; Robert Sharples, "Eudemus Physics: Change, Place and Time"; Han Baltussen, "Wehrli's Edition of Eudemus of Rhodes: The Physical Fragments from Simplicius' Commentary on Aristotle's Physics"; Sylvia Berryman, "Sumphues and Suneches: Continuity and Coherence in Early Peripatetic Texts"; Istvbn Bodnbr, "Eudemus' Unmoved Movers: Fragments 121-123b Wehrli"; Deborah K. W. Modrak, "Phantasia, Thought and Science in Eudemus"; Stephen White, "Eudemus the Naturalist"; J orgen Mejer, "Eudemus and the History of Science"; Leonid Zhmud, "Eudemus' History of Mathematics"; Alan C. Bowen, "Eudemus' History of Early Greek Astronomy: Two Hypotheses"; Dmitri Panchenko, "Eudemus Fr. 145 Wehrli and the Ancient Theories of Lunar Light"; and Gbbor Betegh, "On Eudemus Fr. 150 Wehrli.""[Eudemus of Rhodes] marks a substantial progress in our knowledge of Eurdemus. For it enlarges the scope of the information available on this author, highlights the need of, and paves the way to, a new critical edition of the Greek fragments of his works, and provides a clearer view of his life, thought, sources and influence. In all these respects, it represents a necessary complement to Wehrli's edition of Eudemus' fragments." -Amos Bertolacci, The Classical BulletinIstvbn Bodnbr is a member of the philosophy department at the Eotvos University in Budapest, where he teaches and does research on ancient philosophy. He has been a junior fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies and most recently has been an Alexander von Humboldt Stipendiat in Berlin at the Max Plank Institut for Wissenschaftsgeschichte and at the Freie Universitot.William W. Fortenbaugh is professor of classics at Rutgers University. In addition to editing several books in this series, he has written Aristotle on Emotion and Quellen zur Ethik Theophrastus. New is his edition of Theophrastus's treatise On Sweat.
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Human Rights in the World Community
Specifically designed for educational use in international relations, law, political science, economics, and philosophy classes, Human Rights in the World Community treats the full range of human rights issues, including key paradoxes and contestations surrounding human rights, implementation problems, and processes involving international, national, and nongovernmental action. This new, expanded edition reflects the global, large-scale change that has occurred in the field of human rights, including the rise of terrorism and the triple threats of climate change, nuclear proliferation, and poverty, and each section features, as in previous editions, provocatively probing discussion questions. For the first time, the book's set of appendices are available online: a bibliography, which encourages further study; an annotated human rights filmography; and the texts of, and citations to, key human rights instruments.Contributors: Seyla Benhabib, Fiona Beveridge, Claudia Card, Richard Pierre Claude, Wade M. Cole, Karen Engle, Tony Evans, Richard Fairbrother, Richard A. Falk, Judy Fudge, Conor Gearty, Anna Grear, Cindy Holder, Paul Hunt, Bonny Ibhawoh, Michael Ignatieff, Ratna Kapur, Harold Hongju Koh, Scott Leckie, Richard B. Lillich, Stephen P. Marks, Susan Marks, Robert McCorquodale, Daniel Moeckli, Siobhan Mullally, Martha C. Nussbaum, Jordan J. Paust, Christopher N. J. Roberts, Douglas Roche, Dinah L. Shelton, Penelope Simons, Margaret R. Somers, Felisa L. Tibbitts, Jonathan Todres, Ineke van der Valk, Jeremy Waldron, Burns H. Weston, Hannah Wittman.
