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Viser resultat for 'Murray Sidman'

    Tactics of scientific research, Evaluating Experimental Data in Psychology,

    Tactics of scientific research, Evaluating Experimental Data in Psychology,

    Murray Sidman

    Experimental Psychology

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1960



    Equivalence relations and behavior: A research story

    Equivalence relations and behavior: A research story

    Murray Sidman

    Den hvite boken til Sidman

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1994


    kr 450
    kr 450

    Neuroanatomie programmiert. Bd. 1 : Zentralnervensystem, Grosse Bahnen, Herdförmige Läsionen

    Neuroanatomie programmiert. Bd. 1 : Zentralnervensystem, Grosse Bahnen, Herdförmige Läsionen

    Richard L Sidman

    Der Neuroanatomie-Unterricht stellt an Lernende und Lehrende besonders hohe An- spruche. Auch eine Vorlesung und die am Objekt durchgefuhrte Kursausbildung in kleinen Gruppen vermogen nur einen Teil der didaktischen Probleme zu losen. Ohne er- ganzendes Lehrbuchstudium lassen sich die fur die klinische Diagnostik erforderlichen Neuroanatomie-Kenntnisse nicht erwerben. Die Erfahrung zeigt, daB Studenten auf keinem anderen Gebiet der Morphologie den roten so leicht verlieren wie in der Neuroanatomie. Die Faden funktioneller Zusammenhange Fulle und die Komplexitat des Stoffes, der in den umfassenden Lehrwerken geboten wird, verwirren oft den Anfanger. Die kurzeren Lehrbucher und Schemata neigen wiederum zu einer allzu starken Simplifizierung, die den spateren fachlichen Anforderungen nicht ge- recht wird. Mit ihrem programmierten, der Selbstkontrolle dienenden Text haben Richard und Murray SIDMAN versucht, hier eine didaktische Lucke zu schlieBen. Die Autoren betonen, daB sie damit weder ein Praktikum noch ein detailliertes Lehrbuch ersetzen mochten. Nach mehrjahrigen, in wiederholten Lehrtests uberpruften Studien haben sie vielmehr ein Pro- gramm erarbeitet, das eine Vervollstandigung des klassischen Neuroanatomie-Unterrichts darstellt. Wir haben den Eindruck, daB im deutschen Sprachraum die vorklinische Ausbildung in Der flieBende Ober- der Neuroanatomie noch zu wenig den klinischen Bezug hervorhebt.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1971



    Ardernes Practica : master John Arderne från Newark och hur han utövade medicin och kirurgi, 1412

    Ardernes Practica : master John Arderne från Newark och hur han utövade medicin och kirurgi, 1412

    John Arderne

    En av medeltidens största och mest intressanta medicinska handskrifter råkar finnas i Sverige: John Ardernes De arte phisicali et de chirurgia (ca. 1412). Det är en pergamentrulle, 542 cm lång, 36 cm bred, rikt illustrerad med över 100 handmålade figurer, som på ett ofta drastiskt sätt illustrerar de i texten beskrivna krämporna och hur de botas. Det är en av de stora rariteterna i svenska bibliotek vid sidan om Silverbibeln och Djävulsbibeln.John Arderne var en engelsk läkare som levde på 1300-talet. Han anses av många vara en föregångsman inom kirurgin, och hans beskrivning av hur man opererar analfistel, en vanlig och ofta besvärlig åkomma i anslutning till ändtarmsöppningen, har stor betydelse än idag.Här presenteras nu en modern översättning av verket, med kommentarer och analyser av professor Torgny Svenberg och Peter Murray Jones.Boken utkommer på både engelska och svenska.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014



    Rosa elefanter

    Rosa elefanter

    Karin Brunk Holmqvist

    Magnetarmband och drömfångare kryddar den skånska myllan i Karin Brunk Holmqvists nya roman Selma och Artur Jacobsson bor i Tommarp på en liten gård som inte längre är aktiv, bara hönsen och katten Murran finns kvar. De har några år kvar till sjuttio, och lever stillsamt med sitt eget smågnabb som enda spänning i vardagen. En dag börjar det lysa i Nils Bloms fönster, eller rättare sagt Nils Bloms dotter Disas fönster. Rökelse och drömfångare börjar fylla det lilla huset, Disa har nämligen bestämt sig för att bo där permanent eftersom hon fått elallergi. Selma och Artur har också fått nya grannar längre upp på vägen, Hernemo, som spelar hög religiös musik och har rest ett stort tält i sin trädgård. Det blir en tid av oro för Selma och Artur, på ena sidan vägen frireligiösa tältmöten, och på den andra Disas trevliga men mycket new age-inspirerade sällskap. Men efter diverse turer och missförstånd, lägrar sig lugnet igen över den skånska myllan, så som alltid i Karin Brunk Holmqvists böcker. Och alla inblandade är lite klokare och har kommit ett steg vidare i sina liv. Om författaren Karin Brunk Holmqvist tillhör idag våra populäraste underhållningsförfattare. Hon har varit verksam som trollkarl, mannekäng, politiker, revyprimadonna och statist i Hasse & Tage-filmerna och är mycket populär som föredragshållare. På Kabusa Böcker har tidigare utkommit romanerna Potensgivarna, Rapsbaggarna, Villa Bonita och Sirila gentlemän sökes samt krönikesamlingen Mintgrodornas återkomst.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010



    Health Psychology

    Health Psychology: Theory, research and practise

    Michael Murray, Emee Vida, David F.

