Menneskehetens opprinnelse
Verdens fremste fossiljeger forteller historien om de første menneskene. Forfatteren gir et innblikk i utviklingen av kunst, språk og menneskelig bevissthet, etter at våre første forfedre reiste seg opp på to bein. Har bibliografi.
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Norsk Bokmål
The origin of humankind
Science Masters is a new international series in which leading scientists describe the current state of knowledge in their subject, and speculate about future developments. These short, readable bo...
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Mennesket blir til
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Mennesket blir til
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Norsk Bokmål
Woman the Gatherer
Essays by Dahlberg, McGrew, Zihlman, Estioko-Griffin and Griffin, Berndt, Turnbull, and Sharp."Refreshing and challenging."--Richard E. Leakey"An indispensable contribution."--Ashley Montagu
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Fossil Men
In 1994, an excavation team led by fossil-hunting legend Tim White-"the Steve Jobs of paleoanthropology"-uncovered the bones of a human ancestor in Ethiopia's Afar region. Radiometric dating indicated the skeleton, classified as Ardipithecus ramidus, was 4.4 million years old, more than a million years older than "Lucy," our earliest known human ancestor. The findings shattered many widely accepted assumptions about human evolution-how we started walking, how we evolved our nimble hands, and, most significantly, whether we were descended from a common ancestor that resembled today's chimpanzee-and repudiated a half-century of paleoanthropological orthodoxy. Fossil Men is the first full-length exploration of Ardi, the fossil men who found her, and her impact on what we know about the origins of the human species. Kermit Pattison brings into focus a cast of eccentric, obsessive scientists, including one of the world's greatest fossil hunters, Tim White-an irascible and demanding scientist feared by friends and enemies alike; Gen Suwa, a Japanese savant who slept in his office so he could devote more time to fossils; Owen Lovejoy, a onetime creationist-turned-paleoanthropologist; Berhane Asfaw, who survived imprisonment and torture to become Ethiopia's most senior paleoanthropologist and who fought for Africans scientists to gain equal footing in the study of human origins; and the Leakeys, for decades the most famous family in anthropology, who maintained a testy relationship with the Ardi team and cast doubt on the discovery.An intriguing tale of scientific discovery and bitter rivalry that moves from the sun-baked plains of Africa and a nation caught in a brutal civil war, to modern high-tech labs and academic lecture halls, Fossil Men is popular science at its best, and a must read for fans of Jared Diamond, Richard Dawkins, and Edward O. Wilson.
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The Life of Admiral Sir John Leake
Leake (1656-1720) was one of the most prominent flag officers of King William and Queen Anne' s wars. He played a leading part in the relief of Londonderry in 1689, fought at Bantry Bay, Beachy Head, La Hogue and Malaga, twice relieved Gibraltar, captured Cartagena, Alicante, Ibiza, Majorca, Minorca, and Sardinia, was five times Admiral of the Fleet, and in the end declined to be First Lord of the Admiralty.This life was written by the admiral's nephew Stephen Martin-Leake, Garter King of Arms, whose life of his father (Vol 5) was originally appended to it.This continues his Mediterranean command in Barcelona, Cartagena, Mallorca, Ibiza and proceedings at Alicante. There are then his activities in command of the fleet in the Channel in 1707 and the trial of Sir Thomas Hardy.In 1713 he was appointed Admiral of the Fleet for the 4th time and was subsequently to be appointed for the 5th time. With death of Queen Anne and the accession of King George `Sir John was removed from all his places'. He retired and lived privately until his death in 1720.