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The Animals After Midnight
"Elmore Leonard fans should be pleased." -Publishers Weekly"Darby Holland is a modern hero in the mod of Sam Spade and Marlow only with more tattoos and in steel-toed boots." -Ace Atkins, New York Times-bestselling author of Robert B. Parker's Slow Burn In this third novel in the Darby Holland Crime Novel series, Darby's past rises up to do more than haunt him. You can run, but in the information age you can only hide for so long. Midnight Rider Productions is a dark web nightmare machine, headed by the one man who years ago drove Darby to hide in the seamy environs of Old Town and make his life there. But Darby left his own mark back in the day and the shadowy head of production has a grudge to settle. Rider has found him at long last and plans to make an example of him. Every dark secret of Darby's is exposed, every triumph reversed, every dream made real is set on fire, and as the Feds circle, smelling blood in the water, Darby has to run the most brutal rearguard action in the history of crime-meets-crime and gamble that he has finally grown powerful enough, crazy enough, and hard enough to beat the Devil himself. Meanwhile his best friend and should-be lover Delia, is about to be married to someone with his own dark secrets. With the help of his friends new and old, Darby must save Delia and himself and the rest of the Lucky Supreme faithful as he plays one force against another with desperate brilliance in an epic conflict that rages through the dark underbelly of Portland, Oregon.
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4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Words Can Change Your Brain
In our default state, our brains constantly get in the way of effective communication. They are lazy, angry, immature, and distracted. They can make a difficult conversation impossible. But Andrew Newberg, M.D., and Mark Waldman have discovered a powerful strategy called Compassionate Communication that allows two brains to work together as one. Using brainscans as well as data collected from workshops given to MBA students at Loyola MarymountUniversity, and clinical data from both couples in therapy and organizations helping caregivers cope with patient suffering, Newberg and Waldman have seen that Compassionate Communication can reposition a difficult conversation to lead to a satisfying conclusion.Whether you are negotiating with your boss or your spouse, the brain works the same way and responds to the same cues. The truth, though, is that you don't have to understand how Compassionate Communication works. You just have to do it. Some of the simple and effective takeaways in this book include:* Make sure you are relaxed; yawning several times before (not during) the meeting will do the trick* Never speak for more than 20-30 seconds at a time. After that they other person's window of attention closes.* Use positive speech; you will need at least three positives to overcome the effect of every negative used* Speak slowly; pause between words. This is critical, but really hard to do.* Respond to the other person; do not shift the conversation.* Remember that the brain can only hold onto about four ideas at one timeHighly effective across a wide range of settings, Compassionate Communication is an excellent tool for conflict resolution but also for simply getting your point across or delivering difficult news.
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How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain
In this original and ground-breaking book, Dr Andrew Newberg and Mark Robert Waldman turn their attention to the pinnacle of the human experience: enlightenment. Through his brain-scan studies on Brazilian psychicmediums, Sufi mystics, Buddhist meditators, Franciscan nuns, Pentecostals and participants in secular spirituality rituals, Newberg has found the specific neurological mechanisms responsible for an enlightenment experience - and how we can activate those circuits in our own brains.In his survey of more than one thousand people who have experienced enlightenment, Newberg has also discovered that in the aftermath they have had profound, positive life changes. Enlightenment offers us the possibility to become permanently less stress-prone, to break bad habits, to improve our collaboration and creativity skills, and to lead happier, more satisfying lives. Relaying the story of his own transformational experience as well as including the stories of others who try to describe an event that is truly indescribable,Newberg brings us a new paradigm for deep and lasting change.
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Genetic Management of Fragmented Animal and Plant Populations
One of the greatest unmet challenges in conservation biology is the genetic management of fragmented populations of threatened animal and plant species. More than a million small, isolated, population fragments of threatened species are likely suffering inbreeding depression and loss of evolutionary potential, resulting in elevated extinction risks. Although these effects can often be reversed by re-establishing gene flow between population fragments, managers very rarely do this. On the contrary, genetic methods are used mainly to document genetic differentiation among populations, with most studies concluding that genetically differentiated populations should be managed separately, thereby isolating them yet further and dooming many to eventual extinction Many small population fragments are going extinct principally for genetic reasons. Although the rapidly advancing field of molecular genetics is continually providing new tools to measure the extent of population fragmentation and its genetic consequences, adequate guidance on how to use these data for effective conservation is still lacking.
