The history of love
I ei nedslitt leilighet i New York prøver Leo Gursky å overleve litt til. Hver kveld banker han på radiatoren for at naboen over skal høre at han fortsatt lever. Men livet hans har ikke alltid vært slik. For seksti år siden bodde han hjemme i Polen, der forelsket han seg og skreiv ei bok. Kjæresten mistet han da hun flyktet til Amerika rett før krigen. Boka blei også borte, men uten at han veit det har den overlevd og har krysset hav, blitt overlevert mellom generasjoner og forandret liv.
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Kjærlighetens historie
I en nedslitt leilighet i New York prøver Leo Gursky å overleve litt til. Hver kveld banker han på radiatoren for at naboen over skal høre at han fortsatt lever. Men livet hans har ikke alltid vært slik. For seksti år siden bodde han hjemme i Polen, der han forelsket seg og skrev en bok. Kjæresten mistet han da hun flyktet til Amerika rett før krigen. Boken ble også borte. Men uten at han selv er klar over det, har den overlevd: Den har krysset hav, blitt overlevert mellom generasjoner, og forandret liv. Fjorten år gamle Alma er oppkalt etter en person i denne boken. Etter at faren hennes døde, er hun fullt opptatt med å finne en ny kjæreste til moren, holde styr på en lillebror som tror han er Messias, og ta utførlige notater i et hefte hun kaller Hvordan overleve i villmarken, Bind tre. En dag dukker det opp et mystisk brev i posten, og Alma begir seg ut på jakt etter sin navnesøster. Personene i Kjærlighetens historie er mennesker man blir glad i. Hver for seg sysler de med gåter som på bemerkelsesverdig vis er forbundet med hverandre. Nicole Krauss har skrevet en medrivende og imponerende sammensatt roman om mennesker som har blitt avkuttet fra sin fortid, og som på hver sin pussige, rørende måte forsøker å få livet til å henge sammen.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Mann går inn i et rom
Samson Greene har nettopp blitt operert for svulst på hjernen. Operasjonen var vellykket, han er frisk. Men med svulsten forsvant også minnene fra store deler av hans 36-årige liv. Tiden frem til han var tolv husker han med imponerende klarhet: lukter, farger, barndommens forelskelser. Etter det er alt tomt. Samsons kone, Anna, forsøker å venne seg til at Samson ikke husker noe av alt de har opplevd sammen. Hun viser ham bilder fra bryllupsreisen, bøkene hans, hunden. Dette er hans hus, dette er hans liv, her skal han være hjemme. Men hva er et menneske når det har mistet alle minner fra sitt voksne liv? Mann går inn i et rom er en sterk historie om en mann som blir fremmed i sitt eget liv, og i sitt eget ekteskap. Det er en klok, skarp og ofte humoristisk roman om hva hukommelsen betyr for et menneskes identitet. Nicole Krauss er født i New York i 1974. Hun gjorde stor suksess med Kjærlighetens historie, som kom på norsk i 2005 og ble oversatt i en rekke land. Mann går inn i et rom er hennes første roman. Da den kom ut i 2002, ble den kåret til årets bok av Los Angeles Times. Tidligere hadde hun skrevet lyrikk og blitt nominert til Yale Younger Poet's Prize. Hennes tekster har blitt publisert i The New Yorker, Esquire og Best American Short Stories. Nicole Krauss har også vært kritiker i flere amerikanske aviser, blant annet i New York Times og i Los Angeles Times Book Review
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Norsk Bokmål
Det stora huset
»...Nicole Krauss lyckas med det närmast osannolika konststycket att överträffa sitt eget tidigare mästerverk.« Per Planhammar, GP »Nicole Krauss är så isande välformulerad att man som läsare upprepade gånger tvingas stanna upp och läsa enskilda meningar högt för den som råkar passera genom rummet.« Björn af Kleen, Sydsvenskan Författaren Nadja och den chilenske poeten Daniel träffas i New York 1972. När han åker tillbaka till Chile ber hanatt få lämna kvar sitt gamla skrivbord i hennes lägenhet tillsvidare. Men han kommer aldrig tillbaka. Han är en demånga som försvinner spårlöst i Pinochets Chile. Nästan trettio år senare blir Nadja kontaktad av en ung flicka som säger att hon är poetens dotter och nu vill hon hämta skrivbordet. Men när Nadja inte längre har detkvar förlorar hon sin inspiration och förmåga att skriva. Detta är en av fyra tätt sammanlänkade historier i romanen Det stora huset, där det gamla skrivbordet medalla sina lådor står i centrum som en metafor för det kollektiva judiska minnet.Vi får följa skrivbordet och dess olika ägare genom tiden och över världsdelar; från Budapest under andravärldskriget via London till dagens New York. Precis som i sin genombrottsroman Kärlekens historia lägger Nicole Krauss omsorgsfullt en mosaik av människorsöden och deras livsberättelser. En mosaik som präglas av känslan av förlust,djup sorg och längtan tillbaka till enplats som gått förlorad, men som de vet att vi aldrig mer kan återvända till.
