Democratic Deficit: Critical Citizens Revisited
Many fear that democracies are suffering from a legitimacy crisis. This book focuses on 'democratic deficits', reflecting how far the perceived democratic performance of any state diverges from public expectations. Pippa Norris examines the symptoms by comparing system support in more than fifty societies worldwide, challenging the pervasive claim that most established democracies have experienced a steadily rising tide of political disaffection during the third-wave era. The book diagnoses the reasons behind the democratic deficit, including demand (rising public aspirations for democracy), information (negative news about government) and supply (the performance and structure of democratic regimes). Finally, Norris examines the consequences for active citizenship, for governance and, ultimately, for democratization. This book provides fresh insights into major issues at the heart of comparative politics, public opinion, political culture, political behavior, democratic governance, political psychology, political communications, public policymaking, comparative sociology, cross-national survey analysis and the dynamics of the democratization process.
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Radical Right
During recent decades, radical right parties have been surging in popularity in many nations, gaining legislative seats, enjoying the legitimacy endowed by ministerial office, and striding the corridors of government power. The popularity of leaders such as Le Pen, Haider, and Fortuyn has aroused widespread popular concern and a burgeoning scholarly literature. Despite the interest, little consensus has emerged about the primary factors driving this phenomenon. The puzzle is to explain why radical right parties have advanced in a diverse array of democracies - including in Austria, Canada, Norway, France, Italy, New Zealand, Switzerland, Israel, Romania, Russia, and Chile - while failing to make comparable gains in similar societies elsewhere, such as in Sweden, Britain, and the United States. This book, first published in 2005, expands our understanding of support for radical right parties through presenting an integrated new theory which is then tested systematically using a wealth of cross-national survey evidence covering almost forty countries.
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Why Electoral Integrity Matters
This book is the first in a planned trilogy by Pippa Norris on challenges of electoral integrity to be published by Cambridge University Press. Unfortunately too often elections around the globe are deeply flawed or even fail. Why does this matter? It is widely suspected that such contests will undermine confidence in elected authorities, damage voting turnout, trigger protests, exacerbate conflict, and occasionally lead to regime change. Well-run elections, by themselves, are insufficient for successful transitions to democracy. But flawed, or even failed, contests are thought to wreck fragile progress. Is there good evidence for these claims? Under what circumstances do failed elections undermine legitimacy? With a global perspective, using new sources of data for mass and elite evidence, this book provides fresh insights into these major issues.
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Democratic phoenix
Conventional wisdom suggests that citizens in many countries have become disengaged from the traditional channels of political participation. Commentators highlight warning signs including sagging electoral turnout, rising anti-party sentiment, and the decay of civic organizations. But are these concerns justified? This book, first published in 2002, compares systematic evidence for electoral turnout, party membership, and civic activism in countries around the world and suggests good reasons to question assumptions of decline. Not only is the obituary for older forms of political activism premature, but new forms of civic engagement may have emerged in modern societies to supplement traditional modes. The process of societal modernization and rising levels of human capital are primarily responsible, although participation is also explained by the structure of the state, the role of agencies, and social inequalities.
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Why American Elections Are Flawed (And How to Fix Them)
Why American Elections Are Flawed (and How to Fix Them) describes several major challenges observed during the 2016 U.S. elections. Pippa Norris outlines the core concept and measure of electoral integrity, the key yardstick used by the Electoral Integrity Project to evaluate free and fair elections.
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Driving Democracy
Proposals for power-sharing constitutions remain controversial, as highlighted by current debates in Iraq, Afghanistan, Nepal, and Sudan. This book updates and refines the theory of consociationalism, taking account of the flood of contemporary innovations in power-sharing institutions that have occurred worldwide. The book classifies and compares four types of political institutions: the electoral system, parliamentary or presidential executives, unitary or federal states, and the structure and independence of the mass media. The study tests the potential advantages and disadvantages of each of these institutions for democratic governance. Cross-national time-series data concerning trends in democracy are analyzed for all countries worldwide since the early 1970s. Chapters are enriched by comparing detailed case studies. The mixed-method research design illuminates the underlying causal mechanisms by examining historical developments and processes of institutional change within particular nations and regions.
