Frankenstein, or, the modern prometheus
A terrifying vision of scientific progress without moral limits, Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" leads the reader on an unsettling journey from the sublime beauty of the Swiss alps to the desolate waste of the arctic circle. This "Penguin Classics" edition is edited with an introduction and notes by Maurice Hindle. Obsessed with the idea of creating life itself, Victor Frankenstein plunders graveyards for the material with which to fashion a new being, shocking his creation to life with electricity. But this botched creature, rejected by its creator and denied human companionship, sets out to destroy Frankenstein and all that he holds dear. Mary Shelley's chilling gothic tale was conceived when she was only eighteen, living with her lover Percy Shelley near Lord Byron's villa on Lake Geneva. It would become the world's most famous work of Gothic horror, and Frankenstein's monster an instantly-recognisable symbol of the limits of human creativity. Based on the third edition of 1831, this volume contains all the revisions Mary Shelley made to her story, as well as her 1831 introduction and Percy Shelley's preface to the first edition. This revised edition includes as appendices a select collation of the texts of 1818 and 1831 together with "A Fragment" by Lord Byron and Dr John Polidori's "The Vampyre: A Tale". Mary Shelley (1797-1851) was the only daughter of the author and political philosopher William Godwin, and Mary Wollstonecraft, author of "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman". In 1814 she eloped with poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, whom she married when his first wife died in 1816. She is best remembered as the author of "Frankenstein", but she wrote several other works, including "Valperga" and "The Last Man". If you liked "Frankenstein", you might enjoy Bram Stoker's "Dracula", also available in "Penguin Classics".
3.0 av 5
<p>This Norton Critical Edition includes:</p> <ul><li>The 1818 first edition text of the novel, introduced and annotated by J. Paul Hunter.</li><li>Three maps and eight illustrations.</li><li>A wealth of source and contextual materials, thematically arranged to promote classroom discussion. Topics include “Sources, Influences, Analogues”, “Circumstances, Composition, Revision” and “Reception, Impact, Adaptation”.</li><li>Eleven critical essays on Frankenstein’s major themes, six of them new to the Third Edition.</li><li>A chronology and a selected bibliography.<br></li></ul> <p>About the Series</p> <p>Read by more than 12 million students over fifty-five years, Norton Critical Editions set the standard for apparatus that is right for undergraduate readers. The three-part format—annotated text, contexts and criticism—helps students to better understand, analyse and appreciate the literature, while opening a wide range of teaching possibilities for instructors. Whether in print or in digital format, Norton Critical Editions provide all the resources students need.</p>
4.5 av 5
A brilliant adaptation of Stoker's timeless work that inspired many horror genres, gothic drama, theatrical, film and TV interpretations.
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Frankenstein : Or. The modern Prometheus
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Frankenstein, eller Den moderne Promethevs
Victor Frankenstein har ambisjoner om å finne ut alt om menneskekroppen og få kjennskap til livets hemmelighet. Hans studier og eksperimenter for å skape det perfekte menneske, tar snart overhånd. Romanen utkom i 1818, og er filmatisert en rekke ganger, første gang i 1910.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Frankenstein, or The modern Prometheus
Victor Frankenstein har ambisjoner om å finne ut alt om menneskekroppen og få kjennskap til livets hemmelighet. Hans studier og eksperimenter for å skape det perfekte menneske, tar snart overhånd. Romanen utkom i 1818, og er filmatisert en rekke ganger, første gang i 1910.
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Frankenstein, eller Den moderne Prometevs
Den gotiske romanen Frankenstein eller den moderne Prometevs av Mary W. Shelley er andre bok i den nye klassikarserien med verdslitteraturens viktigaste verk i ny nynorsk språkdrakt. Frankenstein vert ofte sett på som det første eksemplet på science fiction-litteratur i verda. Romanen har hatt enorm påverknad på seinare litteratur og populærkultur, ikkje minst for film. Karakteren Victor Frankenstein og hans namnlause monster har blitt eit omgrep i mange språk. Originalromanen er derimot nokså lite lesen. Forfattar Mary W. Shelley var ein av dei aller første kvinnelege forfattarane som ikkje skreiv under pseudonym. Den første utgåva var publisert anonymt, medan namnet hennar stod på andreutgåva frå 1823. Det at ei kvinne i tillegg skreiv om eit slikt tema, gjorde henne banebrytande og til ein av dei aller viktigaste forfattarane i verdslitteraturen.
