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Viser resultat for 'Paul M. Hohenberg'

    The Making of Urban Europe, 1000-1994

    The Making of Urban Europe, 1000-1994

    Paul M. Hohenberg

    By tracing the large-scale processes of social, economic and political change within cities, as well as the evolving relationships between town and country and between city and city, the authors present an original synthesis of European urbanization within a global context. The authors bring this edition up to date with a new chapter entitled "Europe's Cities in the 20th Century".

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1995


    kr 20
    kr 20

    The Fundamentals of Political Science Research

    The Fundamentals of Political Science Research

    Paul M. (Texas A & M University) Kellstedt, Guy D. (Texas A & M University) Whitten

    The third edition of the best-selling The Fundamentals of Political Science Research provides an introduction to the scientific study of politics. It offers the basic tools necessary for readers to become both critical consumers and beginning producers of scientific research on politics. The authors present an integrated approach to research design and empirical analyses whereby researchers can develop and test causal theories. They use examples from political science research that students will find interesting and inspiring, and that will help them understand key concepts. The book makes technical material accessible to students who might otherwise be intimidated by mathematical examples. This revised third edition features new 'Your Turn' boxes meant to engage students. The edition also has new sections added throughout the book to enhance the content's clarity and breadth of coverage.

    4.2 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 100
    kr 100

    Medicinal Natural Products A Biosynthetic Approach

    Medicinal Natural Products A Biosynthetic Approach

    Dewick Paul M.

    Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach, Third Edition, provides a comprehensive and balanced introduction to natural products from a biosynthetic perspective, focussing on the metabolic sequences leading to various classes of natural products. The book builds upon fundamental chemical principles and guides the reader through a wealth of diverse natural metabolites with particular emphasis on those used in medicine. There have been rapid advances in biosynthetic understanding over the past decade through enzymology, gene isolation and genetic engineering. Medicinal Natural Products has been extended and fully updated in this new edition to reflect and explain these developments and other advances in the field. It retains the user-friendly style and highly acclaimed features of previous editions:* a comprehensive treatment of plant, microbial, and animal natural products in one volume* extensive use of chemical schemes with annotated mechanistic explanations* cross-referencing to emphasize links and similarities* boxed topics giving further details of medicinal materials, covering sources, production methods, use as drugs, semi-synthetic derivatives and synthetic analogues, and modes of action Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach, Third Edition, is an invaluable textbook for students of pharmacy, pharmacognosy, medicinal chemistry, biochemistry and natural products chemistry.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009


    Pocket · 2009


    Mechanism of Human Relationship: An Agnostic View

    Mechanism of Human Relationship: An Agnostic View

    Paul M

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (White Falcon Self Publishing Platform) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2020

    Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2020

    Paul M.

    Softwaremanual for elementmetoden i Solidworks.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020



    Beautiful Skin Revealed

    Beautiful Skin Revealed

    Paul M. Friedman

    With so many skin care treatments available, and so many claims of miracle cures, it's hard to know what works and what doesn't. Beautiful Skin Revealed is the definitive source for readers looking to separate help from hype when it comes to wrinkles, age spots, acne, varicose veins, birthmarks, blotchiness, and other common skin problems. Grounded in science, it explains why these conditions occur, the latest treatment options available, and what results can be expected from these treatments. Complementing the in-depth dermatological information are case studies of real patients. Through compelling personal stories and photographs, they share how minor procedures had a profound impact on their lives. Conversations with the doctor and insider tips are included in each chapter, helping the reader understand how the combination of the right dermatologist and the treatment can make them look as great as they feel.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010





    Paul M. G Emmelkamp

    Diagnosen personlighetsstörning avser en kronisk psykisk störning som debuterar i tonåren med patologiska personlighetsdrag som stör utvecklingen och vidmakthållandet av ömsesidiga relationer, och medför lidande för personen själv och/eller omgivningen. Enligt den flerdimensionella diagnosmanualen DSM-IV skiljer man på psykiska störningar eller sjukdomar som kodas på axel I och personlighetsstörningar som kodas på axel II. Axel I-diagnoserna anses i allmänhet vara avvikelser gentemot personens tidigare liv och utveckling, och uppfattas som jagfrämmande och i bästa fall möjliga att behandla med psykofarmaka och annan terapi. Axel II-diagnosen utgör en kronisk störning i personens psykiska utveckling och upplevs ingå som en aspekt av personens karaktär. I boken beskrivs de olika typerna av personlighetsstörning enligt axel II, utredningsmetoder och diagnostik, epidemiologi, tänkbara biologiska och psykologiska orsaker samt behandlingsstrategier. Personlighetsstörningar vänder sig till utbildningar i psykologi/beteendevetenskap, psykiatri, socialt arbete, kriminalvård och andra utbildningar och yrken där man arbetar med personer med avvikande social anpassning och problem med sin livsföring i olika avseenden.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009



