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Viser resultat for 'Rebecca Bach-Lauritsen'

    Det er jeg som er Veronika

    Det er jeg som er Veronika

    Rebecca Bach-Lauritsen

    Veronika har flyttet til et nytt sted, og gruer seg til en ny skole og nye idiotiske klassekamerater. De har allerede flyttet flere ganger, og Veronika vet at dette ikke blir den siste.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69
    kr 69

    Birds and Other Creatures in Renaissance Literature

    Birds and Other Creatures in Renaissance Literature

    USA) Bach Rebecca Ann (University of Alabama at Birmingham

    This book explores how humans in the Renaissance lived with, attended to, and considered the minds, feelings, and sociality of other creatures. It examines how Renaissance literature and natural history display an unequal creaturely world: all creatures were categorized hierarchically. However, post-Cartesian readings of Shakespeare and other Renaissance literature have misunderstood Renaissance hierarchical creaturely relations, including human relations. Using critical animal studies work and new materialist theory, Bach argues that attending closely to creatures and objects in texts by Shakespeare and other writers exposes this unequal world and the use and abuse of creatures, including people. The book also adds significantly to animal studies by showing how central bird sociality and voices were to Renaissance human culture, with many believing that birds were superior to some humans in song, caregiving, and companionship. Bach shows how Descartes, a central figure in the transition to modern ideas about creatures, lived isolated from humans and other creatures and denied ancient knowledge about other creatures' minds, especially bird minds. As significantly, Bach shows how and why Descartes' ideas appealed to human grandiosity. Asking how Renaissance categorizations of creatures differ so much from modern classifications, and why those modern classifications have shaped so much animal studies work, this book offers significant new readings of Shakespeare's and other Renaissance texts. It will contribute to a range of fields, including Renaissance literature, history, animal studies, new materialism, and the environmental humanities.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature before Heterosexuality

    Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature before Heterosexuality

    Rebecca Ann. Bach

    This book shows how in the Restoration and Eighteenth century, Shakespeare's plays and other Renaissance texts were adapted to make them conform to contemporary ideas.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2007



    Get ahead! Specialties: 100 EMQs for Finals

    Get ahead! Specialties: 100 EMQs for Finals

    UK) Cartledge Peter (Leeds General Infirmary, Mary Watson, Rebecca Cairns, UK) Bach Fiona (Leeds General Infirmary

    Get ahead! is a brand new essential revision series for medical and surgical finals. Each title contains practice questions similar to those you can expect in the real exam. The series stands out in its use of subject summaries that include all the detail you would need from a larger textbook - but we've waived the waffle! If you are looking for a comprehensive, reliable, effective revision aid, then look no further than Get ahead!Features of Get ahead! SPECIALTIES: 100 EMQs for Finals- Covers paediatrics, obstetrics, gynaecology, and psychiatry- 100 EMQ themes over 10 practice papers- Questions written in a similar style to the Medical Schools Council Assessment Alliance (MSC-AA) bank- Includes harder stems suitable for students aiming for honours- Full explanatory answers, including succinct subject summaries- Eponymous details and derivatives for added interest- Also suitable for PLAB candidates

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


    Pocket · 2015


    Developing Young Minds

    Developing Young Minds

    Rebecca Shore

    Ever wonder what is going on in a baby's brain? Or how you can best nurture a child's natural development? Or why exactly Bach is better than Mozart for babies? This book will explain why. No technical knowledge is necessary, as Shore makes recent neurological findings accessible to all those who come into contact with young children. Everything a baby experiences in his or her first five years is building the foundation of life's learning potential. Through increasing the complexity of the early childhood environment in developmentally appropriate ways, we can nurture young children's brains. Developing Young Minds is a must-have for new parents or caregivers of young children.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015


