Til rett pris kan alle bli kjøpt ... Politimann Denny Malone leder en elitegruppe som skal bekjempe gjengkriminalitet, narkotika og våpen i New York. I atten år har han vært i frontlinjen og gjort hva enn som kreves for å overleve i en by bygd på ambisjoner og korrupsjon, der ingen kan kalle seg plettfri? Det kun få vet, er at Denny Malone også er råtten. Han og partnerne har stjålet millioner av dollar i narkotika og kontanter. Nå er han i fellen og blir presset av FBI, og han må balansere på kanten av forræderi, mens byen vakler på randen av en rasistisk eksplosjon som kan legge alt i ruiner. Korrupt er en uforglemmelig historie om grådighet og vold, ulikheter og rase, og en sviende skildring av en by på kanten av et stup. Dette er en moralsk kompleks og fascinerende dissekering av kontroversene samfunnet står overfor i dag. Om forfatteren: Don Winslow er født i New York og bor nå i California. Før han ble forfatter, jobbet han blant annet som journalist, privatdetektiv og reiseleder, og han har også skrevet manus for TV. De kritikerroste romanene hans er utgitt i omkring 30 land. Winslow har vunnet en rekke priser, som Raymond Chandler Award, LA Times Book Prize og Ian Fleming Silver Dagger, og bøkene hans har toppet blant annet New York Times' bestselgerliste.
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Norsk Bokmål
Den lange søvnen
En Philip Marlowe-roman Den lange søvnen (1939) var Raymond Chandlers første roman. Boken danner også grunnlaget for en av de store klassikerne innen film noir, The Big Sleep, med Humphrey Bogart i rollen som Philip Marlowe. Raymond Chandler (1888.1959) regnes som en av det 20. århundrets mest betydelige kriminalforfattere. Han var en av foregangsmennene innenfor hardkokt krim, og utmerker seg den dag i dag som en utmerket stilist med skarpe miljø- og personskildringer.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The New York trilogy
The New York Trilogy is perhaps the most astonishing work by one of America's most consistently astonishing writers. The Trilogy is three cleverly interconnected novels that exploit the elements of standard detective fiction and achieve a new genre that is all the more gripping for its starkness. It is a riveting work of detective fiction worthy of Raymond Chandler, and at the same time a profound and unsettling existentialist enquiry in the tradition of Kafka or Borges. In each story the search for clues leads to remarkable coincidences in the universe as the simple act of trailing a man ultimately becomes a startling investigation of what it means to be human. The New York Trilogy is the modern novel at its finest: a truly bold and arresting work of fiction with something to transfix and astound every reader.'Marks a new departure for the American novel.' Observer'A shatteringly clever piece of work . . . Utterly gripping, written with an acid sharpness that leaves an indelible dent in the back of the mind.' Sunday Telegraph'The New York Trilogy established him as the only author one could compare to Samuel Beckett.' Guardian
5.0 av 5
An Introduction To Literature, Criticism and …
Lively, original and highly readable, An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory is the essential guide to literary studies. Starting at `The Beginning' and concluding with `The End', chapters range from the familiar, such as `Character', `Narrative' and `The Author', to the more unusual, such as `Secrets', `Pleasure' and `Ghosts'. Now in its fifth edition, Bennett and Royle's classic textbook successfully illuminates complex ideas by engaging directly with literary works, so that a reading of Jane Eyre opens up ways of thinking about racial difference, for example, while Chaucer, Raymond Chandler and Monty Python are all invoked in a discussion of literature and laughter.The fifth edition has been revised throughout and includes four new chapters - `Feelings', `Wounds', `Body' and `Love' - to incorporate exciting recent developments in literary studies. In addition to further reading sections at the end of each chapter, the book contains a comprehensive bibliography and a glossary of key literary terms. A breath of fresh air in a field that can often seem dry and dauntingly theoretical, this book will open the reader's eyes to the exhilarating possibilities of reading and studying literature.
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Hvit er en bevegende kortroman om hengivenhet. Før den navnløse fortelleren selv ble født, fikk moren en jentebaby som bare levde i to timer. Dette er lillesøsterens lovsang til en hun ikke møtte, men som alltid vil være en del av familiens liv. For blir vi noensinne forlatt av de døde? I stedet for å dvele ved spedbarnets død, gir søsteren innhold og verdi til det korte livet det hadde. En liste med hvite ting kan direkte eller indirekte knyttes til henne: svøp, bånd, salt, ris, ben, piller, hår, morsmelk, tåke - og mange flere. Listen med hvite ting blir viktig som sorgritual og minnearbeid.
