260 Drum Machine patterns
A collection of 260 contemporary rhythm patterns to program into your drum machine
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Carnival Noir
Author and Mardi Gras float designer Rene Pierre highlights African-American participation in New Orleans Mardi Gras and how that involvement has helped shape the annual celebration. With family photos from two generations of float builders, Pierre gives an insiders view of it all. Explore the artistry and history behind the floats, costumes, and customs of the oldest and the most prominent Black Carnival clubs including the Original Illinois Group, the Exclusive Twenties, the Black Pirates, and the Zulu Social Aide & Pleasure Club. With one-on-one interviews with carnival royalty and artisans, stories from krewe elders, and glimpses of pivotal moments in the African-American carnival community, Pierre has created a unique testament to a community that has often been overlooked.
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Dukan-dietten: gå ned i vekt med mettende proteiner
Endelig blir den tilgjengelig på norsk! Gjør som Pippa Middleton, Jennifer Lopez og fem millioner franskmenn og gå ned i vekt med Dukan-dietten! Metoden er vitenskapelig og godt fundert. Den er inndelt i fire faser: Angrepsfasen: Spis deg god og mett ved å spise ubegrenset av 72 proteinrike ingredienser, for eksempel kalvekjøtt, egg og mager yoghurt. Endringsfasen: Alterner mellom rene proteindager og grønnsakdager. Slik vil du gradvis gå ned i vekt og nå den riktige vekten din. Konsolideringsfasen: Unn deg noen festmåltider. På den måten unngår du å falle tilbake til gamle synder. Nå kan du igjen spise frukt, brød, ost og karbohydrater. Stabiliseringsfasen: Behold den nye vekten! Spis hva du vil, mens du følger disse tre reglene:Spis tre ss havrekli hver dag,velg trappene når det er mulig,hver torsdag er en ren proteindag.
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Norsk Bokmål
Allan Falk: du skal dø, Allan Falk!
Allan Falk: Du skal dø, Allan Falk! Allan våkner opp på et sykehus, innbandasjert og med hukommelsestap. Langsomt dukker detaljene i et marerittaktig hendelsesforløp opp. Al & Brock: Operasjon Mammut: Utestengt fra ordinær polititjeneste tar Al og Brock opp jakten på 3X-banden som raner transporter i stor stil. Metodene virker kjent, og det er ikke tilfeldig ... Tobben: Frakt av et maleri på moped kan virke som et håpløst prosjekt, men for Tobben er som kjent ingenting umulig ... Løytnant McCoys eventyr: McCoy kjemper «som en demon» på opprørernes side i borgerkrigen.
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Norsk Bokmål
Jean-Pierre Mocky
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Viten om viten og refleksivitet: forelesninger holdt ved Collège de France 2000-2001
Dette er Bourdieus avskjedsforelesninger på Collège de France 2000-2001, lett bearbeidet. Bourdieu analyserer her begrepet objektivitet innen human- og samfunnsvitenskapene. Han advarer mot de økonomiske interessers økende innflytelse, og forsvarer den vitenskapelige frihet og den frie forskning. Bourdieus prosjekt er å finne en vei mellom ytterpunktene, mellom forestillingen om en ren vitenskap og den rene relativisme. Hans bærende idé er at viten produseres i et felt, som har oppnådd en viss autonomi i forhold til religiøse, politiske og økonomiske makter. Men denne autonomien er truet. Siste del av boka handler om samfunnsvitenskapens refleksivitet eller selvanalyse hvor leseren for første gang kommer systematisk inn på personen Bourdieu.
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Norsk Bokmål
The Dukan diet
Denne boken presenterer en slankemetode som går ut på å spise rene proteiner. Dietten er delt inn i fire faser, to for å gå ned i vekt og to for å holde den nye vekten stabil. Med stikkordregister.
