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Viser resultat for 'Mitchell Scheiman'

    Clinical management of binocular vision

    Clinical management of binocular vision

    Mitchell Scheiman

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2002


    kr 250
    kr 250

    Clinical Management of Binocular Vision

    Clinical Management of Binocular Vision

    Mitchell Scheiman, Bruce Wick


    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008


    kr 50
    kr 50

    Binocular Vision

    Binocular Vision

    Mitchell Scheiman, Bruce Wick

    Veldig bra

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    Understanding and Managing Vision Deficits : A Guide for Occupational Therapists

    Understanding and Managing Vision Deficits : A Guide for Occupational Therapists

    Mitchell. Scheiman

    <p>The <i>Third Edition</i> of <i>Understanding and Managing Vision Deficits</i> is the go-to resource that will enable occupational therapists to develop a comprehensive understanding of vision, appreciate the various effects vision problems can have on the practice of occupational therapy, and to more effectively manage patients with vision disorders.</p><i>Understanding and Managing Vision Deficits: A Guide for Occupational Therapists, Third Edition </i>is a unique collaboration from occupational therapists, optometrists, and low vision rehabilitation specialists. Dr. Mitchell Scheiman presents a unique Three Component Model of Vision that includes: <ul><li>Visual integrity: Includes visual acuity (clarity), the optics of the eye, and eye health</li><li>Visual efficiency skills: Includes focusing, eye teaming, and eye movements</li><li>Visual information processing skills: Includes the ability to analyze, interpret and respond to visual information</li></ul> A major emphasis of the new edition is on management of eye movement, visual information processing, visual field, and low vision problems.Therapy suggestions have been expanded and the use of computer software has been incorporated into the therapy. <b>Some Additional Chapter Topics Include:</b><ul><li>Visual problems associated with learning disorders</li><li>Visual problems associated with acquired brain injury</li><li>Management of vision problems for children with special needs</li><li>Low vision </li></ul><b></b><b>Features of the <i>Third Edition:</i></b><ul><li>Updated figures, research, and references</li><li>Incorporates current <i>American Occupational Therapy Association Practice Framework</i></li><li>Glossary of key terms</li><li>Appendices that include a vision screening report form and low vision supplies and equipment</li></ul><i>Understanding and Managing Vision Deficits: A Guide for Occupational Therapists, Third Edition </i>will continue to bring the professions of occupational therapy and optometry together and will guide health care professionals to provide the ultimate in patient care.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål


    Low Vision Rehabilitation

    Low Vision Rehabilitation: A practical guide for Occupational Therapists

    Stephen G., Mitchell Scheiman, Debra A.

    Low Vision Rehabilitation, A practical guide for Occupational Therapists. Second Edition

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    kr 600
    kr 600

    Å falle mellom to stoler

    Å falle mellom to stoler: samarbeid til barnets beste i barnehage og skole

    Hva utfordrer samarbeidet mellom profesjonelle innenfor samme institusjon, på tvers av institusjoner og med foreldrene? Hva må til for å oppnå en samlet tidlig innsats for barn og unge i barnehage og skole? Boken viser hvordan en kan oppnå en felles forståelse og komme frem til hensiktsmessige mål og tiltak. Det er viktig å sikre gode overganger i utdanningsløpet, og sammen må lærere og hjelpeapparat sikre at ingen faller utenfor. Det trengs grunnleggende kompetanse i alle samarbeidende ledd for å sikre at alle barn får utnyttet sitt utviklings- og læringspotensial i både barnehage og skole. Gode relasjoner mellom voksne og barn styrker barnets tillit og motivasjon for læring og utvikling. Målgruppen for boken er masterstudenter i pedagogikk, spesialpedagogikk og utdanningsvitenskap, barnehage- og skoleledere, samt hjelpeapparatet. Redaktørene Heidi Omdal og Ragnar Thygesen har med seg bidragsyterne David Lansing Cameron, Carla Chinga-Ramirez, Guy Howard Gilberts, Åse Haraldstad, Magnhild M. Høie, Maryann Jortveit, Øyvind Kvello, David Mitchell, Per Egil Mjaavatn, Heidun Oldervik, Ellen Saur, Anne Brita Thorød, Anne Dorthe Tveit og Elsa Westergård.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 100
    kr 100