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Kärlekens historia
"Charmerande, ömsint och alltigenom äkta." J.M. Coetzee "En bok som fängslar, utmanar och tröstar, allt på en gång. Nicole Krauss visar att det än i dag skrivs stor litteratur." Elizabeth Berg I en sliten lägenhet i Brooklyn bor Leo Gursky. Han är gammal, trött och ensam. Varje kväll knackar han i värmeledningen för att meddela grannen i lägenheten ovanför att han lever. I rockfickan har han en lapp där det står: MITT NAMN ÄR LEO GURSKY JAG HAR INGEN FAMILJ VAR SNÄLL OCH KONTAKTA PINELAWKYRKOGÅRDEN JAG HAR EN PLATS DÄR I DEN JUDISKA DELEN TACK FÖR HJÄLPEN. Åttio år har gått sedan han föddes i den lilla polska staden Slonim. Där växte han upp och där fanns Alma. Om sin kärlek till henne skrev han i Kärlekens historia. Så kom kriget. Alma skickades till Amerika och själv var han tvungen att gömma sig undan nazisterna. Sitt manuskript lämnade han till en vän att ta hand om till dess kriget var över. Vid krigets slut är Leo den ende i sin familj som överlevt. Han tar sig till USA och söker upp Alma. Hon är nu gift och har barn eftersom hon trott att Leo är död. Och vännen som har tagit hand om Kärlekens historia hörs aldrig mer av. Leo Gursky har förlorat både sitt livs kärlek och sin bok om den. Han blir kvar i New York, och så går åren. I New York bor den fjortonåriga Alma Singer. Sitt namn har hon fått efter huvudpersonen i en bok med titeln Kärlekens historia som hennes pappa hittade i ett antikvariat i Buenos Aires en gång för länge sedan. Pappan är nu död och Alma tycker att det är hög tid att hennes mamma slutar att vara ledsen och träffar en ny man. En dag får Almas mamma ett brev från en okänd man som ber henne översätta boken Kärlekens historia från spanska till engelska. Alma ser det som ett tecken. Vem är denne mystiske man och varför är han så intresserad av just den här boken? Är han den som ska göra hennes mamma glad igen? Han blev kär. Det var hans liv. Så avslutar Nicole Krauss sin berättelse om Leo Gursky. Skickligt väver Nicole Krauss samman den gamle Leo Gurskys berättelse med den unga Alma Singers. Deras vägar löper samman i den bok som trots allt levde vidare genom åren och till slut fann sin väg tillbaka Kärlekens historia. Nicole Krauss är 30 år och bor i Brooklyn, New York. Hon har tidigare skrivit romanen Man Walks into a Room. Kärlekens historia är den första av hennes böcker som utkommer på svenska. Boken utkommer i USA i maj men har redan tagit kritikerkåren med storm. För sin unika röst, fylld med humor, värme och originalitet, hyllas nu Nicole Krauss som en av de mest spännande och nyskapande författarna i sin generation. "Denna bok har påmint mig om vad det är för mening med skönlitteratur." Svenska Dagbladet "... ett stycke roman som i sitt skimrande, vindlande utförande hör till det starkaste jag läst på mycket länge." Göteborgs-Posten
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Great house
For tjufem år siden traff Nadja en ung chilensk poet som ba henne ta vare på skrivepulten sin. Poeten kom aldri tilbake. Nå har Nadia skrevet alle sine romaner ved denne pulten, og klarer ikke skrive andre steder. Når poetens datter kommer for å få pulten tilbake, er Nadias liv plutselig helt ute av kontroll. I London steller en mann sin døende kone og finner en hårlokk som avslører hennes dypeste hemmeligheter. I Jerusalem rekonstruerer en antikvitetshandler sin fars arbeidsværelse som ble plyndret under krigen. Skrivepulten binder disse historien sammen.