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Genetic Management of Fragmented Animal and Plant Populations
One of the greatest unmet challenges in conservation biology is the genetic management of fragmented populations of threatened animal and plant species. More than a million small, isolated, population fragments of threatened species are likely suffering inbreeding depression and loss of evolutionary potential, resulting in elevated extinction risks. Although these effects can often be reversed by re-establishing gene flow between population fragments, managers veryrarely do this. On the contrary, genetic methods are used mainly to document genetic differentiation among populations, with most studies concluding that genetically differentiated populations should be managed separately, thereby isolating them yet further and dooming many to eventual extinction!Many small population fragments are going extinct principally for genetic reasons. Although the rapidly advancing field of molecular genetics is continually providing new tools to measure the extent of population fragmentation and its genetic consequences, adequate guidance on how to use these data for effective conservation is still lacking. This accessible, authoritative text is aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students interested in conservation biology, conservation genetics, and wildlife management. It will also be of particular relevance to conservation practitioners and natural resource managers, as well as a broader academic audience of conservation biologists and evolutionary ecologists.
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Den neste Karate Kid
Boka er basert på et filmmanus av B. B. Hiller og figurer skapt av Robert Mark Kamen. Mr. Myiagi tar foreldreløse Julie med til et buddhistkloster og lærer henne karate, og selvtillit. Det kommer godt med i kampen mot skolens sikkerhetsstyrke, Alfaeliten.
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Norsk Bokmål
Den neste karate kid
Boka er basert på et filmmanus av B. B. Hiller og figurer skapt av Robert Mark Kamen. Mr. Myiagi tar foreldreløse Julie med til et buddhistkloster og lærer henne karate, og selvtillit. Det kommer godt med i kampen mot skolens sikkerhetsstyrke, Alfaeliten. ISBN: 9788259015020 Utgave: 1 Forlag: Cappelen Damm AS Publiseringsår: 1995 Format: Innbundet Språk: Norsk Bokmål Originaltittel: Den neste Karate Kid
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Norsk Bokmål
Literature Suppressed on Social Grounds
"Literature Suppressed on Social Grounds, Revised Edition" discusses writings that have been banned over the centuries because they offended or merely ignored official truths; challenged widely held assumptions; or contained ideas or language unacceptable to a state, religious institution, or private moral watchdog. The 14 entries new to this edition include the "Captain Underpants" series, "We All Fall Down" by Robert Cormier, and "Heaven" by Margaret Zemach. Also included are updates to the censorship histories of such books as "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "Of Mice and Men".New and updated entries include: "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" (Mark Twain); "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle); "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (Lewis Carroll); "Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl" (Anne Frank); "As I Lay Dying" (William Faulkner); "Baby Be-Bop" (Francesca Lia Block); "Camille" (Alexander Dumas); "The Color Purple" (Alice Walker); "Deliverance" (James Dickey); "The Drowning of Stephan Jones" (Bette Greene); "East of Eden" (John Steinbeck); "Fahrenheit 451" (Ray Bradbury); "Fallen Angels" (Walter Dean Myers); "A Farewell to Arms" (Ernest Hemingway); and, "Final Exit" (Derek Humphry). They also include: "Gargantua and Pantagruel" (Francois Rabelais); "Gentleman's Agreement" (Laura Hobson); "The Giver" (Lois Lowry); "Howl and Other Poems" (Allen Ginsberg); "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" (Maya Angelou); "Invisible Man" (Ralph Ellison); "Jake and Honeybunch Go to Heaven" (Margot Zemach); "Junky" (William Burroughs); "Of Mice and Men" (John Steinbeck); "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" (Ken Kesey); "Strange Fruit" (Lillian Smith); and, "To Kill A Mockingbird" (Harper Lee).
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Norsk Bokmål
Long Road to Harpers Ferry
This is the first comprehensive history of pre-Civil War American radicalism, mapping the journeys of the land reformers, Jacksonian radicals and militant abolitionists on the long road to the failed slave revolt of Harpers Ferry in 1859.This book contains new and fascinating insights into the cast of characters who created a homegrown American socialist movement through the nineteenth century - from Thomas Paine's revolution to Robert Owen's utopianism, from James Macune Smith, the black founder of organised socialism in the US, to Susan B. Anthony, the often overlooked women's rights activist. It also considers the persistent pre-capitalist model of the Native American.Long Road to Harpers Ferry captures the spirit of the times, showing how class solidarity and consciousness became more important to a generation of workers than notions of American citizenship. This is a story that's been hidden from official histories, which must be remembered if we are to harness the latent power of socialism in the United States today.
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