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Viser resultat for 'Max Lucado'

    Du er unik!

    Du er unik!

    Max Lucado

    Hver dag fester trenikkene enten gullstjerner eller grå prikker på hverandre. De pene - de vakkert utskårne med flott maling - får alltid en stjerne. De flinke får også det. Andre, som ikke kan så mye eller som har avskallet maling, får stygge, grå prikker. Slik som Punchinello. Men treskjæreren Eli, som har laget alle trenikkene, hjelper Punchinello til å forstå hvor unik han er, og at han verdsetter ham akkurat slik han er.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2003

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139

    Innbundet · 2021

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139


    Fryktløs: hva kan vi gjøre med alt vi er redde for?

    Max Lucado

    Det snakkes om oppsigelser på jobben, nedgang i økonomien, uro i Midtøsten og økende global oppvarming. Vår tids pest, terrorisme, infiserer oss med frykt. Det virker som om frykt har inngått en hundreårs leiekontrakt i nabobygningen, og etablert seg. Forestill deg livet helt uberørt av frykt. Hva om tro, ikke frykt, var det du instinktivt reagerte på trusler med? Hvis du kunne holde en fryktmagnet over hjertet ditt og trekke ut hvert minste spon av engstelse, usikkerhet og tvil, hva ville da bli igjen? Se for deg en dag, bare én dag, helt uten frykt for å mislykkes, avvises og for katastrofe. Kan du forestille deg et liv uten frykt?

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2009

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89

    Pocket · 2009

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 109
    kr 89

    Trygg i Herrens hender

    Trygg i Herrens hender: håp og oppmuntring fra salme 23

    Max Lucado

    Forfatteren vil bringe håp og oppmuntring til dagens mennesker gjennom ordene i Salme 23.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2006

    Norsk Bokmål


    Han flytter fortsatt stener

    Han flytter fortsatt stener

    Max Lucado

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1994

    Norsk Bokmål


    Og englene var stille

    Og englene var stille

    Max Lucado

    Forfatteren forteller om Jesus siste dager på jorden. Med studieguide til hvert kapittel bak i boka

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål



    Snu: tilbake til det vi bygger på

    Max Lucado

    «Hvis dette folket vender seg bort fra sine onde veier ... da skal jeg høre dem fra himmelen, tilgi dem syndene og lege landet.» Med utgangspunkt i 2. Krønikebok 7,14 utfordrer Max Lucado Guds folk til å holde fast ved troens fundament. Budskapet er direkte og grunnleggende. Målet er Herrens velsignelse.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 109
    kr 109

    Because of Bethlehem Study Guide

    Because of Bethlehem Study Guide

    Max Lucado

    A remarkable gift can arrive in an unremarkable package. One did in Bethlehem more than 2,000 years ago. No one expected God to come the way he did. Yet the way he came was every bit as important as the coming itself. The manger is the message. In this four-session video Bible study, Max Lucado explores how the One who made everything chose to make himself nothing for us. He experienced hunger and thirst. He went through the stages of human development. He was taught to walk, stand, and wash his face. He was completely and genuinely human. Because of Bethlehem, we no longer have marks on our record . . . just grace. We have the promise that God is always near us, always for us, always within us-and that we have a friend and Savior in heaven. Long after the guests have left, the carolers have gone home, and the lights have come down, these promises endure.The Because of Bethlehem Study Guide includes video discussion questions, Bible exploration, and personal study and reflection materials for in-between sessions.Session Titles:God Has a Face Worship Works WondersGod Guides the WiseEvery Heart a MangerDesigned for use with Because of Bethlehem: A DVD Study 9780310687849 (sold separately). The DVD is a two-disc set for Christmas and Easter.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    1 and   2 Timothy, Titus

    1 and 2 Timothy, Titus

    Max Lucado

    Do you have a mentor in your spiritual walk? Someone to guide you through the ups and downs of life? Someone to guide you in decision making? A person you turn to with questions and doubts?The apostle Paul knew the importance of discipleship. He mentored Timothy, a young pastor facing all sorts of challenges. He pointed the way for Titus, a pastor shaping an early church. Paul's letters to these young leaders are packed with instruction and guidelines, principles and encouragement. These practical words of wisdom are valuable keys to discipleship in any generation.The Lucado Life Lessons series brings the New Testament to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational storytelling, profound reflections, and space for journaling. Revised and updated, Lucado Life Lessons continues to be one of the best-selling study guide series available for small groups and individuals.Features Include:New "Keys to the Text" feature.For small group or individual use.New introduction material and cover design.Bring the Bible to life!

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2007





    Max Lucado

    Revised and updated, the Lucado Life Lessons series continues to be one of the best-selling study guide series on the market today. For small group to individual use, intriguing questions and new material take the participant deeper into God's Word.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2007





    Max Lucado

    The Lucado Life Lessons series continues to be one of the best-selling study guide series on the market today. These brand-new releases will join the ranks of the previously released and repackaged study guides, offering readers a complete selection of New Testament Bible studies by best-selling inspirational author Max Lucado. For small group or individual use, intriguing questions, inspirational stories, and poignant reflections take the participant deeper into God's Word.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2007



    Du är värdefull (presentbok)

    Du är värdefull (presentbok)

    Max Lucado

    Om du någon gång har undrat vad andra tycker om dig, om du någon gång har känt dig lite orättvist bedömd, om du någon gång velat ändra på dig själv bara för att göra någon annan till viljes, då kanske du behöver bli påmind av Parvello och Eli i den här berättelsen: Du är värdefull precis som du är! Det händer då och då att man hör eller läser en berättelse och tänker: Ja, precis så är det ju! Det här är en av de berättelserna. Den handlar om Parvello eller om var och en av oss, när vi kämpar för att få vara oss själva i en värld där andras betyg och omdömen verkar vara det viktigaste av allt. Det finns en som inte dömer dig efter hur du ser ut, vad du klarar av, vad du har eller vad du gör. Det finns en som säger att du är värdefull och menar det. Det är något som vi alla behöver höra och berätta vidare. Ingen är som du, och du är värdefull, oavsett allt.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2006



