Oppgaveskriving og metode i helse- og sosialfag
Skal du gjennomføre et bachelor- eller masterprosjekt i helse- og sosialfag? Denne boken veileder deg gjennom hele prosessen, med råd om hvordan du kan lage en prosjektplan, utforme problemstillinger, velge og bruke egnede metoder – kvantitative, kvalitative og kombinasjoner, sikre at prosjektet er i tråd med etiske retningslinjer, organisere og styre skriveprosessen, analysere, argumentere, diskutere, konkludere og perspektivere, og bruke møtene med veileder godt, og gjennomføre prosjektet innenfor tidsrammen. Diana Astrup Nielsen og Thea Qvist Hjørnholm har begge lang erfaring med metodeundervisning og veiledning i helse- og sosialfag i høyere utdanning.De to er henholdsvis ergoterapeut og sykepleier. Peter Stray Jørgensen er spesialist på akademisk skriving og studieteknikk. Han har skrevet boken Den gode oppgaven, sammen med Lotte Rienecker. Det sterke forfatterteamet viser på en lett til gjengelig måte hvordan du håndterer alle sider ved det å gjennomføre et bachelor- og masterprosjekt.
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Norsk Bokmål
Den gode oppgave: Håndbog i oppgaveskrivning på videregående uddannelser
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Den gode opgave: håndbog i opgaveskrivning på videregående uddannelser
Hvordan får man lært at skrive en selvstændig opgave? Den gode opgave er en håndbog til opgaveskrivere ved humanistiske og samfundsvidenskabelige uddannelser og til deres lærere, vejledere og censorer. Bogen indeholder retningslinjer og gode råd om alt fra brug af litteratur, kilder, teorier, argumentation og metoder til selve skriveprocessen. Bogen bygger på international skriveforskning og på forfatternes store erfaring med at vejlede studerende ved Akademisk skrivecenter på Københavns Universitet.
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Notatteknik for universitetsstuderende: lyt, læs - notér - og skriv
Heftet gir rettningslinjer for forskjellige måter å ta notater på, så som undervisningsnotater, lesenotater og oppgavenotater, alt ettersom hva som er mest effektivt i studiesituasjonen. Har litteraturliste.
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Klart sprog i universitetsopgaver
Heftet gir retningslinjer for universitets- og høyskolestudenter i hvordan å skrive et funksjonelt og effektivt språk i oppgavebesvarelser, beskriver hva som regnes som godt språk i akademiske kretser og har en kortfattet oppsummering for revidering av språket i en tekst. Har litteraturliste.
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Formalia i universitetsopgaver: serviceafsnit, layout og typografi
Heftet tar for seg de formelle sidene ved oppgaveskrivning på universitetsnivå, så som layout, typografi, innledning, innholdsfortegnelser, litteraturlister, noter og bilag. Har litteraturliste.
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Studielæsning på videregående uddannelser
Hæftet instruerer i forskellige læsemåder tilpasset forskellige formål med læsningen: Overblikslæsning, skimning, selektiv læsning m.fl. Og der er gode råd til forskellige læsesituationer: Pensumlæsning, eksamenslæsning, læsning til undervisning og læsning til opgaveskrivning. Et af hæftets væsentligste pointer er at man aldrig skal begynde at læse en bog grundigt og fra side 1!
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Klart sprog: i opgaver på videderegående utdannelser
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Specielt om specialer: hovedsageligt om hovedoppgaver - koncentreret om kandidatafhandlinger
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Talegaver: mundtlig fremstilling for universitetsstuderende
Heftet beskriver de viktigste hjelpeteknikker og verktøy for studenter og andre som skal forberede en muntlig framstilling for en større gruppe tilhørere eller ved eksamensutspørringer. Har litteraturliste.
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Håndbok i oppgaveskriving på universitet og høyskole. 2. utgave, 6. opplag 2021.
