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Viser resultat for 'R.A. Torrey'

    Veien til full kraft i liv og tjeneste for Gud

    Veien til full kraft i liv og tjeneste for Gud

    R.A. Torrey

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket ·

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 109
    kr 109

    Hvorfor Gud brukte D.L. Moody

    Hvorfor Gud brukte D.L. Moody

    R.A. Torrey

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1977

    Norsk Bokmål


    Bønnen : dens hemmelighet og kraft

    Bønnen : dens hemmelighet og kraft

    R.A. Torrey

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1942

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    Livets vei

    Livets vei

    R.A. Torrey

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1908

    Norsk Bokmål


    Lær oss å be

    Lær oss å be

    R A Torrey

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1950


    Kan vi stole på bibelen?

    Kan vi stole på bibelen?

    Dr. R.A. Torrey

    Det står ikke noe årstall i boka, men utfra språket er den antageligvis utgitt rundt 1900.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1900

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    How to Succeed in the Christain Life

    How to Succeed in the Christain Life

    R. A. Torrey

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Bibliolife) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2009






    The Age of Torrey, Mott, McPherson and Hammond. Volume 4 in the five-volume series on the history of evangelicalisn in the English-speaking world. Covers the 1900s to be 1940s. This series presents, for the first time, a connected history of evangelical movements from the 1730s through to the 1990s. The five volumes are united by their use of a common definition of evangelicalism that stresses conversion, reliance on Scripture, activism (especially in evangelism) and the centrality of the cross of Christ. The series offers provocative interpretations as well as factual details, provides extensive bibliographical references and is accessible to a wide

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    Et liv i bønn

    Et liv i bønn: en samling av skrifter fra berømte kristne forfattere

    «Gud selv vil redde en person som kaller på ham. Ditt ansvar er å påkalle; Guds ansvar er å svare.» - Charles Spurgeon Denne samlingen av klassisk undervisning om bønn presenterer noen av de største kristne forfattere gjennom tidene. Satt sammen dekker de en rekke emner, inkludert bønn og hengivelse, resultater av bønn, problemer med bønn, takksigelse, pågående begjæringsbønn og betingelsene for utholdende/seirende bønn. «Et liv i bønn» inkluderer utdrag fra: Charles Spurgeon E. M. Bounds R. A. Torrey Charles Finney D. L. Moody Andrew Murray George Müller Denne verdifulle samlingen av trofast visdom bør leses av både nye troende og mer modne kristne. «Hva som helst dere ber om i mitt navn, det skal jeg gjøre, så Faderen skal bli herliggjort i Sønnen. Dersom dere ber om noe i mitt navn, skal jeg gjøre det.» - Joh 14:13-14

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål


    Day by Day through the Gospel of John

    Day by Day through the Gospel of John

    During the second half of the nineteenth century, Great Britain was home to some of the greatest preachers, biblical scholars, and Christian writers in all of church history. Legendary names such as Charles Spurgeon, George M ller, Hudson Taylor, Catherine Booth, and George MacDonald stand out as giants of the church. Their predecessors, such as John Wesley and Matthew Henry, left them a rich tradition of biblical and evangelical excellence to follow. Americans R. A. Torrey and Charles Finney and South African Andrew Murray were cut from the same cloth. From the classic writings of these revered saints, Lance Wubbels has edited and compiled the best of the best of their inspirational insights into this 365-day devotional. Verse by verse through the Gospel of John, readers will gain an unforgettable understanding of the life, words, and ministry of Jesus Christ. Here is a one-year devotional that is packed with profound biblical commentary, brilliant wisdom, and practical application that will enrich readers and be read for a lifetime.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Die Physiologie Der Säugetiere Und Anderer Wirbeltiere

    Die Physiologie Der Säugetiere Und Anderer Wirbeltiere

    P. T. Marshall

    Folgenden Verlagen und Autoren mochten wir an dieser Stelle fur die Erlaubnis danken, Abbildungen zu reproduzieren und zu verandern: J. und A. Churchill Ltd. fur Abb. 66 aus Winton und Bayliss: Human Physiology und den gleichen Herausgebern zusammen mit Prof. M. de B. Daly fur Abb. 42 aus: The Principles 0/ Human Physiology, 13. Aufl.; G. Harrap und Co Ltd. fur Abb. 41 nach R. B. Whellock: General Biology; William Heinemann Ltd. fur die Abbildungen 22,25,28,29,31, 32, 33 und 51 aus Dr. G. M. Hughes: Comparative Physiology 0/ Vertebrate Respiration; ebenfalls fur Abb. 27 aus Dr. P. Clegg und A. G. Clegg: Biology 0/ the Mammal; und den gleichen Herausgebern zusammen mit Dr. A. P. M. Lockwood fur Abb. 69. aus: Animal Fluids and Their Regulation; Livingstone Ltd. und Dr. G. S. Dawes fur seine Abbildung in der 13. Auflage von: The Textbook 0/ Physiology von Bell, Davidson und Scarborough als Grundlage fur Abb. 47d; Macmillan u. Co. Ltd. fur Abb. 8 aus: Human Anatomy von Hamil ton, Boyd und Mossman; der Oxford University Press und Prof. J. Z. Young fur die Abbil dungen 43,72,73,85,95 und 129 aus: The Life 0/ Mammals; John Wiley and Sons Inc. fur Abb. 149 aus Torrey: Morphogenesis 0/ Vertebrates. Ferner mochten wir danken der Scientific Research Society of America als Heraus geber des Americal Scientist fur Abb.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    Tunger av ild