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The Whistleblower's Dilemma
In June of 2013, Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former CIA employee, thrust himself into the spotlight when he leaked thousands of top secret National Security Agency (NSA) documents to the journalist, Glen Greenwald. Immediately branded as a whistleblower, Snowden reignited an international debate about private citizens who reveal government secrets that should be exposed but may endanger the lives of citizens. Like the late Karen Silkwood, whose death in a car accident while bringing incriminating evidence against her employer to a meeting with a New York Times reporter, is still a mystery, Snowden was intent upon revealing the controversial practices of his employer, a government contractor. Rightly or wrongly, Snowden and Silkwood believed that their revelations would save lives. In his riveting, thought-provoking book, Richard Rashke weaves between the lives of these two controversial figures and creates a narrative context for a discussion of what constitutes a citizen s duty to reveal or not to reveal. He asks the question: can our government regulators, our politicians, our military-intelligence and our profit-oriented corporations be trusted to protect us from harm as well as safeguard our privacy?"
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Five Minutes to Bed! A Ladybird Skullabones Island picture book
Looking for the perfect toddler bedtime books for your Completely Wide Awake, Not Tired At All little ones?Captain Cutlass is calling for his pirates to go to bed but they are all wide awake and desperate to stay up. Well, if they aren't tired yet there are plenty of pirate jobs to do on-board their ship, The Leaky Tub! This beautiful picture book from Ladybird has fun rhyming text and humorous illustrations that will delight all pirate fans. The perfect bedtime book for your very own noisy pirates. Ahar me hearties!Other titles in the Skullabones Island series: Yo-ho-ho (A Ladybird noisy book), A Week of Pirate Tales, All Aboard the Pirate Ship (A Ladybird Lift-the-Flap book), Pirate Playtime (A Ladybird sticker activity book), Pirate Time (A Ladybird clock book) and How to be a Skullabones Pirate (A Ladybird sticker activity book).
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Å være leder i barnehagen
Denne boken handler om ledelse i barnehagen. Den tar for seg psykologiske og sosiologiske perspektiver og beskriver mellommenneskelige forhold og relasjoner i en ledelsessammenheng. Hovedvekten er lagt på styrer / daglig leder, men forfatterne diskuterer også mer generelle fenomener som er like relevante for pedagogiske ledere. Dette er tredje utgave av boken. Første del handler om ledelse i barnehagen, og belyser blant annet ulike ledelsesmodeller og betydningen som skjev kjønnsrepresentasjon i personalgruppen i barnehagen kan ha for ledelse. Bokens andre del dreier seg om mellommenneskelige forhold i en personalgruppe. Her beskrives ledelse av team, kommunikasjon og holdninger, motivasjon, trivsel, konflikter, stress og jobbtilfredshet. Tredje del tar for seg noen av de pedagogiske og personalmessige sidene ved å lede assistenter og fagarbeidere, opptre som saksbehandler i en pedagogisk sammenheng og det å ivareta seg selv som leder. Denne tredje utgaven av boka er oppdatert i forbindelse med nyere forskning og teori, samt lov og rammeverk for barnehagene. Den viktigste målgruppen for boken er studenter i barnehagelærerutdanningen, men tematikken er også relevant for barnehagepersonell og andre aktører i barnehagefeltet. Bokens forfattere er førstelektor Eva Skogen (red.), professor emeritus Richard Haugen (Universitetet i Tromsø), dosent Magritt Lundestad (Oslomet – storbyuniversitetet) og dosent Mette Vaagan Slåtten (Oslomet – storbyuniversitetet). Forfatterne har bred faglig og praktisk bakgrunn, og de har publisert flere bøker og artikler innenfor feltet organisasjon og ledelse.