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Norsk Bokmål
Att skriva en bra uppsats
Att skriva en bra uppsats är en mycket välstrukturerad handbok i uppsatsskrivning, från idéstadiet till färdig uppsats. Boken är även utmärkt att använda som uppslagsbok när man vid olika tillfällen fastnar i processen – vare sig det handlar om problemformulering, litteratursökning, själva skrivprocessen eller någon annan del av arbetet med att ta fram en korrekt och relevant text. Läs mer Denna 3:e upplaga är kraftigt omarbetad med nya modeller, diagram, mallar och exempel. Den är vidareutvecklad när det gäller uppsatsskrivandets grundläggande hörnstenar och lägger stort fokus på argumentation, dokumentation, utvärdering och metoder för litteratursökning som är centrala områden för uppsatsskrivaren. Bokens huvudteman är: - genrer och kvalitetskriterier - skrivprocesser vid självständiga uppsatser - mindre hemuppsatser – styrda uppsatser - problemformulering - litteratur- och informationssökning - källor till uppsatsen - empiri i uppsatsen - teori, metoder och tillvägagångssätt - uppsatsens disposition och argumentation - språkhantering - handledning Boken vänder sig till alla uppsatsskribenter inom högre utbildning, liksom deras lärare, handledare och andra som ska bedöma uppsatsen. Den riktar främst in sig på kandidat- och magisteruppsatser men kan med fördel användas vid andra, självständiga uppsatser. Om författarna Lotte Rienecker och Peter Stray Jørgensen är verksamma vid Köpenhamns universitet.
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X-factor By Peter David: The Complete Collection Volume 2
As X-Factor unloads their hopes, fears and darkest secrets to Doc Samson, Jamie Madrox decides to gather up his stray dupes. The trouble is, two don't want to go quietly: the married priest and the agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. And when Hydra comes calling, will Jamie become their secret weapon? With Mutant Town under siege thanks to the terrorist X-Cell, X-Factor races the clock to keep every former mutant from being imprisoned...what an awful time for the Isolationist to strike Then, after the events of Messiah Complex, X-Factor is a shambles.COLLECTING: X-Factor (2006) 13-24, 28-32; X-Factor: The Quick and the Dead One-Shot; X-Factor Special: Layla Miller One-Shot
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The deathless
From one of fantasy's biggest recent breakthrough authors comes an exciting, brand new series. The demons In the endless forests of the Wild, humanity scratches a living by the side of the great Godroads, paths of crystal that provide safe passage and hold back the infernal tide. Creatures lurk within the trees, watching, and plucking those who stray too far from safety. The Deathless In crystal castles held aloft on magical currents, seven timeless royal families reign, protecting humanity from the spread of the Wild and its demons. Born and reborn into flawless bodies, the Deathless are as immortal as the precious stones from which they take their names. For generations a fragile balance has held. And the damned House Sapphire, one of the ancient Deathless families, is riven by suspicion and madness. Whole villages are disappearing as the hunting expeditions holding the Wild at bay begin to fail. Then, when assassins strike, House Sapphire shatters. Nothing lasts forever. The Deathless is the first novel in an astonishing new series from Gemmell award-winning author Peter Newman.
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Robins and Chats
This authoritative handbook, part of the Helm Identification Guides series, looks in detail at the world's 170 species of robins and chats. This large family of small passerines was formerly considered to be part of the thrush family (Turdidae), but is now usually treated as a separate family, Muscicapidae, together with the Old World flycatchers. The vast majority of species are Eurasian or African, with only a handful of species straying into the New World or Australasia. The Australian Robins, although superficially similar, have long been regarded as a separate family. Robins and chats are a diverse family comprising both highly colourful and visible species, such as the robin-chats of Africa, as well as some of the most skulking and elusive birds, such as the shortwings of Asia. Many chats, such as the well-known Nightingale, are renowned songsters, and a good number are highly sought-after by world listers for their extreme rarity or simply because they are hard to see.This book discusses the identification and habits of these birds on a species-by-species basis, bringing together the very latest research with accurate range maps, more than 600 stunning colour photographs that illustrate age and racial plumage differences, and 64 superb colour plates by the internationally renowned artist, Chris Rose. This authoritative and sumptuous book will be an essential purchase for all chat enthusiasts, and will become the standard reference on the subject for many years to come.
