Motiverende intervju: samtaler om endring
4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Kognitiv terapi i behandling av rusmiddelproblemer: Motivasjon, beslutningstaking og gjennomføring av endring
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Endringsfokusert rådgivning
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Encounters with American Culture
This collection of essays discusses some of the important books, authors, and literary trends of a volatile era in American and world literature whose cultural repercussions are still being felt. Peter S. Prescott was one of the most penetrating, knowledgeable, and sensitive critics to write for a general audience in the tradition of Edmund Wilson. Readers will discover not only Prescott's acute and subtle comments on the enduring and/or representative books of the time, but also his humor and style, his way with an anecdote or aphorism, his talent for parody, and his ability to laugh at himself, as well as at the authors he sometimes skewers.Prescott's writing has an immediacy and vivacity that suggests what it was like to read new books during his time. Here is one critic's view--ironic and complex--of good books by famous writers like Norman Mailer, Jorge Luis Borges, Joyce Carol Oates, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and Vladimir Nabokov, as well as of good books by little-known writers and others who would later achieve reknown. Here, too, is some astringent criticism of distinguished and popular authors who have fallen into self-indulgence. Prescott writes about the New Journalism in its early days and about fragmentary autobiography as a literary form--genres whose importance he was among the first to recognize. His essays also touch on theater, film, food, and politics.The criticism in this volume are examples of the literary essay in its truest sense--an attempt to explore, in however brief space allowed, what the author sees around him, and connections between books and other aspects of the way people live. Always personal and urbane, these essays are often hilarious, generally moving, and exemplify the essay as an art form.
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Helse og atferdsendring
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Eat London
London is a city brimful of culinary possibilities, from lively markets to Michelin-starred restaurants. This third edition of Eat London is completely revised and updated, with entries highlighting the very best food stops not to be missed on a tour of London in 14 chapters. This is much more than a restaurant guide - it is a book all about food and the people who make, sell and care about it. From the best fish and chip shops of East London to haute cuisine and artisan food stores in Mayfair, every entry has been assessed for quality, originality, convivial ambience and consistency. Also featured are recipes from some of the capital's favourite restaurants including A. Wong, Balthazar, Morito and The Palomar.Special photography by Lisa Linder illustrates the wonderful food and everyday streetlife of the city.
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motiverende intervju
Motiverende intervju (MI) er en målrettet og klientsentrert samtaleform som kan brukes når man ønsker å utforske og styrke en klients indre motivasjon for endring. Samtalen skal lede til at et menneske bestemmer seg for, og beveger seg i retning av, et bestemt resultat. MI baserer seg på kunnskapen om hvordan samtale kan påvirke en persons motivasjon for å endre seg, selv når personen har motstridende tanker og følelser rundt det å endre egen atferd.Essensielt for et godt resultat er relasjonen mellom klient og hjelper - at de har samme mål. Begge må altså være motivert for den samme endringen. Like fullt er det klientens tanker og følelser som står i sentrum. Klienten er den som bestemmer i eget liv.MI ble opprinnelig utviklet for klinisk arbeid med klienter med et rusmiddelproblem. Metoden kan imidlertid brukes på mange områder i behandlings- og rehabiliteringsarbeid der endring av problematisk atferd er ønskelig, både i terapi, i rådgivning og i konsultasjon innen helsesektoren og sosialt arbeid.
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Down the rabbit hole: an Echo Falls mystery
This is the first in a compelling detective series from Stephen King's "favourite American suspense novelist". When Ingrid accidentally leaves her favourite football sneakers at a murder scene, she is sucked into a mysterious case. It's all her fault that the police are on the wrong track, so Ingrid swears to hunt down Cracked-up Katie's killer herself. But Ingrid's life is full of distractions: Joey, the son of the local police chief; portraying Alice in the Prescott Players' new production; not failing maths...When the clues lead her to the new member of the theatre group, Vincent, she doesn't realize the danger until it's too late - and suddenly she's battling for her life, about to be pushed over the edge of Echo Falls...This book is a "New York Times" bestseller, this is the first in a three-part series about Ingrid Levin-Hill, junior detective.