    Hvorfor hopper jeg

    Hvorfor hopper jeg

    Naoki Higashida

    ALLE HAR ET HJERTE SOM KAN BEVEGES AV NOE. - Naoki Higashida Boken bak den kritikerroste filmen "En dypt rørende opplevelse" The Film Stage "Et mesterlig verk" The Hollywood Reporter "Like hjerteskjærende som den er vakker" Variety New York Times Bestselger. Førsteplass på Boklista og amazon.com. Over 30 000 eksemplarer i Norge. Aldri før er det skrevet en bok som HVORFOR HOPPER JEG. Den er skrevet av Naoki, en utrolig smart, sjarmerende og refl ektert 13 år gammel gutt med autisme. Med sine egne ord gir han et krystallklart bilde av hvordan han ser verden. Han kan ikke snakke. Men det betyr ikke at han ikke har noe å si. Hans tekster om skjønnhet, følelser, natur, tid og steg - ja, om livet - er lysende og annerledes. Den endrer hvordan man ser på verden og mennesker. Denne boken bergtar leseren. Den har en skjønnhet, sannhet og enkelhet som man aldri glemmer. En sjelfull opplevelse man vil dele med andre. "Boken som har hjulpet meg mest. Det jeg leste hjalp meg til å forstå mer, bli mer hjelpsom, stolt og lykkere som far." David Mitchell "Vakker, vond og viktig!" Liv Gade, Bokinspirator "Boken vil tøye oppfattelsen din om hva det vil si å være menneske." The Times

    4.4 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 200

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 50
    kr 200


    AART: en metode for trening i sosial kompetanse

    Knut Gundersen, Tutte Mitchell Olsen, Johannes Finne, Børge Strømgren, Bengt Daleflod, Knut Kornelius Gundersen

    3.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Web Scraping with Python, 2e

    Web Scraping with Python, 2e

    Ryan Mitchell

    The expanded edition of this practical book not only introduces you web scraping, but also serves as a comprehensive guide to scraping almost every type of data from the modern web.

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Gray's Anatomy for Students

    Gray's Anatomy for Students

    Dr. Drake Richard PhD FAAA, A. Wayne Vogl, Adam W. M. Mitchell

    Easy to read, superbly illustrated, and clinically relevant, Gray's Anatomy for Students, 4th Edition, is medical students' go-to text for essential information in human anatomy. This fully revised volume focuses on the core information students need to know, in an easy-access format and with additional multimedia tools that facilitate effective study and mastery of the material. A team of expert authors and global advisors share their extensive teaching and clinical experience, highlighted by more than 1,000 innovative, original illustrations throughout the text.Helps students understand the practical applications of anatomical concepts through unique coverage of surface anatomy, correlative diagnostic images, and clinical case studies. Presents anatomy logically by body region, and now offers bonus eBook chapters for each major body system to facilitate learning from a different perspective - covering the Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System, Gastrointestinal System, Urogenital System, Lymphatic System, and Nervous System.Features an all-new eBook chapter covering the essentials of neuroanatomy, so readers can learn key aspects of this challenging topic in the context of general anatomy.Offers new schematic drawings for key structures and topics in every chapter, providing an additional, simplified approach to introduce each topic-ideal for quick initial understanding and as a guide for students' own anatomy drawings. Includes new and improved online materials such as self-assessment questions, clinical cases, an Interactive Surface Anatomy tool, an online anatomy and embryology self-study course, and more.Provides fully revised and updated clinical content including numerous new In the Clinic boxes, plus new clinical cases, images, and correlates throughout.Enables readers to quickly review the basic concepts from each chapter with Conceptual Overviews.Includes an Enhanced eBook version with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 300