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The Abyss Beyond Dreams
The first volume in the Chronicles of the Fallers, The Abyss Beyond Dreams by Peter F. Hamilton, is an exceptional novel exploring the mystery at the heart of the Commonwealth Universe. Fitting between the events of the Commonwealth Saga and the Void Trilogy, The Abyss Beyond Dreams is the first in an expansive duology, from the master of space opera.To save their civilization he must destroy it . . . When images of a lost civilization are 'dreamed' by a self-proclaimed prophet of the age, Nigel Sheldon, inventor of wormhole technology and creator of the Commonwealth society, is asked to investigate. Especially as the dreams seem to be coming from the Void - a mysterious area of living space monitored and controlled because of its hugely destructive capabilities. With it being the greatest threat to the known universe, Nigel is committed to finding out what really lies within the Void and if there's any truth to the visions they've received. Does human life really exist inside its boundary?But when Nigel crash lands inside the Void, on a planet he didn't even know existed, he finds so much more than he expected. Bienvenido: a world populated by the ancestors of survivors from Commonwealth colony ships that disappeared centuries ago. Since then they've been fighting an increasingly desperate battle against the Fallers, a space-born predator artificially evolved to conquer worlds. Their sole purpose is to commit genocide against every species they encounter. With their powerful telepathic lure - that tempts any who stray across their path to a slow and painful death - they are by far the greatest threat to humanity's continued existence on this planet.But Nigel soon realizes that the Fallers also hold the key to something he'd never hoped to find - the destruction of the Void itself. If only he can survive long enough to work out how to use it . . .Continue the adventure with the second in the duology, Night Without Stars.
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Written by an international, interdisciplinary team of physicians, veterinarians, virologists, medical microbiologists, and parasitologists, Zoonoses: Infectious Diseases Transmissible from Animals to Humans covers zoonotic pathogens as agents of emergence and reemergence of zoonotic diseases, opportunistic zoonotic infections, risks of iatrogenic transmission and xenotransplantation, imported zoonotic infections, food-borne zoonoses, transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, and of warfare. Zoonoses is a valuable physician's reference that covers all aspects of epidemiology, diagnosis and differential diagnosis as well as therapy and prophylaxis of zoonotic diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi.Zoonoses are a persistent threat to the global human healthToday, more than 200 diseases occurring in humans and animals are known to be mutually transmitted. Classical infectious diseases, such as rabies, plague, and yellow fever, have not been eradicated despite major efforts.New zoonotic diseases are on the increase due global conditions such as overpopulation, wars, and food scarcity, which facilitate human contact with rodents, stray animals, and their parasites. In addition, humans are unwittingly becoming accidental hosts and new links in an infectious chain by engaging in activities such as survival training, which involves camping in open areas and consumption of raw or insufficiently cooked food. Zoonotic infections cause a variety of symptoms that often do not provide clear evidence of a known disease. Zoonoses, Fourth Edition, describes most occurring worldwide zoonosis and facilitates the identification, diagnosis and treatment of zoonotic infections. Written by a team of doctors, medical microbiologists and veterinarians, this completely, revised edition covers all aspects of the epidemiology and prevention of zoonotic diseases through clear descriptions of various illnesses. Specifically, this fourth edition covers zoonosis caused by* viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites* infections caused by animal bites* infections and intoxications by animal foods* Iatrogenic transmission of zoonotic pathogensZoonoses is an indispensable reference for clinicians and laboratorians.
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Peter Rabbit: A Winter’s Tale
"Can I help Peter collect firewood, Father?" Benjamin asked. "Very well," Said old Mr. Bunny, "But don't stray too far. They say Mr. Tod is about." This seasonal story is perfect for a winter's night, in a beautifully-designed gift edition. It's the perfect present for little ones during the colder months!A wintry tale based on Beatrix Potter's The Tale of Mr Tod. This fresh imagining takes some of the most-loved Beatrix Potter characters on a seasonal adventure through a snowy forest. In this tale of mischief and bravery, will Peter and Benjamin save the day - and manage to stay clear of the terrible Mr Tod?
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Religion and Art in the Heart of Modern Manhattan
"When you're in New York" the sculptor Louise Nevelson once said, "you're in perpetual resurrection." She might have said the same thing about St. Peter's Lutheran Church, set in the heart of midtown Manhattan. In the 1970s the church made a radical move, scrapping its neo-gothic building for a sleek modern structure in the shadow of a skyscraper. The transformation was not just architectural. Inside, Nevelson created a shimmering chapel, while over the years artists and designers such as Willem de Kooning, Kiki Smith, and Massimo and Lella Vignelli produced works for the sanctuary. This fusion of modern art, architecture, and design was complemented by an innovative jazz ministry, including funerals for Billy Strayhorn and John Coltrane, and performances by Duke Ellington and other jazz legends. For the first time, this volume examines the astounding cultural output of this single church. Just as importantly, the story of St. Peter's serves as a springboard for wider reflections on the challenges and possibilities which arise when religion and art intersect in the modern city. Working from a wide range of disciplines, including art history, theology, musicology, and cultural studies, a distinguished group of scholars demonstrate that this church at the center of New York City deserves an equally central place in contemporary scholarship.
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Believe Me
The new thriller from the bestselling author of The Girl Before.
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