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Carving a Friendship Cane With Tom Wolfe & His Friends
The idea for the cane in this book came from the authors good friend and fellow carver Claude Bolton. Both belong to the Caricature Carvers of America, and the group was looking for some way to honor a friend and supporter. Claude hit upon the idea of a cane made up of many segments to be carved by various members. In addition to Tom and Claude they include: Jack Price; Peter Ortel; Steve Prescott; Harley Schmitzen; Rich Wetherbee; Bob Travis; Dave Dunham; Dave Stetson; Keith Morrill; Joe Wannamaker; Tex Haase; Doug Raine; Marv Kaisersatt; Dave Rasmussen; Harley Refsal; Harold Enlow; Claude Bolton; Gary Batte; Desiree Hajny; Pete LeClair; and Randy Landen. In the gallery of this book you will see the results of their enormous talents. Tom Wolfe takes the reader through the process of creating a four-face segment for a cane. What you learn there can be applied to any of your caricature carving or can be used to create your own friendship cane, by yourself or in your carving club. The cane you create will be a true token of friendship and will be cherished for many years to come.
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Lives of the Laureates
Autobiographical accounts by Nobel laureates reflect the richness and diversity of contemporary economic thought and offer insights into the creative process.Lives of the Laureates offers readers an informal history of modern economic thought as told through autobiographical essays by twenty-three Nobel Prize laureates in Economics. The essays not only provide unique insights into major economic ideas of our time but also shed light on the processes of intellectual discovery and creativity. The accounts are accessible and engaging, achieving clarity without sacrificing inherently difficult content.This sixth edition adds four recent Nobelists to its pages: Eric Maskin, who illustrates his explanation of mechanism design with an example involving a mother, a cake, and two children; Joseph Stiglitz, who recounts his field's ideological wars linked to policy disputes; Paul Krugman, who describes the insights he gained from studying the model of the Capitol Hill Babysitting Coop (and the recession it suffered when more people wanted to accumulate babysitting coupons than redeem them); and Peter Diamond, who maps his development from student to teacher to policy analyst.Lives of the Laureates grows out of a continuing lecture series at Trinity University in San Antonio, which invites Nobelists from American universities to describe their evolution as economists in personal as well as technical terms. These lectures demonstrate the richness and diversity of contemporary economic thought. The reader will find that paths cross in unexpected ways-that disparate thinkers were often influenced by the same teachers-and that luck as well as hard work plays a role in the process of scientific discovery.The LaureatesLawrence R. Klein * Kenneth J. Arrow * Paul A. Samuelson * Milton Friedman * George J. Stigler * James Tobin * Franco Modigliani * James M. Buchanan * Robert M. Solow * William F. Sharpe * Douglass C. North * Myron S. Scholes * Gary S. Becker * Robert E. Lucas, Jr. * James J. Heckman * Vernon L. Smith * Edward C. Prescott * Thomas C. Schelling * Edmund S. Phelps * Eric S. Maskin * Joseph E. Stiglitz * Paul Krugman * Peter A. Diamond
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A portrait of the artist as a young man
Boka er en selvbiografisk roman, og handler om Stephen Dedalus. Historien ligner Joyces egen oppvekst: barnerik familie, morens strev, farens sjarm og uansvarlighet og familiens sosiale fall. Stephen føler og vet at han er annerledes, at han har en annen slags begavelse; Han er en kunstner.