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Wege zum musikalischen Strukturalismus : Rene Leibowitz, Pierre Boulez, John Cage und die Webern-Rezeption in Paris um 1950
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Norsk Bokmål
Pierre og Jean: roman
Brødrene Pierre og Jean har lite til felles og heller ikke særlig mye til overs for hverandre. Jean er like blond som Pierre er mørk, like rolig som broren er hissig, like mild og vennlig som Pierre er skarp i kantene. Nyutdannede fra Paris ferierer de hjemme hos sine foreldre som har trukket seg tilbake i Le Havre i Normandie. Familiens bedagelige liv ved havet avbrytes av beskjeden om at en kjær venn fra Paris er gått bort. Med sin bortgang har den gamle vennen etterlatt seg en betydelig arv - mer enn nok til at én av brød.rene skulle kunne leve resten av livet uten bekymring for penger. Men med arven følger det også en skjell.settende hemmelighet fra fortiden, en hemmelighet som skal gjøre kløften mellom brødrene enda dypere.
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Norsk Bokmål
D'Argenson, Considerations sur le gouvernement, a critical edition, with Other Political Texts
Rene-Louis de Voyer de Paulmy, marquis d'Argenson (1694-1757), minister of state and author, was one of the boldest critics of the social and political structure of Old Regime France to put pen to paper in the eighteenth century. His Considerations sur le gouvernement ancien et present de la France advanced a scathing indictment of the existing order alongside a far-reaching reform plan to spread democracy and obviate aristocracy within the monarchy. Manuscripts of the Considerations circulated clandestinely among philosophes and other political writers such as the abbe Saint-Pierre, Voltaire, and Rousseau until its posthumous publication in 1764.This is the first critical edition of d'Argenson's Considerations, based on four different manuscripts and presented here with a selection of d'Argenson's other political writings that have never been published. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Andrew Jainchill introduces d'Argenson's treatise with an essay interpreting his political ideas, showing the important changes he made to the different manuscripts over the decades he worked on the text, and situating within the political and intellectual context d'Argenson's political project to introduce democracy into absolute monarchy.
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Enchanted Ground
Enchanted Ground is about the challenge to modernist criticism by Surrealist writers - mainly Andre Breton but also Louis Aragon, Pierre Mabille, Rene Magritte, Charles Estienne, Rene Huyghe and others - who viewed the same artists in terms of magic, occultism, precognition, alchemy and esotericism generally. It introduces the history of the ways in which those artists who came after Impressionism - Paul Cezanne, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Georges Seurat, Paul Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh - became canonical in the 20th century through the broad approaches we now call modernist or formalist (by critics and curators such as Alfred H. Barr, Roger Fry, Robert Goldwater, Clement Greenberg, John Rewald and Robert L. Herbert), and then unpacks chapter-by-chapter, for the first time in a single volume, the Surrealist positions on the same artists. To this end, it contributes to new strains of scholarship on Surrealism that exceed the usual bounds of the 1920s and 1930s and that examine the fascination within the movement with magic.
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A photographic ode to the rich history of The Moon. With images by, among others, J.W. Draper, Pierre Puiseux and Maurice Loewy, John Adams Whipple, Georges Melies, Rene Burri, Lee Balterman, Ralphe Morse, Penelope Umbrico, Alexandra Mir, Cristina de Middel, Vincent Fournier, Annemie Augustijns. This book is published on the occasion of MAAN/MOON at the Antwerp Museum of Photography (FOMU) (July-September 2019).On July 21, 1969, the first man set foot on The Moon. When Neil Armstrong was asked if this made him feel big, he answered: "No, it made me feel really, really small."50 years later, this publication celebrates that special moment that put life on earth into a totally different perspective. It collects pictures of the world's best photographers from the 1840s until today. Next to historical photographs and imagery printed in media, the publication features many artists that each in their own way reflect on this mystical celestial body, we call 'moon'. The book shows the diversity of meanings of The Moon, it's relation to mankind and to nature.The Moon has always both attracted and scared people around the world. It is our everyday connection to the unfathomable universe. Since time immemorial it is revered for its beauty, its stillness and mysterious appearance and yet also feared for its supernatural-seeming qualities. In mythology The Moon has always been given a central place. With its magnetic forces it changes the tides and has a direct and uncontrollable impact on mankind from above.In 1840, barely three years after the invention of photography, J.W. Draper makes the first picture ever made of The Moon and since that day photographers have never stopped following his example. The paradoxical aspects of the moon continue to fascinate and inspire. Like a photograph The Moon depends on sunlight to be visible. It has no light of its own and no apparent strength to resist our nightly city lights either. Photographers feel this close connection to The Moon's characteristics and find the perfect object in its aesthetics.The landing on The Moon was a culmination point of the1960's Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union, which quickly became a symbol of the Cold War. The images of the landing became the bearer of values and symbols of the United States and were widely spread through various media. In 1973 NASA abolished its moon program. The Moon had been conquered and the public seemed to have had lost interest. However, today people still find The Moon fascinating, and humanity continues to dream about setting foot on the sun's shadow.
