Pelle erobreren I og II
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Ditte Menneskebarn 1
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Ditte Menneskebarn 2
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Norsk Bokmål
Badminton i skole og fritid
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Pelle Erobreren : Bind 2
Selvbiografisk verk hvor vi følger fattiggutten Pelle og hans oppvekst i Danmark i slutten av forrige århundre. Pelle er optimist og erobrer sitt liv selv om han møter mye motgang. Dette er det 2. bindet.
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Norsk Bokmål
Hylle E19. Varierende kvalitet.
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I'm So Full of Happy Today: The Hygge Wisdom of Children
The funny things kids say or the hygge wisdom of children Is there anything more likely to make you laugh and put a smile on your face than the innocent and funny remark of a child? Ever since Art Linkletter first published Kids Say the Darndest Things in 1957, people have laughed and been delighted with the innocent, funny things kids say. The Danes have a word for the feeling of happy delight that you get from simple things in life, such as the funny things kids say, it's called "hygge." In I'm So Full of Happy Today: The Hygge Wisdom of Children you will explore many of the funny things kids say in our world today. The hygge wisdom of kids: It's not only endless, but often an endless source of joy, like these hilarious quotes: - Dylan, age 5, "Mom, did it hurt much when you gave birth to Daddy?" - Keira, age 8, "Being in love is like having a birthday in your stomach." - Miley, age 3, "When I grow up, I want to be pregnant. Or a princess." - Jayden, age 5, "Mom, how old were you when you were my age?" The latest in funny kids books: "I'm So Full of Happy Today" is a heartwarming collection of the remarkably observant, funny and wise things said by children, aged two to ten years. All of the stories have a very real and personal feel, and include the name and age of each child. These playful, sometimes "tongue-in-cheek" tales straight from the minds and mouths of kids will have you learning and laughing long after you've turned the last page. You will be hygge happy More from this hygge funny things kids say book: - Round and Round it Goes Samuel, age 4: "Mom, does the Earth ever get dizzy?" - Insightful Abigail, age 4: "Mommy, do you know why it snows?" Mother: "Hmm no, why?" Abigail: "It's because the clouds wants to give the kids something funny to play with." - Astrology for Beginners 3 girls, age 4, during nursery school lunch-break discuss zodiac signs: Jessica: "I'm a Capricorn." Taylor: "I'm a Virgo." Ashley: "I'm a Princess." -Jurassic Dad Sydney, age 7: "Dad, you're so old you must remember what the dinosaurs looked like?"
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Pelle erobreren 1
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Pelle eroreren 2
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Pelle Erobreren
Boken er i to bind
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Ditte menneskebarn 2
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Pelle erobreren første bind: Første del: Barndom. Annen del: Læreår
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Norsk Bokmål
Pelle erobreren annet bind: Tredje del: Den store kampen. Fjerde del: Gryet
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Norsk Bokmål
Morten den røde I og II
Selvbiografisk roman utgitt første gang på norsk i 1946. Skildrer kampen mellom den småborgerlige og den revolusjonære sosialismen. Oppfølger av «Pelle erobreren».
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Pelle Erobreren 3: Den store kampen
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Norsk Bokmål
Pelle Erobreren 4: Gryet
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Norsk Bokmål
Hylle 160. Dansk.
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Norsk Bokmål
Pelle erobreren bind 2
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Pelle Erobreren bind 1
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Norsk Bokmål
Pelle Erobreren bind 1
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