4.0 av 5
From Neuron to Cognition via Computational Neuroscience
A comprehensive, integrated, and accessible textbook presenting core neuroscientific topics from a computational perspective, tracing a path from cells and circuits to behavior and cognition.This textbook presents a wide range of subjects in neuroscience from a computational perspective. It offers a comprehensive, integrated introduction to core topics, using computational tools to trace a path from neurons and circuits to behavior and cognition. Moreover, the chapters show how computational neuroscience-methods for modeling the causal interactions underlying neural systems-complements empirical research in advancing the understanding of brain and behavior. The chapters-all by leaders in the field, and carefully integrated by the editors-cover such subjects as action and motor control; neuroplasticity, neuromodulation, and reinforcement learning; vision; and language-the core of human cognition.The book can be used for advanced undergraduate or graduate level courses. It presents all necessary background in neuroscience beyond basic facts about neurons and synapses and general ideas about the structure and function of the human brain. Students should be familiar with differential equations and probability theory, and be able to pick up the basics of programming in MATLAB and/or Python. Slides, exercises, and other ancillary materials are freely available online, and many of the models described in the chapters are documented in the brain operation database, BODB (which is also described in a book chapter).ContributorsMichael A. Arbib, Joseph Ayers, James Bednar, Andrej Bicanski, James J. Bonaiuto, Nicolas Brunel, Jean-Marie Cabelguen, Carmen Canavier, Angelo Cangelosi, Richard P. Cooper, Carlos R. Cortes, Nathaniel Daw, Paul Dean, Peter Ford Dominey, Pierre Enel, Jean-Marc Fellous, Stefano Fusi, Wulfram Gerstner, Frank Grasso, Jacqueline A. Griego, Ziad M. Hafed, Michael E. Hasselmo, Auke Ijspeert, Stephanie Jones, Daniel Kersten, Jeremie Knuesel, Owen Lewis, William W. Lytton, Tomaso Poggio, John Porrill, Tony J. Prescott, John Rinzel, Edmund Rolls, Jonathan Rubin, Nicolas Schweighofer, Mohamed A. Sherif, Malle A. Tagamets, Paul F. M. J. Verschure, Nathan Vierling-Claasen, Xiao-Jing Wang, Christopher Williams, Ransom Winder, Alan L. Yuille
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Strategy, structure and style
Published in association with the Strategic Management Society, The Wiley Strategic Management Series aims to illustrate the ‘best in global strategic management’ for academics, business practitioners and consultants. This book explores how the emphasis in global competition shifts from one style to the next as companies in one country see their counterparts in other nations become increasingly effective by using different formulas for competing. This wide-ranging ensemble of papers comprises a rich body of research and experience, spanning academics, business executives and consultants all striving to demonstrate the relationships between management theory and business practice. Writings included in this volume were selected as being representative of some of the most significant issues currently facing business strategists. Contributors Jay B. Barney Pamela Barr William Bogner Cliff Bowman Brian K. Boyd Jordi Canals W. Otto Carroll Simon Carter Bala Chakravarthy Jane F. Craig Richard A. D’Aveni Magali Delmas David Faulkner Steven W. Floyd Michel Ghertman Xavier Gilbert Karen Golden-Biddle Knut Haanes Taieb Hafsi Mark H. Hansen Bruce Heiman Marla Howard Balaji R. Koka Peter Lorange Bente R. Lowendahl Ravindranath Madhavan Pablo Martin de Holan Michael Mayer John McGee Kirk Monteverde John E. Prescott Hayagreeva Rau Raymond-Alain Thiétart Howard Thomas Richard Whittington Bill Wooldridge Lillian Cheng Wright Russell W. Wright Jean-Marc Xuereb Philip W. Yetton <p> <p> </p>
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Familieretten: Familieretten
Denne fremstillingen tar sikte på å dekke de læringskrav som stilles i familieretten, som inngår i 1. studieår ved jus-studiet i Oslo. Det betyr at fremstillingen skal gi en innsikt i familierettens problemstillinger og oversikt over regelverket. Tyngdepunktet ligger i bokens fjerde og femte kapittel - her drøftes de sentrale spørsmål om formuesordningen mellom ektefellene og det økonomiske oppgjøret ved separasjon og ved skilsmisse. Særlig vekt er lagt på behovet for og utformingen av avtaler som avviker fra lovens normalordning for delingen. Fremstillingen tar videre opp de mest sentrale problemstillinger som reiser seg mellom samboere. Det er også tatt med stoff om familierettens internasjonale sider, slik læringskravene forutsetter. Vi har imidlertid også tatt med stoff som faller utenfor det som er satt som kunnskaps- og læringskrav for studiet, slik at boken fremstår som