Breasts and eggs
<p><b>'Breathtaking' – Haruki Murakami author of <i>Norwegian Wood</i></b><br><br><b>A beguiling novel about three women struggling to determine their own lives in contemporary Tokyo.</b><br><b><br>A <i>New York Times</i> 'Notable Book of the Year' and o</b><b>ne of Elena Ferrante's 'Top 40 Books by Female Authors'</b><br><br>On a hot summer’s day in a poor suburb of Tokyo we meet three women: thirty-year-old Natsuko, her older sister Makiko, and Makiko’s teenage daughter Midoriko. Makiko, an ageing hostess despairing the loss of her looks, has travelled to Tokyo in search of breast enhancement surgery. She's accompanied by Midoriko, who has recently stopped speaking, finding herself unable to deal with her own changing body and her mother’s self-obsession. Her silence dominates Natsuko’s rundown apartment, providing a catalyst for each woman to grapple with their own anxieties and their relationships with one another.<br><br>Eight years later, we meet Natsuko again. She is now a writer and finds herself on a journey back to her native city, returning to memories of that summer and her family’s past as she faces her own uncertain future.<br><br>In <i>Breasts and Eggs </i>Mieko Kawakami paints a radical and intimate portrait of contemporary working class womanhood in Japan, recounting the heartbreaking journeys of three women in a society where the odds are stacked against them. This is an unforgettable English language debut from a major new international talent.<br><br><b>'Bold, modern and surprising' – An Yu, author of <i>Braised Pork</i></b><br><b>'Incredible and propulsive' – Naoise Dolan, author of <i>Exciting Times</i></b><br><b><br>Shortlisted for the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation.<br><br></b><b>Translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd.</b></p>
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Pupper og egg
«Jeg tenker på å ta en sånn brystoperasjon, sa hun. Ringte altså rikstelefon, midt på natta etter endelig å ha kommet seg hjem fra jobb, ens ærend for å 'høre hva jeg syntes om saken', og likevel fikk jeg en veldig klar følelse av at hun verken hadde overskudd eller tilstedeværelse nok til å lytte til noe av det jeg måtte ha av tanker eller meninger, alt dreide seg om hennes 'jeg skal fikse puppene' iblandet et og annet 'men tør jeg virkelig det da', hele tiden vaklet hun opphisset i spenningsfeltet mellom disse to, og jeg tror det var dette som ga meg den pussige følelsen jeg hadde av et misforhold mellom tidens omløpshastighet der hun var, og der jeg var.» Natsu lever et ensomt liv i et av Tokyos mer nedslitte strøk. Så får hun besøk av storesøsteren Makiko, som har blitt besatt av tanken på å forstørre brystene, og hennes datter Midoriko, som har sluttet å snakke og bare kommuniserer med omverdenen gjennom en notisbok. Gjennom hverdagslige situasjoner og samtaler som på talende vis unngår tingenes kjerne, aner vi bakgrunnen for Makikos kroppsfiksering og det sårbare forholdet til datteren.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
'Mieko Kawakami is a genius' - Naoise Dolan, author of Exciting Times From the bestselling author of Breasts and Eggs and international literary sensation Mieko Kawakami, comes a sharp and illuminating novel about a fourteen-year-old boy subjected to relentless bullying. In Heaven, a fourteen-year old boy is tormented for having a lazy eye. Instead of resisting, he chooses to suffer in silence. The only person who understands what he is going through is a female classmate, Kojima, who experiences similar treatment at the hands of her bullies. Providing each other with immeasurable consolation at a time in their lives when they need it most, the two young friends grow closer than ever. But what, ultimately, is the nature of a friendship when your shared bond is terror? Unflinching yet tender, sharply observed, intimate and multi-layered, this simple yet profound novel stands as yet another dazzling testament to Mieko Kawakami's uncontainable talent. There can be little doubt that it has cemented her reputation as one of the most important young authors at work today. 'An expertly told, deeply unsettling tale of adolescent violence' - Vogue Translated from the Japanese by David Boyd and Sam Bett.
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Ms Ice Sandwich
A boy goes to the supermarket almost every day, just so he can look at the face of the woman who sells sandwiches. She is beautiful to him, and he calls her "Ms Ice Sandwich," and endlessly draws her portrait. When the boy's friend hears about this hesitant adoration, suddenly everything changes. His visits to Ms Ice Sandwich stop, and with them the last hopes of his childhood.
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Breasts and eggs
A strange and beguiling novel about three women struggling to determine their own lives in contemporary Tokyo, from Japan's most exciting young writer, Mieko Kawakami.