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Electoral Engineering: Voting Rules and Political Behavior
From Kosovo to Kabul, the last decade witnessed growing interest in ?electoral engineering?. Reformers have sought to achieve either greater government accountability through majoritarian arrangements or wider parliamentary diversity through proportional formula. Underlying the normative debates are important claims about the impact and consequences of electoral reform for political representation and voting behavior. The study compares and evaluates two broad schools of thought, each offering contracting expectations. One popular approach claims that formal rules define electoral incentives facing parties, politicians and citizens. By changing these rules, rational choice institutionalism claims that we have the capacity to shape political behavior. Alternative cultural modernization theories differ in their emphasis on the primary motors driving human behavior, their expectations about the pace of change, and also their assumptions about the ability of formal institutional rules to alter, rather than adapt to, deeply embedded and habitual social norms and patterns of human behavior.
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A Virtuous Circle: Political Communications in Postindustrial Societies
<p>Is the process of political communications by the news media and by parties responsible for civic malaise? A Virtuous Circle sets out to challenge the conventional wisdom that it is. Based on a comparative examination of the role of the news media and parties in 29 postindustrial societies, focusing in particular on Western Europe and the United States, this study argues that rather than mistakenly ‘blaming the messenger’ we need to understand and confront more deep-rooted flaws in systems of representative democracy. The book outlines appropriate standards for evaluating the performance of the news media and the methods available to study this issue. It also compares changes in the news media including the rise of the Internet and the development of post-modern election campaigns. Norris shows that although negative news can erode public support for specific policy issues, in general there is a consistently positive relationship between attention to the news media and political knowledge, trust and participation. For more information on the book, please visit the author’s website at</p>
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Sacred and Secular
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Framing Terrorism: The News Media, the Government, and the Public
Terrorism now dominates the headlines across the world-from New York to Kabul. Framing Terrorism argues that the headlines matter as much as the act, in political terms. Widely publicized terrorist incidents leave an imprint upon public opinion, muzzle the "watchdog" role of journalists and promote a general one-of-us consensus supporting security forces.
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Strengthening Electoral Integrity
Today a general mood of pessimism surrounds Western efforts to strengthen elections and democracy abroad. If elections are often deeply flawed or even broken in many countries around the world, can anything be done to fix them? To counter the prevailing ethos, Pippa Norris presents new evidence for why programs of international electoral assistance work. She evaluates the effectiveness of several practical remedies, including efforts designed to reform electoral laws, strengthen women's representation, build effective electoral management bodies, promote balanced campaign communications, regulate political money, and improve voter registration. Pippa Norris argues that it would be a tragedy to undermine progress by withdrawing from international engagement. Instead, the international community needs to learn the lessons of what works best to strengthen electoral integrity, to focus activities and resources upon the most effective programs, and to innovate after a quarter century of efforts to strengthen electoral integrity.
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Rising Tide: Gender Equality and Cultural Change Around the World
The twentieth century gave rise to profound changes in traditional sex roles. This study reveals how modernization has changed cultural attitudes towards gender equality and analyzes the political consequences. It systematically compares attitudes towards gender equality worldwide, comparing almost 70 nations, ranging from rich to poor, agrarian to postindustrial. This volume is essential reading to gain a better understanding of issues in comparative politics, public opinion, political behavior, development and sociology.
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Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics Worldwide Second Edition
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Comparing Democracies
This book provides you with a theoretical and comparative understanding of the major topics related to elections and voting behaviour. It explores important work taking place on new areas, whilst at the same time covering the key themes that you'll encounter throughout your studies. Edited by three leading figures in the field, the new edition brings together an impressive range of contributors and draws on a range of cases and examples from across the world. It now includes: New chapters on authoritarian elections and regime change, and electoral integrity A chapter dedicated to voting behaviour Increased emphasis on issues relating to the economy. Comparing Democracies, Fourth Edition will remain a must-read for students and lecturers of elections and voting behaviour, comparative politics, parties, and democracy.
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The Impact of Women in Public Office
""[A] well-integrated volume of the best known political scientists working on women and politics.... [It] includes contributions by leading scholars in the field, and provides a well-written and accessible overview of the impact of women in office atevery level..."" -- Pippa Norris, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University""This [book] will be the standard-bearer not simply because it contains most of the early research in the field but more importantly, because of
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Norsk Bokmål
Cultural Backlash
Authoritarian populist parties have advanced in many countries, and entered government in states as diverse as Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Switzerland. Even small parties can still shift the policy agenda, as demonstrated by UKIP's role in catalyzing Brexit. Drawing on new evidence, this book advances a general theory why the silent revolution in values triggered a backlash fuelling support for authoritarian-populist parties and leaders in the US and Europe. The conclusion highlights the dangers of this development and what could be done to mitigate the risks to liberal democracy.