4.6 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Pedagogisk mangfold: i et samfunnsperspektiv
Hva er pedagogikk i dagens samfunn? Hvordan kan pedagogisk kunnskap bidra til et økt mangfold i arbeid rettet mot oppvekst, utdanning og arbeidsliv? Hvorfor er pedagogikk så viktig for utvikling og læring for barn, unge og voksne? Denne boken handler om pedagogisk mangfold, og den presenterer pedagogikk ut fra sosiologisk, antropologisk, filosofisk, didaktisk, spesialpedagogisk, psykologisk og historisk perspektiv. Forfatterne fremhever forholdet mellom utdanning og samfunn og viser at livet utenfor skolen har innflytelse på hvem som lærer, og hva som læres. Boken inneholder redskaper, modeller og begreper til å forstå og analysere utdanningserfaringer og til å styrke pedagogers forståelse og ferdigheter for å kunne skape gode læringsprosesser. Målgruppen for boken er studenter i pedagogikk på disiplin- og profesjonsstudier på bachelor- og masternivå. Boken vil også kunne være aktuell for alle som arbeider med læring og formidling i utdanning og arbeidsliv. Den vil derfor også kunne appellere til ansatte i barnehage, grunnskole, videregående skole og ansatte innenfor ulike helseinstitusjoner. Bokens redaktører er Vivian D. Haugen og Gerd Stølen. Øvrige bidragsytere er Jarle Bakke, Kristin Emilie W. Bjørndal, Unn-Doris K. Bæck, Richard Haugen, Andrew Kristiansen, Gregor Maxwell, Gry Paulgaard, Tone Skinningsrud, Randi Skjelmo, Tomas Stølen og Vidar Vambheim.
4.9 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Exploring Strategic Change 4th edn
'Exploring Strategic Change is by far the most useful and relevant book available on the vital topic of change management. Written in an accessible style yet drawing on solid theoretical foundations, this latest edition includes up-to-date case examples and new insights in topical areas such as employee engagement. I would thoroughly recommend this book to anyone who wants to know more about the realities of managing change.'Professor Katie Bailey (nee Truss), University of Sussex'It's wonderful to have a new edition of this definitive text on strategic change. Refreshed with new examples and contemporary concepts, this classic continues as the most complete and accessible resource in its domain.'Richard Whittington, Professor of Strategic Management, University of OxfordExploring Strategic Change engages with the dynamic and complex process of developing and delivering strategic and organisational change, from the analysis of context through to the formulation and implementation of effective strategies and solutions. Change management has become a highly sought after managerial competence for senior executives and middle managers. This book is written to help both students and practising managers develop skills relevant to change management, with the focus on enabling executives to implement their strategic agenda through attention to the practice of strategic change. Using the unique and innovative framework of the change kaleidoscope, the reader will not only develop valuable insights into the practice of managing strategic change, but will also learn to appreciate the need for change approaches tailored to context. Frequent examples encourage both critical reflection and application of theory. A focus on the delivery of change, as well as its design, enables students to supplement their skills in analysis with judgement, translation and implementation skills.This fourth edition of Exploring Strategic Change providesA wide range of short illustrations from both the private and public sectors. More attention to the concept of the change path as a critical design choice. More coverage of leadership, change agency skills and enabling conditions for change. An emphasis on exercising judgement and reading and rewriting the context as key change competences. Two new long case studies to explore the complexity of managing change. Exploring Strategic Change is written for undergraduate and postgraduate students, practising managers and change agents on Strategy, HR and OB-related modules on the management of change. Julia Balogun is Professor of Strategic Management at the School of Management, University of Bath.Veronica Hope Hailey is Professor of Management Studies and Dean of the School of Management, University of Bath.Stefanie Gustafsson is a lecturer and Prize Fellow in HRM at the School of Management, University of Bath.