    Bach Perspectives, Volume 12

    Bach Perspectives, Volume 12

    Johann Sebastian Bach was a Lutheran and much of his music was for Lutheran liturgical worship. As these insightful essays in the twelfth volume of Bach Perspectives demonstrate, he was also influenced by--and in turn influenced--different expressions of religious belief. The vocal music, especially the Christmas Oratorio, owes much to medieval Catholic mysticism, and the evolution of the B minor Mass has strong Catholic connections. In Leipzig, Catholic and Lutheran congregations sang many of the same vernacular hymns. Internal squabbles were rarely missing within Lutheranism, for example Pietists' dislike of concerted church music, especially if it employed specific dance forms. Also investigated here are broader issues such as the close affinity between Bach's cantata libretti and the hymns of Charles Wesley; and Bach's music in the context of the Jewish Enlightenment as shaped by Protestant Rationalism in Berlin. Contributors: Rebecca Cypess, Joyce L. Irwin, Robin A. Leaver, Mark Noll, Markus Rathey, Derek Stauff, and Janice B. Stockigt.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Sara Levy's World

    Sara Levy's World

    Sara Levy nee Itzig (1761-1854), a salonniere, skilled performing musician, and active participant in enlightened Prussian Jewish society, played a powerful role in shaping the dynamic cultural world of late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Berlin. A patron and collector of music, she studied harpsichord with Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1710-84) and commissioned musical compositions from both Friedemann and his brother Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-88). Archival evidence demonstrates Levy's position as an essential link in the transmission of the music of their father, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), and as a catalyst for the "Bach revival" of the early nineteenth century, which was led by her great-nephew Felix Mendelssohn. Sara Levy's World: Gender, Judaism, and the Bach Tradition in Enlightenment Berlin represents the first scholarly exploration of the cultural, political, and aesthetic contexts that shaped Levy's world. Bringing together leading scholars from the fields of musicology, Jewish Studies, history, literary studies, gender studies, and philosophy, this volume presents cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research on the numerous mutually reinforcing aspects of Levy's life and work. Contributors: Rebecca Cypess, Marjanne E. Gooze, Barbara Hahn, Martha B. Helfer, Natalie Naimark-Goldberg, Elias Sacks, Yael Sela, Nancy Sinkoff, George B. Stauffer, Christoph Wolff, Steven Zohn Rebecca Cypess is Associate Professor of Music at Rutgers University. Nancy Sinkoff is Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and History and Director of the Center for European Studies at Rutgers University.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018




    Colleen Hoover

    Are you ready to stay up all night? Rebecca meets Gone Girl in this shocking, unpredictable thriller with a twist that will leave you reeling . . . The TikTok sensation from the author of It Ends With Us. Lowen Ashleigh is a struggling writer on the brink of financial ruin when she accepts the job offer of a lifetime. Jeremy Crawford, husband of bestselling author Verity Crawford, has hired Lowen to complete the remaining books in a successful series his injured wife is unable to finish. Lowen arrives at the Crawford home, ready to sort through years of Verity's notes and outlines, hoping to find enough material to get her started. What Lowen doesn't expect to uncover in the chaotic office is an unfinished autobiography Verity never intended for anyone to read. Page after page of bone-chilling admissions, including Verity's recollection of the night their family was forever altered. Lowen decides to keep the manuscript hidden from Jeremy, knowing its contents would devastate the already-grieving father. But as Lowen's feelings for Jeremy begin to intensify, she recognizes all the ways she could benefit if he were to read his wife's words. After all, no matter how devoted Jeremy is to his injured wife, a truth this horrifying would make it impossible for him to continue loving her . . . 200,000 READERS HAVE ALREADY GIVEN VERITY FIVE STARS 'One of the best thrillers I have ever read' ***** 'Powerful, mind-blowing and emotional' ***** 'The plot twists and that ending came out of nowhere' ***** 'There are no words. Bravo' ***** 'Dark, creepy, and one hundred per cent original' ***** 'I NEEDED to know how this was going to end' ***** 'Left me completely speechless' *****

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2022


    kr 59
    kr 59

    Å forske på egen praksis

    Å forske på egen praksis: aksjonsforskning og andre tilnærminger til profesjonell utvikling i utdanningsfeltet