    6th edition

    4.8 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 150

    Pocket · 2021



    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 150

    Health Psychology

    Health Psychology: Theory, research and practice

    David F., Michael Murray, Emee Vida

    Gir studenter informasjon de trenger til å evaluere og kritisk møte teori og forskning

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 400

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 400

    Health Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice

    Health Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice

    David F. Marks, Michael Murray, Emee Vida Estacio

    Provides students with the tools they need to evaluate and critically appraise theory and research before it can be applied practically. Using the most up-to-date research available, the sixth edition places an emphasis on the real-world application of health psychology, demonstrating how theory learnt in the classroom influences public policy.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020


    kr 600

    Pocket · 2015


    kr 200
    kr 600

    How to beat your dåd at chess

    How to beat your dåd at chess: Including the 50 Fra fly Checkmates

    Murray chandler

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1998



    Massenes vanvidd

    Massenes vanvidd: kjønn, rase og identitet

    Douglas Murray

    Dette er en britisk bestselger. For tjue år siden fantes det knapt støtte til homoekteskap, mens nesten ingen tør være åpent imot det i dag. Idet likestillingen mellom menn og kvinner er større enn noensinne, utbres tanken om at vi lever i et patriarkat. Og i en tid hvor relasjonene mellom raser blir stadig bedre, gjennomsyres samfunnet angivelig av en «systemisk rasisme» vi må gjøre bot for. Diskusjoner om slike ting har uskrevne regler for hva som er akseptabelt å si, og disse håndheves nådeløst. Et uheldig ord kan avslutte karrierer og vennskap, og utløse massiv fordømmelse. Samtidig blir historiske skikkelser sensurert og minnesmerker over dem fjernet fordi de ikke levde opp til noen moralske standarder som gjør seg gjeldende i dag. Hvordan kan slike temaer forgifte samfunnsklimaet og skape så bitre stridigheter? Og hvordan kunne den frie diskusjonen bli undertrykt hos de institusjonene som er opprettet for å bevare den? Årsakene er sammensatte og stikker dypt, forklarer Douglas Murray. Den postmoderne epokens tap av livsmening måtte erstattes, og inn kom den ideologiske kampen. Postmarxistiske ideer som mest hadde vært akademiske leketøy, vant frem med hjelp fra ideologiske allierte hos store IT-selskaper som nå bestemmer hva folk skal lese og tenke. Forfatteren gir en makeløs analyse av den ideologiske bølgen kalt identitetspolitikk, eller «woke», og viser absurditeten i utslagene. Kjønn kan f.eks. flyte fritt til omgivelsenes applaus, mens det er strengt forbudt å antyde at seksuell orientering kan flyte fra homofili til heterofili. Vi nærmet oss en tilstand der rase, kjønn og legning ikke betydde så mye lenger, analyserer Murray, men nå går vi i en farlig retning hvor de betyr alt. Livet må avpolitiseres mer, og en større generøsitet overfor andre mennesker må kultiveres, konkluderer han.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021

    Norsk Bokmål


    Har du sett Elvis?

    Har du sett Elvis?

    Andrew Murray

    Savnet katten Elvis. Drevet bort av stadige slosskamper med hunden Oscar. Hvis noen ser ham,vennligst ring Lisa. Hjelp oss å lete ! Jeg savner ham ! Oscar (hunden)

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 30
    kr 30

    The Burnout Solution

    The Burnout Solution

    Siobhan Murray

    The Burnout Solution offers a step-by-step path through feelings of stress and anxiety towards renewed clarity of mind and an ability to prioritise the important things in life.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Europas underlige død