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Making Democratic Governance Work
Is democratic governance good for economic prosperity? Does it accelerate progress towards social welfare and human development? Does it generate a peace-dividend and reduce conflict at home? Within the international community, democracy and governance are widely advocated as intrinsically desirable goals. Nevertheless, alternative schools of thought dispute their consequences and the most effective strategy for achieving critical developmental objectives. This book argues that both liberal democracy and state capacity need to be strengthened to ensure effective development, within the constraints posed by structural conditions. Liberal democracy allows citizens to express their demands, hold public officials to account and rid themselves of ineffective leaders. Yet rising public demands that cannot be met by the state generate disillusionment with incumbent officeholders, the regime, or ultimately the promise of liberal democracy ideals. Thus governance capacity also plays a vital role in advancing human security, enabling states to respond effectively to citizen's demands.
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Ting som blir borte
Nytt vakkert bildeboksamarbeid fra to nordiske mestere! Bosse har flyttet til Australia, og Aksel savner ham. Det er ikke så rart man begynner å tenke på ting som blir borte når man har mistet bestevennen sin. Morfar har mistet håret - og hukommelsen, mamma har mistet mormor og noen har stjålet sykkelen til pappa. Det hadde jammen vært greit om det fantes en butikk hvor man kunne kjøpe ting som er blitt borte. Men kanskje man kan finne noe annet når noe blir borte. En ny venn, for eksempel. Varmt og gjenkjennelig om savn, tap og vennskap - følelser som de fleste barn kommer borti. Passer fra 5 år.
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Norsk Bokmål
Ett sekund om gangen
"Jeg flykter, farer ned trappene til tross for at det ikke er noen som kan jage meg. Det er faktisk ingen. Alle er døde. Mamma er død. Pappa er død. Lillebroren min Ludvig er død. Og sannsynligvis alle andre også." Feberen har drept familien hennes og alle på skolen og i resten av samfunnet. Hedvig forlater alt. Hun må bort. Det ligger lik i gatene, og motorveien er full av bilvrak. Hun er ensom i verden. Eller fins det noen andre der ute? Frittstående serie, tre portretter, tre unike historier vevd sammen. «Ett sekund om » er første bok i serien. Sofia Nordin er en av Sveriges fremste barne- og ungdomsbokforfattere. "Ett sekund om gangen" ble nominert til Nordisk råds litteraturpris for barn og ungdom.
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Norsk Bokmål
I varje ögonblick är vi fortfarande vid liv
Nominerad till Nordiska rådets litteraturpris 2016. Belönad med Dagens Nyheters kulturpris 2016 "Tom Malmquist hugger tag i läsaren från första sidan i en stark och osentimental sorgebok". Tom och Karin väntar sitt första barn när Karin plötsligt insjuknar och måste föras till sjukhus. Barnet tas ut med kejsarsnitt och som i en mardröm springer Tom i kulvertarna under Karolinska sjukhuset, mellan intensivvårdsavdelningen och Neonatalen; mellan liv och död. När han återvänder hem är det utan Karin, ensam med ett spädbarn och en chockartad sorg. Några månader senare dör också hans egen pappa, som han hela sitt liv haft ett komplicerat förhållande till. "I varje ögonblick är vi fortfarande vid liv" är en rå och vacker bok om ett år som förändrade allt. En berättelse om förlust, föräldraskap och det liv vi lever, ögonblick för ögonblick. Tom Malmquist (född 1978) är poet. Han debuterade med den mycket uppmärksammade diktsamlingen "Sudden death", följt av "Fadersmjölken". "I varje ögonblick är vi fortfarande vid liv" är hans första prosaverk och belönades med DN:s kulturpris 2016, Karin Boyes litterära pris 2015, samt nominerades till Nordiska rådets litteraturpris 2016. Tom Malmquist tilldelades också stipendier från Stiftelsen Natur & Kultur och Albert Bonniers stipendiefond för svenska författare. »Jag har gjort mig av med teven, jag har sagt upp prenumerationerna på tidningarna, jag läser böckerna som du har köpt och funderar på understrykningarna som finns på var och varannan sida, jag ögnar bara som hastigast igenom nyheterna från TT i min telefon, knappt det klarar jag längre, jag hör skriken och jag hör mistlurarna, jag kan till och med bli rädd för en mindre skogsbrand tusentals mil bort och börjar genast föreställa mig hur fåglarna förkolnar i uppåtvindarna.