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La Salle de Cours: Questions/Reponses Sur La Grammaire Francaise
Cet ouvrage reunit les transcriptions d'une serie d'entretiens avec des linguistes francisants invites en Italie, a l'Universite de Bari Aldo Moro, pour un cycle de lecons. Auteurs de manuels, specialistes reconnus des parties du discours, representants de differentes ecoles, ils ont accepte de repondre a des questions au sujet de la grammaire francaise. Reprenant les thematiques de ces lecons, les interviewes ont illustre certains resultats de leurs recherches ainsi que leurs choix methodologiques, les inserant dans un contexte plus large qui rend compte des developpements les plus feconds de la linguistique francaise contemporaine. Ces linguistes - Pierre Cadiot, Jean-Claude Chevalier, Benoit de Cornulier, Gaston Gross, Georges Kleiber, Jean Rene Klein, Jacques Labelle, Eric Laporte, Salah Mejri, Martin Riegel, Marc Wilmet - sont presentes dans des notes bio-bibliographiques. Les listes completes de leurs travaux sont reunies en annexe. Une perspective de ces dialogues concerne les applications didactiques a travers lesquelles se concretise, dans la salle de cours, toute reflexion sur la grammaire francaise.
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1001 restaurants you must experience before you die
Gourmets with an appetite for good food in gorgeous settings will find their taste buds tingling in anticipation as they flick through the pages of this book. The eateries listed here come from around the world and range from beloved, local institutions-favorite spots for family celebrations-to elegant, haute cuisine establishments in which to enjoy refined and elegant dishes.As well as celebrating the traditional and the classic, 1001 Restaurants You Must Experience Before You Die showcases the best of the contemporary dining scene. Discover where the world's best chefs-Rene Redzepi, Pierre Gagnaire, Thomas Keller, and Heston Blumenthal, to name but a few- are performing their culinary wizardry. Read about grand old European cafes, brasseries, and restaurants in places such as Barcelona, Paris, Vienna, and Budapest-whose decor evokes the confident affluence of the nineteenth century-as well as the most modern and stylish temples to gastronomy.The featured restaurants are all iconic, selected not only for the standard of their cooking but for their atmosphere, ambience and setting. There's no shortage of culinary choice either: the world's cuisines are all well-represented in their diverse glory. If you've ever wondered where to find the best curries in Delhi, feijoada in Brazil, dim sum in Hong Kong, sushi in Tokyo, or antipasti in Rome, this is the book for you.
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Parisian Interiors
Bursting with color and dramatic focal points, these exceptional interiors offer exclusive access into the homes of Paris' finest art and antiques aficionados. The magic of Paris is distinctly captured in its interiors: windows are tall, and rooms have high ceilings with grand architectural details; but the real charm comes in the thoughtfully selected elements that bring those spaces to life. Paris is rife with antique collectors, art historians, architects, and interior designers who dedicate their lives to the contemplation of each element that goes into the ideal interior. Barbara and Rene Stoeltie invite us inside the private oases of twenty of the citys celebrated interiors gurus, capturing in vivid photographs these havens of perfection, brimming with inspiration for the home. While each interior is distinctly unique, they all draw from a rich historical tradition of decorative arts combined with an instinctive desire to reinvent itself, mixing the best elements from different epochs with contemporary art, bold colors, or surprising pattern combinations.The featured interiors include a wide range of styles and periods, and they offer a rare glimpse inside the Parisian homes of trendsetters such as rocker Lenny Kravitz and former Pierre Cardin designer Pierre Yovanovitch. Jacques Garcias residence is full of eclectic decorating ideas, and his foreword, with its gracious nod to the great Madeleine Castaing, opens this handsome volume.
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What Is the Matter With African Agriculture?