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 300

    Cloud atlas

    Cloud atlas

    David Mitchell

    Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2004Winner of the Richard &amp; Judy Best Read of the YearSouls cross ages like clouds cross skies . . .Six interlocking lives - one amazing adventure. In a narrative that circles the globe and reaches from the 19th century to a post-apocalyptic future, Cloud Atlas erases the boundaries of time, genre and language to offer an enthralling vision of humanity's will to power, and where it will lead us.*Please note that the end of p39 and p40 are intentionally blank*

    1.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    kr 20

    Pocket · 2012


    kr 20

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 20



    Maria Borelius

    <p><i>Bliss </i>tar vid där <i>Hälsorevolutionen </i>slutade. Forskningen kring inflammation stormar fram över världen och Maria Borelius fortsätter att följa forskare och gurus tätt i hälarna och lägga det spännande pusslet för hur vi når ett ännu bättre jag. Resan tar henne till Wales, Los Angeles, San Francisco och Japan, där kvinnorna lever längst i hela världen. I <i>Bliss </i>delar Maria med sig av de bästa insidertipsen för att få till en antiinflammatorisk livsstil i vardagen och ger läsaren helt nya genvägar och enkla knep som verkligen fungerar. Boken innehåller 50 antiinflammatoriska vardagsrecept, träningsprogram, matplaner, inköpslistor och humoristiska vardagsinsikter. Maria bjuder också på egna misslyckanden och utmaningar hon mött på vägen. </p><p>Bland annat åker jag på ett bakslag med akut ryggont efter fel mat, för mycket vin, stress och tuffa möten. Det känns viktigt att dela med mig av mitt eget liv, både de goda och de motiga dagarna. Dialogen med läsarna är fantastisk. Den antiinflammatoriska livsstilen, har verkligen blivit en positiv rörelse. <i></i></p><p><i>Hälsorevolutionen vägen till en antiinflammatorisk livsstil </i>utkom i januari 2018 och ligger fortfarande på topplistorna. Boken har hittills sålts i över 50 000 exemplar bara i Sverige och är även utgiven i Danmark och Finland. Nästa år släpps den i USA, Storbritannien, Italien, Norge med flera länder via ett världskontrakt med HarperCollins. </p><p>"Av alla tankar om hälsa och sjukdom är Maria Borelius bok <i>Hälsorevolutionen </i>den som jag verkligen känner är på rätt spår. Håller med i typ allt. Fan vad bra, Maria!" </p><p>- Malin Berghagen, författare och yogainstruktör </p><p><i> </i></p><p><i>Hälsorevolutionen </i>vart nominerad till Publishingpriset 2018 för bästa fackbok. </p><p>Maria Borelius är: </p><p>- Vinnare av Stora ToppHälsapriset 2018! </p><p>- Utsedd till Årets hälsohjälte av 1,6 miljonersklubben!   </p><p> </p><p>***</p><p><b>Maria Borelius </b>är prisbelönt vetenskapsjournalist och författare till <i>Sedan du fött</i> (1993), <i>Motboken </i>(2003), <i>Bryt det sista tabut </i>(2013) och bästsäljande <i>Hälsorevolutionen </i>(2018). Hon är kolumnist i DI, grundare till Stiftelsen Ester samt kommunikationsrådgivare till läkemedels- och techföretag. Maria har tidigare varit vetenskapsreporter på Rapport, programledare för vetenskapsprogrammet NOVA, handelsminister och VD på globala mikrofinansorganisationen Hand in Hand International. Hon är fil.kand. i biologi, fysik och matematik och har en master i vetenskapsjournalistik. Hon bor i London med sin man.     </p>

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


    kr 50

    Pocket · 2016


    kr 50

    Tatt av vinden

    Tatt av vinden: 1

    Margaret Mitchell

    Den dramatiske handlingen i denne romanen er hentet fra den amerikanske borgerkrigen, der vi møter den vakre, egenrådige Scarlett O'Hara og den uimotståelige gambleren Rhett Butler.

