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Viser resultat for 'Martin Amis'

    A clockwork orange

    A clockwork orange

    Anthony Burgess

    A Clockwork Orange is the daring and electrifying book by Anthony Burgess that inspired one of the most notorious films ever made, beautifully repackaged as part of the Penguin Essentials range.'What's it going to be then, eh?'In this nightmare vision of youth in revolt, fifteen-year-old Alex and his friends set out on a diabolical orgy of robbery, rape, torture and murder. Alex is jailed for his teenage delinquency and the State tries to reform him - but at what cost?Social prophecy? Black comedy? Study of freewill? A Clockwork Orange is all of these. It is also a dazzling experiment in language, as Burgess creates a new language - 'nadsat', the teenage slang of a not-too-distant future.'Every generation should discover this book' Time Out'A gruesomely witty cautionary tale' Time'Not only about man's violent nature and his capacity to choose between good and evil. It is about the excitements and intoxicating effects of language' Daily Telegraph'I do not know of any other writer who has done as much with language...a very funny book' William S. Burroughs'One of the cleverest and most original writers of his generation' The TimesAnthony Burgess was born in Manchester in 1917. He studied English at Manchester University and joined the army in 1940 where he spent six years in the Education Corps. After demobilization, he worked first as a college lecturer in Speech and Drama and then as a grammar-school master before becoming an education officer in the Colonial Service, stationed in Malay and Borneo. In 1959 Burgess was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour and decided to become a full-time writer. Despite being given less than a year to live, Burgess went on to write at least a book a year - including A Clockwork Orange (1962), M/F (1971), Man of Nazareth (1979), Earthly Powers (1980) and The Kingdom of the Wicked (1985) - and hundreds of book reviews right up until his death. He was also a prolific composer and produced many full-scale works for orchestra and other media during his lifetime. Anthony Burgess died in 1993.

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011


    kr 69

    Pocket · 2003


    kr 99

    Andre utgaver · 8

    kr 69



    Vladimir Nabokov

    4.9 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89

    Pocket · 2011


    kr 89

    Andre utgaver · 31

    kr 89



    J. G. Ballard

    A special limited edition of J. G. Ballard's cult, post-modern and shocking novel

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    Pocket · 2008





    Martin Amis

    This is the story of John Self, consumer extraordinaire. Rolling around New York and London, he makes deals, spends wildly and does reckless movie-world business, all the while grabbing everything he can to sate his massive appetites: alcohol, tobacco, pills, pornography, a mountain of junk food and more.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2005


    kr 30

    Pocket · 2011



    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 30

    Rachel - en innføring

    Rachel - en innføring

    Martin Amis

    Rachel - en innføring er en kynisk komedie om å bli voksen, eller snarere om ikke å bli det. Romanen er passe uskikkelig og kul, ekstremt velskrevet og samtidig skrikende opptatt av - og avslørende for - et ungt sinn som prøver å finne opp seg selv, om unge mennesker som prøver å finne en identitet, og er på den måten en hyperaktuell klassiker. Allerede i sin noe skandaløse debutroman, ga Martin Amis leserne en av de mest kvalmende troverdige - og merkelig rørende - ungdomsportrettene som noensinne har utstilt sitt begjær på samtidslitteraturens boksider. Charles Highway er knapt tjue, og forbereder seg litt uengasjert på å bli student i Oxford. Han viser en munter avsky for sin far og planlegger omhyggelig forførelsen av en jente ved navn Rachel - en jente som setter hans narsissistiske kynisme på prøve når han plutselig opplever å være forelsket i henne. Rachel - en innføring er etter hvert en klassiker fra de indre sirkler av Swinging London, og samtidig en perfekt coming of age-roman som utøver sin tiltrekning også i dag, femti år etter at den kom ut første gang.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2023

    Norsk Bokmål


    The Rub of Time

    The Rub of Time

    Martin Amis

    The Rub of Time comprises superb critical pieces on Amis's heroes Nabokov, Bellow and Larkin to brilliantly funny ruminations on sport, Las Vegas, John Travolta and the pornography industry. The collection includes his essay on Princess Diana and a tribute to his great friend Christopher Hitchens, but at the centre of the book, perhaps inevitably, are essays on politics, and in particular the American election campaigns of 2012 and 2016. One of the very few consolations of Donald Trump's rise to power is that Martin Amis is there to write about him.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Pocket · 2017


