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Viser resultat for 'Paul Bahn'



    Lord Colin Renfrew, Paul Bahn

    Since its first edition, Renfrew and Bahn's Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice has been the leading educational source on what archaeologists do and how they do it. The text is organized around the key questions that archaeologists ask about the past and details the practical and theoretical ways in which answers to those questions are sought. The seventh edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, with sixteen additional pages and new material on the latest developments in the subject and coverage of many recent discoveries. The book is newly designed with additional box features and extensive drawings, charts and photographs, all in full colour. This is a truly global introduction to archaeology, and includes examples from every part of the world. New boxes include coverage of the discovery of Richard III's burial; excavations at the Neolithic Ness of Brodgar in the Orkney Islands; snow patch archaeology on mountain tops and in the far north; Roman glassware traded to ancient Japan; the Museum of London's excavation of a Roman and later medieval site in the heart of the city; fresh analysis of Grauballe Man, a Danish Iron Age bog body; and work on the origins of farming at Jerf el Ahmar, Syria.

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    kr 150
    kr 150

    Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice

    Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice

    Colin Renfrew, Paul Bahn

    Since its first edition, Renfrew and Bahn’s Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice has been the leading academic source on what archaeologists do and how they do it. This indispensable book i...

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Archaeology the Key Consepts

    Archaeology the Key Consepts

    Colin Renfrew, Paul Bahn

    From two of the best-known archaeological writers in the trade, this outstanding resource provides a thorough survey of the key ideas in archaeology, and how they impact on archaeological thinking and method. Clearly written, and easy to follow, Archaeology: The Key Concepts collates entries written specifically by field specialists, and each entry offers a definition of the term, its origins and development, and all the major figures involved in the area. The entries include: thinking about landscapearchaeology of cult and religioncultural evolutionconcepts of timeurban societiesthe antiquity of humankindarchaeology of genderfeminist archaeologyexperimental archaeologymultiregional evolution. With guides to further reading, extensive cross-referencing, and accessibly written for even beginner students, this book is a superb guide for anyone studying, teaching, or with any interest in this fascinating subject.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2005


    kr 120
    kr 120




    Retaining its hallmark concision and authoritative presentation of the most recent breakthrough discoveries, methods, and interpretations, the Fourth Edition sets a new standard for learning support. To provide even greater student engagement, the book is supported by two new and important resources: an Active Archaeology Notebook with 20 class-tested activities; and InQuizitivefor Archaeology--an engaging, adaptive learning tool that strengthens concept mastery and application.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Disgraceful Archaeology

    Disgraceful Archaeology

    Paul Bahn

    The book that all archaeology buffs have secretly been yearning for! This unique blend of text, anecdote and cartoon reveals, and revels in, those aspects of the past that have been ignored, glossed over or even suppressed - the bawdy, the scatological and the downright bizarre. Our ancestors were not always serious, downtrodden and fearful creatures. They were human like ourselves and shared our earthy sense of humour that is based on bodily functions, bawdiness and slapstick. So it's time to take the fig leaf off the past and have a long, hard look at the real past - the world that would have had the Victorians reaching for their smelling salts. So if you want to know what your average Egyptian slave thought of pharaoh, or a Roman legionary thought of his commander, you will find the answer in Disgraceful Archaeology - in hilarious graphic detail!

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    kr 60
    kr 60

    Easter Island, Earth Island

    Easter Island, Earth Island

    Paul Bahn

    Easter Island, isolated deep in the South Pacific and now a World Heritage Site, was home to a fascinating prehistoric culture-one that produced massive stone effigies (the moai) and the birdman cult-and yet much of the island's past remains shrouded in mystery. Where did the islanders come from, and when? How did Rapa Nui culture evolve over the centuries? How, and why, did their natural environment change over time?Paul Bahn and John Flenley guide readers through the mysteries and enigmas of Rapa Nui, incorporating the records of early explorers, folk legends, and archaeological evidence along the way. They cover the island's geological and environmental history and explore its flora and fauna, illustrating how human actions affected the natural environment of the island. This fourth edition draws in: recent DNA studies of ancient human and animal bones as well as plant remains; evolving understandings of how the moai were transported; and current efforts to reforest the island.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017



