Reassessing Attachment Theory in Child Welfare
This book offers an analysis and summary of the uses, abuses and limitations of attachment theory in contemporary child welfare practice. Analysing the primary science and drawing on the authors’ o...
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A Prairie Mourning: Mystery Novel
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Little Horse Press) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Little Sister
As seen in the New York Post! They promised her heaven, but there was no savior.Imagine an eighteen-year-old American girl who has never read a newspaper, watched television, or made a phone call. An eighteen-year-old-girl who has never danced-and this in the 1960s.It is in Cambridge, Massachusetts where Leonard Feeney, a controversial (soon to be excommunicated) Catholic priest, has founded a religious community called the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Center's members-many of them educated at Harvard and Radcliffe-surrender all earthly possessions and aspects of their life, including their children, to him. Patricia Chadwick was one of those children, and Little Sister is her account of growing up in the Feeney sect.Separated from her parents and forbidden to speak to them, Patricia bristles against the community's draconian rules, yearning for another life. When, at seventeen, she is banished from the Center, her home, she faces the world alone, without skills, family, or money but empowered with faith and a fierce determination to succeed on her own, which she does, rising eventually to the upper echelons of the world of finance and investing. A tale of resilience and grace, Little Sister chronicles, in riveting prose, a surreal childhood and does so without rancor or self-pity.
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The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology
The third edition of the hugely successful Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology incorporates important advances in the field to provide a reliable and accessible resource for clinical psychologists. Beginning with a set of general conceptual frameworks for practice, the book gives specific guidance on the management of problems commonly encountered in clinical work with children and adolescents drawing on the best practice in the fields of clinical psychology and family therapy. In six sections thorough and comprehensive coverage of the following areas is provided:Frameworks for practiceProblems of infancy and early childhoodProblems of middle childhoodProblems of adolescenceChild abuseAdjustment to major life transitionsThoroughly updated throughout, each chapter dealing with specific clinical problems includes cases examples and detailed discussion of diagnosis, classification, epidemiology and clinical features. New material includes the latest advances in: child and adolescent clinical psychology; developmental psychology and developmental psychopathology; assessment and treatment programmes. This book is invaluable as both a reference work for experienced practitioners and as an up-to-date, evidence-based practice manual for clinical psychologists in training.The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology is one of a set of 3 books published by Routledge which includes The Handbook of Adult Clinical Psychology: An Evidence Based Practice Approach, Second Edition (Edited by Carr & McNulty) and The Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Clinical Psychology Practice (Edited by Alan Carr, Christine Linehan, Gary O'Reilly, Patricia Noonan Walsh and John McEvoy).
4.0 av 5
The Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Clinical Psychology Practice
5.0 av 5
Quality of Life and Disability
'A refreshing book that can hold the reader's interest throughout. Quality of Life and Disability should be a compulsory text for all students in the disability field and would make a useful one for experienced practitioners including social workers.' - Australian Social Work 'Among the recent proliferation of books on quality of life, this is a standout! Not only is Quality of Life and Disability: An Approach for Community Practitioners placed squarely in the disability field, but it has an applied emphasis that is rare for a topic that so abounds in vague and often conflicting theories and terminologies. Rather than burdening the reader with the conceptual conundrums of a construct as ambitious as whole of life quality, Brown and Brown dive into the real life issues. This quality of life text will appeal to many practitioners in the disability field. A welcome addition to the bookshelves of many practitioners.' - Paul Bramston, University of Southern Queensland, Australia 'Excellent guide demonstrating to practitioners, not only what they have to do to increase the quality of life of the people they look after, but also how they should start doing it.'- Wspolne Tematy 'A remarkably rich mixture of experience, guidance and insight into the determination of people's quality of life, and into ways in which a wide variety of care staff, managers and policy-makers can understand and respond to disabled people's wants and needs.' - Care and Health magazine 'One of the most refreshing approaches in the contemporary literature on quality of life and disability. The authors are to be congratulated for the very user friendly way the book has been designed.' - Trevor R. Parmenter, University of Sydney 'This book reflects the authors' extensive experience and admirable insight as they bring quality of life ideas closest to those who are in the best position to apply them - the practitioners. Useful, stimulating and well written.' - Robert L. Schalock, Hastings College, Nebraska 'The authors weave their text seamlessly, reminding us at every turn that quality of life varies across individuals, cultures and time...tightly-structured and practical.' - Patricia Noonan Walsh, University College, Dublin 'This excellent book is a valuable contribution to training literature in the field of community rehabilitation.'- Mitchell Clark, Mount Royal College, Calgary, Canada Quality of life - physical, psychological and environmental well-being - is a crucial consideration for professionals working with people with a disability. The authors of this practical book apply ideas about quality of life to the field of disability to assist front-line professionals, managers and policy-makers in effective service provision. They examine the historical context of the concept of quality of life and discuss the application of quality of life in the daily lives of people who have disabilities. Using recent studies to show how the development of quality of life approaches have led to changes in rehabilitation, and how an understanding of the issue can inform practice in assessment, intervention, management and policy, this is an indispensable book for all practitioners and managers working with people with disabilities.
