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Macroeconomics: European Approach
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An Introduction to Behavioural Ecology
Additional resources for this book can be found at: This textbook helped to define the field of Behavioural Ecology. In this fourth edition the text has been completely revised, with new chapters and many new illustrations and full colour photographs. The theme, once again, is the influence of natural selection on behaviour - an animal's struggle to survive and reproduce by exploiting and competing for resources, avoiding predators, selecting mates and caring for offspring, - and how animal societies reflect both cooperation and conflict among individuals. Stuart A. West has joined as a co-author bringing his own perspectives and work on microbial systems into the book. Written in the same engaging and lucid style as the previous editions, the authors explain the latest theoretical ideas using examples from micro-organisms, invertebrates and vertebrates. There are boxed sections for some topics and marginal notes help guide the reader. The book is essential reading for students of behavioural ecology, animal behaviour and evolutionary biology. Key Features: Long-awaited new edition of a field-defining textbook New chapters, illustrations and colour photographs New co-author Focuses on the influence of natural selection on behavior, and how animal societies reflect both cooperation and conflict among individuals "The long-awaited update to a classic in this field is now here, presenting new direc-tions in thinking and addressing burning questions. Richly informed by progress in many other disciplines, such as sensory physiology, genetics and evolutionary theory, it marks the emergence of behav-ioural ecology as a fully fledged discipline..... This is a marvellous book, written in a lucid style. A must-read for those in the field, it is also a cornucopia of new thinking for anyone interested in evolution and behaviour." Manfred Milinski, Nature, 2012
4.8 av 5
Globalization: A very short introduction
We live today in an interconnected world in which ordinary people can became instant online celebrities to fans thousands of miles away, in which religious leaders can influence millions globally, in which humans are altering the climate and environment, and in which complex social forces intersect across continents. This is globalization. In the fifth edition of his bestselling Very Short Introduction Manfred B. Steger considers the major dimensions of globalization: economic, political, cultural, ideological, and ecological. He looks at its causes and effects, and engages with the hotly contested question of whether globalization is, ultimately, a good or a bad thing. From climate change to the Ebola virus, Donald Trump to Twitter, trade wars to China's growing global profile, Steger explores today's unprecedented levels of planetary integration as well as the recent challenges posed by resurgent national populism.
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Den røde Baron: flygerheltens egen historie
Dett er historien om Manfred von Richthofen (1892-1918), som var tysk flygeress under første verdenskrig. Britene ga ham tilnavnet Den røde baron fordi flyet hans, en tredekket Fokker, var rødmalt. Manfred von Richthofen ble skutt ned og drept over Frankrike, etter at han selv hadde rukket å skyte ned over 80 britiske fly i dramatiske luftkamper. Boken er basert på Den røde Barons dagboknotater og illustrert med private bilder.
4.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Digital demens: alt om hvordan digitale medier skader deg og barna dine
«Digital demens» er boken som forandrer ditt forhold til digitale medier - for alltid. Denne internasjonale bestselgeren er lettfattelig og spennende formidlet. Uunnværlig lesning for alle besteforeldre, foreldre og for alle som jobber med barn og ungdom i skole og utdanning. Og ikke minst, for din egen del. Manfred Spitzer så for seg sine barn om 20 år si - «Pappa, du visste det jo - hvorfor gjorde du ingenting?» Det gjør han med denne boken. Les den. Del den med familie, kolleger og dine barn. Professor Manfred Spitzer er hjerneforsker, psykiater, gjesteprofessor ved Harvard og TV-stjerne i hjemlandet Tyskland. Han skriver drivende godt og engasjert og er ikke redd for å få sannheten frem i lyset. «I boken søker Manfred Spitzer å vise hvordan du og barna dine skal takle presset og pågangen fra digitale medier, reparere skadene og trene opp igjen den mentale styrken, konsentrasjonsevnen, hukommelsen og roen.» AFTENPOSTEN
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Dorés bibel
Den svenske, ytterst originale forfatteren Torgny Lindgren har bygd sin siste roman rundt Gustave Dorés bibelillustrasjoner På toppen av Avaberget, innerst i Västerbotten, sitter en eldre mann og snakker inn fortellingen om den store familiebibelen, Dorés bibel. De skremmende og vidunderlig vakre bildene fra denne illustrerte bibelen rommer alt som er å si om hans eget liv: Skapelsen, Utdrivelsen fra Paradiset, Tilintetgjørelsen, Nåden, Livsløgnen og naturligvis Faderen.«Hele mitt liv har jeg vært et elsket menneske,» sier han et sted. Det er den overbevisningen som har gitt ham kraft til å si fram denne boka.Men hvor ble det av den lokale redaktøren Manfred Marklund?Og hvordan døde egentlig Gustav Doré.Med denne sjeldne og egenartede romanen fullender Torgny Lindgren det triptyket som også inneholder Humlehonningog Hakkepølsa.