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Norsk Nynorsk
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Franken Fran Omnibus
Starting with the bolts that protrude from her head, Fran isn't exactly what you would call a normal girl, nor is the cast of horribly disfigured creatures who join her. Despite her Frankenstein-like ways, Fran cares deeply for her patients and holds steadfastly to the Hippocratic Oath. Her creed is: "All lives must be saved, no matter the cost!" For Franken Fran, the ends always justify the means, no matter what ungodly creations emerge from her lab. Join Fran, her twisted sister Veronica, and the rest of her monstrous entourage in a gruesomely hilarious tale that would put Mary Shelley to shame!
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Hjemsøkelser: et bestiarium, andre del
Kari Løvaas' Hjemsøkelser. Et bestiarium II er en frittstående oppfølger til essaysamlingen Skapelsens sukk og klage, som fikk svært positiv omtale da den utkom i 2022. I Hjemsøkelser fortsetter Løvaas sin undersøkelse av hvordan syndefallsfortellingen har satt spor i vår kulturelle bevissthet. Er fortellingen om utdrivelse og himmelsk hjemlengsel forbeholdt mennesker, spør hun, og i forlengelsen av det: Skapninger som ikke kan gjenkjennes som menneskelige, kan de krenkes i det uendelige? Kari Løvaas beveger seg uhindret mellom personlige betraktninger og lesninger av filosofiske og litterære klassikere og kuriosa. Via forfattere som Karin Boye, Rainer Maria Rilke, Kerstin Ekman, Torgny Lindgren, Aksel Sandemose, John M. Coetzee, Mary Shelley og Paul Celan lar Løvaas seg hjemsøke av dyr og syndebukker med og uten horn, og av golemer, mannslinger og monstre, som Kafkas apen Rødepetter og Thomas Hobbes' Leviatan.
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Norsk Bokmål
In Edwardian Suffolk, a manor house stands alone in a lost corner of the Fens: a glinting wilderness of water whose whispering reeds guard ancient secrets. Maud is a lonely child growing up without a mother, ruled by her repressive father. When he finds a painted medieval devil in a graveyard, unhallowed forces are awakened. Maud's battle has begun. She must survive a world haunted by witchcraft, the age-old legends of her beloved fen - and the even more nightmarish demons of her father's past.
4.0 av 5
Franken Fran 3-4
The delightfully creepy tale of a beautiful patchwork doctor and her even stranger patients has become a cult classic among English-speaking manga fans. Seven Seas is pleased to present this series for the first time in print in North America in four omnibus editions. Each omnibus contains two volumes worth of content, and includes colour inserts. Somewhere, out in the sticks of rural Japan, there is a mysterious manor that is home to the greatest surgeon who ever lived. Actually, the surgeon hasn't been seen for years, but Fran, his reanimated daughter, takes up the family profession in his stead. Starting with the bolts that protrude from her head, Fran isn't exactly what you would call a normal girl, nor is the cast of horribly disfigured creatures who join her. Despite her Frankenstein-like ways, Fran cares deeply for her patients and holds steadfastly to the Hippocratic Oath. Her creed is: "All lives must be saved, no matter the cost!," For Franken Fran, the ends always justify the means, no matter what ungodly creations emerge from her lab.Join Fran, her twisted sister Veronica, and the rest of her monstrous entourage in a gruesomely hilarious tale that would put Mary Shelley to shame.
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Franken Fran 1-2
Franken Fran is a hilarious, dark parody manga series that combines elements from Frankenstein with horrifyingly cute girls that will appeal to fans of irreverent manga like Love in Hell and Magical Girl Apocalypse. The delightfully creepy tale of a beautiful patchwork doctor and her even stranger patients has become a cult classic among English-speaking manga fans. Seven Seas is pleased to present this series for the first time in print in North America in four omnibus editions. Each omnibus contains two volumes-worth of content, and includes colour inserts. Somewhere, out in the sticks of rural Japan, there is a mysterious manor that is home to the greatest surgeon who ever lived. Actually, the surgeon hasn't been seen for years, but Fran, his reanimated daughter, takes up the family profession in his stead. Starting with the bolts that protrude from her head, Fran isn't exactly what you would call a normal girl, nor is the cast of horribly disfigured creatures who join her. Despite her Frankenstein-like ways, Fran cares deeply for her patients and holds steadfastly to the Hippocratic Oath. Her creed is: "All lives must be saved, no matter the cost!," For Franken Fran, the ends alwaysjustify the means, no matter what ungodly creations emerge from her lab. Join Fran, her twisted sister Veronica, and the rest of her monstrous entourage in a gruesomely hilarious tale that would put Mary Shelley to shame!