    I dag opplever skoler og andre tjenesteområder en stadig økende forventning til at de skal drive forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid for å forbedre sine virksomheter. Denne andre utgaven av Å forske på egen praksis gir en innføring i praktikerforskning og diskuterer kunnskapsgrunnlaget for slik forskning. Boka gir samtidig verktøy for de som skal i gang med forskning på egen praksis, og det er tatt med gode eksempler hentet fra utdanningsfeltet. De som er kjent med første utgave av boka, vil finne igjen majoriteten av tekstene i denne nye utgaven, men i oppdaterte versjoner. Samtidig kan de glede seg over et større utvalg av praktiske eksempler og en styrkning av verktøyfunksjonen til boka. Forventningen om at undervisning skal være en kunnskapsbasert praksis betyr ikke nødvendigvis enighet om hvilken kunnskap lærere trenger for å undervise bedre. Bokas ulike kapitler bidrar med viktige innspill til diskusjoner omkring samfunnsaktuelle spørsmål som forholdet mellom autonomi og kontroll i utvikling av lærerrollen, hva lærerkompetanse er, og hvordan den kan utvikles og verdsettes. Boka har som hensikt å skape dialog omkring temaene skoleutvikling og lærerkompetanse. Det gjør den ved å kombinere et praktisk siktemål om å hjelpe studenter, lærere, skoler og lærerutdannere i gang med forskning på egen praksis, med vitenskapelige diskusjoner. Bokas redaktører er Marit Ulvik, Hanne Riese og Dag Roness. Lill Kalleklev Almås, Knut-Andreas Christophersen, Karoline Furset Duvold, Eyvind Elstad, Harald Eriksen, Rebecca Haga, Ingrid Hestad, Eli Lejonberg, May Britt Postholm, Inger Lise Sleire og Kari Smith er bidragsytere.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2022

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 209
    kr 209

    Alt lyset vi ikke ser

    Alt lyset vi ikke ser: en roman

    Anthony Doerr

    EN BLIND FRANSK JENTE. EN FORELDRELØS TYSK GUTT. BEGGE KJEMPER FOR Å OVERLEVE. ET SKJEBNEMØTE I DET OKKUPERTE FRANKRIKE DER TO LIV ENDRES FOR ALLTID. Marie-Laure bor med faren i Paris nær det naturhistoriske museet, hvor han er låsemester for museets tusener av låser. Når Marie-Laure blir blind som seksåring, bygger pappa en perfekt miniatyr av nabolaget så hun kan memorere det med hendene og finne veien hjem på egenhånd. Når hun er tolv år, okkuperer nazistene Paris. Hun og pappa flykter til festningsbyen St. Malo ved kysten, til et familiemedlem. Med seg bærer de en hemmelighet: En juvel som kanskje er museets mest verdifulle edelsten. Har de fått utlevert den ekte steinen eller bare en av flere kopier? Den ekte steinen har en urgammel spådom over seg. Og hensynløse nazister jakter på den. I en gruveby i Tyskland vokser foreldreløse Werner opp på barnehjem. Hans tekniske begavelse skaffer ham innpass i Hitlers brutale ungdomsorganisasjonen. Werner blir sendt ut på oppdrag for å spore og knuse motstandsfolk på kryss og tvers i Europa. Sjokkert over krigens og nazistenes brutalitet, ender han i St. Malo, hvor hans skjebne flettes sammen med Marie-Laure. Med sitt lyrisk vakre språk, har Anthony Doerr skrevet en vidunderlig, fengslende og uforglemmelig historie om en blind jente og en foreldreløs gutt midt under krigens herjinger. Kritikerrost bestselger. Nominert til National Book Award 2014. Topp ti på Amazon og NYT.