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Spesialpedagogisk tilrettelegging i skolen
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Norsk Bokmål
Ulikhetens pris: hvorfor likere fordeling er bedre for alle
En av de mest innflytelsesrike og omtalte bøkene som er skrevet om samfunnet vårt de siste ti årene. Hvorfor stoler briter mindre på hverandre enn nordmenn gjør? Hvorfor er det flere tenåringsmødre i USA enn i Frankrike? Hva er det som gjør at svenskene er tynnere enn australierne? Svaret er det samme på alle spørsmålene: økonomisk ulikhet. Boka er fremdeles et brennaktuelt innlegg i debatten om hva som skaper et bedre samfunn. Norge kommer godt ut i sammenligningene, men den økonomiske ulikheten har økt de siste tiårene, spesielt under den sittende regjeringen. I et forord skrevet spesielt for den norske utgaven, hevder forfatter Richard Wilkinson at også Norge vil tjene på en enda likere fordeling. "Sterk dokumentasjon av at land med små forskjeller greier seg bedre." - Jonas Gahr Støre "...en av de ti viktigste bøkene som er utkommet i dette århundret." - Klassekampen "...så overbevisende at selv høyrekrefter som magasinet The Economist og statsminister David Cameron i Storbritannia har stilt seg bak konklusjonene." - Morgenbladet "...leverer fakta til en følelse mange har av at samfunnet forvitrer, at noe i utviklingen er grunnleggende galt." - Nationen "...en av vår tids viktigste bøker" - Audun Lysbakken "Det er all grunn til å glede seg over at Norge er blant de landene i verden med lavest ulikhet." - Dagens Næringsliv
4.6 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Barns utvikling i skolealder
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Exploring Strategy: Twelfth Edition
Understand basics and develop expertise to think and behave like a manager Exploring Strategy, 12th Edition, by Whittington, Angwin, Regner, Johnson and Scholes has long been the essential introduction to strategy for the managers of today and tomorrow and has sold over one million copies worldwide. From entrepreneurial start-ups to multinationals, charities to government agencies, this book raises the big questions about organisations - how they prosper, how they grow, how they innovate and how they change. This is the Text Only edition, and the Text and Cases edition also provides a wealth of extra case studies written by experts in the subject to aid and enrich your understanding. Examples are taken from events and organisations as diverse as Adnams, Siemens, Air Asia, Apple, Handelsbanken, Glastonbury and the Indian Premier League. New to this edition: The 12th Edition of Exploring Strategy has been comprehensively updated to help you: * Understand clearly the key concepts and tools of strategic management * Explore hot topics, including business models, corporate governance, innovation and entrepreneurship * Learn from case studies on world-famous organisations such as ITV, IKEA, Uber, Airbnb, Alibaba, and the Chinese movie business. Richard Whittington is Professor of Strategic Management at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. Duncan Angwin is Dean of Nottingham University Business School. Patrick Regner is Professor of Strategic Management at Stockholm School of Economics. Gerry Johnson is Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management at Lancaster University School of Management. Kevan Scholes is Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management and formerly Director of the Sheffield Business School.Pearson, the world's learning company.
4.6 av 5
Exploring strategy - text and cases: Twelfth edition
Understand basics and develop expertise to think and behave like a manager Exploring Strategy, 12th Edition, by Whittington, Angwin, Regner, Johnson and Scholes has long been the essential introduction to strategy for the managers of today and tomorrow and has sold over one million copies worldwide. From entrepreneurial start-ups to multinationals, charities to government agencies, this book raises the big questions about organisations – how they prosper, how they grow, how they innovate and how they change. Text and Cases also provides a wealth of extra case studies written by experts in the subject to aid and enrich your understanding. Examples are taken from events and organisations as diverse as Adnams, Siemens, Air Asia, Apple, Handelsbanken, Glastonbury and the Indian Premier League. New to this edition: The 12th Edition of Exploring Strategy has been comprehensively updated to help you: · Understand clearly the key concepts and tools of strategic management · Explore hot topics, including business models, corporate governance, innovation and entrepreneurship · Learn from case studies on world-famous organisations such as ITV, IKEA, Uber, Airbnb, Alibaba, and the Chinese movie business. Richard Whittington is Professor of Strategic Management at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. Duncan Angwin is Dean of Nottingham University Business School. Patrick Regner is Professor of Strategic Management at Stockholm School of Economics. Gerry Johnson is Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management at Lancaster University School of Management. Kevan Scholes is Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management and formerly Director of the Sheffield Business School. Pearson, the world’s learning company.