    Archaeology: the whole story

    Paul Bahn, Brian Fagan

    Global in perspective and covering over four million years of history, this accessible volume provides a chronological account of both the development of the human race and the order in which modern societies have made discoveries about their ancient past. Beginning deep in prehistory, it takes in all the great archaeological sites of the world as it advances to the present day. A masterful combination of succinct analysis and driving narrative, Archaeology: The Whole Story also addresses the questions that inevitably arise as we gradually learn more about the history of our species: what are we? Where did we come from? What inspired us to start building, writing and all the other activities that we traditionally regard as exclusively human? A concluding section explains how we know what we know: for example, how seventeen prehistoric shrines were discovered around Stonehenge using magnetometers, ground-penetrating radars, and 3D laser scanners; and how DNA analysis enabled us to identify some bones discovered beneath a car park in Leicester as the remains of a fifteenth-century king of England. Written by an international team of archaeological experts and richly illustrated throughout, Archaeology: The Whole Story offers an unparalleled insight into the origins of humankind.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017




    Archaeology: Theoris, Methods and Practice

    Colin Renfrew, Paul Bahn

    introduksjonsbok i arkeologistudier

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009


    kr 150

    Pocket · 2009


    kr 75
    kr 150



    Colin Renfrew, Paul Bahn

    Theories, Methods and practice. A students essential. 2020 edition

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020





    Easter Island, isolated deep in the South Pacific and now a World Heritage Site, was home to a fascinating prehistoric culture-one that produced massive stone effigies (the moai) and the birdman cult-and yet much of the island's past remains shrouded in mystery. Where did the islanders come from, and when? How did Rapa Nui culture evolve over the centuries? How, and why, did their natural environment change over time?Paul Bahn and John Flenley guide readers through the mysteries and enigmas of Rapa Nui, incorporating the records of early explorers, folk legends, and archaeological evidence along the way. They cover the island's geological and environmental history and explore its flora and fauna, illustrating how human actions affected the natural environment of the island. This fourth edition draws in: recent DNA studies of ancient human and animal bones as well as plant remains; evolving understandings of how the moai were transported; and current efforts to reforest the island.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    An Enquiring Mind. Studies in Honor of Alexander Marshack

    An Enquiring Mind. Studies in Honor of Alexander Marshack

    Paul G. Bahn

    332 sider

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2009



    Images of the Ice Age

    Images of the Ice Age

    Paul G. Bahn

    Images of the Ice Age, here in its third edition, is the most complete study available of the world's earliest imagery, presenting a fascinating and up-to-date account of the art of our Ice Age ancestors. Authoritative and wide-ranging, it covers not only the magnificent cave art of famous sites such as Lascaux, Altamira, and Chauvet, but also other less well-known sites around the world, art discovered in the open air, and the thousands of incredible piecesof portable art in bone, antler, ivory, and stone produced in the same period. In doing so, the book summarizes all the major worldwide research into Ice Age art both past and present, exploring the controversial history of the art's discovery and acceptance, including the methods used for recording anddating, the faking of decorated objects and caves, and the wide range of theories that have been applied to this artistic corpus. Lavishly illustrated and highly accessible, Images of the Ice Age provides a visual feast and an absorbing synthesis of this crucial aspect of human history, offering a unique opportunity to appreciate universally important works of art, many of which can never be accessible to the public, and which represent the very earliest evidence of artisticexpression.