« "Tom Malmquist har skrivit höstens bästa roman." Björn Wiman, Dagens Nyheter "Den här boken nästan golvade mig, jag sträckläste den medan hjärtat bultade, jag var nästan hypnotiserad. Malmquist tar ett järngrepp om läsaren och släpper inte förrän sista sidan, men knappt då, man lever kvar i den här berättelsen väldigt länge." Ingalill Mosander, SVT Go'kväll Personer i min närhet som lyft upp den här boken har inte kunnat lägga den ifrån sig. Det kommer inte heller du att kunna. Tom Malmquist har skrivit en av de mest hypnotiskt skrämmande kärleksskildringar jag läst. Hjärtslitande obarmhärtig. // Detta är en bok skriven inte bara i stark känsla utan också med brutal skicklighet. De första knappt hundra sidornas sjukhusinferno är som en enda utandning. Det finns inget då, inget sedan, bara nu. // det gör I varje ögonblick är vi fortfarande vid liv till en given kandidat till årets Augustpris Per Svensson, Sydsvenskan "Att läsa är att jaga efter Tom i korridorerna på Karolinska sjukhuset /.../ Även när den akuta berättelsen om döden saktar ner, rör sig fram och tillbaka i tiden och börjar lägga ett pussel av Tom och Karins liv tillsammans, så uppehåller den sig i ett akut nu /.../ Långsamt förstår man hur Toms och Karins kärlek har växt fram, och att det här är en berättelse om så mycket mer än chock och sorg, att det framför allt är en berättelse om livet. Det är också något av det mest osentimentala jag har läst." Malena Rydell, Dagens Nyheter "En av årets starkaste böcker." Linda Skugge, Amelia Omöjlig att värja sig mot... Det finns så mycket mänsklighet i den här boken. Lika dråplig och alldaglig som meningsmättad. Lika skitig som vacker. Hanna Nordenhök, Expressen Det är inte bara beundran, utan även förundran, jag känner inför Malmquists sätt att möta sorgen med språklig energi, att aldrig hemfalla åt en redan sliten bild av död, kärlek eller längtan att istället skriva fram, ge mig, såväl död som kärlek - men på sitt sätt. Skrivprocessen en djupt personlig kamp, en livskamp Anneli Dufva, Kulturnytt "'I varje ögonblick är vi fortfarande vid liv' tillhör det sårigaste, men mest poetiska som skrivits om bottenlös sorg." Anders Billing, Fokus En berättelse så tät och kompromisslös att den fullkomligt tar andan ur en.// I varje ögonblick är vi fortfarande vid liv blir så en rasande vacker sorgesång, en bön som trots att den vet allt om kärlekens orimliga pris, vänder sig mot det levande, blundar och tar emot det. Alexandra Kronqvist, Norrköpings tidningar "Jag läser i en enda inandning. Bläddrar mig fram och vågar inte andas ut igen förrän jag lägger boken ifrån mig." Hanna Jedvik, Göteborgs-Posten Jag tycker mycket om Malmquists språk. Han benämner saker exakt, väjer noga för de bombastiska formuleringarna. Händelseförloppet är dramatiskt nog. Han kan rasa fram i hatiska urladdningar och sedan stanna upp och beskriva en färgs sammansättning, almarnas frön som kallas virvelfrukter eller barnets amorbåge som liknar moderns. Han gör det med fin balans och en rytm som är hans egen. Cecilia Ekebjär, Gefle Dagblad "Sällan har jag slukat en roman så snabbt som Tom Malmquists prosadebut "I varje ögonblick är vi fortfarande vid liv". /.../ Frågan är hur jag nu ska toppa den här läsupplevelsen." Erik Segerpalm, Värmlands Folkblad "En makalöst gripande roman" Mats Olsson, Expressen "'I varje ögonblick är vi fortfarande vid liv' är en smärtsam bok på många sätt. Den fångar dödens definitiva kraft och kontrasterar den mot livets ömtåliga skönhet." Mattias Ahlén, Corren "Ett tidlöst drama." Ragnhild Oxhagen, Ölandsbladet "Gränslös sorg gestaltad med beundransvärd konstnärlig precision." Per Svensson, Vi läser Gränslös sorg gestaltad med beundransvärd konstnärlig precision. Per Svensson, Sydsvenskan
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