    Protect Your Wealth from the Ravages of Inflation

    Protect Your Wealth from the Ravages of Inflation

    Paul M. King

    Protect Your Wealth from the Ravages of Inflation is for people who have financial assets to protect in an unpredictable, inflationary environment. Maybe you have tried traditional financial advice, financial planning, and passive investment management techniques and you're still losing ground. Maybe you're worried that by the time you need to use it, your retirement fund will be worth less than your total contributions. Maybe you believe that high inflation will significantly decrease your standard of living in the future. Maybe all of these issues apply to you. Don't despair; help is at hand. Protect Your Wealth from the Ravages of Inflation is a concise, no-nonsense, straightforward guide that will help you to do three things: 1. Ensure that your emergency fund will still have some purchasing power when you need it. Emergency funds sitting in checking accounts, or near-cash investments, will just be eaten away by inflation. There is a better way to give you access to the cash you need when you need it. This book shows you how. 2. Insulate you from significant changes in the strength of your home currency. If all your income and expenses are in a single currency like the U.S. dollar, you run a significant risk that your home-country currency will lose value.Currency risk in your income-purchasing power and working capital is often overlooked until it's too late to do anything about it. This book deals with this issue and gives you easy-to-follow advice to protect the value of your money. 3. Generate a better risk-adjusted return in your investment accounts. Buying a basket of stocks and mutual funds and then performing the traditional "annual rebalancing of a diversified portfolio" just doesn't generate the returns most people require from their investments. This book shows you simple, powerful, and sophisticated techniques you can use to manage your investment accounts more effectively--and without making it a full-time job. Protect Your Wealth from the Ravages of Inflation can't guarantee that you will meet your financial goals, but it can guarantee that your odds of success will be significantly increased if you follow its advice. The book: * Explains why traditional investing methods virtually guarantee a negative rate of return in real terms. * Illustrates the pernicious effect of inflation on an average investor's portfolio--and why an inflationary period may be in the offing.* Provides a three-step process to withstand emergencies, protect your liquid assets, and produce a superior risk-adjusted return on a stock portfolio compared with conventional investing methods. What you'll learn * How government policy normally leads to a debasement of the currency and subsequently an inflationary environment * How inflation significantly reduces your standard of living unless you can consistently increase your income or reduce your expense * How the current U.S. Consumer Price Index seriously underestimates true inflation * How to construct an inflation-proof emergency fund * How to mitigate home-currency risk * How to generate a better-than-average risk-adjusted return in investment accounts * How to do all this before it's too late Who this book is for The book is aimed at people who have reached a level of financial stability and whose income is greater than monthly expenses. They have emergency cash, day-to-day working capital, and investment accounts (including retirement accounts) to protect and grow in a potentially inflationary environment. Although U.S. residents will be the primary focus, all the methods and techniques presented should be relatively straightforward to adapt to any country with a fiat currency.Table of Contents * Financial Fitness * Inflation: What's the Problem? * Step 1: Set Up an Emergency Fund * Step 2: Make Savings and Working Capital Work for You * Step 3: Generate a Good Risk-Adjusted Return on Investments * Taking Control Appendix A: Recommended Reading Appendix B: Useful Resources

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011



    Engineering analysis with COSMOSWorks : SolidWorks 2004/COSMOSWorks 2004

    Engineering analysis with COSMOSWorks : SolidWorks 2004/COSMOSWorks 2004

    Paul M. Kurowski

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004



    Fallskjermer over Vassfaret : Paul M. Strande

    Fallskjermer over Vassfaret : Paul M. Strande

    Paul M. Strande

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1977

    Norsk Bokmål


    Alliance of Independent Telephone Unions, Petitioner V. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission et al. U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Pleadings

    Alliance of Independent Telephone Unions, Petitioner V. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission et al. U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Pleadings

    Paul M Levinson

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Gale Ecco, U.S. Supreme Court Records) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011



    Personality and Democratic Politics

    Personality and Democratic Politics

    Paul M. Sniderman

    How does a personality characteristic such as self-esteem become translated into political convictions? How do individual differences in self-esteem affect who becomes a politcal activist and a political leader? These are among the major questions addressed in this study, the first of its kind to be based on large-scale samples of both political laders and ordinary citizens. Drawing on the voluminous research of social psychologists on self-esteem and integrating the dynamic theories of Freud and his followers with the functional and social learning approaches, Professor Sniderman advances new theories to account for the complex connections between personality, political beliefs, and political leadership. In 1972, the American Political Science Association gave Professor Sniderman's original work in this field, on which this book is based, the E. E. Schattschneider Award for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of American government and politics. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1975.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Creating Mourning Rituals for the Individual

    Creating Mourning Rituals for the Individual

    Paul M. Martin

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (CRC Press Inc) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    The Age of Monopoly Capital

