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      Muriel Barbery (11)
      Muriel Jensen (10)
      Muriel James (9)
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Viser resultat for 'Muriel James '

    Hva kan vi gjøre for ungene våre? Transaksjonsanalyse for mor og far

    Hva kan vi gjøre for ungene våre? Transaksjonsanalyse for mor og far

    Muriel James

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1983

    Norsk Bokmål


    OK sjefen

    OK sjefen

    Muriel James

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1981

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Født vinder : transaktionsanalyse med gestalteksperimenter

    Født vinder : transaktionsanalyse med gestalteksperimenter

    Muriel James

    FØDT VINDER er en arbejdsbog. Hvis du arbejder den grundigt igennem, får du udvidet dit kendskab til dig selv, til dine problematiske følelser og adfærdsmønstre, og du fåren opskrift på at ÆNDRE disse i positiv og livsbekræftende retning. Efter hvert kapitel med en teori følger en serie øvelser, der trin for trin tager dig med på en opdagelsesrejse ind i dit eget sind. Teorien og øvelserne bygger på Fritz Perls´ gestaltterapi og Eric Bernes´ transaktionsanalyse, der her præsenteres som en syntese til hverdagsbrug. Transaktionsanalysen vil styrke din evne til at styre dit eget liv i stedet for at lade det dirigere af psykologiske reaktionsmønstre, du har læst i barndommen, og den vil styrke din evne til selvstændighed, opmærksomhed og intimitet. Gestaltterapi arbejder med at forene de spaltede personlighedsdele, der er i konflikt med hinanden, og med at føre dig ind til dine ægte følelser.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1976

    Norsk Bokmål


    Hva kan vi gjøre for ungene våre?

    Hva kan vi gjøre for ungene våre?

    Muriel James

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1983

    kr 89
    kr 89

    Cambridge International IGCSE

    Cambridge International IGCSE

    Muriel James

    These resources have been created for the Cambridge IGCSE (R) and O Level Additional Mathematics syllabuses (0606/4037), for first examination from 2020. The Cambridge IGCSE (R) and O Level Additional Mathematics Practice Book works alongside the coursebook to provide students with extra materials so they can practise the required syllabus skills. The exercises have further worked examples to help students approach the questions within. Answers are provided in the back of the book.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Pocket · 2016


    Et nytt jeg

    Et nytt jeg

    Muriel James, Louis Savary

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1982

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 79
    kr 79

    Født til vinner er vi alle

    Født til vinner er vi alle: transaksjonsanalyse med gestalteksperimenter

    Muriel James, Dorothy Jongeward

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1980

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Pocket · 1980

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Født til vinner er vi alle

    Født til vinner er vi alle

    Muriel James, Dorothy Jongward

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1980

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 95
    kr 95

    God kommunikasjon

    God kommunikasjon: utvikling gjennom transaksjonsanalyse

    Dorothy Jongeward, Muriel James

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1982

    Norsk Bokmål


    Mens englene sover

    Mens englene sover

    P.D. James

    En ubestemmelig aura av død og uhygge synes å hvile over den ruvende sykehusbygningen. Det er i hvert fall følelsen som inspektør Muriel Beale får når hun kommer til sykehuset for å inspisere årets sykepleierelever. Når hun inntar plassen sin for å overvære elevenes demonstrasjon av ferdighetene sine, synes luften å dirre av angst - og en slags illevarslende forventning. Og de uhyggelige forutanelsene hennes slår til - den unge eleven som spiller rollen som pasient, begynner plutselig å vri seg i dødskramper ... Adam Dalgliesh får en kinkig sak der mord følger mord. Etter hvert som han trenger inn i sykehusmiljøet, oppdager han hvor smålig og trangt det er. Her er det grobunn for hat, misunnelse og frykt - og her kan ingen skjule noe for noen ...