    4.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1990

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20

    What really works in special and inclusive education

    What really works in special and inclusive education

    David Mitchell

    As teachers around the world deal with the challenges of inclusive education, they must find effective ways of enhancing their classroom teaching methods. What Really Works in Special and Inclusive Education presents teachers with a range of evidence-based strategies they can immediately put into practice in their classrooms.This unique book will be an invaluable resource for educators who may not have the time or the inclination to engage with theory-heavy research, but who wish to ensure that their teaching strategies are up-to-the-minute and proven to be the most effective best practices. Each of the 27 strategies that this book comprises has a substantial research base, a strong theoretical rationale and clear guidelines on their implementation, as well as cautionary advice where necessary.In this new second edition, David Mitchell, a leading writer in special and inclusive education, continues to break new ground with revised and updated strategies based on evidence from the most recent studies in the field. From the myriad of related research available, only those studies with genuine potential for improving the practices of teachers and schools have been included, with the aim of facilitating high-quality learning and social outcomes for all learners in schools.Updates to this new edition include:four new chapters, on response to intervention, universal design for learning, inter-agency cooperation and one on the Finnish education systemover 350 new referencesan even wider international focus, including evidence drawn from Asiareferences to recent developments in neurosciencea new companion website, with extra case studies, links to further reading, journal articles and videos, and an interactive quiz, at www.routledge.com/cw/mitchellThis book will be essential reading for anyone with a vocational or academic interest in evidence-based special educational needs teaching strategies, whether a student in initial teacher education or a qualified classroom teacher, teacher educator, educational psychologist, special needs coordinator, parent, consultant or researcher.David Mitchell is an Adjunct Professor in the College of Education, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, and a consultant in inclusive education.`This is the book I wish I had written, synthesizing an enormous literature focused on special needs students. It is robust, it is readable, and it is your right-hand resource. A stunner of a book.'-Professor John Hattie, University of Melbourne, author of Visible Learning

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    What Really Works in Special and Inclusive Education

    What Really Works in Special and Inclusive Education: Uting Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies

    David Mitchell, Dean Sutherland


    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020



    Pocket · 2020



    Andre utgaver · 3


    What really works in special education

    What really works in special education: Using evidence-based teaching strategies

    Dean Sutherland, David Mitchell

    Notert i margen og understreket noen steder.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020


    kr 250
    kr 250

    Dypt fall

    Dypt fall

    Karin Slaughter

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    kr 20

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 20



    Alexandra Ripley

    Scarlett O'Hara og Rhett Buttler. De levde ikke lykkelig sammen resten av livet. Tvert imot, det gikk helt galt. Og her, i fortsettelsen av Margaret Mitchells sydstatsroman får du vite hvordan det gikk med Scarlett, sydstatsskjønnheten, og hennes store kjærlighet, Rhett Buttler, mannen som har fått kvinner til å sukke i over femti år. For her er Scarletts egen historie.

    3.5 av 5

    Innbundet · 1993

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Pocket · 1994

    Norsk Bokmål


    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 20

    Hamnet (Maggie O’Farrell)

    Hamnet (Maggie O’Farrell)

    Maggie O’Farrell

    WINNER OF THE 2020 WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION - THE NO. 1 BESTSELLER 2021 'Richly sensuous... something special' The Sunday Times 'A thing of shimmering wonder' David Mitchell TWO EXTRAORDINARY PEO...

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 40

    Innbundet · 2020


    kr 60
    kr 40

    TAO TE CHING - The Book of the Way

    TAO TE CHING - The Book of the Way


    Long believed to be the work of Lao-Tzu writing in the time of Confucius, the eighty-one chapters of Tao Te Ching are the classic texts of the Taoist tradition. The most widely translated work in world literature after the Bible, the 'Book of the Way' applies timeless wisdoms in harmony with the Tao, the basic principle of the universe, to themes as diverse as ecology and sexual love. Stephen Mitchell's acclaimed translation reveals as never before the gem-like lucidity and pure poetry of this manual of the art of living from the China of the fourth century BC.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011



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