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Viser resultat for 'Psychology Press'

    - Signifying Identities Anthropological Perspectives on Boundaries and Contested Identities

    - Signifying Identities Anthropological Perspectives on Boundaries and Contested Identities

    Psychology Press

    This collection of extended papers examines the ways in which relations between national, ethnic, religious and gender groups are underpinned by each group's perceptions of their distinctive identities and of the nature of the boundaries which divide them. Questions of frontier and identity are theorised with reference to the Maori, Australian aborigines and Celtic groups.<br>The theoretical arguments and ethnographic perspectives of this book place it at the cutting edge of contemporary anthropological scholarship on identity, with respect to the study of ethnicity, nationalism, localism, gender and indigenous peoples. It will be of value to scholars and students of social and cultural anthropology, human geography and social psychology.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2000

    kr 200
    kr 200

    Energy Psychology Journal, 8: 2

    Energy Psychology Journal, 8: 2

    Dawson Church

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Energy Psychology Press) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Cognitive Neuropsychology Volume 5 Number 1

    Cognitive Neuropsychology Volume 5 Number 1

    Giuseppe Sartori

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Psychology Press Ltd) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1988



    Flexibility In Europe

    Flexibility In Europe

    Peter (EDT) Reilly

    Flexibility is currently a fashionable concept used in different ways and for different purposes, and it is a term which is much in use in both political and organisational circles. But what does it mean? How is it put into effect? This special edition of the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology addresses these questions in the macro context of the labour market as a whole, but especially at the workplace. It looks at the different types of flexible work arrangement and their incidence across Europe. It considers the motivation of management in introducing these ideas and how the regulatory, and cultural, environment within their country affects employer decisions. Employers also have to respond to the constant flux of economic conditions and the competitive state of the market. Another significant factor in their behaviour is technology, which together with these business pressures, is driving organisations to adopt ever more flexible ways of working. We have one chapter that examines this changing world of work. But what of employees? They have their own interest in flexibility - to match lifestyle preferences and to meet domestic responsibilities.However, though some employers try to accommodate these aspirations, often flexibility is enforced rather than embraced. One of the journal articles suggests a means by which flexibility can be negotiated to meet mutual needs. The journal addresses such issues as whether flexibility is a peculiarly Anglo-American project, made possible through deregulation of the labour market, or whether it exists in different forms but to a comparable extent in other parts of Europe. What are the conflicts between governmental regulation of the labour market in such countries as Germany and France and organisations' (especially multinational organizations) desires for greater flexibility? What are the implications of flexible contracts for Human Resource Management? What are its likely effects on employee morale and organisational commitment? What new HR knowledge, skills, and processes are required? What are the cultural differences across Europe that will profoundly affect the nature of the answers to these questions?

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1998



    EFT for Back Pain

    EFT for Back Pain

    Ph.D. Church Dawson

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Energy Psychology Press) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    EFT for PTSD

    EFT for PTSD

    Ph.D. Church Dawson

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Energy Psychology Press) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Eft Level 2 Comprehensive Training Resource

    Eft Level 2 Comprehensive Training Resource

    Ann Adams

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Energy Psychology Press) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011



    The EFT Manual

    The EFT Manual

    Dawson Church

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Energy Psychology Press) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013



    EFT for Sports Performance

    EFT for Sports Performance

    Jessica A. Howard

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Energy Psychology Press) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    Cognitive Neuroscience