    Tunger av ild: 40 dagers feiring av pinse : andaktsbok

    En 40 dagers feiring av pinsen der vi har tatt med undervisning av Guds trofaste menn og kvinner, både klassiske og moderne forfattere, der de beskriver den mirakuløse kraften som er tilgjengelig gjennom Guds gave ved den Hellige Ånd. DU VIL FINNE UTDRAG FRA: Smith Wigglesworth John G. Lake Bill Johnson Aimee Semple McPherson Maria Woodworth-Etter Andrew Murray Joshua Mills R. A. Torrey John Wesley D. L MOODY Guillermo Maldonado James W. Goll Myles Munroe CHARLES SPURGEON OG MANGE ANDRE! La denne samlingen av karismatiske klassiske skrifter hjelpe deg å feire de iltre tunger av ild som karakteriserer den Hellige Ånds komme på Pinsedag, og bli fylt på ny med det kraftfulle nærværet av Gud.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2022

    Norsk Bokmål


    Shadowman Deluxe Edition Book 2

    Shadowman Deluxe Edition Book 2

    Peter Milligan

    Comics icon Peter Milligan (Hellblazer) joins visionary artists Roberto De La Torre (THE DEATH-DEFYING DR. MIRAGE), Valentine de Landro (Bitch Planet), Robert Gill (BOOK OF DEATH) and many more for the oversized hardcover collection concluding the bone-chilling series Bloody Disgusting calls "the perfect cauldron of mystery."When a troubled young man with a history of violence and a penchant for blackouts meets an overwhelming source of power with a mystical scythe, the results are doomed to be destructive. A voodoo loa has possessed Jack Boniface - or so he believes. But after Jack awakens in an alleyway covered in blood, he embarks on a journey across lands of shadows and death to discover if he can expel the dark force that's seized control of his life...and which may be responsible for a violent rampage throughout New Orleans...Featuring an anthology of tales from a roster of all-star creators - including Jim Zub (Skullkickers), Ales Kot (DEAD DROP), Christopher Sebela (Captain Marvel), and Duffy Boudreau (BLOODSHOT AND H.A.R.D. CORPS) - that push the outer bounds of the world of Shadowman further than ever before, this prestige-sized deluxe hardcover also comes jam-packed with 20+ pages of rarely seen bonus materials and special features!Collecting SHADOWMAN #11-16, the never-before reprinted SHADOWMAN #13X, SHADOWMAN: END TIMES #1-3 and PUNK MAMBO #0.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    If You Dare

    If You Dare

    A. R. Torre

    The rules are the same. I can't open the door. I can't leave. I can't kill anyone.The only difference is, I don't set the rules anymore. Guards in grey uniforms do. It is everything I never wanted and everything I always deserved. I write to you now, from a prison cell. My home for the next twenty to thirty years.That's the going term for murder.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Model Predictive Control of Microgrids

    Model Predictive Control of Microgrids

    Carlos Bordons, Felix Garcia-Torres, Miguel A. Ridao

    The authors provide a modular simulator to be run in MATLAB/Simulink (R), for readers to create their own microgrids using the blocks supplied, in order to replicate the examples provided in the book and to develop and validate control algorithms on existing or projected microgrids.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


    The Student's Introduction to Mathematica and the Wolfram Language

    The Student's Introduction to Mathematica and the Wolfram Language

    Virginia) Torrence Bruce F. (Randolph-Macon College, Virginia) Torrence Eve A. (Randolph-Macon College

    The unique feature of this compact student's introduction to Mathematica (R) and the Wolfram Language (TM) is that the order of the material closely follows a standard mathematics curriculum. As a result, it provides a brief introduction to those aspects of the Mathematica (R) software program most useful to students. Used as a supplementary text, it will help bridge the gap between Mathematica (R) and the mathematics in the course, and will serve as an excellent tutorial for former students. There have been significant changes to Mathematica (R) since the second edition, and all chapters have now been updated to account for new features in the software, including natural language queries and the vast stores of real-world data that are now integrated through the cloud. This third edition also includes many new exercises and a chapter on 3D printing that showcases the new computational geometry capabilities that will equip readers to print in 3D.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Indigenous Education : A Learning Journey for Teachers, Schools and Communities