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Shortlisted for the International Booker Prize 2022 From the bestselling author of Breasts and Eggs and international literary sensation Mieko Kawakami comes a sharp and illuminating novel about a fourteen-year-old boy subjected to relentless bullying. In Heaven, a fourteen-year-old boy is tormented for having a lazy eye. Instead of resisting, he chooses to suffer in silence. The only person who understands what he is going through is a female classmate, Kojima, who experiences similar treatment at the hands of her bullies. Providing each other with immeasurable consolation at a time in their lives when they need it most, the two young friends grow closer than ever. But what, ultimately, is the nature of a friendship when your shared bond is terror? Unflinching yet tender, sharply observed, intimate and multi-layered, this simple yet profound novel stands as yet another dazzling testament to Mieko Kawakami's uncontainable talent. There can be little doubt that it has cemented her reputation as one of the most important young authors at work today. TIME's 100 Must-Read Books of 2021. 'Mieko Kawakami is a genius' - Naoise Dolan, author of Exciting Times 'An expertly told, deeply unsettling tale of adolescent violence' - Vogue Translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd.
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All the lovers in the night
From international literary sensation Mieko Kawakami comes All The Lovers In The Night, an extraordinary, deeply moving and insightful story set in contemporary Tokyo. Fuyuko Irie is a freelance proofreader in her thirties. Living alone, and unable to form meaningful relationships, she has little contact with anyone other than Hijiri, someone she works with. When she sees her reflection, she's confronted with a tired and spiritless woman who has failed to take control of her own life. Her one source of solace: light. Every Christmas Eve, Fuyuko heads out to catch a glimpse of the lights that fill the Tokyo night. But it is a chance encounter with a man named Mitsutsuka that awakens something new in her. And so her life begins to change. As Fuyuko starts to see the world in a different light, painful memories from her past begin to resurface. Fuyuko needs to be loved, to be heard, and to be seen. But living in a small world of her own making, will she find the strength to bring down the walls that surround her? All The Lovers In The Night is acute and insightful, entertaining and captivating, pulsing and poetic, modern and shocking. It's another unforgettable novel from Japan's most exciting writer. Translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd.
4.5 av 5
Vakker roman om ungdomstid, isolasjon og avstandsnærhet. «Heaven» er en rørende skildring av en barndom preget av mobbing og utenforskap. De to hovedpersonene, en ung jente og en ung gutt, er offer for sine medelevers tyranniske oppførsel. De finner sammen, men holder hverandre på avstand mens de er på skolen, og møtes i skjul etter skoletid. «Heaven» er en fortelling om to mennesker som forsøker å hjelpe hverandre gjennom en vanskelig ungdomstid, en historie med en dypereliggende sosial kritikk av et samfunn som pålegger de unge uoppnåelige idealer. MIEKO KAWAKAMI er forfatter, musiker, poet og essayist. Kawakami fikk mye oppmerksomhet da hun i 2008 mottok Akutagawa-prisen for debutanter med kortromanen «Pupper og egg» (Bokvennen 2013).
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Norsk Bokmål
Natsus somre: roman
Natsus somre er en roman om å være kvinne i det moderne Japan. Den handler om kvinnekroppens foranderlighet og muligheter, og om hvilke problemstillinger man står overfor som kvinne i dag. Dette er en varm bok fylt med humor og nærhet, og det er nettopp blandingen mellom det humoristiske og det realistiske som her skaper en helt spesiell atmosfære som gjør lesningen like frydefull som den er tankevekkende.
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Norsk Bokmål
BLA - Bokvennen litterær avis. Nr. 5 2018
I Mai-utgaven av BLA kan du for eksempel lese et intervju med Marit Eikemo, en novelle av Mieko Kawakami og diverse litteraturkritikk.
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Bokvennen. Nr. 4 2012: litterært magasin
Leder: Fryd dere!; Proust Questionnaire - Vendela Vida; Hildringstimen - Tegneserie av Bendik Kaltenborn; Julegavetips som varer hele året - Redaksjonens boktips for alle anledninger og personligheter; Nyklekket: Åsne Hagen; Man blir det man er skapt til - M&M intervjuer Aslak Nore, Konsulenten- Nir Baram, Victor Lind og et spørsmål om skyld; Ray Bradbury - Det siste intervjuet, Om erotisk poesi - Et essay av Christian Refsum; Pupper, egg og rock&roll- Mieko Kawakami og Natsu Higuchi; 8 spørsmål til Mieko Kawakami; Fornemmelse for vann - Intervju med David Vann; Lerretets umalte side - De umalte historiene i Wislawa Szymborskas diktning; Litterært reisebrev: Seoul- Brynjulf Jung Tjønn drar til Korea; Novelle: Over brua og inn i byen - Av Mikkel Bugge. Vinner i skrivekonkurransen "I dine sko"; Novelle: Et hesteaktig etternavn - Av Anton Tsjekhov; Frem i lyset: Magli Elster; Bibliofilt: Bernhard Herre; Min første oversettelse:Preben Jordal oversetter Glemsel av David Foster Wallace; Skrivebordet: Pedro Carmona-Alvarez; Vigdis vet - Vigdis Hjorth besvarer dine spørsmål!