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Cultural Mapping and the Digital Sphere
"Notwithstanding their differing approaches-digital, archival, historical, iterative, critical, creative, reflective-the essays gathered here articulate new ways of seeing, investigating, and apprehending literature and culture." - From the Preface This collection of essays enriches digital humanities research by examining various Canadian cultural works and the advances in technologies that facilitate these interdisciplinary collaborations. Fourteen essays-eleven in English and three in French-survey the helix of place and space. Contributors to Part I chart new archival and storytelling methodologies, while those in Part II venture forth to explore specific cultural and literary texts. Cultural Mapping and the Digital Sphere will serve as an indispensable road map for researchers and those interested in the digital humanities, women's writing, and Canadian culture and literature. Contributors: Jeffery Antoniuk, Susan Brown, Constance Crompton, Ravit H. David, Patricia Demers, Shawn DeSouza-Coelho, Cecily Devereux, Teresa M.Dobson, Sandra Gabriele, Isobel Grundy, Andrea Hasenbank, Paul Hjartarson, Kathleen Kellett, Sasha Kovacs, Vanessa Lent, Margaret Mackey, Breanna Mroczek, Bethany Nowviskie, Ruth Panofsky, Mariana Paredes-Olea, Harvey Quamen, Jennifer Roberts-Smith, Omar Rodriguez-Arenas, Mary-Jo Romaniuk, Stan Ruecker, Lori Saint-Martin, Michelle Schwartz, Stefan Sinclair, Mireille Mai Truong, Stephanie Walsh Matthews, Heather Zwicker.
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Self-Care for Cats (And Their Humans)
Expert self-care tips from the feline authorities on napping as an art form, looking good at all times, keeping your cool, and knowing when to just chill out--cats! Need to up your self-care game? Let your cat be your guru with this funny and entertaining guide. In Self-Care for Cats (And Their Humans), see how stretching every time you get up from the couch, meowing for help when you need it, maintaining balance on the great windowsill of life, taking time to play when the spirit moves you--and not being afraid to act like a kitten--er, child--and more can help you embrace the luxurious lifestyle of a cat--and that's a great thing! With Self-Care for Cats (And Their Humans), you'll feel more relaxed, have more fun, and pawsitively improve the quality of your naps in no time!
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Food Industry
Food Industry: Processes and Technologies examines various processes and technologies in relation with food industry including an extensive overview of major food industries together with food innovations. It includes definition of packaging, handling, food procedures etc. Also provided is the brief about environmental problems that are linked with processing of food. Provides the reader with insights into the development of its history, so as to understand the theoretical perspective of food technologies as well as processing techniques and why some techniques are not sustainable.
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Secrets of Crime Fiction Classics
Twenty-one short chapters discuss in detail the books selected as the most popular and influential mysteries across time. Starting with Caleb Williams (William Godwin) and Edgar Huntly (Charles Brockden Brown), the series moves through the great detective authors - Poe's Dupin stories, Doyle's Adventures of Holmes, Christie's The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Sayers's Strong Poison, Chandler's The Big Sleep, Simenon's The Yellow Dog - and also considers lesser-known important early books, Wilkie Collins' The Woman in White, Emile Gaboriau's M. Lecoq, Anna Katharine Green's The Leavenworth Case and Fergus Hume's The Mystery of a Hansom Cab. More recent titles show increasing variety in the mystery genre, with Patricia Highsmith's criminal-focused The Talented Mr Ripley, and Chester Himes's African American detectives in Cotton Comes to Harlem, while diversity develops further in Sara Paretsky's tough woman detective V. I. Warshawski in IndemnityOnly, Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose - both medievalist and postmodern -- and the forensic feminism of Patricia Cornwell's Postmortem. Notably, the best of the most modern have been primarily international - Manuel Vasquez Montalban's Catalan Southern Seas, Ian Rankin's Edinburgh-set The Naming of the Dead, The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo by Sweden's Stieg Larsson and Vikram Chanda's Mumbai-based Sacred Games.