4.6 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Farvel, min elskede
En Philip Marlowe-roman. Farvel, min elskede var Raymond Chandlers andre roman, og den har blitt filmatisert to ganger, sist i 1975 med Robert Mitchum i rollen som Philip Marlowe. Raymond Chandler (1888.1959) regnes som en av det 20. århundrets mest betydelige kriminalforfattere. Han var en av foregangsmennene innenfor hardkokt krim, og utmerker seg den dag i dag som en utmerket stilist med skarpe miljø- og personskildringer.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
"Det var såre enkelt ... mitt offer var like lett å få øye på som en kenguru i smoking." Tilsynelatende et lett oppdrag for privatdetektiv Philip Marlowe. Følg etter en mistenkt og meld fra når hun tar inn på et hotell eller lignende. Men snart melder spørsmålene seg. Hvem er hun? Hva flykter hun fra? Hvorfor forsøker den voldelige Larry Mitchell å presse henne? Den vakre Eleanor King er helt tydelig ikke den hun gir seg ut for. Informasjonen Marlowe fikk av sin oppdragsgiver stemmer ikke med hva han selv observerer. Så begynner likene å dukke opp. Hvem er morderen? Hva er motivet? Plutselig får Marlowe selv en leiemorder i hælene. Hvem har sendt ham og hvorfor? Playback er den sjuende og siste av Raymond Chandlers bøker om privatdetektiven Philip Marlowe. Dette er første norske utgave av denne klassikeren. Raymond Chandler (1888-1959) skrev en rekke kriminalnoveller for det hardkokte magasinet Black Mask før han ga ut sin første Marlowe-roman i 1939. Etter hvert ble det sju nyskapende romaner som har blitt stående som noe av det ypperste innen kriminallitteraturen. For å tjene til livets opphold under depresjonen, etter at han fikk sparken som direktør i et oljeselskap, begynte Chandler å skrive kriminalnoveller. Han solgte sin første historie til magasinet Black Mask i 1933. Seks år etter fikk han utgitt sin første roman, Den store søvnen. Boken ble en umiddelbar suksess. I årene etter annen verdenskrig arbeidet han i Hollywood. Men Chandler passet ikke inn i filmindustriens kyniske verden, og han konsentrerte seg igjen om sine egne bøker. Playback er Chandlers siste bok, originalutgaven kom i 1958. Boken er en glimrende kriminalfortelling som både avrunder og oppsummerer Marlowes virke som privatdetektiv og Chandlers virke som forfatter.
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Norsk Bokmål
The Long Good-Bye
'Alcohol is like love. The first kiss is magic, the second is intimate, the third is routine. After that you take the girl's clothes off...' The first time that Marlowe met Terry Lennox, the man was drunk. The second time he was even drunker than the first. Marlowe meant to ask him why he'd had to have his face reconstructed and the rest of the story of his life. He didn't ask him, but if he had it just possibly might have saved a couple of lives. Just possibly, no more. Then there was Captain Gregorius, the sort of cop who solved crimes with a night stick to the base of the spine. For Marlowe it's always the way. You're a good guy. You do someone a favour or three and then you're all of a sudden right up to your neck...
0.0 av 5
Det lange farvel
klassisk krim
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory: Fourth Edition
Lively, original and highly readable, An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory is the essential guide to literary studies. Starting at ‘The Beginning’ and concluding with ‘The End’, chapters range from the familiar, such as ‘Character’, ‘Narrative’ and ‘The Author’, to the more unusual, such as ‘Secrets’, ‘Pleasure’ and ‘Ghosts’. Now in its fifth edition, Bennett and Royle’s classic textbook successfully illuminates complex ideas by engaging directly with literary works, so that a reading of Jane Eyre opens up ways of thinking about racial difference, for example, while Chaucer, Raymond Chandler and Monty Python are all invoked in a discussion of literature and laughter.
0.0 av 5
New york trilogy
The New York Trilogy is perhaps the most astonishing work by one of America's most consistently astonishing writers. The Trilogy is three cleverly interconnected novels that exploit the elements of standard detective fiction and achieve a new genre that is all the more gripping for its starkness. It is a riveting work of detective fiction worthy of Raymond Chandler, and at the same time a profound and unsettling existentialist enquiry in the tradition of Kafka or Borges. In each story the search for clues leads to remarkable coincidences in the universe as the simple act of trailing a man ultimately becomes a startling investigation of what it means to be human. The New York Trilogy is the modern novel at its finest: a truly bold and arresting work of fiction with something to transfix and astound every reader. "Marks a new departure for the American novel." (Observer). "A shatteringly clever piece of work...Utterly gripping, written with an acid sharpness that leaves an indelible dent in the back of the mind." (Sunday Telegraph). "The New York Trilogy established him as the only author one could compare to Samuel Beckett." (Guardian).
