Ice station
En gruppe amerikanske vitenskapsmenn oppdager en metallgjenstand inne i et 400 millioner år gammelt islag i Antarktis. Marinen blir tilkalt for å sikre at gjenstanden forblir på amerikanske hender, men også andre land er interessert. Det utvikler seg til et blodig kappløp etter det som antakelig er et fremmed romskip, noe mennene er villige til å dø for.
4.0 av 5
Et eldgammelt Inka-symbol blir funnet i Andesfjellene. Det inneholder elementer som, dersom det kommer i gale hender, kan medføre jordens undergang. Mange er villige til å ofre livet for å få tak i idolet, og et vilt kappløp oppstår. Kampen utkjempes på land, til sjøs og i luften - i et tempo som er Matt Reillys spesielle kjennemerke.
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Norsk Bokmål
Kamp i isødet
En gruppe amerikanske vitenskapsmenn oppdager en metallgjenstand inne i et 400 millioner år gammelt islag i Antarktis. Marinen blir tilkalt for å sikre at gjenstanden forblir på amerikanske hender, men også andre land er interessert. Det utvikler seg til et blodig kappløp etter det som antakelig er et fremmed romskip, noe mennene er villige til å dø for.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Han ledet sine menn inn i et helvete i Kamp i isødet. Han beskyttet den amerikanske presidenten i Sone 7. Denne gangen er det han som er målet. De er 15 menn, spesialtrente kommandosoldater, spioner og terrorister. Alle må være døde i løpet av 24 timer. Prisen er 18.6 millioner dollar per hode. Og hodene må leveres intakte. Blant navnene på dødslisten er den gåtefulle amerikanske elitesoldaten Schofield. Den nådeløse jakten tvinger ham inn i et vanvittig kappløp som går over hele kloden. I hælene har han et fryktinngytende kobbel av internasjonale leiemordere. Våpenbruken er grenseløs og tempoet vanvittig. Schofield kjemper for livet - og for å avsløre bakmennene, som ikke under noen omstendigheter kan tillate ham å overleve.
3.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Sone 7
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Norsk Bokmål
The Great Zoo Of China
A high-concept, action-packed thriller from the bestselling author of SCARECROW AND THE ARMY OF THIEVES.
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Scarecrow and the army of thieves
The action-packed new thriller from SUNDAY TIMES bestseller Matthew Reilly. This time the world's on fire!
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Area 7
I ørkenen i Utah ligger Amerikas mest hemmelige base, Air Force-basen Area 7. Når presidenten kommer for å inspisere Area 7, venter fiendtlige krefter på ham. Med i presidentens følge er imidlertid en ung marinesoldat, Schofield. Ryktet hans sier at han er en god mann å ha i en storm, og det kan presidenten trenge.
0.0 av 5
The six sacred stones
After their thrilling exploits in Matthew Reilly's bestseller "Seven Ancient Wonders", super-soldier Jack West and his loyal team of adventurers are back, and now they face an all-but impossible challenge. For a mysterious ceremony in an unknown location has triggered a catastrophic countdown that will climax in the destruction of all life on Earth. But there is one last hope. If Jack's team can find and rebuild a legendary ancient device known only as the "Machine", they might be able to ward off this coming Armageddon. The only clues to its location, however, are held within the fabled Six Sacred Stones, long lost in the fog of history. And so the hunt begins...From Stonehenge in England, to the deserts of Egypt, to the spectacular Three Gorges region of China, "The Six Sacred Stones" will take you on a non-stop rollercoaster ride through ancient history, modern military hardware, and some of the fastest and most mind-blowing action you will ever read.
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Deep in the jungles of Peru the contest of the century is underway. It's a race to locate a legendary Incan idol - one carved out of a strange kind of stone. But a stone which, in the present age, could be used as the basis for a terrifying new weapon. The US Army wants this prize at any cost. But they are not alone . The only clue to the idol's final resting place is to be found in a 400-year-old manuscript. Which introduces Professor William Race, a mild-mannered but brilliant young linguist, who is unwillingly recruited to interpret the document that could lead the US team to the idol itself. So begins the mission that will lead Race and his armed companions to a mysterious stone temple hidden in the foothills of the Andes. This is a carefully contrived sanctuary seething with menace and unexpected dangers. But it is not until the silence of the temple is breached that Race and his team discover they have broken a golden rule.
0.0 av 5
Most wanted man in the world
0.0 av 5
New Yorks hovedbibliotek er som en stille kunnskapskatedral med sine hundre år gamle bokhyllelabyrinter. Men for Dr. Stephen Swain og hans åtte år gamle datter Holly, blir biblioteket åsted for et mareritt. For en kveld blir den historiske bygningen arena for en grusom konkurranse, som Swain må fullføre enten han vil eller ikke. Reglene er enkle; syv deltakere går inn, men bare en kan komme ut igjen.
0.0 av 5
The five greatest warriors
The end is approaching...Can Jack West unravel the ancient secrets of The Five Greatest Warriors and save the world? With the end of the world fast approaching, Jack West Jr must rebuild the final pieces of the fabled, ancient 'Machine' - the only thing that can prevent global catastrophe. But he is out of clues, out of leads...until he is presented with an ancient text about five unnamed warriors, great historical figures who were all in some way connected to the mysterious Machine. And so Jack and his loyal team set out to discover their identities - and their secrets. Soon Jack is on the trail of a legendary list of greats: from Moses to Genghis Khan and Napoleon, and finally to one most unlikely warrior, the unknown 'Fifth', who, it is said, will be there 'at the end of all things...'
0.0 av 5
Seven ancient wonders
It is the biggest treasure hunt in history with contesting nations involved in a headlong race to locate the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 4500 years ago, a magnificent golden capstone sat at the peak of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was a source of immense power, reputedly capable of bestowing upon its holder absolute global power. But then it was divided into seven pieces and hidden, each piece separately, within the seven greatest structures of the age. Now it's 2006 and the coming of a rare solar event means it's time to locate the seven pieces and rebuild the capstone. Everyone wants it - from the most powerful countries on Earth to gangs of terrorists ...and one daring coalition of eight small nations. Led by the mysterious Captain Jack West Jr, this determined group enters a global battlefield filled with booby-trapped mines, crocodile-infested swamps, evil forces and an adventure beyond imagining. 'More action, hair-raising stunts and lethal hardware than you'd find in four Bond movies. Reilly is the hottest action writer around' - "Evening Telegraph".
0.0 av 5
The Tournament
From global superstar Matthew Reilly comes a gripping historical thriller; a tale of murder, passion and intrigue set in the majestic city of Constantinople.
0.0 av 5
The Secret Runners of New York
When Skye Rodgers and her twin brother Red move to Manhattan, rumours of a coming global apocalypse are building. But this doesn't stop the young elite from partying without a care. Then Skye joins an exclusive gang known as the Secret Runners of New Yok. But this is no ordinary clique. They have access to an underground portal that can transport them into the future. And what Skye discovers there is horrifying . . . What would you do to survive?
0.0 av 5
De fem største krigerne
Da vinci koden på steroider
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
The Three Secret Cities
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Orion Publishing Group) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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Seks hellige steiner
Nonstop action
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Norsk Bokmål
The three secret cities
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