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 59

    Moorland Forensics - Bound by Polaris

    Moorland Forensics - Bound by Polaris

    Julie D. Jones

    Murder is afoot in the Southwest, again. Muriel Jennings, elderly mother and owner of the successful Jennings Clay Company, has met a premature end; survived only by her children and business partners Stella and Mark. James, Katie and Fiona Sinclair, at Moorland Forensic Consultants, have been tasked with assisting the investigation. After attending a meeting at Muriel's book club in Bovey, Katie learns the last book to be read; The Sinners Daughter by Lillian Webster - the story of Ted Cartwright who murdered five women in his remote home on Dartmoor a little over fifteen years ago. The more she uncovers about the lives of those close to Muriel, her family, her business associates and her book club, convinces Katie of parallels between the Jennings and the Cartwright cases. Could the two be linked - fact or fiction? Julie D. Jones delivers a murder-mystery set in Devon in which the landscape is as alive as the characters breathing in her prose. Moorland Forensics, Bound by Polaris is an intelligent piece of fiction that will have you guessing until the death.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    Pocket · 2017


    The 60s: The Story of a Decade

    The 60s: The Story of a Decade

    The New Yorker Magazine

    The third installment of a fascinating decade-by-decade series, this anthology collects historic New Yorker pieces from the most tumultuous years of the twentieth century--including work by James Baldwin, Pauline Kael, Sylvia Plath, Roger Angell, Muriel Spark, and John Updike--alongside new assessments of the 1960s by some of today's finest writers. Here are real-time accounts of these years of turmoil: Calvin Trillin reports on the integration of Southern universities, E. B. White and John Updike wrestle with the enormity of the Kennedy assassination, and Jonathan Schell travels with American troops into the jungles of Vietnam. The murder of Martin Luther King, Jr., the fallout of the 1968 Democratic Convention, the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, the Six-Day War: All are brought to immediate and profound life in these pages. The New Yorker of the 1960s was also the wellspring of some of the truly timeless works of American journalism. Truman Capote's In Cold Blood, Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem, and James Baldwin's The Fire Next Time all first appeared in The New Yorker and are featured here. The magazine also published such indelible short story masterpieces as John Cheever's "The Swimmer" and John Updike's "A & P," alongside poems by Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton. The arts underwent an extraordinary transformation during the decade, one mirrored by the emergence in The New Yorker of critical voices as arresting as Pauline Kael and Kenneth Tynan. Among the crucial cultural figures profiled here are Simon & Garfunkel, Tom Stoppard, Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg, Cassius Clay (before he was Muhammad Ali), and Mike Nichols and Elaine May. The assembled pieces are given fascinating contemporary context by current New Yorker writers, including Jill Lepore, Malcolm Gladwell, and David Remnick. The result is an incomparable collective portrait of a truly galvanizing era. Praise for The 60s: The Story of a Decade "The third installment in the esteemed magazine's superb decades series . . . The contributor list is an embarrassment of riches. . . . The hits continue. Bring on the '70s." -- Kirkus Reviews (starred review) " The 60s ] deserves a lasting place on one's shelves. Like its predecessors in the series, this collection is a time capsule and a keeper." -- Booklist

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016



    A Trick of the Light

    A Trick of the Light

    David Ashton

    BASED ON THE LONG-RUNNING BBC RADIO 4 McLEVY DRAMA SERIES...WHILE THE STREETS OF LONDON HAD SHERLOCK HOLMES, THE DARK ALLEYS OF EDINBURGH HAD INSPECTOR JAMES McLEVYELEGANT AND CONVINCING' The Times | 'ASHTON IS THE DIRECT HEIR TO ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON' Brian Cox | 'EXCELLENT' The Sherlock Holmes Society | 'DRIPPING WITH MELODRAMA AND DERRING-DO' HeraldHalloween 1881, Edinburgh, and the dead are restless.In respectable Edinburgh society, beautiful young American spiritualist, Sophia Adler, is causing a furore with her dramatic seances. But the ghosts of the past seem hell-bent on retribution.Inspector James McLevy finds his investigations distracted by more earthly concerns when Muriel Grierson, an outwardly genteel widow is robbed at home. Her knight in shining armour - one Arthur Conan Doyle, recently graduated from medical school - is keen to learn from such a master of detection as the renowned inspector, but McLevy is less sure that he requires a new acolyte.A vicious murder occurs with evidence of supernatural strength and violence. Treachery revenged from a battle long ago. All roads lead to Sophia Adler and the inspector becomes involved with one of the most dangerous women he has ever encountered. THE INSPECTOR MCLEVY SERIES1 - Shadow of the Serpent2 - Fall from Grace3 - A Trick of the Light4 - Nor Will He Sleep