    Cognitive Neuroscience

    Jamie (EDT) Ward

    Standing at the junction of psychology, neuroscience, and biology, cognitive neuroscience seeks to provide brain-based accounts of mental functions such as language, memory, perception, action, emotions, and decision-making. Its emergence as a coherent discipline came about relatively recently through the amalgamation of techniques that had already been in existence (such as research into the effects of brain lesion on cognition, and electrical recordings of the brain) with newly established techniques (principally brain-imaging methods), originally developed for medical diagnostic purposes. As cognitive neuroscience flourishes as never before, this new title in Psychology Press's Major Works series, Critical Concepts in Psychology, meets the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of the subject's already vast literature and the continuing explosion in research output. Edited by a prominent scholar, and the author of the field's leading student textbook, Cognitive Neuroscience is a four-volume collection of foundational and contemporary contributions.The four volumes are divided into eight principal sections: History, Methods, and Key Concepts; Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience; Perception and Attention; Action; Learning and Memory; Language; Executive Functions and Decision-Making; and Emotions and Social Neuroscience. The collection is also fully indexed and has a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editors, which places the collected material in its historical, intellectual, and practical context. It is an essential work of reference and is destined to be valued by scholars and students of cognitive neuroscience as a vital one-stop research tool.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2009



    Patterns of Attachment

    Patterns of Attachment

    USA) Ainsworth Mary D. Salter (University of Virginia, Mary C. Blehar, USA) Waters Everett (Stony Brook University, Sally N. Wall

    Ethological attachment theory is a landmark of 20th century social and behavioral sciences theory and research. This new paradigm for understanding primary relationships across the lifespan evolved from John Bowlby's critique of psychoanalytic drive theory and his own clinical observations, supplemented by his knowledge of fields as diverse as primate ethology, control systems theory, and cognitive psychology. By the time he had written the first volume of his classic Attachment and Loss trilogy, Mary D. Salter Ainsworth's naturalistic observations in Uganda and Baltimore, and her theoretical and descriptive insights about maternal care and the secure base phenomenon had become integral to attachment theory. Patterns of Attachment reports the methods and key results of Ainsworth's landmark Baltimore Longitudinal Study. Following upon her naturalistic home observations in Uganda, the Baltimore project yielded a wealth of enduring, benchmark results on the nature of the child's tie to its primary caregiver and the importance of early experience. It also addressed a wide range of conceptual and methodological issues common to many developmental and longitudinal projects, especially issues of age appropriate assessment, quantifying behavior, and comprehending individual differences. In addition, Ainsworth and her students broke new ground, clarifying and defining new concepts, demonstrating the value of the ethological methods and insights about behavior.Today, as we enter the fourth generation of attachment study, we have a rich and growing catalogue of behavioral and narrative approaches to measuring attachment from infancy to adulthood. Each of them has roots in the Strange Situation and the secure base concept presented in Patterns of Attachment. It inclusion in the Psychology Press Classic Editions series reflects Patterns of Attachment's continuing significance and insures its availability to new generations of students, researchers, and clinicians.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    How to Perform Under Pressure

    How to Perform Under Pressure

    Hendrie Weisinger, J. P. Pawliw-Fry

    The New York Times bestseller that draws on research from over 12,000 individuals to explain what makes people 'choke' under pressure and show you how to develop nerves of steel'An unusually sharp account of work and performing under pressure' Financial TimesNobody performs better under pressure. The reality is that pressure only makes you do worse. But there are things you can do to diminish its effects on your performance. In How to Perform Under Pressure, Hendrie Weisinger and J. P. Pawliw-Fry explore the science and psychology behind pressure and give empirically tested short-term and long-term solutions to help you overcome its debilitating effects.The book draws on research from more than 12,000 people and features the latest studies from neuroscience and from the frontline experiences of Fortune 500 employees and managers. It explains what makes people 'choke' under pressure and includes 22 strategies you can use to excel in whatever you do.Whether you have an important presentation to make or an Olympic record to beat, How to Perform Under Pressure will help you to do your best when it matters most.'A wonderful mix of empirical studies and first hand accounts that show how pressure impacts our personal and professional lives' Forbes'All too often, we choke or crumble under pressure. This book reveals how we can develop nerves of steel' Adam Grant, professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Stress The Psychology of Managing Pressure

    Stress The Psychology of Managing Pressure

    DK null

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Dorling Kindersley Ltd) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Knowledge: A Very Short Introduction