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2G Essays: Smiljan Radic
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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Ian Cheng
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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Migration and Mobilities
<p>Bibliography:<br>In an increasingly globalized world, the movement of peoples across national borders is posing unprecedented challenges, for the people involved as well as for the places to which they travel and their countries of origin. Citizenship is now a topic in focus around the world but much of that discussion takes place without sufficient attention to the women, men, and children, in and out of families, whose statuses and treatments depend upon how countries view their arrival. As essays in this volume detail, both the practices and theories of citizenship need to be reappraised in light of the array of persons and of twentieth-century commitments to their dignity and equality.<br><b>Migrations and Mobilities</b> uniquely situates gender in the context of ongoing, urgent conversations about globalization, citizenship, and the meaning of borders. Following an introductory essay by editors Seyla Benhabib and Judith Resnik that addresses the parameters and implications of gendered migration, the interdisciplinary contributors consider a wide range of issues, from workers' rights to children's rights, from theories of the nation-state and federalism to obligations under transnational human rights conventions. Together, the essays in this path-breaking collection force us to consider the pivotal role that gender should play in reconceiving the nature of citizenship in the contemporary, transnational world.<br><b>Contributors:</b> Selya Benhabib, Jacqueline Bhabha, Linda Bosniak, Catherine Dauvergne, Talia Inlender, Vicki C. Jackson, David Jacobson, Linda K. Kerber, Audrey Macklin, Angela Means, Valentine M. Moghadam, Patrizia Nanz, Aihwa Ong, Cynthia Patterson, Judith Resnik, and Sarah K. van Walsum.</p>
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En bombeeksplosjon på nyttårsaften setter Oslo i terrorberedskap. Et av ofrene på listen over skadde er et kjent navn for Alexander Blix. Ruth-Kristine Smeplass er moren til to år gamle Patricia som ble kidnappet for ti år siden, og som har vært borte siden. Når saken får ny aktualitet, fatter også nyhetsbloggeren Emma Ramm interesse for det uløste mysteriet. Fra hver sin side forsøker de å jobbe seg gjennom det røykteppet som er lagt ut for å skjule sannheten om Patricia.
4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Strategisk ledelse i krise og krig: det norske systemet
Boken tar for seg håndtering av ulike typer nasjonale kriser og diskuterer særlig utfordringer som går på tvers av departementer og etater. Hovedfokus er kriser som truer samfunnssikkerheten og statssikkerheten, som mulige hendelser i de maritime nordområdene, terror og cybertrusler. «Strategisk ledelse i krise og krig» har fire hoveddeler: teoretisk om strategisk krisehåndtering; etterretning og situasjonsforståelse; nasjonal strategisk krisehåndtering samt krig på norsk jord. Bidragsyterne er erfarne fagfolk og forskere med ekspertkompetanse på områdene de skriver om. Boken vil være nyttig lesning for alle som er involvert eller interessert i beredskapsarbeid og krisehåndtering, og er en godt egnet introduksjon til disse feltene for studenter på bachelor- og masternivå. Strategisk ledelse i krise og krig er en gjennomgående oppdatert utgave av en bok med samme tittel fra 2010, med mange nyskrevne kapitler. Bidragsytere: Natalia Andreassen, Mona S. Arnøy, Bjørn T. Bakken, Jørn V. Berseth, Brita Bjørkelo, Gjert Lage Dyndal, Monica Endregard, Øistein Espenes, Gunnar Fermann, Jan O. Finseth, Patricia Flakstad, Karsten Friis, Per M. Frost-Nielsen, Rune Glomseth, Thorvald Hærem, Vegard V. Hansen, Ellen T. Haugestad, Bjørn-Olav Heieraas, Paal Hilde, Pia T. Jansen, Sigrid R. Johansen, Ann Karin Larssen, Ole J. Maaø, Espen R. Mathiesen, Odd E.F. Olsen, Hanne Røislien, Sigmund Simonsen, Atle Tangen, Magne Aarset.