    4.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016

    kr 200
    kr 200

    The Story of Archaeology

    The Story of Archaeology

    Paul G. Bahn


    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1996



    All Too Human

    All Too Human

    This book offers an analysis of humor, comedy, and laughter as philosophical topics in the 19th Century. It traces the introduction of humor as a new aesthetic category inspired by Laurence Sterne's "Tristram Shandy" and shows Sterne's deep influence on German aesthetic theorists of this period. Through differentiating humor from comedy, the book suggests important distinctions within the aesthetic philosophies of G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Solger, and Jean Paul Richter. The book links Kant's underdeveloped incongruity theory of laughter to Schopenhauer's more complete account and identifies humor's place in the pessimistic philosophy of Julius Bahnsen. It considers how caricature functioned at the intersection of politics, aesthetics, and ethics in Karl Rosenkranz's work, and how Kierkegaard and Nietzsche made humor central not only to their philosophical content but also to its style. The book concludes with an explication of French philosopher Henri Bergson's claim that laughter is a response to mechanical inelasticity.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Pocket · 1999



    Andre utgaver · 4


    Etikk for profesjonelle

    Etikk for profesjonelle

    Paul Leer-Salvesen

    Denne boken er skrevet for de som arbeider med mennesker og de som utdanner seg til yrker der de skal jobbe med andre. Det er en innføring i profesjonsetikk. I mange år har Paul Leer-Salvesen undervist og veiledet studenter som forbereder seg til et yrkesliv der de kommer tett på andre mennesker fordi de har noe å gi dem: kunnskap, ferdigheter, helsetjenester, omsorg, råd og beskyttelse. I slike forhold er etikk og etisk refleksjon helt nødvendig. For vi bærer alle det moralske ansvaret for det vi gjør mot andre, også på jobben. Boken inneholder etisk teori og øvelser i etisk analyse fordi den er ment å kunne brukes som lærebok på flere profesjonsutdanninger. Derfor vil forskjellige profesjoner komme frem i caser og eksempler: lærer, barnehagelærer, sosionom, barnevernsarbeider, sykepleier, lege, vernepleier, terapeut, politi, fengselsbetjent og advokat. Det er store forskjeller mellom disse yrkene, men det er også likhetspunkter. Dessuten blir det stadig viktigere at profesjonene gjør seg kjent med hverandre og øver seg opp til å samarbeide. Det er ikke minst blitt tydelig i koronakrisen med de store utfordringer den har gitt profesjonene. Paul Leer-Salvesen har skrevet romaner, barne- og ungdomsbøker og fagbøker. Han har jobbet som journalist, forfatter, fengselsprest og professor i teologi og etikk.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 60
    kr 60


    Fasettmennesket: personlighet og rolle : et utviklingsperspektiv

    Paul Moxnes

    Paul Moxnes, professor i psykologi, dukker i denne boken ned i de store spørsmål og konstaterer at personlighet og atferd kan endres og, hvis forholdene legges til rette, skape bedre liv, ledelse og samspill. «Hvem er jeg?» og «Hvem ønsker jeg å være?» er viktige spørsmål for voksne som ønsker å forstå seg selv og videreutvikle seg selv. Siden boken tar for seg store og viktige tema for hver enkelt av oss, blir den lærerik, treffende og utfordrende. Fordi Moxnes i tillegg skriver godt og våger å utlevere seg i så stor grad som han gjør, er boken lettlest. Boken henvender seg til alle som vil lære om ulike sider ved sin personlighet enten det er i privat eller profesjonell sammenheng. Boken vil være nyttig for medarbeidere, ledere, personalansvarlige, coacher og konsulenter som ønsker å forstå og forbedre seg selv og det mellommenneskelige samspillet, og for studenter i psykologi og pedagogikk, lederutdanninger og personaladministrative utdanninger. Paul Moxnes, dr.philos, er tidligere professor ved Universitetet i Oslo og Handelshøyskolen BI og spesialist i organisasjonspsykologi (NPF). Han har utgitt flere bøker, bl.a. Positiv angst, Læring og ressursutvikling i arbeidsmiljøet, Psykologi og økonomi, Hva er angst og Organisasjonsmytologi. Han er nå gjesteprofessor ved Psykologisk institutt, UiO og foreleser på AFF Samspill & Ledelse, Oslo.