0.0 av 5
Franken Fran 5-6
The delightfully creepy tale of a beautiful patchwork doctor and her even stranger patients has become a cult classic among English speaking manga fans. Seven Seas is pleased to present this series for the first time in print in North America in four omnibus editions. Each omnibus contains two volumes worth of content, and includes colour inserts. Somewhere, out in the sticks of rural Japan, there is a mysterious manor that is home to the greatest surgeon who ever lived. Actually, the surgeon hasn't been seen for years, but Fran, his reanimated daughter, takes up the family profession in his stead. Starting with the bolts that protrude from her head, Fran isn't exactly what you would call a normal girl, nor is the cast of horribly disfigured creatures who join her. Despite her Frankenstein like ways, Fran cares deeply for her patients and holds steadfastly to the Hippocratic Oath. Her creed is: "All lives must be saved, no matter the cost," For Franken Fran, the ends always justify the means, no matter what ungodly creations emerge from her lab.Join Fran, her twisted sister Veronica, and the rest of her monstrous entourage in a gruesomely hilarious tale that would put Mary Shelley to shame!
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Den befridde familien
Hva er en familie? Hvorfor bygges fortsatt de fleste boliger for to voksne og to barn? Er det en menneskerett å få barn - uansett alder, kjønn eller seksuell legning? Og: Kan vi noen gang befri oss fra de «reglene» som ligger i vår biologi? Josefin Oleviks skarpe og høyaktuelle debattbok er en liten skatt som utfordrer leseren til å tenke fritt om foreldreskap, familierelasjoner, husholdning, fordommer, natur, biologiske begrensninger og kultur. Hun skriver engasjerende om alenemødres levekår, det historiske og politiske bakteppet for kunstig befruktning, eggdonasjon, sæddonasjon og surrogati. Hun forteller om sitt eget valg om å bli enslig forelder, befruktet på den danske klinikken Storken og deretter om å være «lykkelig gift med staten». "Den befridde familien er en klok, rik, veltenkt og velskrevet bok. På en vidunderlig og fruktbar måte bruker hun blant annet klassikere som Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, Carl Jonas Love Almqvists Det går an og Gabriel García Márquez' Hundre års ensomhet for å sidebelyse sine og andres tanker om familien, og om det som ligger så nært: naturen og det Naturlige." Göteborgs-Posten Josefin Olevik er en svensk journalist og forfatter som bor i Stockholm. Hun skriver i en rekke svenske aviser og tidsskrift og debuterte som forfatter i 2009 med Campingland: en berättelse om flintastek, flukthål och förtältsromantik, før den Den befridde familien kom i 2016.
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Norsk Bokmål
Cambridge Companions to Literature
The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Travel Writing offers readers an insight into the scope and range of perspectives that one encounters in this field of writing. Encompassing a diverse range of texts and styles, performances and forms, postcolonial travel writing recounts journeys undertaken through places, cultures, and communities that are simultaneously living within, through, and after colonialism in its various guises. The Companion is organized into three parts. Part I, 'Departures', addresses key theoretical issues, topics, and themes. Part II, 'Performances', examines a range of conventional and emerging travel performances and styles in postcolonial travel writing. Part III, 'Peripheries' continues to shift the analysis of travel writing from the traditional focus on Eurocentric contexts. This Companion provides a comprehensive overview of developments in the field, appealing to students and teachers of travel writing and postcolonial studies.
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Frankenstein : eller den moderne prometeus
Mary Shelleys legendariska roman Frankenstein, i nyöversättning av Måns Winberg och med efterord av John-Henri Holmberg. Alla har vi stött på - om inte annat i filmparodier - varianter av historien om den galne vetenskapsmannen och hans ohyggliga skapelse, en varelse konstruerad av mänskliga likdelar som väckts till liv med hjälp av elektricitet, och uttrycket "Frankensteins monster" ingår som ett begrepp i vardagsspråket - men alla har nog inte stiftat närmare bekantskap med den ursprungliga källan till dessa spektakulära idéer: Mary Shelleys högst seriösa roman från 1818. Även bokens tillkomst är mycket speciell: Mary Shelley var bara 19 år när hon började skriva boken. Hon var dotter till feminismikonen Mary Wollstonecraft och anarkismfilosofen William Godwin. Hon hade rymt hemifrån med poeten Percy Shelley som hon senare gifte sig med. Sommaren 1816 vistades de vid Genèvesjön i Schweiz tillsammans med poeten Lord Byron. En regnig kväll när de inte kunde gå sin vanliga kvällspromenad kom de överens om en tävling: de tre skulle skriva var sin skräckberättelse. Percy och Lord Byron fullföljde inte sina