The first generation of workers in African agricultural development have reached retirement age. Some are no longer actively involved in the field, while others continue unabatedly. All of them have participated in the unfolding of post-independence agricultural development, or the lack of it, depending on ones point of view. This book brings together the views of a non-trivial sample of agriculturists from many walks of life on the achievements, failures and challenges of African agriculture and the role played by foreign aid in that story. And, even more importantly, they express their vision on what will be needed for African agriculture to move forward in the future, in an age when many new challenges are emerging and new actors are appearing on the scene.With contributions from (the Anglophones) Adri van den Dries, Bede Okigbo, Brian van Arkadie, Dirk Bol, David Gibbon, Dejenne Makonen, David Norman, Dirk Zoebl, Ed Verheij, Fred Muchena, Felix Nweke, Henk Breman, Henk Mutsaers, Jock Anderson, Jane Guyer, Jan de Wolff, Peter Bolt, Peter van Doren, Peter Matlon, Richard Lowe, Sizya Lugeye, Willem Stoop and (the Francophones) Alain Bonnaissieux, Amadou Sow, Abdoulaye Traore, Dominique de la Croix, Facho Balaam, Francois Traore, Frits Wegerif, Herve Bichat, Harry Franssen, Hubert Guerin, Jean-Pierre Derlon, Jos Verdurmen, Marc Dufumier, Marieke Mutsaers, Paul Kleene, Philippe Lhoste, Rene Billaz, Youba Kone.
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Leibniz's "New System"
One of the greatest of modern philosophers, on a par with his contemporary John Locke, Leibniz was born in Leipzig in 1646, died in Hanover in 1716. He was a leading figure in European intellectual circles, and the founder of the Academy of Berlin. His strange, complex metaphysical system established him as the third of the great 'Rationalists', after Descartes and Spinoza. Along with the 'New System', his most famous philosophical works are the Discourse of Metaphysics (1685) and Monadology (c.1713). He also made important contributions to logic, mathematics, theology, jurisprudence, and history. Gathered here for the first time are all the key texts in a crucial debate in modern philosophy, centred on Leibniz's famous 1695 essay, the 'New System of the Nature of Substances and their Communication'. In this classic essay Leibniz introduced to a broad European readership the strikingly original metaphysical ideas he had come to a decade earlier.His 'system' became increasingly famous and drew him into discussion and development of these ideas, both in public and in private, with a variety of thinkers: Simon Foucher; Henri Basbage de Beauval; Francois Lamy; Isaac Jacquelot; the Englishwoman Damaris Masham; Pierre Desmaizeaux; Rene Joseph de Tournemine; and most notably the great French philosopher and scholar Pierre Bayle.
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Kres Texnites. L'Artisan Cretois: Recueil D'Articles En L'Honneur de Jean-Claude Poursat, Publie A L'Occasion Des 40 ANS de La Decouverte Du Quartier
Table des Matieres Avant-propos Preface du Directeur de l'Ecole francaise d'Athenes Biographie de Jean-Claude Poursat Bibliographie de Jean-Claude Poursat Abreviations bibliographiques Articles - Maria Andreadaki-Vlasaki, Cultes et divinites dans la ville minoenne de La Canee. Quelques reflexions - Claude Baurain, nya te Minvw \nnevrow basileue (Homere, Od. XIX 178-179) - Isabelle Bradfer-Burdet, Une kouloura dans le Petit Palais de Malia - Pascal Darcque, Mycenes: une ville ou un palais ? - Beatrice Detournay, Les premieres femmes sur les fouilles de Malia (1923-1925) - Christos Doumas, La repartition topographique des fresques dans les batiments d'Akrotiri a Thera - Jan Driessen, On the Use of the Upper Floors in Minoan Neopalatial Architecture - Alexandre Farnoux, Art et litterature: la coupe de Nestor - Louis Godart, Le developpement et la diffusion des ecritures egeennes - Carl Knappett, Artworks and Artefacts: The Pottery from Quartier Mu, Malia - Olga Krzyszkowska, Amethyst in the Aegean Bronze Age. An Archaeological Enigma? - Robert Laffineur, Les chapiteaux chevilles. Propos sur l'architecture minoenne en materiaux perissables - Vincenzo