    The Age of Monopoly Capital

    Paul M Sweezy, Paul A Baran

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    Piety and Politics

    Piety and Politics

    Paul M. Cohen

    In this book, first published in 1984, Paul Cohen examines the Catholic revival among the young French intelligentsia prior to the First World War. He explores this intellectual revival by studying that period's "talas", the Catholic students at the elite Ecole Normale Superieure, and devotes his attention to some of the highest-profile coverts, such as Charles Peguy and Jacques Maritain. This title will be of interest to students of nineteenth- and twentieth-century religious and social history.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Regulation A+

    Regulation A+

    Paul M. Getty, Dinesh Gupta, Robert R. Kaplan, Jon Merriman

    Discover how to raise money under new provisions in the recently enacted JOBS Act. Regulation A+: How the JOBS Act Creates Opportunities for Entrepreneurs and Investors will guide and advise executives of emerging growth companies, entrepreneurs, financial advisers, venture capitalists, investment bankers, securities lawyers, finance and MBA students, and others on how to raise up to $50 million a year through streamlined regulations. Signed by President Obama on April 5, 2012, Title IV of the JOBS Act amends the 1930s-era Regulation A, making it far easier for businesses to raise growth capital through public offerings. It is, in effect, a new type of IPO but with much less regulation and cost. Regulation A+: How the JOBS Act Creates Opportunities for Entrepreneurs and Investors spells out new processes that can and will have a dramatic impact on how companies obtain growth capital to create new jobs and bolster returns for investors. Some financial gurus believe that the new law, dubbed Regulation A+ due to the enhancements, will usher in a revolutionary period of growth and innovation comparable to our largest past economic expansions. To date, much of the commentary on the JOBS Act has focused on Title III, which allows broader use of crowdfunding to raise up to $1 million per year. However, many entrepreneurs and economists believe that new changes to Regulation A will have a much greater impact on innovation and job creation. The best part? Regulation A+ lifts many constraints on soliciting funds and trading new stock issues. Among other things, readers of this book will learn how to take advantage of these provisions: Regulation A+ permits companies to raise up to $50 million, a tenfold increase over the old limit of $5 million, and much more than the crowdfunding provisions of the JOBS Act ($1 million). Regulation A+ allows companies to market IPOs to more people than just accredited investors and makes it easier to get the word out on offerings. Regulation A+ allows certain companies to avoid the SEC periodic reporting regimen (Form 10-K, Form 10-Q, Form 8-K, and proxy statements), provided that the number of shareholders is kept below revised thresholds. Regulation A+ exempts certain companies from many onerous and costly compliance requirements, including Sarbanes-Oxley. In short, Regulation A+ greatly simplifies the capital-raising process, making it easier to grow companies, create jobs, and reward investors.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    Stephen Crane

    Stephen Crane

    Paul M. Sorrentino

    With the exception of Poe, no American writer has proven as challenging to biographers as the author of The Red Badge of Courage. Stephen Crane's short, compact life--"a life of fire," he called it--continues to be surrounded by myths and half-truths, distortions and outright fabrications. Mindful of the pitfalls that have marred previous biographies, Paul Sorrentino has sifted through garbled chronologies and contradictory eyewitness accounts, scoured the archives, and followed in Crane's footsteps. The result is the most complete and accurate account of the poet and novelist written to date.Whether Crane was dressing as a hobo to document the life of the homeless in the Bowery, defending a prostitute against corrupt New York City law enforcement, or covering the historic charge up the San Juan hills as a correspondent during the Spanish-American War, his adventures were front-page news. From Sorrentino's layered narrative of the various phases of Crane's life a portrait slowly emerges. By turns garrulous and taciturn, confident and insecure, romantic and cynical, Crane was a man of irresolvable contradictions. He rebelled against tradition yet was proud of his family heritage; he lived a Bohemian existence yet was drawn to social status; he romanticized women yet obsessively sought out prostitutes; he spurned a God he saw as remote yet wished for His presence.Incorporating decades of research by the foremost authority on Crane's work, Stephen Crane: A Life of Fire sets a new benchmark for biographers.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014


    Psychological Warfare

    Psychological Warfare

    Paul M. A. Linebarger

    Originally published in 1948 and used as a textbook by the United States Army for years, this authoritative guide provides a complete theoretical exploration of the purpose and nature of propaganda in times of war. Detailing and defining the history, strategies, limitations, and effectiveness of psychological warfare, this reference allows readers to draw comparisons to the modern usage of such techniques that exist in the news media and within advertising and political campaigns.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010


    kr 100
    kr 100

    Illusion Confusion

    Illusion Confusion

    Paul M. Baars

    A survey of optical illusions that includes a range of images from ancient times onwards. Covering illusions of depth, inversions, vibration effects, ambiguous figures, camouflage, anamorphic art, tessellations and other brain-teasing illusions, it presents examples from psychology, the popular press, contemporary street art and the fine arts.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    Qualitative Research in Psychology

    Qualitative Research in Psychology

    Paul M. Camic, Jean E. Rhodes, Lucy Yardley, Michael Bamberg

    God tilstand

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2002



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