    Knowledge: A Very Short Introduction

    Jennifer (Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto) Nagel

    What is knowledge? How does it differ from mere belief? Do you need to be able to justify a claim in order to count as knowing it? How can we know that the outer world is real and not a dream?Questions like these are ancient ones, and the branch of philosophy dedicated to answering them - epistemology - has been active for thousands of years. In this thought-provoking Very Short Introduction, Jennifer Nagel considers these classic questions alongside new puzzles arising from recent discoveries about humanity, language, and the mind. Nagel explains the formation of major historical theories of knowledge, and shows how contemporary philosophers have developed new ways ofunderstanding knowledge, using ideas from logic, linguistics, and psychology. Covering topics ranging from relativism and the problem of scepticism to the trustworthiness of internet sources, Nagel examines how progress has been made in understanding knowledge, using everyday examples to explain the key issuesand debates ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

    3.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    kr 70
    kr 70

    Dyslexia: A Very Short Introduction

    Dyslexia: A Very Short Introduction

    and President of St. John's College) Snowling Margaret J. (CBE Professor in the Department of Experimental Psychology University of Oxford

    Since dyslexia was first described in the British Medical Journal in 1896, there has been debate about the definitions and diagnostic procedures used, with some casting doubt on its very existence. However, there is now a considerable body of research regarding the nature and characteristics of this relatively common learning disorder. The contemporary view of dyslexia has emerged from a century of research in medicine, psychology and more recently neuroscience, andwe now understand enough about this learning disorder to guide policy and practice.This Very Short Introduction provides an accessible overview of this exciting field of research, beginning with its history, and drawing on testimony from people living with dyslexia. Considering the potential causes of dyslexia, and looking at both genetic and environment factors, Margaret Snowling shows how cross-linguistic studies have documented the prevalence of dyslexia in different languages. Discussing the various brain scanning techniques that have been used to find out if thebrains of people with dyslexia differ in structure or function from those of typical readers, Snowling moves on to weigh up various strategies and interventions which can help people living with dyslexia today.ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Sources of Power

    Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions

    Gary Klein

    Anyone who watches the television news has seen images of firefighters rescuing people from burning buildings and paramedics treating bombing victims. How do these individuals make the split-second decisions that save lives? Most studies of decision making, based on artificial tasks assigned in laboratory settings, view people as biased and unskilled. Gary Klein is one of the developers of the naturalistic decision making approach, which views people as inherently skilled and experienced. It documents human strengths and capabilities that so far have been downplayed or ignored.Since 1985, Klein has conducted fieldwork to find out how people tackle challenges in difficult, nonroutine situations. Sources of Power is based on observations of humans acting under such real-life constraints as time pressure, high stakes, personal responsibility, and shifting conditions. The professionals studied include firefighters, critical care nurses, pilots, nuclear power plant operators, battle planners, and chess masters. Each chapter builds on key incidents and examples to make the description of the methodology and phenomena more vivid. In addition to providing information that can be used by professionals in management, psychology, engineering, and other fields, the book presents an overview of the research approach of naturalistic decision making and expands our knowledge of the strengths people bring to difficult tasks.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1998


    kr 180
    kr 180

    Sport Psychology

    Sport Psychology

    USA) Gallucci Nicholas T. (Western Connecticut State University

    Sport Psychology, 2nd Edition provides a synthesis of the major topics in sport psychology with an applied focus and an emphasis on achieving optimal performance. After exploring the history of sport psychology, human motivation, and the role of exercise, there are three main sections to the text: Performance Enhancement, Performance Inhibition, and Individuals and Teams.The first of these sections covers topics such as anxiety, routines, mental imagery, self-talk, enhancing concentration, relaxation, goals, and self-confidence. The section on Performance Inhibition includes chapters on choking under pressure, self-handicapping, procrastination, perfectionism, helplessness, substance abuse, and disruptive personality factors. While much of the information presented is universally applicable, individual differences based on gender, ethnicity, age, and motivation are emphasized in the concluding section on Individuals and Teams.Throughout, there are case studies of well-known athletes from a variety of sports to illustrate topics that are being explored.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    kr 200
    kr 200