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Scottish Storytrails

    Scottish Storytrails

    William Steven

    Scotland's landscape was, and is, unquestionably distinct, as are the renowned writers it has produced.Tobias Smollett was the first Scottish writer to rhapsodise about the beauties of his native land in The Expedition of Humphry Clinker, when his native country was increasingly referred to as North Britain after the Treaty of Union with England in 1707. Sir Walter Scott took up the pen to make the Highlands and Borders world-famous through Rob Roy and many of his other works. The action of Robert Louis Stevenson's Kidnapped famously ranges through the Highlands before returning to Edinburgh and the hero of John Buchan's The Thirty-Nine Steps, Richard Hannay, roams around Galloway and the Borders as he desperately tries to escape his pursuers. Edinburgh's Old Town is cleverly evoked in The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner by Scott's friend James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, while in more recent times Muriel Spark's The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, Ian Rankin's crime novels and Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting all portray varying scenes of Edinburgh's cityscape. Alasdair Gray's Lanark powerfully evokes Glasgow, second city of the British Empire, industrially deconstructed so much that its artist protagonist feels deracinated. The north-east of Scotland is gloriously evoked in Lewis Grassic Gibbon's Sunset Song, as is the far north in Rowena Farre's Seal Morning and Neil Gunn's Highland River, where boy and man have a symbiosis with the landscape that is at times mystical. Sir Compton Mackenzie lightens the tone in picturing the Western Isles in his comic satire Whisky Galore while Iain Banks re-imagines Argyll, Glasgow and points in between in The Crow Road. Great Scottish novelists took their skills and created memorable fictional settings elsewhere, including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in London and on Dartmoor in The Hound of the Baskervilles. Kenneth Grahame unforgettably evoked the charms of the River Thames in The Wind in the Willows and Sir James M Barrie created settings for Peter Pan alongside recollections of his native Angus. Scottish Storytrails describes in detail the places where these 17 writers lived and worked, providing a life trail, while the fictional settings of their famous books parallel those places imaginatively, providing a story trail through some of Scotland's greatest literary landscapes.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    The Boarding House

    The Boarding House

    William Trevor

    The Boarding House by William Trevor - a darkly comic novel by one of the world's best writersWilliam Bird has always taken in boarders who are on the fringes of society: the petty conman, the immigrant who's never been able to fit in, the blustering officer who really doesn't know what's what , and the just plain lonely. He's built a unique place with a unique atmosphere. But then he realizes he's dying, and he decides to leave the place to the two tenants likely to cause the greatest amount of trouble, and the whole enterprise goes up in smoke.William Trevor's dark comedy, reminiscent of Evelyn Waugh and Muriel Spark, was his second novel.'Trevor has the knack of slicing life so that it reveals lower layers we have not suspected' Daily Mail'He tells you the most outrageous things in a most pleasant manner, hardly ever raising his voice' GuardianWilliam Trevor was born in Mitchelstown, County Cork, in 1928, and was educated at Trinity College, Dublin. He has lived in England for many years. The author of numerous acclaimed collections of short stories and novels, he has won many awards including the Whitbread Book of the Year, The James Tait Black Memorial Prize and the Sunday Times Award for Literary Excellence. He has been shortlisted three times for the Booker Prize: in 1976 with his novel The Children of Dynmouth, in 1991 with Reading Turgenev and in 2002 with The Story of Lucy Gault. He recently received the prestigious David Cohen Literature Prize in recognition of a lifetime's literary achievement.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    Neuropsychological Assessment