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Vakker roman om ungdomstid, isolasjon og avstandsnærhet. «Heaven» er en rørende skildring av en barndom preget av mobbing og utenforskap.
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The word book
The newest addition to Dalkey Archive s Japanese Literature Series is a complex and beautiful tour de force.
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Norsk Bokmål
Diaspora and Identity
Sao Paulo, Brazil, holds the largest number of Japanese descendants outside Japan, and they have been there for six generations. Japanese immigration to Brazil started in 1908 to replace European immigrants to work in Sao Paulo's expanding coffee industry. It peaked in the late 1920s and early 1930s as anti-Japanese sentiment grew in Brazil. Approximately 189,000 Japanese entered Brazil by 1942 in mandatory family units. After the war, prewar immigrants and their descendants became quickly concentrated in Sao Paulo City. Immigration from Japan resumed in 1952, and by 1993 some 54,000 immigrants arrived in Brazil. By 1980, the majority of Japanese Brazilians had joined the urban middle class and many had been mixed racially. In the mid-1980s, Japanese Brazilians' "return" labor migrations to Japan began on a large scale. More than 310,000 Brazilian citizens were residing in Japan in June 2008, when the centenary of Japanese immigration was widely celebrated in Brazil. The story does not end there. The global recession that started in 2008 soon forced unemployed Brazilians in Japan and their Japanese-born children to return to Brazil.Based on her research in Brazil and Japan, Mieko Nishida challenges the essentialized categories of "the Japanese" in Brazil and "Brazilians" in Japan, with special emphasis on gender. Nishida deftly argues that Japanese Brazilian identity has never been a static, fixed set of traits that can be counted and inventoried. Rather it is about being and becoming, a process of identity in motion responding to the push-and-pull between being positioned and positioning in a historically changing world. She examines Japanese immigrants and their descendants' historically shifting sense of identity, which comes from their experiences of historical changes in socioeconomic and political structure in both Brazil and Japan. Each chapter illustrates how their identity is perpetually in formation, across generation, across gender, across class, across race, and in the movement of people between nations.Diaspora and Identity makes an important contribution to the understanding of the historical development of ethnic, racial, and national identities; as well as construction of the Japanese diaspora in Brazil and its response to time, place, and circumstances.
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Oh, Tama!
Oh, Tama! describes the haphazard lives of Natsuyuki Kanemitsu and his loosely connected circle of dysfunctional acquaintances and family. Natsuyuki is prevailed upon by his friend Alexandre, an occasional porn-film actor, to adopt the very pregnant cat Tama, who gives birth and remains throughout the novel as a silent observer of her human hosts. Further complications arise surrounding the mystery of who the father of Alexandre's sister Tsuneko's unborn child is, with Tsuneko (a bar owner) happy to collect money from anyone who may be responsible. One of these possible dads turns out to be Natsuyuki's half-brother, abandoned and forgotten long ago as easily as Tama has parted with her kittens. A "fast and comedic novel," Oh, Tama! plays out against a backdrop of cramped apartments and cheap food and drink where everyone seems to have an opinion on film, photography, and fashionable French art theory. It is part of the author's esteemed series of "Mejiro" novels, named after the northwest area of Tokyo that so richly informs their urbanity and outlook.