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Norsk Bokmål
Chakraene: lær deg å balansere kroppens energisentre for bedre helse og økt velvære
Du trenger verken å være healer eller klarsynt for å se chakraene og auraen. Alle kan lære å fornemme kroppens energisentre. Hvert eneste menneske har et regnbuelignende energifelt omkring seg som kalles en aura. Auraen er knyttet til kroppen ved hjelp av chakraer. Chakraene er de usynlige energisentrene i menneskekroppen. De er plassert langs ryggraden og forbinder den eteriske kroppen (energikroppen) med den fysiske. Det er gjennom chakraene at sykdom i sinn og ånd anses for å manifestere seg som fysiske symptomer i kroppen. Ved å avbalansere chakraene gjennom ulike teknikker, som for eksempel visualisering, pendulering, bruk av krystaller og avsynging av mantraer, kan vi imidlertid bedre helsen, rense oss for negativitet og til og med kanalisere energi for å helbrede andre. Esoterisk lærdom fra mange kulturer tyder på at vi har 7 større chakraer, 21 mindre chakraer og et nettverk av energibaner som fungerer lettere dersom de får næring gjennom blant annet puste- og meditasjonsøvelser. I denne boken finner du mange praktiske måter å nære chakraene på.
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Norsk Bokmål
Datoen er 31. oktober og året er 1973. På sitt privatdetektivkontor i Oslo blir Kolbjørn «K2» Kristiansen oppsøkt av en oppskaket lektor. Lektoren finner det utrolig at en gammel venn på Gjøvik skulle dø i en fallulykke, og begrunner det med at vennen led av høydeskrekk. Kristiansens etterforskning på Gjøvik tilsier at dødsfallet var en ulykke eller et selvdrap. Han avskriver funnet av en terning på åstedet som en tilfeldighet, men stusser over at den avdødes enke ikke kjenner til verken høydeskrekken eller lektorvennen. Før K2 rekker å spørre klienten sin om dette, omkommer lektoren selv etter å ha blitt påkjørt. Det viser seg at hans etterlatte ikke har noe kjennskap til den påståtte vennen på Gjøvik. K2s forvirring blir til en nagende visshet om at det har skjedd et dobbeltdrap, idet han også på åstedet i Oslo finner en terning. K2 må søke hjelp hos sin hemmelige rådgiver Patricia for å få oppklart mysteriet om hva slags forbindelse det var mellom de to ofrene. Senere har de fortsatt en lang vei frem til å stoppe den ansiktsløse og navnløse terningmorderen ... Terningmorderen er den ellevte romanen i historikeren Hans Olav Lahlums klassiske krimromanserie fra 1960- og 1970-tallets Norge.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Chemistry the molecular nature of matter and change
Bok skrevet av Martin silberbeg og Patricia amateis
4.6 av 5
Mangfold i faglig veiledning: for helse- og sosialarbeidere
Boken gir en generell og bred innføring i faglig veilednings innhold, prosesser, roller og metoder. Denne 2. utgaven inneholder bl.a nye kapitler om metaveiledning og gestaltorientert coaching. Mangfold i faglig veiledning er delt i 13 kapitler som innholdsmessig kan beskrives slik: - Generell og bredt fundert innføring i faglig veilednings innhold, prosesser, roller og metoder. - Presentasjon av en modell for opplæring av veiledere, kalt metaveiledning. - Einar Aadland om veiledning i etiske dilemmaer. - Bengt Karlsson om dialektisk relasjonsteori som grunnlag for veiledning. - Trulte Konsmo om veiledning i perspektiv av nevrolingvistisk programmering (NLP). - Gry Bruland Vråle om veiledning som kompetanseutvikling , basert på Patricia Benners kompetansestige. - Kristin Austheim om gestaltorientert coaching. - Wenche Seltzer om veiledning i familieterapi i et kulturnarrativt perspektiv. Anne-Lise Teslo er cand.polit., psykiatrisk sykepleier og gestaltterapeut (MNGF). Hun har lang erfaring fra psykisk helsevern og 18 år som høgskolelektor på Diakonhjemmets Høgskole. Teslo driver i dag eget firma som veileder /coach og gestaltterapeut,
4.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Sankta Psyko
4.3 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
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