    Alla dagar nära

    Alla dagar nära

    Max Lucado

    Våra böner är kanske klumpiga. Våra försök är tafatta. Men eftersom kraften finns hos den som lyssnar till dem och inte hos dem som ber, gör bönen faktiskt skillnad. I varje bekymmer, varje glädjeämne, varje sorg och varje utmaning vill Gud vara nära dig och dela allt med dig. Och han vill ge dig av sin nåd. Guds nåd går som en röd tråd genom alla de 365 texterna i denna lätttillgängliga bok. Författaren Max Lucado delar för varje dag med sig av ett kort bibelord tillsammans med några tankar som kan ge dig styrka och inspiration. Alla dagar nära är en bok som gör det möjligt för precis vem som helst att finna tid för daglig andakt, ett dagligt tillfälle att stanna upp och tänka till - varför är jag här? Och utifrån det - vad är viktigt nu?

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2007



    Nærmere enn du aner

    Nærmere enn du aner: nær nok til at du kan ta på ham : sterk nok til at du kan stole på ham

    Max Lucado

    Boken viser Jesus som både gud og menneske, og hvordan han på denne måten blir den perfekte frelseren for menneskene: En Jesus som bare var Gud kunne skape oss, men ikke forstå oss. En Jesus som bare var menneske kunne elske oss men aldri frelse oss.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    En enklere reise

    En enklere reise: legg fra deg byrdene du aldri var ment å bære : løftene i salme 23

    Max Lucado

    Med salme 23 som guide, tar forfatteren oss med på en gjennomgang av byrdene vi bærer på. Han skriver om alt det som tynger oss, men som vi ikke var ment å bære.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2003

    Norsk Bokmål


    Glory Days

    Glory Days

    Max Lucado

    Keep walking. This may be the day your Jericho walls come down.We all face them. Strongholds with a strong hold on our lives. Roadblocks to our joy. Obstacles in our marriages. Fortresses of fear blocking us from peace. How can we bring down these walls that keep us from the future God promises? Remember the story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho? Those were some formidable foes and big barriers.Max Lucado says the book of Joshua is in the bible to remind us of one thing: God fights for us! We can overcome, because He has already overcome. We were not made to stand in the shadow of our walls and quake. We were made to stand on top of Jericho's rubble and conquer. We win, because God's already won.Need a new battle plan for life? Keep walking, keep believing. These may be your glory days.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Pocket · 2015


    Unshakable Hope Study Guide

    Unshakable Hope Study Guide

    Max Lucado

    The Unshakable Hope study provides groups of all sizes the opportunity to discuss and apply what they experience during the twelve-week Unshakable Hope church campaign. This study will open participants' eyes as to how they can view their problems in light of God's many promises in Scripture.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    You'll Get Through This (Miniature Edition)

    You'll Get Through This (Miniature Edition)

    Max Lucado

    Joseph was thrown into a hole and despised. The pit. Life is reduced to one quest: to get out and never get hurt again. Not simply done. Pits have no easy exit. Joseph's story got worse before it got better. Abandonment led to enslavement and imprisonment. His life offers this lesson: in God's hands, intended evil becomes ultimate good. Someone from up there must come down here and give you a hand. God did for Joseph. And at the right time, in the right way, he will do the same for you. This Miniature Edition (TM) is based on the New York Times bestselling book by Max Lucado.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015


    Pocket Prayers for Moms

    Pocket Prayers for Moms

    Max Lucado

    No one knows how quickly the chaos of daily life can become overwhelming more than moms. We lean on them for everything from hurt feelings to missing homework to broken bones. So, where can moms turn for peace and rest in the midst of mayhem? Bestselling author Max Lucado points to the Source of all hope and strength in Pocket Prayers for Moms, which contains forty scriptures and guided prayers written especially for all moms.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    Life Lessons from James

    Life Lessons from James

    Max Lucado

    Do your Monday actions reflect your Sunday worship? How about your claims to faith? Is your life full of noticeable changes and actions? James, the half-brother of Jesus, wasn't impressed with talk. He knew that a life of faith was all about actions that revealed a difference in a person's life. For him, it was not that works save the Christian, but that they mark the Christian. In his letter, he boldly deals with practical issues of faith not bound by culture or place. He shows the importance of living a genuine life of faith. His message is bare-knuckled as he encourages, challenges, and confronts, offering practical words and admonitions to live out our faith.The Life Lessons with Max Lucado series brings the Bible to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational stories, and poignant reflections to take you deeper into God's Word. Each lesson includes an opening reflection, background information, an excerpt of the text (from the New International and New King James versions), exploration questions, inspirational thoughts from Max, and a closing takeaway for further reflection. The Life Lessons series is ideal for use in both a small-group setting or for individual study.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    God Is With You Every Day

    God Is With You Every Day

    Max Lucado

    It's easier to face the day when you know God is with you.God Is With You Every Day is a brand-new 365-day devotional from Max Lucado, and his first new devotional since the creation of the Grace for the Moment (R) line. Max's signature reassuring and encouraging voice, paired with the practical, relevant, and personal message that God is with you every day, makes a great way to start each day of the year.This devotional begins each week with a prayer and scripture, followed by six days of devotions and scripture for reflection. Weaving messages of comfort, grace, and encouragement, this book is wonderful for anyone who wants a fresh infusion of faith to start each day, as well as those walking through difficult seasons of life such as loneliness, grief, or change.You can face each day with courage - because God is with you.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


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