    Neuropsychological Assessment

    Muriel Deutsch Lezak

    Now in its Fifth Edition, Neuropsychological Assessment reviews the major neurobehavioral disorders associated with brain dysfunction and injury. This is the 35th anniversary of the landmark first edition. As with previous editions, this edition provides a comprehensive coverage of the field of adult clinical neuropsychology in a single source. By virtue of the authors' clinical and research specializations, this book provides a broad-based and in-depth coverage of current neuroscience research and clinical neuropsychology practice. While the new edition is updated to include new features and topics, it remains true to the highly-regarded previous editions. Methods for obtaining optimum data are given in the form of hypothesis-testing techniques, clinical tips, and clinical examples. In the seven years since the previous edition, many advancements have been made in techniques for examining brain function and in our knowledge about brain-behavior relationships. For example, a surge of functional imaging data has emerged and new structural imaging techniques have provided exquisite detail about brain structure.For the first time, this edition includes examples of these advancements, many in stunning color. This edition also includes new tools for clinicians such as a neuroimaging primer and a comparison table of the neuropsychological features of progressive dementias. The chapters on assessment procedures include discussion of issues related to test selection and reviews of recently published as well as older test batteries used in general neuropsychological assessment, plus newly developed batteries for specific issues.

    4.3 av 5

    Innbundet · 2012



    En sjøens helt

    En sjøens helt: Krigerens hjemkomst : roman

    Jon Michelet

    Krigerens hjemkomst er sjette og avsluttende bind av romaneposet En sjøens helt. Handlingen starter der femte bind slapp, på et hospital på Ny-Guinea, hvor Halvor Skramstad har ligget i koma etter kamikazeangrepet på M/S Morgedal. Krigen går mot slutten i Norge, men i Stillehavet fortsetter kampen mot japanerne. Med Liberty-skipet Armauer Hansen seiler Halvor til Okinawa, hvor både japanere og amerikanere lider enorme tap, og et stort antall allierte skip blir senket. I september 1945 er det nesten seks år siden Halvor dro til sjøs som attenåring, full av lysegrønne drømmer. Hardt merket av krigsopplevelsene vender han hjem til et land som han tror vil takke ham og de andre gjenlevende sjøfolkene for innsatsen, men som i stedet viser dem forakt og dyp mistillit. Uteseilerne kjempet Norges krig på havet, og de vant, med store omkostninger for hver enkelt sjømann. Nå må en ny kamp kjempes: kampen om de tilbakeholdte hyrepengene i Nortraships hemmelige fond. Men denne gangen er det uretten som skal seire. Samtidig strammer kong alkohol sitt nådeløse grep om mang en desillusjonert krigsseiler. Kanskje ligger redningen for Halvor i ærlig arbeid - og i kjærligheten til irske Muriel.

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Innbundet · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 23

    kr 69

    Pinnsvinets eleganse

    Pinnsvinets eleganse

    Muriel Barbery

    4.4 av 5

    Pocket · 2009

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Innbundet · 2008

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Neuropsychological Assessment

    Neuropsychological Assessment

    Muriel Deutsch Lezak; Diane B. Howieson; Erin D. Bigler; Daniel Tranel

    Ubrukt, som ny

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019



    Å snu vanskelige klasser

    Å snu vanskelige klasser

    Bente Muriel Bakken

    Om snu-metoden og om hvordan skole og PP-tjenesten sammen kan få en dysfunksjonell skoleklasse inn på et konstruktivt spor. Heftet er organisert i fem kapitler: Om metoden og kunnskapsgrunnlaget Snu-metoden i fem faser Praktisk gjennomføring av prosessen på klassenivå PP-tjenestens rolle Vedleggsdel med 12 ulike skjemaer som kan brukes i arbeidet Heftet vil også være nyttig for dem som skal bistå lærere i å restarte dysfunksjonelle klasser, for eksempel PP-tjenesten. PP-tjenesten får et godt verktøy for krevende systemarbeid. Mange skoler har også en ressursgruppe, som kan hjelpe kollegaer i krevende saker. Snu-metoden kan brukes internt på skolen. Boka vil også egne seg i lærerutdanningen og i videreutdanningen.

    3.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 119
    kr 119

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