    The pregnant widow

    The pregnant widow

    Martin Amis

    An Italian poolside, Summer, 1970. Sex is very much on everyone's mind. The girls are acting like boys and the boys are going on acting like boys. Keith Nearing - a bookish twenty year old, in that much disputed territory between five foot six and five foot seven - is struggling to twist feminism towards his own ends. Torn between three women, his scheming doesn't come off quite as he expects. And now in the twenty first century, as Keith reflects on that summer holiday, the aftershocks of the sexual revolution finally catch up with him. The Pregnant Widow is gloriously risque and ferociously funny. It is Martin Amis at his fearless best.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011


    kr 89

    Pocket · 2010


    kr 89

    Koba the dread

    Koba the dread: laughter and the twenty million

    Martin Amis

    Containing a 100-page study of Stalin - Koba the Dread, Iosif the Terrible - Amis's memoir addresses itself to the central lacuna of 20th-century thought, that is the indulgence of Communism by intellectuals of the West.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2003



    Yellow dog

    Yellow dog

    Martin Amis

    When dream husband Xan Meo is vengefully assaulted in the garden of a London pub, he suffers head-injury, and personality-change. Like a spiritual convert, the familial paragon becomes an anti-husband, an anti-father. He submits to an alien moral system - one among many to be found in these pages. We are introduced to the inverted worlds of the 'yellow' journalist, Clint Smoker; the high priest of hardmen, Joseph Andrews; the porno tycoon, Cora Susan; and Kent Price, the corpse in the hold of the stricken airliner, apparently determined, even in death, to bring down the plane that carries his spouse. Meanwhile, we explore the entanglements of Henry England: his incapacitated wife, Pamela; his Chinese mistress, He Zhezun; his fifteen-year-old daughter, Victoria, the victim of a filmed 'intrusion' which rivets the world - because she is the future Queen of England, and her father, Henry IX, is its King.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004



    Innbundet · 2003



    Vintage Amis

    Vintage Amis

    Martin Amis

    Boka inneholder utdrag Experience, London fields og Money, historiene State of England, Insight at Flame lake og The coincidence of arts og essayene Visiting Mrs. Nabokov og Phantom of the opera.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004



    Invasion of the Space Invaders

    Invasion of the Space Invaders

    Martin Amis

    Back in a facsimile edition is Martin Amis's closet passion project, first published in 1982: a compulsive gamer's guide to arcades and beating your younger self's high scoreIn this offbeat book, introduced by Stephen Spielberg, acclaimed author Martin Amis explores how 1980s video games took a generation by storm.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    The Zone of Interest

    The Zone of Interest

    Martin Amis

    There was an old story about a king who asked his favourite wizard to create a magic mirror. This mirror didn't show you your reflection. Instead, it showed you your soul, it showed you who you really were. But the king couldn't look into the mirror without turning away, and nor could his courtiers. What happens when we discover who we really are?

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    kr 150
    kr 150

    På innsiden

    På innsiden: en roman

    Martin Amis

    Martin Amis' På innsiden er en helt spesiell selvbiografisk tekst. Den byr på en original blanding av skamløst selvutleverende privatliv og nedslag i vår nyere verdenshistorie, sett fra innsiden av en av Englands mest sentrale og omdiskuterte forfattere de siste femti årene, og ikke minst gjennom en stadig tilbakevendende samtale med Amis' beste venn gjennom førti av disse, Christopher Hitchens. Etter hvert følger vi rabulisten Hitchens til dødsleiet i et nært, men usentimentalt portrett, og siste del av boken er i tillegg viet to nasjonalskalder og deres siste dager: Den innbitt ateistiske engelske poeten Philip Larkin, og den ambivalent religiøse Saul Bellow som ble Martin Amis' venn og mentor gjennom den amerikanske nobelprisvinnerens siste femten år. Døden står altså sentralt mot slutten av dette som Amis selv har kalt sin siste roman, men først og fremst er boken er en kjærlighetsfull hyllest til livet, et memoarverk der virkelige og oppdiktede personer opptrer side om side i en særegen britisk blanding av høyt og lavt - sex og filosofi, fyll, realpolitikk og andre pinligheter. Parallelt med det reelt biografiske og historiske materialet løper en romantisk - og snart rystende - historie om Amis' forhold til den sensuelle og fascinerende amoralske Phoebe Phelps. «Litteraturens Mick Jagger... Amis er den mest blendende prosastilisten i britisk skjønnlitteratur etter krigen.» - Mick Brown, The Daily Telegraph «En karismatisk sammensetning av fakta og fiksjon... Martin Amis har beholdt evnen til å overraske.» - Parul Sehgal, The New York Times «De fantastiske setningene kommer flygende mot deg, som alltid, på volley ut av mellomrommet mellom boksidene, og rett inn i det magiske rommet under dine hevede øyenbryn ... Det er mye her som også gir deg den der andre Amis-følelsen, som er den snikende fornemmelsen av en allmektig, upersonlig litterær intelligens som gnir seg opp mot - eller kanskje vi skulle si utforsker - ytterkantene, gren