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Det store huset
I tjuefem år har en ensom amerikansk romanforfatter skrevet ved pulten hun arvet av en ung poet som forsvant i hendene på Pinochets hemmelige politi. En dag gjør en kvinne som sier hun er poetens datter, krav på skrivebordet og ankommer for å ta det med seg, noe som setter forfatterens liv ut av kontroll. På den andre siden av havet, i en av Londons fornemme forsteder, oppdager en mann som steller sin døende kone, en hårlokk blant hennes papirer, noe som avslører en forferdelig hemmelighet. I Jerusalem er en antikvitetshandler i gang med å rekonstruere sin fars arbeidsværelse, som ble plyndret av nazistene i Budapest i 1944. Nicole Krauss er forfatteren av den internasjonale bestselgeren Kjærlighetens historie og Mann går inn i et rom. Hennes bøker er oversatt til mer enn 35 språk. Hun bor i Brooklyn, New York.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Forest dark
CHOSEN AS BOOK OF THE YEAR BY THE OBSERVER, NEW YORKER, NEW YORK TIMES BOOKS REVIEW, TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT AND THE TIMES Jules Epstein has vanished: first slowly, then all at once. He begins divesting himself of all of his worldly possessions. Now he's fallen off the face of the earth, and all the search parties can find is his empty monogrammed briefcase, abandoned in the Judean foothills. In her room at the Tel Aviv Hilton, an American novelist has also left home to undergo a transformation. But when a stranger recruits her for a project involving Kafka, she is drawn into a mystery that will take her on a metaphysical journey and change her in ways she could never have imagined.
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Kjærlighetens historie
4.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Kjærlighetens historie
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Forest dark
Jules Epstein, a man whose drive, avidity, and personality have, for sixty-eight years, been a force to be reckoned with, is undergoing a metamorphosis. In the wake of his parents' deaths, his divorce from a thirty-year marriage, and his retirement from the New York legal firm where he was a partner, he begins shedding the possessions he spent a lifetime accumulating - a watch here, an Old Master there - and becomes elusive, distant. Resolving to do something to commemorate his parents, he travels to Tel Aviv and checks into the Hilton. Meanwhile, a novelist leaves her husband and children behind in Brooklyn and arrives at the same hotel, hoping that the view of the pool she used to dive into on childhood holidays will unlock her writer's block. But when a retired professor of literature recruits her for a project involving Kafka, she is drawn into a mystery that will take her on a metaphysical journey and change her in ways she could never have imagined.
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Man walks into a room
Samson Greene, a young and popular professor at Columbia University, is found wandering in the Nevada desert. When his wife, Anna, comes to take him home, she finds a man who remembers nothing, not even his own name. The removal of a small brain tumour saves his life, but his memories beyond the age of twelve are permanently lost. Here is the story of a strikingly intelligent, sensitive man returned to a world in which everything is strange and new. An emigrant in his own life, he is set free from everything and everyone who once defined him. Samson believes he has nothing left to lose. So, when a charismatic scientist asks him to participate in a bold experiment, Samson agrees. What he gains is nothing short of the beautifully painful revelation of what it is to be a human being.
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The Beautiful Possible
This epic, enthralling debut novel-in the vein of Nicole Krauss' The History of Love-follows a postwar love triangle between an American rabbi, his wife, and a German-Jewish refugee. Spanning seventy years and several continents-from a refugee's shattered dreams in 1938 Berlin, to a discontented American couple in the 1950s, to a young woman's life in modern-day Jerusalem-this epic, enthralling novel tells the braided love story of three unforgettable characters. In 1946, Walter Westhaus, a German Jew who spent the war years at Tagore's ashram in India, arrives at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City, where he meets Sol Kerem, a promising rabbinical student. A brilliant nonbeliever, Walter is the perfect foil for Sol's spiritual questions-and their extraordinary connection is too wonderful not to share with Sol's free-spirited fiancee Rosalie. Soon Walter and Rosalie are exchanging notes, sketches, and secrets, and begin a transcendent love affair in his attic room, a temple of dusty tomes and whispered poetry.Months later they shatter their impossible bond, retreating to opposite sides of the country-Walter to pursue an academic career in Berkeley and Rosalie and Sol to lead a congregation in suburban New York. A chance meeting years later reconnects Walter, Sol, and Rosalie-catching three hearts and minds in a complex web of desire, heartbreak, and redemption. With extraordinary empathy and virtuosic skill, The Beautiful Possible considers the hidden boundaries of marriage and faith, and the mysterious ways we negotiate our desires.