5.0 av 5
Los Angeles Stories
A Los Angeles Times's and Southern California Indie Bookseller Association's Bestseller! Los Angeles Stories is a collection of loosely linked, noir-ish tales that evoke a bygone era in one of America's most iconic cities. In post-World War II Los Angeles, as power was concentrating and fortunes were being made, a do-it-yourself culture of cool cats, outsiders, and oddballs populated the old downtown neighborhoods of Bunker Hill and Chavez Ravine. Ordinary working folks rubbed elbows with petty criminals, grifters, and all sorts of women at foggy end-of-the-line outposts in Venice Beach and Santa Monica. Rich with the essence and character of the times, suffused with the patois of the city's underclass, these are stories about the common people of Los Angeles, "a sunny place for shady people," and the strange things that happen to them. Musicians, gun shop owners, streetwalkers, tailors, door-to-door salesmen, drifters, housewives, dentists, pornographers, new arrivals, and hard-bitten denizens all intersect in cleverly plotted stories that center around some kind of shadowy activity.This quirky love letter to a lost way of life will appeal to fans of hard-boiled fiction and anyone interested in the city itself. "Taken as a whole, this collection offers a panoramic view of a rapidly changing Los Angeles and its immigrant communities, rich in period detail and idiomatic dialogue, sometimes based on Cooder's own memories of growing up in the same neighborhoods in which the stories are often set." --Uncut Magazine "Cooder shouldn't stop making records. He should keep writing, too." --Rolling Stones "The stories of Ry Cooder are a lot like his music: stately, precise, well constructed; they grab you by the throat, quietly, and never let go..." --Andrew J. Khaled Madigan, The Iowa Review "The strict Los Angeles setting - the city's highs and lows romanticised ceaselessly - make them like Raymond Chandler or Mickey Spillane." --Chris Johnston, Sydney Morning Herald "In Los Angeles Stories, his first published collection of stories, Cooder pays homage to the jazz, the blues and the Latin beat of a bygone era. He also honors a cast of boisterous musicians, some murdered, others spared to tell their gritty tales of life and death.A few famous musicians - John Lee Hooker and Charlie Parker among them - make cameo appearances in these pages, but most of the guitar players, drummers and lounge singers are as unknown as the repossession men, waitresses and mechanics they entertain in forgotten bars and derelict nightclubs." -- San Francisco Chronicle Ry Cooder is a world-famous guitarist, singer, and composer known for his slide guitar work, interest in roots music, and more recently for his collaborations with traditional musicians from many countries, including The Buena Vista Social Club. He has composed soundtracks for more than twenty films, including Paris, Texas. Two recent albums were accompanied by stories Cooder wrote to accompany the music. This is his first published collection of stories.
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Døden i kiosken: Knut Gribb og andre heftedetektiver
DØDEN I KIOSKEN Mesterdetektiven Knut Gribb savner sin like i hele verden. Andre kriminallitterære sporhunder har hatt flere eventyr, men ingen har virksom over så lang tid. Helt fra 1908 har Gribb holdt publikum i ånde med sine bedrifter og sine dueller med erkefiender som den hemmelighetsfulle Thomas Ryer og Olga Barcowa, kalt "den grønne redsel". Han ble skapt av Norges største kriminalforfatter, Sven Elvestad, for hefteserien Lys og Skygge, fortsatte i ukebladet Tidsfordriv, fra 1928 i Detektiv-magasinet, og fra 1971 i sin egen bokserie. Han har også opptrådt på film (skjønt ikke under eget navn), på teaterscenen og i radio.Fortellinger om ham er oversatt til seks språk; han er tidenes mest berømte og populære heftedetektiv i Sverige, så vel som i Norge. Og han har konkurrert med seg selv under et dusin ulike navn og fire nasjonaliteter! Med stort og smått - fortellinger, noveller, hørespill, "memoarer" og kriminaloppgaver - har Gribb opplevd nærmere 1600 eventyr. Historiene om ham er kommet i et samlet opplag på over 30 millioner. Rundt 80 forfattere har bidratt til hans saga, fra poeter som Herman Wildenvey (men skrev han virkelig Damen med de tusen Navne, slik han påstod?) og Kristen Gundelach, til lydproduktive populærforfattere som Øyulv Gran og Sverre Vegenor. Men Knut Gribb var også en del av en litterær syndflod som omfatter hundrevis av serier og handlekraftige detektiver, som Nick Carter, Nat Pinkerton, Sexton Blake og Kaj Henning - så vel som Helgenen og Dashiell Hammetts og Raymond Chandlers helter:Detektivheftene, de billige kioskseriene, som hadde sin glanstid fra rundt 1870 til ca. 1960, fordømt av det kulturelle borgerskap, forbudt av moralens voktere og elsket i filler av sitt unge publikum.