    Quantitative Social Science

    Quantitative Social Science

    Kosuke Imai

    An introductory textbook on data analysis and statistics written especially for students in the social sciences and allied fields Quantitative analysis is an increasingly essential skill for social science research, yet students in the social sciences and related areas typically receive little training in it--or if they do, they usually end up in statistics classes that offer few insights into their field. This textbook is a practical introduction to data analysis and statistics written especially for undergraduates and beginning graduate students in the social sciences and allied fields, such as economics, sociology, public policy, and data science. Quantitative Social Science engages directly with empirical analysis, showing students how to analyze data using the R programming language and to interpret the results--it encourages hands-on learning, not paper-and-pencil statistics. More than forty data sets taken directly from leading quantitative social science research illustrate how data analysis can be used to answer important questions about society and human behavior.Proven in the classroom, this one-of-a-kind textbook features numerous additional data analysis exercises and interactive R programming exercises, and also comes with supplementary teaching materials for instructors. * Written especially for students in the social sciences and allied fields, including economics, sociology, public policy, and data science* Provides hands-on instruction using R programming, not paper-and-pencil statistics* Includes more than forty data sets from actual research for students to test their skills on* Covers data analysis concepts such as causality, measurement, and prediction, as well as probability and statistical tools* Features a wealth of supplementary exercises, including additional data analysis exercises and interactive programming exercises* Offers a solid foundation for further study* Comes with additional course materials online, including notes, sample code, exercises and problem sets with solutions, and lecture slides

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    kr 150

    Innbundet · 2017

    kr 250

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 150

    Microeconomics: A Very Short Introduction

    Microeconomics: A Very Short Introduction

    Avinash K. Dixit

    Microeconomics - individuals' choices of where to live and work, how much to save, what to buy, and firms' decisions about location, hiring, firing, and investment - involves issues that concern us on a daily basis. But when people think about economics, they tend to place importance on the bigger picture - macroeconomics - including issues such as unemployment, inflation, and the competitiveness of nations. In this Very Short Introduction, Avinash Dixit argues that the microeconomy has a large impact on the economic world, arguably as much as the issues of macroeconomics. Dixit steers a clear path through the huge number of issues related to microeconomics, explaining what happens when things go well, as well as showing how they fail, why that happens, and what can be done about it. Using real-life examples from around the world, using the minimum of mathematics and including simple graphs, he provides insights into economics from psychology and sociology to explain economic behaviour and rational choice. An ideal introduction for anyone interested in businessand economics. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    kr 20
    kr 20

    Handbook of Self-Determination Research

    Handbook of Self-Determination Research

    Over the past twenty years an increasing number of researchers from various universities have been investigating motivational issues underlying the self-regulation of behavior. Using either Self-Determination Theory or closely related theoretical perspectives, these researchers have performed laboratory experiments, as well as field studies in a variety of real-world settings, including education, work, parenting, health care, sport, and protection of the environment. In April 1999 thirty of these researchers convened at the University of Rochester to present their work, share ideas, and discuss future research directions. The Handbook of Self-Determination Research is an outgrowth of that important and fascinating conference. It summarizes the research programs of these social, personality, clinical, developmental, and applied psychologists who have a shared belief in the importance of self-determination for understanding basic motivational processes and for solving pressing real-world problems. Eighteen chapters, including an overview of self-determination theory, present the current state of the research in this scientifically rigorous, yet highly relevant, approach to studying motivational problems in various life domains. Researchers from eighteen universities in the United States, Canada, and Germany present concise and up-to-date accounts of their research programs concerned with the self-determination of human behavior. In these chapters, scholars also consider the relevance of the research on self-determination to other areas of inquiry such as coping, self-esteem, and interest. Edward L. Deci and Richard Ryan are professors of psychology in the University of Rochester's Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004



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