    Europas underlige død: innvandring, identitet, islam

    Douglas Murray

    Douglas Murray er en kjent britisk forfatter, journalist og politisk kommentator. Han startet tenketanken Centre for Social Cohesion, er direktør for Henry Jackson Society og er assisterende redaktør i The Spectator. Han skriver også for Standpoint og Wall Street Journal. Douglas Murray deltar ofte i TV-debatter i Storbritannia og USA.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 200
    kr 200

    liz murray

    liz murray

    Liz Murray

    Liz Murray never really had a chance in life. Born to a drug-addicted father who was in and out of prison, and an equally dependent mother who was in and out of mental institutions, she seemed destined to become just another tragic statistic. Another life wasted on the brutal streets of New York. By the age of 15, Liz found herself homeless with nowhere to turn but the tough streets, riding subways all night for a warm place to sleep and foraging through dumpsters for food. But when her mother died of AIDS a year later, Liz's life changed for ever. With no education, with no chance at a job or a home, she realised that only the most astonishing of turnarounds could stop her heading all the way down the same path her parents took. And so she set her mind to overcoming what seemed like impossible odds - and in the process, achieved something extraordinary. Told with astounding sincerity, Breaking Night is the breathtaking and inspirational story of how a young women, born into a world without hope, used every ounce of strength and determination to steer herself towards a brighter future. Beautifully written, it is a poignant, evocative and stirring portrait of struggle, desperation, forgiveness and survival.

    4.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010



    Health Psychology

    Health Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice

    David F. Marks, Michael Murray, Emee Vida Estacio

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 220

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 350

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 220

    Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders

    Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders

    Boston University) Barlow David H. (Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry Founder Director Emeritus Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston University) Farchione Todd J. (Director Intensive Program and Assistant Director Unified Treatment Program Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston University) Sauer-Zavala Shannon (Director Unified Protocol Institute Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston University) Murray Latin Heather (Research Assistant Professor, Massachusetts General Hospital) Ellard Kristen K. (Clinical Fellow in Psychology Department of Psychiatry Bipolar Clinic and Research Program, Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School) Bullis Jacqueline R. (Instructor, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School) Bentley Kate H. (Clinical Fellow in Psychology, Kentucky) Boettcher Hannah T. (Predoctoral Intern VA Medical Center Lexington, Boston University) Cassiello-Robbins Clair (Advanced Doctoral Student

    Leading therapists and researchers have come to understand that many psychological disorders share common features and respond to common therapeutic treatments. This deepened understanding of the nature of psychological disorders, their causes, and their symptoms has led to the development of new, comprehensive treatment programs that are effective for whole classes of disorders. Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders is one suchprogram.Designed for individuals suffering from emotional disorders, including panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and depression, this program focuses on helping you to better understand your emotions and identify what you're doing in your responses to them that may be making things worse. Throughout the course of treatment you will learn different strategies and techniques for managing your emotionalexperiences and the symptoms of your disorder. You will learn how to monitor your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors; confront uncomfortable emotions; and learn more effective ways of coping with your experiences. By proactively practicing the skills presented in this book-and completing the exercises,homework assignments and self-assessment quizzes provided in each chapter, you will address your problems in a comprehensive and effective way so you can regulate your emotional experiences and return to living a happy and functional life.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders

    Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders

    Boston University) Barlow David H. (Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry Founder and Director Emeritus Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston University) Farchione Todd J. (Director Intensive Program Assistant Director Unified Treatment Program and Research Assistant Professor Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston University) Sauer-Zavala Shannon (Director Unified Protocol Institute Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston University) Murray Latin Heather (Research Assistant Professor, Massachusetts General Hospital) Ellard Kristen K. (Clinical Fellow in Psychology Department of Psychiatry Bipolar Clinic and Research Program, Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School) Bullis Jacqueline R. (Instructor, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School) Bentley Kate H. (Clinical Fellow in Psychology, Kentucky) Boettcher Hannah T. (Predoctoral Intern VA Medical Center Lexington, Boston Univeristy) Cassiello-Robbins Clair (Advanced Doctoral Student

    Contemporary research on major emotional disorders emphasizes their commonalities rather than their differences. This research continues to lend support for a unified transdiagnostic approach to treatment of these disorders that considers their commonalities and is applicable to a range of emotional problems.Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders provides an alternative to disorder-specific treatments of various emotional disorders, designed to be applicable to the wide range of anxiety and other disorders with strong emotional components. The Therapist Guide and accompanying client Workbook present an eight-module therapy program that puts substantial emphasis on emotion-focused approaches, helping clients confront and experience challenging emotions while teachingthem how to regulate those emotions. Expanded considerably in this second edition, the volume provides guidance on using the Unified Protocol (UP) to address problems not only with anxiety, but also with depression, eating disorders, non-suicidal self-injury, substance use, and anger. Treatmentprocedures have been further elucidated and more guidance is provided to practitioners on how to present key treatment concepts. Chapters brand new to this updated edition introduce functional assessment and describe how to provide the UP in a group format, while patient materials have been revised, streamlined, and made more user-friendly.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017