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 150
    kr 150

    Handling, valg og ansvar

    Handling, valg og ansvar: etikk og menneskesyn i historisk perspektiv

    Lars Steinar Hauge, Silje Haga

    Hvem er vi? Hvor kommer vi fra? Hvordan skal vi leve for å handle på beste måte i denne verden? Slike spørsmål har mennesker undret seg over i flere tusen år, og vi stiller dem fortsatt. ?Handling, valg og ansvar undersøker hvilke svar som gjennom historien har blitt gitt på hva det innebærer å være et handlende, velgende og ansvarlig menneske. Dette er noen av de mest sentrale spørsmål i filosofien og filosofiens historie, særlig innen etikken og moralfilosofien. Forfatterne tar for seg tenkere fra hele filosofihistorien: fra Sokrates, Platon, Aristoteles, Aquinas, Hobbes, Hume, Kant, Marx, Kierkegaard og Nietzsche, til nyere filosofer som Jean Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, John Rawls og Hans Skjervheim. Hvordan man til forskjellige tider har reflektert over slike problemstillinger, har vært betinget av historiske og samfunnsmessige forhold i samtiden. Denne boken er skrevet ut fra en tanke om at kjennskap til hvordan etiske problemstillinger til ulike tider har vært behandlet, kan bidra til bedre forståelse også av vår egen tid og vårt eget liv. Lars Steinar Hauge har magistergrad i filosofi med fagene filosofi, vitenskapsfilosofi og historie. Han har undervist i filosofi og vitenskapsfilosofi i mange år ved Universitetet i Bergen, høgskoler og Folkeuniversitetet, og er for tiden fast ansatt ved NLA Høgskolen i Bergen. Han er også siden 2010 knyttet til Universitetet i Athen som gjesteprofessor i filosofihistorie og vitenskapsfilosofi. Hauge har tidligere utgitt blant annet Tankebaner, bind 1 (1999) og bind 2 (2000), Vitenskap og sannhet (2001), Filosofia (2002), Vitenskap og språk (2005), Demokratiets vugge (2013) og Frihet, ansvar, menneskeverd (2014). Silje Haga er cand. philol. med hovedfag i filosofi fra Universitetet i Bergen. Hun er fast ansatt som høgskolelektor ved NLA Høgskolen i Bergen og har undervist i filosofihistorie, logikk, etikk og menneskesyn ved NLA siden 2001. Hun er også knyttet til Bergen Arkitektskole som foreleser.

    4.8 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 100
    kr 100

    Nesten som deg selv

    Nesten som deg selv: barn og etikk

    Levi Geir Eidhamar, Paul Leer-Salvesen

    4.4 av 5

    Pocket · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 30

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 30

    The Fundamentals of Political Science Research

    The Fundamentals of Political Science Research

    Paul M. (Texas A & M University) Kellstedt, Guy D. (Texas A & M University) Whitten

    The third edition of the best-selling The Fundamentals of Political Science Research provides an introduction to the scientific study of politics. It offers the basic tools necessary for readers to become both critical consumers and beginning producers of scientific research on politics. The authors present an integrated approach to research design and empirical analyses whereby researchers can develop and test causal theories. They use examples from political science research that students will find interesting and inspiring, and that will help them understand key concepts. The book makes technical material accessible to students who might otherwise be intimidated by mathematical examples. This revised third edition features new 'Your Turn' boxes meant to engage students. The edition also has new sections added throughout the book to enhance the content's clarity and breadth of coverage.

    4.2 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 100
    kr 100


    Teamet: utvikling, effektivitet og endring i grupper

    Endre Sjøvold

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2022

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 200

    Pocket · 2006

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 30
    kr 200

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