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2023

    Norsk Bokmål


    Night train

    Night train: a novel

    Martin Amis

    Detektiv Mike Hoolihan har sett det meste i løpet av sine 15 år i politiet, men når Jennifer Rockwell, en god venn og datter av en kollega, begår et tilsynelatende selvmord, blir denne saken utenom det vanlige.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1998



    Inside story

    Inside story

    Martin Amis

    'Utterly compelling' Guardian Life...is shapeless, it does not point to and gather round anything, it does not cohere. Artistically, it's dead. Life's dead. So begins a love letter to life, a resuscitation of sorts, encountering vibrant characters from Saul Bellow, to Philip Larkin to Iris Murdoch and Elizabeth Jane Howard, and to the person who captivated Amis' twenties, the alluringly amoral Phoebe Phelps. Amis addresses our burning questions: how to live, how to grieve, and how to die?

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021



    The second plane

    The second plane: September 11, 2001-2007

    Martin Amis

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009



    London Fields

    London Fields

    Martin Amis

    Martin Amis's acclaimed novel--now in a twenty-fifth-anniversary hardcover edition--is a blackly comic murder mystery about a murder that has not yet happened. First published in 1989, LONDON FIELDS is set ten years into a dark future, against a backdrop of environmental and social decay and the looming threat of global cataclysm. As the dreaded millennium approaches, Nicola Six, a "black hole" of sex and self-loathing, attempts to orchestrate her own extinction, choosing her thirty-fifth birthday, November 5, 1999, as the date of her murder. Whom to manipulate into killing her is the question; her choice wavers between violent lowlife Keith Talent, who is obsessed with winning a darts tournament, and a dimly romantic banker named Guy Clinch. When Samson Young--a writer suffering from a long bout of writer's block--stumbles upon these three, he believes he has found a story that will write itself. A highly unusual mystery with an unexpected twist at the end, LONDON FIELDS is also a corrosively funny narrative of pyrotechnic complexity and scalding moral vision. (Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014



    Innbundet · 2014


    House of meetings

    House of meetings

    Martin Amis

    There were conjugal visits in the slave camps of the USSR. Valiant women would travel continental distances, over weeks and months, in the hope of spending a night, with their particular enemy of the people, in the House of Meetings. The consequences of these liaisons were almost invariably tragic. House of Meetings is about one such liaison. It is a triangular romance: two brothers fall in love with the same girl, a nineteen-year-old Jewess, in Moscow, which is poised for pogrom in the gap between the war and the death of Stalin. Both brothers are arrested, and their rivalry slowly complicates itself over a decade in the slave camp above the Arctic Circle. As one brother, finally, writes to the other, 'You know what happened to us? It wasn't just a compendium of very bad experiences. That was general and standard-issue. That was off the rack. What I'm referring to is the destiny that is made to measure. Something was designed inside us, blending with what was already there. For each of us, in different ways and settings, the worst of all possible outcomes.' A short novel of great depth and richness, House of Meetings finds Martin Amis at the height of his powers, in new and remarkably fertile fictional territory.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2007



    Heavy water and other stories

    Heavy water and other stories

    Martin Amis

    Boken inneholder novellene: Career Move, Denton's Death, State of England, Let Me Count the Times, The Coincidence of the Arts, Heavy Water, The Janitor on Mars, Straight Fiction og What Happened To Me On My Holiday.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1998



    Lionel Asbo

    Lionel Asbo

    Martin Amis

    Lionel Asbo - a very violent but not very successful young criminal - is going about his morning duties in a London prison when he learns that he has just won GBP139,999,999.50 on the National Lottery. This is not necessarily good news for his ward and nephew, the orphaned Des Pepperdine, who still has reason to fear his uncle's implacable vengeance. Savage, funny, and mysteriously poignant, Lionel Asbo is a modern fairytale from one of the world's great writers.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012



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