La Rosa, Le motif du poulpe dans la ceramique de Camares a Phaistos - Sylvie Muller-Celka, Le Cratere au Parasol, Chypre et l'Egee. Une histoire de vases - Walter Muller, Gold Rings on Minoan Fingers - Elsa Papatsaroucha, La pierre et l'objet double: Questions iconographiques de la glyptique minoenne - Olivier Pelon, Les deux destructions du palais de Malia - Ingo Pini, Spatbronzezeitliche Agaische Weichsteinsiegel mit Ausnahme der Mainland Popular Group' von Fundorten Ausserhalb Kretas - Rene Treuil, Entre morts et vivants a Malia. La zone des necropoles et les quartiers d'habitation - Peter Warren, A Model of Iconographical Transfer. The Case of Crete and Egypt Tabula gratulatoria
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New Fashion Photography
The 21st century has brought about seismic changes in photography, technology, fashion, and art. At the nexus of these exciting movements is a group of fashion photographers who are breaking ground in a variety of ways, including cultural referencing, digital imaging, photo manipulation, and the use of new media. This stunningly illustrated book profiles more than 30 artists from around the world through exclusive interviews, commentary, and beautiful images. From Nick Knight's paint-soaked portraits of Lady Gaga and Sean+Seng's dangerous reworkings of Lana de Rey to the body-image subversions of Alice Hawkins's and neo-surrealist fantasies of Miles Aldridge, new fashion portraiture is challenging conventional ideas of beauty by confronting us with the unexpected. Throughout the book, these artists explore new avenues previously off-limits to fashion photography, opening it up to thrilling possibilities.Including: Ruven Afanador, Miles Aldridge, Aram Bedrossian, Daniele + Iango, Bruno Dayan, Pierre Debusschere, Sean Ellis, Rene Habermacher, Alice Hawkins, Daniel Jackson, Yasunari Kikuma, Nick Knight, Paola Kudacki, LaRoache Brothers, Serge Leblon, Markus + Indrani, Takahiro Ogawa, Paco Peregrin, Rankin, Eugenio Recuenco, Tim Richardson, Kourtney Roy, Sanchez And Mongiello, Daniel Sannwald, Sean And Seng, Wing Shya, Chadwick Tyler, Yelena Yemchuk.
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Formula 2
This sumptuous book, a feast of nostalgia, celebrates the wonderful era of the European Formula 2 Championship, 1967-84, on the 50th anniversary of its beginnings. Formula 2 pitted emerging heroes against the greats of the day and virtually all the top Formula 1 drivers - names like Jackie Stewart, Jack Brabham, Graham Hill, Jochen Rindt and Bruce McLaren in 1967 - battled with young chargers in races that thrilled huge crowds at the best European circuits, from the Nurburgring to Brands Hatch. In bringing the glory days of Formula 2 back to life in this book, passionate author Chris Witty has interviewed many of the surviving protagonists to present a colourful and evocative retrospective, supported by the work of Jutta Fausel, who photographed Formula 2 races throughout this period. Birth of the European Formula 2 Championship in 1967, when Jacky Ickx (the writer of the book's foreword) became the first champion, driving a Tyrrell-entered Matra. French Matra cars propelled the next two champions, Jean-Pierre Beltoise (1968) and Johnny Servoz-Gavin (1969), both Frenchmen.Of all the manufacturers of Formula 2 cars, March achieved the most success, Ronnie Peterson (1971) becoming the first of six champions to win in these British-built cars. A fine all-British year, 1972, saw ex-motorcycle 'great' Mike Hailwood win the championship in a Surtees car. French champions in five consecutive years: Jean-Pierre Jarier (1973), Patrick Depailler (1974), Jacques Laffite (1975), Jean-Pierre Jabouille (1976) and Rene Arnoux (1977) dominated their era and all but Jarier went on to become Grand Prix winners. Toleman and Ralt cars - also made in Britain - emerged in the final years of the championship, which saw three more British champions: Brian Henton (1980), Geoff Lees (1981) and Jonathan Palmer (1983). The other champions were Clay Regazzoni (1970), Bruno Giacomelli (1978), Marc Surer (1979), Corrado Fabi (1980) and Mike Thackwell (1984). "
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