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Kawaii Bento Boxes: Cute and Convenient Japanese Meals on the Go
A bento box meal (single portions of different foods packed in one reusable container) is a Japanese tradition that lends itself well to today's busy lifestyle. Although bento boxes are available to take out from restaurants and food stands, they are most frequently prepared at home, very often by parents wishing to provide their children with delicious, healthy, fun--and environmentally-responsible--lunch and snack-time alternatives. Kawaii Bento Boxes offers dozens of recipes and menus. For each box, the authors include detailed instructions for cooking, seasoning, decorating and assembling the components as well as an icon indicating how long it will take to prepare. The meals are not just easy to make, they are tasty, nutritious and economical, with each portion carefully calculated so that there are no leftovers. There are also suggestions for the right container for each meal. Most of the ingredients used are familiar and available to American cooks. Here are whimsical creations like soccer balls and animal faces made from shaped rice, tulips cut from dyed hardboiled eggs, hearts and stars carved out of vegetables, and much more. Perfect for parents looking to liven up their children's school lunches or park snacks, or for busy people who want to fix a quick and cheerful meal to take to work, Kawaii Bento Boxes highlights the Japanese passion for making food a treat for the eyes as well as for the mouth. CONTENTS: ONIGIRI BENTO (16 variations including faces, soccer ball, animals, triangles, spheres) RICE BENTO (11 variations including bear, rabbit, ship, seasoned rice, teriyaki chicken over rice, etc.) SUSHI BENTO (12 variations) BREAD BENTO (12 variations including mini-sandwiches, rolls, etc.) NOODLE BENTO (9 variations including spaghetti, yakisoba noodles, udon) SUMMER AND WINTER BENTO (12 variations including summer dishes that won't spoil in the heat and winter dishes that are better when eaten warm) TRADITIONAL/POPULAR/FAVORITE BENTO (11 variations including favorite dishes like hamburgers, fried shrimp, fried chicken) TIPS ON HOW TO STUFF THE BENTO BOX WHAT TO STUFF IN THE BENTO BOX (including calories, carbohydrates, protein, etc.) CUTTING AND DECORATING MENUS BASED ON COLOR EASY DESSERT RECIPES
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Elements of Paleontology
Research on learning and cognition in geoscience education research and other discipline-based education communities suggests that effective instruction should include three key components: a) activation of students' prior knowledge on the subject, b) an active learning pedagogy that allows students to address any existing misconceptions and then build a new understanding of the concept, and c) metacognitive reflections that require students to evaluate their own learning processes during the lesson. This Element provides an overview of the research on student-centered pedagogy in introductory geoscience and paleontology courses and gives examples of these instructional approaches. Student-centered learning shifts the power and attention in a classroom from the instructor to the students. In a student-centered classroom, students are in control of their learning experience and the instructor functions primarily as a guide. Student-centered classrooms trade traditional lecture for conceptually-oriented tasks, collaborative learning activities, new technology, inquiry-based learning, and metacognitive reflection.
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Mieko danser
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Norsk Bokmål
The Pachinko Parlour
From the author of Winter in Sokcho, Winner of the 2021 National Book Award for Translated Literature. The days are beginning to draw in. The sky is dark by seven in the evening. I lie on the floor and gaze out of the window. Women’s calves, men’s shoes, heels trodden down by the weight of bodies borne for too long. It is summer in Tokyo. Claire finds herself dividing her time between tutoring twelve-year-old Mieko, in an apartment in an abandoned hotel, and lying on the floor at her grandparents’: daydreaming, playing Tetris, and listening to the sounds from the street above. The heat rises; the days slip by. The plan is for Claire to visit Korea with her grandparents. They fled the civil war there over fifty years ago, along with thousands of others, and haven’t been back since. When they first arrived in Japan, they opened Shiny, a pachinko parlor. Shiny is still open, drawing people in with its bright, flashing lights and promises of good fortune. And as Mieko and Claire gradually bond, a tender relationship growing, Mieko’s determination to visit the pachinko parlor builds. The Pachinko Parlor is a nuanced and beguiling exploration of identity and otherness, unspoken histories, and the loneliness you can feel among family. Crisp and enigmatic, Shua Dusapin’s writing glows with intelligence.
4.0 av 5
Sjakknovelle: og andre tekstar
På 1920-talet var Zweig den mest omsette forfattaren i verda. Handlinga går ofte føre seg på reiser, på hotell, på skip, i tog, og forfattaren rører seg tilsynelatande uanstrengt rundt blant ulike personar, skjebnar og stader. Den mest kjende av dei skjønnlitterære tekstane hans er "Sjakknovelle", der han makta å kombinere forteljarevna si med den såre krigserfaringa. Denne la han siste hand på dagen før han tok livet sitt saman med kona, Lotte, i den vesle byen Petrópolis utanfor Rio i 1942. Utvalet i denne samlinga består av Måneskinssmauet (1922), Brev frå ei ukjend kvinne (1922), Den usynlege samlinga (1927), Uventa innføring i eit handverk (1931) og Sjakknovelle (1942). Av desse har berre Sjakknovelle tidlegare kome ut på norsk.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Nynorsk
Norsk Bokmål
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