    4.5 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Pocket · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Fourth Wing

    Fourth Wing

    Rebecca Yarros

    Dragons, war and Hunger Games-esque trials. Fourth Wing is a high-stakes, enemies-to-lovers fantasy romance perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo, Sarah J Maas and dark academia. ..................................... Welcome to the brutal and elite world of Basgiath War College, where everyone has an agenda, and every night could be your last . . . Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general - also known as her tough-as-talons mother - has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders. But when you're smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away . . . because dragons don't bond to 'fragile' humans. They incinerate them. With fewer dragons willing to bond than cadets, most would kill Violet to better their own chances of success. The rest would kill her just for being her mother's daughter - like Xaden Riorson, the most powerful and ruthless wingleader in the Riders Quadrant. She'll need every edge her wits can give her just to see the next sunrise. Yet, with every day that passes, the war outside grows more deadly, the kingdom's protective wards are failing, and the death toll continues to rise. Even worse, Violet begins to suspect leadership is hiding a terrible secret. Alliances will be forged. Lives will be lost. Traitors will become allies . . . or even lovers. But sleep with one eye open because once you enter, there are only two ways out: graduate or die.

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2023


    kr 79
    kr 79

    Biology - A global approach

    Biology - A global approach

    Lisa A, Neil A., Rebecca Orr, Michael L, Steven Wasserman, Peter Minorsky

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 879

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 879



    Rebecca Kuang

    When Athena dies June steals her unpublished manuscript.

    4.3 av 5

    Pocket · 2023


    kr 109
    kr 109

    Ulf er uvel

    Ulf er uvel

    Rebecca Wexelsen, Camilla Kuhn

    Årets tristeste hund, i årets morsomste bildebok. Ulf våkner opp en morgen og føler seg uvel. Men han klarer ikke helt å sette fingeren på hva det er. Han går til legen, og diagnosen er overraskende: Ulf er død. Dette er både leit og ugreit, synes Ulf, og ekstra kjedelig blir det når ingen vet om det. Han bestemmer seg derfor for å holde en begravelse. Midt under begravelsen banker det på døren. Det er legen, som kommer med overraskende nyheter. «Årets morsomste bok.» «Døden blir aldri den samme etter dette.» Periskop «Morsom, tankevekkende og flott illustrert.» Mímir Kristjánsson, Klassekampen «Årets beste bøker 2020.» Vårt Land «I Ulf er uvel balanseres det makabre og det morsomme så det blir en begravelsesfest både bokstavelig og billedlig talt.» «(...) boka åpner for alvorlige og filosofiske samtaler på en sykt morsom måte.» Mette Moe, Barnebokkritikk.no

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 199
    kr 199

    White Space Is Not Your Enemy

    White Space Is Not Your Enemy

    USA) Golombisky Kim (School of Mass Communications University of South Florida, University of South Florida; President and principle designer at Sky Lake Studio) Hagen Rebecca (School of Mass Communications

    White Space Is Not Your Enemy is a practical graphic design and layout guide that introduces concepts and practices necessary for producing effective visual communication across a variety of formats-from web to print. Sections on Gestalt theory, color theory, and WET layout are expanded to offer more in-depth content on those topics. This new edition features new covering current trends in web design-Mobile-first, UI/UX design, and web typography-and how they affect a designer's approach to a project. The entire book will receive an update using new examples and images that show a more diverse set of graphics that go beyond print and web and focus on tablet, mobile and advertising designs.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    kr 239
    kr 239