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The Shape of the Ruins
Shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize 2019"Like Don DeLillo's JFK-themed Libra, the novel is an intoxicating blend of fact and fiction" Glasgow Herald"A masterful writer" Nicole Krauss"Vasquez has succeeded Garcia Marquez as the literary grandmaster of Colombia" Ariel Dorfman, New York Review of Books"A dazzlingly choreographed network of echoes and mirrorings" T.L.S.It takes the form of personal and formal investigations into two political assassinations - the murders of Rafael Uribe Uribe in 1914, the man who inspired Garcia Marquez's General Buendia in One Hundred Years of Solitude, and of the charismatic Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, the man who might have been Colombia's J.F.K., gunned down on the brink of success in the presidential elections of 1948. Separated by more than 30 years, the two murders at first appear unconnected, but as the novel progresses Vasquez reveals how between them they contain the seeds of the violence that has bedevilled Colombia ever since. The Shape of the Ruins is Vasquez's most ambitious, challenging and rewarding novel to date. His previous novel, The Sound of Things Falling, won Spain's Alfaguara Prize, Italy's Von Rezzori Prize and the 2014 Dublin IMPAC literary Award. Winner of the Premio Literario Casino da Povoa 2018 Finalist for the Bienal de Novela Mario Vargas Llosa 2016 Finalist for the Premio Bottari Lattes Grinzane 2017 Finalist for the Prix Femina Finalist for the Prix Medicis Translated from the Spanish by Anne McLean
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The best American short stories 2008
This brilliant collection, edited by the award-winning and perennially provocative Salman Rushdie, boasts a "magnificent array" (Library Journal) of voices both new and recognized.With Rushdie at the helm, the 2008 edition "reflects the variety of substance and style and the consistent quality that readers have come to expect" (Publishers Weekly). "We all live in and with and by stories, every day, whoever and wherever we are. The freedom to tell each other the stories of ourselves, to retell the stories of our culture and beliefs, is profoundly connected to the larger subject of freedom itself."--Salman Rushdie, editor The Best American Short Stories 2008 includes KEVIN BROCKMEIER - ALLEGRA GOODMAN - A. M. HOMES - NICOLE KRAUSS - JONATHAN LETHEM - STEVEN MILLHAUSER - DANIYAL MUEENUDDIN - ALICE MUNRO - GEORGE SAUNDERS - TOBIAS WOLFF - and others
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The Conde Nast Traveler Book of Unforgettable Journeys: Great Writers on Great Places
From the #1 travel magazine in the country, a collection of travel tales from some of today's finest writers Travel writing maintains its seemingly endless popularity, and this volume offers a particularly transporting body of work, pairing exotic locales with writers of the highest caliber: Russell Banks writes on the Everglades, Francine Prose explores the secrets of Prague, Robert Hughes takes us on a tour of Italy, and more. From the most beautiful gardens to visit in Japan to the best free things to do in Provence, this book is as enlightening as it is entertaining. Whether off to the other side of the globe or to their favorite reading chair, wanderers of every sort will find this book truly indispensable. Other featured writers and places include: Nik Cohn on Savannah Philip Gourevitch on Tanzania Shirley Hazzard on Capri Pico Iyer on Iceland and Ethiopia Nicole Krauss on Japan Suketu Mehta on the Himalayas Edna O'Brien on Bath Patricia Storace on Provence and Athens James Truman on Iran Gregor Von Rezzori on Romania Edmund White on Jordan Simon Winchester on Mount Pinatubo William Dalrymple on his pilgrimage to Santiago John Julius Norwich on the Vatican Jan Morris on Hawaii
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The New Diaspora