5.0 av 5
Institutions and organizations. Ideas, Interests, and Identities
Creating a clear, analytical framework for readers, Institutions and Organizations: Ideas and Interests, Fourth Edition continues to reflect the richness and diversity of institutional thought, viewed both historically and as a contemporary, ongoing field of study. By presenting the differences as well as the underlying commonalities of institutional theories, this book presents a cohesive view of the many flavors and colors of institutionalism. It evaluates and clarifies developments in both theory and research while identifying future research directions. <p><p>Key Features:</p><p><p>- Elaborates on the three pillars of institutions as part of a larger framework and sheds light on the interplay between institutions and social systems </p><p>Includes a detailed discussion between three differing explanations and approaches of institutionalization-economic, sociological, and neo-institutional scholars in organizational studies </p><p>- Examines how symbols, relations, routines, artifacts, and other carriers transmit institutional arrangements across time and space </p><p>- Devotes a chapter to the theoretical and practical significance of organization fields </p><p>Emphasizes the best and most recent theoretical and empirical contributions in each chapter </p>
4.3 av 5
Å være leder i barnehagen
Denne boken handler om ledelse i barnehagen. Den tar for seg psykologiske og sosiologiske prinsipper og beskriver mellommenneskelige forhold og relasjoner i en ledelsessammenheng. Hovedvekten er lagt på styrer-/enhetslederrollen, men forfatterne diskuterer også mer generelle fenomener som er like relevante for pedagogiske ledere. Dette er en revidert utgave av boken. Første del handler om ledelse i barnehagen, og belyser blant annet ulike ledelsesmodeller og skjev kjønnsrepresentasjon blant voksne i barnehagen. Bokens andre del dreier seg om mellommenneskelige forhold i en personalgruppe. Her beskrives gruppepsykologiske forhold, som kommunikasjon og holdninger, motivasjon, trivsel, konflikter, stress og jobbtilfredshet. Bokens tredje del tar for seg noen av de utfordringene en leder møter i barnehagen i forbindelse med å lede assistenter og ufaglærte, opptre som saksbehandler og ivareta seg selv. Den viktigste målgruppen for boken er studenter i barnehagelærerutdanningen, men tematikken er også relevant for barnehage- og førskolelærere og barnehagepersonale for øvrig. Bokens forfattere er førstelektor Eva Skogen (red.) (Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus), professor emeritus Richard Haugen (Universitetet i Tromsø), høgskolelektor Magritt Lundestad (Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus) og førstelektor Mette Vaagan Slåtten (Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus). Forfatterne har bred faglig og praktisk bakgrunn, og de har publisert flere bøker.
4.6 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Relasjonsvansker blant barn og unge
I Relasjonsvansker blant barn og unge gir forfatteren en oversikt over sentrale faktorer som kan innvirke på barn og unges naturlige relasjoner med hverandre. Det kan være flere grunner til at et barn har problemer med å inngå i naturlige relasjoner med andre. En grov todeling av årsaker til relasjonsvansker kan grupperes i sosialt betingede vansker og emosjonelt betingede vansker. Enten den unge reagerer med sinne eller aggresjon (sosiale eller utagerende vansker) eller angst eller depresjon (emosjonelle eller innagerende vansker), så blir resultatet at den unge får problemer med å inngå i naturlige relasjoner med andre. Boka har følgende temaer: atferdsforstyrrelser hyperkinetiske forstyrrelser (ADHD) tics og Tourettes syndrom autismespekterforstyrrelser rusmiddelbruk kognitiv svikt (utviklingshemning) angstlidelser depresjon spiseforstyrrelser Relasjonsvansker blant barn og unge henvender seg til lærerstudenter og lærere. Den er også aktuell for profesjonsutdanninger i pedagogikk, spesialpedagogikk samt sosial- og helsefag.
4.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
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