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Norsk Bokmål
World of Raymond Chandler
Raymond Chandler never wrote a memoir or autobiography. The closest he came to writing either was in and around his novels, shorts stories, and letters. There have been books that describe and evaluate Chandler s life, but to find out what he himself felt about his life and work, Barry Day, editor of "The" "Letters of Noel Coward "( There is much to dazzle here in just the way we expect . . . the book is meticulous, artfully structured splendid Daniel Mendelsohn; "The New York Review of Books"), has cannily, deftly chosen from Chandler s writing, as well as the many interviews he gave over the years as he achieved cult status, to weave together an illuminating narrative that reveals the man, the work, the worlds he created. Using Chandler s own words as well as Day s text, here is the life of the man with no home, a man precariously balanced between his classical English education with its immutable values and that of a fast-evolving America during the years before the Great War, and the changing vernacular of the cultural psyche that resulted. Chandler makes clear what it is to be a writer, and in particular what it is to be a writer of hardboiled fiction in what was for him another language. Along the way, he discusses the work of his contemporaries: Dashiell Hammett, James M. Cain, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Agatha Christie, W. Somerset Maugham, and others ( I wish, said Chandler, I had one of those facile plotting brains, like Erle Gardner ). Here is Chandler s Los Angeles ( There is a touch of the desert about everything in California, he said, and about the minds of the people who live here ), a city he adopted and that adopted him in the post-World War I period . . . Here is his Hollywood ( Anyone who doesn t like Hollywood, he said, is either crazy or sober ) . . . He recounts his own (rocky) experiences working in the town with Billy Wilder, Howard Hawks, Alfred Hitchcock, and others. . .We see Chandler s alter ego, Philip Marlowe, private eye, the incorruptible knight with little armor who walks the mean streets in a world not made for knights ( If I had ever an opportunity of selecting the movie actor who would best represent Marlowe to my mind, I think it would have been Cary Grant. ) . . . Here is Chandler on drinking (his life in the end was in a race with alcohol and loneliness) . . . and here are Chandler s women the Little Sisters, the dames in his fiction, and in his life (on writing "The Long Goodbye," Chandler said, I watched my wife die by half inches and I wrote the best book in my agony of that knowledge . . . I was as hollow as the places between the stars. After her death Chandler led what he called a posthumous life writing fiction, but more often than not, his writing life was made up of letters written to women he barely knew.) Interwoven throughout the text are more than one hundred pictures that reveal the psyche and world of Raymond Chandler. I have lived my whole life on the edge of nothing, he wrote. In his own words, and with Barry Day s commentary, we see the shape this took and the way it informed the man and his extraordinary work. "From the Hardcover edition.""
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Trøbbel er mitt yrke og andre noveller
4 noveller med ingredienser som en fordrukken rikmannssønn - en filmmann med en tvilsom bigeskjeft m.m..
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Kvinnen i sjøen
Derace Kingsleys kone har tilsynelatende stukket av med en annen mann. Hun er i alle fall forsvunnet. Privatdetektiven Philip Marlowe tar ikke skilsmissesaker, men forsvunne personer har han lett etter før. Og i fjellvannet ved Puma Point finner han et kvinnelik som kan være fru Kingsley.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Poodle springs
Raymond Chandler etterlot ved sin død de fire første kapitlene til en ny roman med privatdektektiven Philip Marlowe i hovedrollen. Den kjente kriminalforfatteren Robert B. Parker har fullført boken helt i Chandlers stil og ånd.
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Norsk Bokmål
En verdifull gullmynt er borte.Det er også eierens svigerdatter.Svigermor tilkaller detektiv Philip Marlowe.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The Lady in the Lake
In The Lady in the Lake , hardboiled crime fiction master Raymond Chandler brings us the story of a couple of missing wives--one a rich man's and one a poor man's--who have become the objects of Philip Marlowe's investigation. One of them may have gotten a Mexican divorce and married a gigolo and the other may be dead. Marlowe's not sure he cares about either one, but he's not paid to care.
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The Big Sleep
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