    Indigenous Education : A Learning Journey for Teachers, Schools and Communities

    Shirley R. Steinberg

    Education is an essential pathway to bridging the divide in educational attainment between Indigenous and non- Indigenous students. In the Australian policy contexts, Indigenous Education has been informed by a large number of reviews, reports and an extensive list of projects aimed at improving educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Central to each has been the investigation of the inequity of access to educational resources, the legacy of historical policies of exclusion and the lack of culturally responsive pedagogical practices that impact on Indigenous student achievement at school. Research on best practice models for teaching Indigenous students points to the level of teachers’ commitment being a crucial link to student engagement in the classroom, improvement of student self concept and student retention rates. Most recently, the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) has recognized in the National Professional Standards for Teachers, that practising teachers must attain skills in working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and their communities. Clearly it is time for new pedagogical practices in Indigenous education that are implemented in partnerships with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. This book reports on a three-year research based study of action learning in schools that sought to enhance engagement with local Aboriginal communities, promote quality teaching and improve students’ learning outcomes. The school studies come from different demographic regions in New South Wales, Australia’s most populous state and showcase the achievements and challenges; highs and lows; affordances and obstacles in the development and delivery of innovative curriculum strategies for teaching Aboriginal histories and cultures in Australian schools. The findings illustrate that engaging teachers in a learning journey in collaboration with academic partners and members of local Aboriginal communities in an action learning process, can deliver innovative teaching programs over a sustained period of time. As a result schools demonstrated that these approaches do produce positive educational outcomes for teachers and students and enable authentic partnerships with Aboriginal communities.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål




    Ben Fong-Torres

    Formed in 1969 by ex-members of Frank Zappa's Mothers of Invention, Little Feat created groove-heavy music that was an irresistible mix of rock, blues, R&B, country, jazz, soul, and funk. Fronted by the doomed, enigmatic, and charismatic vocalist and slide guitarist Lowell George, they recorded such classic studio albums as Sailin'shoes and Dixie Chicken , as well as what many consider to be one of the best live albums of all time: Waiting for Columbus . After George's tragic death in 1979 and a long period of silence, the band later re-formed in 1987, delighting concert crowds with tight renditions of their beloved songs, including their signature outlaw trucker anthem "Willin'."Acclaimed journalist Ben Fong-Torres, working with surviving band members and their friends and associates, has based Willin' on hours of brand-new interviews with all the key players, resulting in the definitive, first-ever biography of this beloved rock 'n' roll institution.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    The Tattooed Heart: A Messenger of Fear Novel

    The Tattooed Heart: A Messenger of Fear Novel

    Michael Grant

    `Be afraid ... this book gave me chill after chill' - R. L. Stine on Messenger of Fear.I wanted to touch the boy who was not to be touched.The Messenger of Fear exists to punish the wicked, to restore balance in a world where evil seems to be everywhere. He offers sinners one terrible choice: play . . . or pay? If you win the game, you can go free. But if you lose, you must live out your greatest fear.His assistant, Mara is still adjusting to her role. She must face the worst horrors of intolerance, cruelty and injustice: she, as much as any of the people Messenger pursues, is being punished. But Mara has secret feelings for Messenger, and they're threatening to overpower her. As she learns more about his tragic past, she must make her own choice: how far will she go to gain her heart's desire?This enthralling sequel to Messenger of Fear promises just as many heart stopping moments as its predecessor. These books contain all the thrills and surprises that you know to expect from the Man who brought you the GONE series. Fans of Tom Hoyle's Thirteen will love this.Look out for Michael's latest intense thriller, Front Lines.Praise for GONE: `These are exciting, high-tension stories told in a driving, torrential narrative that never lets up ... This is great fiction.' Stephen King.Michael Grant has lived an exciting, fast-paced life. He moved in with his wife Katherine after only 24 hours. He has co-authored over 160 books but promises that everything he writes is like nothing you've ever read before!

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    A Latin American Music Reader: Views from the South

    A Latin American Music Reader: Views from the South

    Javier F. LeA(3)n and Helena Simonett curate a collection of essential writings from the last twenty-five years of Latin American music studies. Chosen as representative, outstanding, and influential in the field, each article appears in English translation. A detailed new introduction by LeA(3)n and Simonett both surveys and contextualizes the history of Latin American ethnomusicology, opening the door for readers energized by the musical forms brought and nurtured by immigrants from throughout Latin America. Contributors: Marina Alonso BolaA+/-os, JosA (c) Jorge de Carvalho, Maria IgnAz Cruz Mello, Gonzalo Camacho DA az, Claudio F. DA az, Rodrigo Cantos Savelli Gomes, Juan Pablo GonzA!lez, Javier F. LeA(3)n, RubA (c)n LA(3)pez Cano, Angela LA1/4hning, Jorge MartA nez Ulloa, Julio MendA vil, Carlos MiA+/-ana Blasco, RaAl R. Romero, IA+/-igo SA!nchez Fuarros, Carlos Sandroni, Carolina SantamarA a Delgado, Helena Simonett, Rodrigo Torres Alvarado, and Alejandro Vera.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket ·



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