    Feeding Desire: Fatness, Beauty, and Sexuality Among a Saharan People

    Feeding Desire: Fatness, Beauty, and Sexuality Among a Saharan People

    Rebecca Popenoe

    While the Western world adheres to a beauty ideal that says women can never be too thin, the semi-nomadic Moors of the Sahara desert have for centuries cherished a feminine ideal of extreme fatness. Voluptuous immobility is thought to beautify girls' bodies, hasten the onset of puberty, heighten their sexuality and ripen them for marriage. From the time of the loss of their first milk teeth, girls are directed to eat huge bowls of milk and porridge in one of the world's few examples of active female fattening. Based on fieldwork in an Arab village in Niger, Feeding Desire analyses the meanings of women's fatness as constituted by desire, kinship, concepts of health, Islam, and the crucial social need to manage sexuality. By demonstrating how a particular beauty ideal can only be understood within wider social structures and cultural logics, the book also implicitly provides a new way of thinking about the ideal of slimness in late Western capitalism. Offering a reminder that an estimated eighty per cent of the world's societies prefer plump women, this gracefully written book is both a fascinating exploration of the nature of bodily ideals and a highly readable ethnography of a Saharan people.

    4.8 av 5

    Pocket · 2003

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Iron Flame

    Iron Flame

    Rebecca Yarros


    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2023


    kr 89
    kr 89

    Lysarbeider i den nye tiden

    Lysarbeider i den nye tiden: lær å være ditt indre lys : hver eneste dag

    Rebecca Campbell

    For å lykkes i lysets tidsalder der klodens frekvens øker, må alt i livet ditt være et sant uttrykk for den du egentlig er. Det skjer når du øker styrken på dit indre lys - lever ut dine talenter og viser verden hvem du er. Ikke bare gjør du deg selv en urett ved ikke å leve ut dine gaver, du underslår lys som er kraften i bevissthetsløftet som nå skjer på kloden. Har du dimmet ditt eget lys og lagt lokk over dine unike evner og talenter, viser Rebecca Campbell deg at det er din sjels hensikt å la ditt indre lys stråle på en måte som bare du er i stand til. Da åpner du for livsgleden og blir samtidig den lysarbeideren vår tid trenger!

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 75
    kr 75

    Fourth Wing

    Fourth Wing

    Rebecca Yarros

    "Suspenseful, sexy, and with incredibly entertaining storytelling, the first in Yarros' Empyrean series will delight fans of romantic, adventure-filled fantasy." --Booklist, starred review "Fourth Wing will have your heart pounding from beginning to end... A fantasy like you've never read before." ―#1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout Enter the brutal and elite world of a war college for dragon riders from USA Today bestselling author Rebecca Yarros Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general--also known as her tough-as-talons mother--has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders. But when you're smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away...because dragons don't bond to "fragile" humans. They incinerate them. With fewer dragons willing to bond than cadets, most would kill Violet to better their own chances of success. The rest would kill her just for being her mother's daughter--like Xaden Riorson, the most powerful and ruthless wingleader in the Riders Quadrant. She'll need every edge her wits can give her just to see the next sunrise. Yet, with every day that passes, the war outside grows more deadly, the kingdom's protective wards are failing, and the death toll continues to rise. Even worse, Violet begins to suspect leadership is hiding a terrible secret. Friends, enemies, lovers. Everyone at Basgiath War College has an agenda--because once you enter, there are only two ways out: graduate or die.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2023


    kr 219
    kr 219

    Treatment of Language disorders in Children

    Treatment of Language disorders in Children

    Rebecca McCauley, Marc E. Fay, Ronald B. Gillam

    Thoroughly updated to meet the needs of today's students in SLP courses, the second edition of this classic textbook prepares future professionals to evaluate, compare, select, and apply effective interventions for language disorders in children. Using realistic case studies and many new video clips that show each strategy in action, the expert contributors introduce your students to 14 current, research-based intervention models and examine practical ways to apply them in the field. The new edition covers interventions for both emerging communication and language and more advanced language and literacy, in a consistent chapter format that makes it easy for students to compare treatment approaches. A textbook SLPs will keep and reference often throughout their careers, this balanced, in-depth look at interventions will prepare professionals to choose and implement the best interventions for children with language disorders. <br><br>YOUR STUDENTS WILL LEARN ABOUT <br>* the theoretical and empirical basis of each intervention <br>* target populations for the intervention <br>* assessment and decision making <br>* practical requirements for implementation <br>* considerations for children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds <br>* future directions

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    kr 150
    kr 150

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