    Trans: When Idiology Meets Reality

    Helen Joyce

    'A scholarly, compassionate and courageous examination of a subject that’s sparked an unhelpful civil war within the LGBTQ community. Unlike those of her online counterparts, Joyce’s arguments are well researched, soundly made and avoid the toxicity that mars so much conversation on this topic.’ ― Observer, Books of the Year ‘A frighteningly necessary book: well-written, thoroughly-researched, passionate and very brave.’ -- Richard Dawkins ‘A courageous, intelligent and important work, rooted in good science and common sense.’ -- Jenni Murray 'I'm off the fence...This rigorous and brave book nails the absurd idea that sex is just a “social construct”' -- David Aaronovitch, The Times 'A superlative critical analysis...With this fact-filled, humane, and brave book, a grown-up has entered the room.' -- The Telegraph 'Reasonable, methodical, sane, and utterly unintimidated by extremist orthodoxy, Trans is also a riveting read.' -- Lionel Shriver ‘Thank goodness for Helen Joyce… Trans is a searing and at times devastating analysis of an ideological shift that has had a profound influence on many institutions in the West… With the rigour of an investigative journalist, she looks at the history of the trans movement over the past century.’ -- Christina Patterson, Sunday Times 'A tour de force. With a fine eye for detail, she brings all the elements of gender ideology together with clarity and precision...simply a must-read' -- Evening Standard ‘anyone wanting to understand how transgender rights became such a flashpoint in identity politics – and why a generation of feminists is so determined to stand its ground – should start here with this polemical book by Helen Joyce.’ -- Patrick Maguire ― Times, Books of the Year 2021 'An intelligent, thorough rejoinder to an idea that has swept across much of the liberal world seemingly overnight. Even those outraged by Joyce’s positions would benefit from understanding them...Open conversation about such fraught issues is the only realistic path forward.' -- Jesse Singal, New York Times 'A passionate defence' ― Financial Times

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2021



    Pocket · 2018


    Andre utgaver · 4


    Agnes Grey

    Agnes Grey

    Anne Brontë

    Agnes Grey is the debut novel of English author Anne Brontë, first published in December 1847, and republished in a second edition in 1850. The novel follows Agnes Grey, a governess, as she works within families of the English gentry. Scholarship and comments by Anne's sister Charlotte Brontë suggest the novel is largely based on Anne Brontë's own experiences as a governess for five years. Like her sister Charlotte's novel Jane Eyre, it addresses what the precarious position of governess entailed and how it affected a young woman.The choice of central character allows Anne to deal with issues of oppression and abuse of women and governesses, isolation and ideas of empathy. An additional theme is the fair treatment of animals. Agnes Grey also mimics some of the stylistic approaches of bildungsromans, employing ideas of personal growth and coming to age, but representing a character who in fact does not gain in virtue.The Irish novelist George Moore praised Agnes Grey as "the most perfect prose narrative in English letters,"[2] and went so far as to compare Anne's prose to that of Jane Austen. Modern critics have made more subdued claims admiring Agnes Grey with a less overt praise of Brontë's work than Moore.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    kr 40

    Pocket · 2010


    kr 30

    Andre utgaver · 11

    kr 40

    Professoren og galningen

    Professoren og galningen: en beretning om drap, vanvidd og Oxford English Dictionary

    Simon Winchester

    The Oxford English Dictionary er en av de største litterære prestasjoner i det engelske språks historie. Arbeidet ble igangsatt i 1857 og tok syttito år å fullføre, med hjelp fra tusentalls frivillige. En pensjonert militærlege ble en av de aller mest verdifulle hjelpere. Han bidrag var av sjelden høy kvalitet, og flere ganger mottok han ærefulle invitasjoner fra Dr. James Murray, ordbokprosjektets hovedredakør i Oxford, men unnslo seg alltid, på høfligste vis. Etter tyve års korrespondanse setter professor Murray seg på toget og reiser de femti miles fra Oxford for å treffe denne Dr. W.C. Minor, en av The Oxford English Dictionary's viktigste bidragsytere. Murray ønsker å takke ham for enestående arbeid, men er også nysgjerrig: Hvem er denne begavede mannen? Og professoren finner en sinnssyk morder, pasient nummer 742 på anstalten Broadmore. Historien om disse to menn, deres liv, arbeid og vennskap er også historien om en av språkvitenskapens største bedrifter. "Jeg kan ikke anbefale den bok varmt nok. Dette er en av de sjeldne tilfelle hvor vanvittig god underholdning, spennende viten og virkelig solid prosakunst går opp i en høyere enhet." Berlingske Tidene "En gal manns verk" Artikkel Dagbladet 30.4.03 "Språkhistorisk bestselger på norsk" Artikkel på NRK.no Anmeldelser"Professoren og galningen er blitt en besnærende bok, godt oversatt av Isak Rogde." Anne Cathrine Straume, NRK P2 Les hele anmeldelsen

    4.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2003

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 50
    kr 50

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