The Edward Lewis Wallant Award was founded by the family of Dr. Irving and Fran Waltman in 1963 and is supported by the University of Hartford's Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies. It is given annually to an American writer, preferably early in his or her career, whose fiction is considered significant for American Jews. In The New Diaspora: The Changing Landscape of American Jewish Fiction, editors Victoria Aarons, Avinoam J. Patt, and Mark Shechner who have all served as judges for the award, present vital, original, and wide-ranging fiction by writers whose work has been considered or selected for the award. The resulting collection highlights the exemplary place of the Wallant Award in Jewish literature.With a mix of stories and novel chapters, The New Diaspora reprints selections of short fiction from such well-known writers as Rebecca Goldstein, Nathan Englander, Jonathan Safran Foer, Dara Horn, Julie Orringer, and Nicole Krauss. The first half of the anthology presents pieces by winnners of the Wallant award, focusing on the best work of recent winners. The New Diaspora's second half reflects the evolving landscape of American Jewish fiction over the last fifty years, as many authors working in America are not American by birth, and their fiction has become more experimental in nature. Pieces in this section represent authors with roots all over the world - including Russia (Maxim Shrayer, Nadia Kalman, and Lara Vapnyar), Latvia (David Bezmozgis), South Africa (Tony Eprile), Canada (Robert Majzels), and Israel (Avner Mandelman, who now lives in Canada).This collection offers an expanded canon of Jewish writing in North America and foregrounds a vision of its variety, its uniqueness, its cosmopolitanism, and its evolving perspectives on Jewish life. It celebrates the continuing vitality and fresh visions of contemporary Jewish writing, even as it highlights its debt to history and embrace of collective memory. Readers of contemporary American fiction and Jewish cultural history will find The New Diaspora enlightening and deeply engaging.Contributors Include: Edith Pearlman, Sara Houghteling, Eileen Pollack, Ehud Havazelet, Nicole Krauss, Jonathan Rosen, Joan Leegant, Dara Horn, Myla Goldberg, Harvey Grossinger, Thane Rosenbaum, Rebecca Goldstein, Melvin Bukiet, Tova Reich, Steve Stern, Francine Prose, Nadia Kalman, Maxim Shrayer, David Bezmozgis, Avner Mandelman, Joseph Epstein, Scott Nadelson, Margot Singer, Jonathan Safran Foer, Aryeh Lev Stollman, Gerald Shapiro, Joshua Henkin, Curt Leviant, Robert Majzels, Tony Eprile, Rachel Kadish, Nathan Englander, Lara Vapnyar, Julie Orringer, Joseph Skibell, Peter Orner, Jonathon Keats.
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Night train to Lisbon
This title is now a major film. Pascal Mercier's haunting novel of the paths not taken, the choices not made, the lives not lived, "Night Train to Lisbon" has captured the hearts of readers across Europe, with over two million copies sold worldwide. "Night Train to Lisbon" follows Raimund Gregorius, a 57-year-old Classics scholar, on a journey that takes him across Europe. Abandoning his job and his life and travelling with a dusty old book as his talisman, he heads for Lisbon in search of clues to the life of the book's Portuguese author, Amadeu de Prado. As he gets swept up in his quest, he finds that the journey is also one of self-discovery, as he re-encounters all the decisions he has made - and not made - in his life, and faces the roads not travelled. It is suitable for fans of the film, readers of Carlos Ruiz Zafon's "Shadow of the Wind", Nicole Krauss' "The History of Love", or Isabelle Allende's "The House of Spirits".
4.5 av 5
The lovers
Set against the intense heat of a Turkish summer, "The Lovers" is the stunning new novel by Vendela Vida, "the hottest young writer in US fiction" ("Guardian"). Yvonne, recently widowed, returns to the coastal village in Turkey where she and her husband honeymooned twenty-eight years ago. She hopes to find comfort in the warm sand, brilliant sea, and memories of a better time in her life. Initially overwhelmed by her past, Yvonne clings to a newfound friendship with Ahmet, a young Turkish boy who sells shells at the local beach. With the boy as her guide, Yvonne beings to relax and enjoy the Turkish coast. But when a terrible accident throws her life into chaos, her own sense of self is suddenly thrown into turmoil. With the crystalline voice, mordant humour, and depth of feeling for which her work has been so celebrated, Vendela Vida has crafted another unforgettable heroine in a beautiful and mysterious landscape. This title is suitable for fans of Nicole Krauss, Victoria Hislop, Sadie Jones, Zoe Heller, Maggie O'Farrell, Louise Doughty, and Helen Garner.
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