en systematisk fremstilling av familieretten. Om avgrensningen her vises det til studieplanen for 1. studieår. I den grad boken også vil bli brukt andre steder enn i Oslo, vises det til studieplanene for vedkommende institusjon. Det stoffet som er satt i petit faller i sin helhet utenfor læringskravene. Vi har lagt vekt på at fremstillingen av læringskravene ikke forutsettes supplert av petitavsnittene. I disse avsnittene har vi tatt med henvisninger til rettskildematerialet, ikke minst rettspraksis, og problemstillinger av mindre interesse på studentstadiet. Dette er stoff som i første rekke retter seg mot den praktiserende jurist, som erfaringsmessig bruker bøker av denne karakter. Dette betyr således ikke en «snikutvidelse» av «pensum», selv om en del studenter skulle vise interesse for dette stoffet. Det gode samarbeidet forfatterne av denne boken har hatt om tidligere utgaver ble tilendebrakt da Peter Lødrup gikk bort den 16. juni 2010, i en alder av 77 år. Niende utgaven er ajourført mht. lover, rettspraksis og litteratur. Ellers er det ikke foretatt vesentlige forandri
4.9 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Matematisk formelsamling for økonomer
4.8 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Den samfunnsskapte virkelighet
En oversettelse av The Social Construction of Reality. Med innledning av Pål Veiden. Denne boken fortjener med rette sin status som nyere klassiker innenfor samfunnsvitenskapen. Da den kom ut i 1966, ble den beskrevet som et viktig gjennombrudd i kunnskapssosiologien. Siden har den ikke vært å rokke fra pensumlistene. Forfatterne forsøker å avklare spenningen mellom subjekt og objekt, mellom vår personlige verden og den ytre verden. Vi skaper verden aktivt gjennom våre handlinger; samtidig gjør vi verden til vår egen, vi godtar den som virkelighet. Deler av denne verden blir en ytre virkelighet, gjerne kalt strukturer. Sentralt står hverdagskunnskapen: Hvorfor oppfatter vi verden som vi gjør? Hvorfor er det slik at de fleste av oss tar samfunnslivet for gitt? Boken drøfter sentrale tema for fag som psykologi, sosiologi, filosofi og pedagogikk. Den er et program for humanistisk samfunnsvitenskap og det teoretiske studiet av menneskelige mangfold. Peter L. Berger (1929 2017) var professor i sosiologi og teologi ved College of Arts and Sciences and School of Theology, Boston University. Thomas Luckmann (1927 2016) var professor i sosiologi ved University of Konstanz. Hans viktigste arbeider ligger innenfor religionssosiologien. Sammen med Peter L. Berger skrev han også boken Modernity, Pluralism and the Cricis of Meaning (1995). Pål Veiden er førsteamanuensis i sosiologi ved OsloMet.
3.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Invitasjon til sosiologi: et humanistisk perspektiv
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Case Study Research. What, Why and How?
How should case studies be selected? Is case study methodology fundamentally different to that of other methods? What, in fact, is a case? Case Study Research: What, Why and How? is an authoritative and nuanced exploration of the many faces of case-based research methods. As well as the what, how and why, the author also examines the when and which - always with an eye on practical applications to the design, collection, analysis and presentation of the research.Case study methodology can prove a confusing and fragmented topic. In bringing diverse notions of case study research together in one volume and sensitizing the reader to the many varying definitions and perceptions of 'case study', this book equips researchers at all levels with the knowledge to make an informed choice of research strategy.
4.6 av 5
Corporate Finance
4.5 av 5
Oppgaveskriving og metode i helse- og sosialfag
Skal du gjennomføre et bachelor- eller masterprosjekt i helse- og sosialfag? Denne boken veileder deg gjennom hele prosessen, med råd om hvordan du kan lage en prosjektplan, utforme problemstillinger, velge og bruke egnede metoder – kvantitative, kvalitative og kombinasjoner, sikre at prosjektet er i tråd med etiske retningslinjer, organisere og styre skriveprosessen, analysere, argumentere, diskutere, konkludere og perspektivere, og bruke møtene med veileder godt, og gjennomføre prosjektet innenfor tidsrammen. Diana Astrup Nielsen og Thea Qvist Hjørnholm har begge lang erfaring med metodeundervisning og veiledning i helse- og sosialfag i høyere utdanning.De to er henholdsvis ergoterapeut og sykepleier. Peter Stray Jørgensen er spesialist på akademisk skriving og studieteknikk. Han har skrevet boken Den gode oppgaven, sammen med Lotte Rienecker. Det sterke forfatterteamet viser på en lett til gjengelig måte hvordan du håndterer alle sider ved det å gjennomføre et bachelor- og masterprosjekt.
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Norsk Bokmål
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