bidrag till tävlingen, men för Mary gick det desto bättre, hon fick inspiration till en hel roman. Året därpå hade hon berättelsen klar och ytterligare ett år senare, 1818, utkom den i bokform i sin första upplaga. Den nådde snabbt berömmelse och utkom sedan i ständigt nya upplagor. Doktor Victor Frankenstein är urtypen för den visionäre vetenskapsmannen, den påhittige uppfinnaren, den djärve nytänkaren, som brinner för sitt arbete och är besatt av sin fixa idé att en dag lösa Det Stora Problemet, i det här fallet Livsgnistans Gåta. Han vill kunna skapa och omforma livet självt, han vill kunna styra och påverka livets och tillvarons grundläggande mekanismer. Han kan rentav ses som en representant för hela den moderna utvecklingen som har dominerat samhället de senaste seklen och som har fört så mycket gott med sig, men även en hel del ont. Vetenskapen och teknologin har gett många fantastiska förbättringar som varit till enorm nytta för mänskligheten, men också ett stort antal produkter som kan orsaka katastrofer, och den miljökollaps som den globala uppvärmningen hotar att bli hade vi kanske aldrig behövt oroa oss för om inte historien framburit så många geniala forskare och påhittiga uppfinnare av just doktor Frankensteins sort. Men ännu intressantare än personligheten Victor Frankenstein är nog bokens andra huvudgestalt: monstret. Här skiljer sig romanen markant från filmatiseringarna. Monstret i romanen är nämligen inte alls som filmernas, inte alls en grymtande rosslande stapplande trögtänkt zombievarelse som går med armarna utsträckta och trampar sönder allt i sin väg och går rakt igenom väggar utan att märka det, utan det rakt motsatta: en supermänniska! Kolossalt stark, smidig, uthållig, tål alla slags påfrestningar, och dessutom mycket intelligent, intellektuell, och synnerligen verbal. Han skulle kunna leva ett förträffligt liv och bli lycklig och framgångsrik och nöjd med sin tillvaro om det inte vore för en sak: han passar inte in i den mänskliga gemenskapen. Han är för det första oerhört ful. Grovhugget sammansatt som han är, av aparta groteska likdelar. Han är så frånstötande ful att alla som ser honom ryggar tillbaka i vämjelse och instinktiv avsky. För det andra är han oformligt stor. Doktor Frankenstein hade nämligen inte möjlighet att konstruera en normalstor varelse, då hade sammanfogandet av nervtrådar och liknande - detaljer blivit för svårt. Monstrets mörka öde blir att tvingas driva omkring som en utstött och aldrig någonstans välkomnas bland vänner. Själv är han till fullo medveten om vidden av problemet och kan resonera och argumentera inför doktor Frankenstein och inför läsaren om sitt fruktansvärda och till synes olösliga dilemma. Lika mycket som romanen handlar om vetenskap som går överstyr handlar den alltså om de avvikandes utanförskap. Monstret representerar alla som inte passar in i den "normala" gemenskapen. Monstret, outsidern, freaken, som ivrigt famlar efter minsta halmstrå, som hoppas hitta någon som helst variant av gemenskap. Men han har så ofantligt mycket emot sig, utseendet, ursprunget, hela sin fysiska frånstötande uppenbarelse. När konflikterna eskalerar blir romanen dessutom ohyggligt spännande, och hur det går ska inte avslöjas här i denna vår kortfattade förhandsreklam för nyöversättningen.Efter avslutad läsning har man dock lätt att förstå att 19-åriga Mary Shelleys roman Frankenstein sedan länge tillhör litteraturens odödliga mästerverk.
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'I gained his secret and we were both lost for ever'Mary Shelley's dark story of a bereaved man's disturbing passion for his daughter was suppressed by her own father, and not published for over a century. One of 46 new books in the bestselling Little Black Classics series, to celebrate the first ever Penguin Classic in 1946. Each book gives readers a taste of the Classics' huge range and diversity, with works from around the world and across the centuries - including fables, decadence, heartbreak, tall tales, satire, ghosts, battles and elephants.
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Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus (Legend Classics)
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The New Annotated Frankenstein
"Remarkably, a nineteen-year-old, writing her first novel, penned a tale that combines tragedy, morality, social commentary, and a thoughtful examination of the very nature of knowledge", writes Leslie S. Klinger. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is often reductively dismissed as a monster film or a cautionary tale about experimental science gone haywire. Illuminating every hidden dimension of the "first truly modern myth", Klinger does for Shelley's story of early nineteenth-century horror what he did for Sherlock Holmes, Dracula and H.P. Lovecraft, bringing this gothic tale to nightmarish life by reproducing the original text with the most lavishly illustrated and comprehensively annotated edition to date.
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