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Norsk Bokmål
Stalins øyne
"Darling Detektivbyrå" drives av ekteparet Laila og Ronny Olsen fra Kampen i Oslo. Mellom fyllekuler og personlige intriger gjør de seg et levebrød på Oslo-grytas utskudd og bedreborgere. Dagene går sin ørkesløse gang, inntil en skjebnesvanger, iskald februarmorgen. En norsk journalist blir funnet død i det iskalde vannet i Hamburg havn. Fra drankermiljø i Oslo til dekadense i Berlin vest føres røde tråder tilbake til krigens Tyskland, og overalt hvor stikkordet Stalins øyne dukker opp, spres vold og brå død.
4.3 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Kulla Tamam!
There are basically two types of Arabic: the local vernaculars - which are used in everyday life - and Modern Standard Arabic, which is restricted to writing and to speaking in formal settings. Anyone wanting to have a good command of the Arabic language must learn both varieties. kullu tamam! takes account of this diversity in two ways: It introduces the student to the language by means of Egyptian Colloquial Arabic, and provides a basis for those who want to go on to learn Modern Standard Arabic. This is done by using the grammatical terminology common to both varieties of Arabic, by offering many vocabulary items current in both the vernacular and the standard variety, and - in the later lessons - by introducing the Arabic script. kullu tamam! uses a cognitively oriented approach, presents Arabic mainly in transcription, gives grammatical rules, and presents a wide range of pattern drills and translation exercises (with key), as well as vocabulary lists for both Arabic-English and English-Arabic.Illustrative texts are either short dialogues, as may be encountered in daily life in Egypt, or descriptive passages dealing with more abstract topics and using a vocabulary typical of Arabic newspapers. The accompanying audio CD carries recordings of the texts, made by Egyptian native speakers. For over ten years now, the Dutch edition of kullu tamam! has been used successfully in first-year Arabic courses at university level in the Netherlands. Now students in the English-speaking world can benefit from its clear, fresh approach. kullu tamam! is also suitable for self-study purposes.
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The Red Baron's Autobiography: The Red Fighter Pilot
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Createspace Independent Publishing Platform) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Mein Blick auf Ligeti / Partch & Compagnons
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Books on Demand) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Phenomenology, Language & Schizophrenia
Phenomenology represents a mainstream in the philosophy of subjectivity as well as a rich tradition of inquiry in psychiatry. The conceptual and empirical study of language has become increasingly relevant for psychiatric research and practice. Schizophrenia is still the most enigmatic and most relevant mental disorder. This volume represents an attempt to bring specialists from different fields together in order to integrate various conceptual and empirical approaches for the benefit of schizophrenic research. We hope that it will facilitate discussions among members of such diverse fields as psychiatry, psychology, and philosophy.
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Hagelschlag Und Nagellack
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Books on Demand) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Deutsche Geschichte
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Kulturförderung, Kultursponsoring : Zukunftsperspektiven der Unternehmenskommunikation
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Norsk Bokmål
Die Harmonielehren der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts
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Die Zwölftontechnik in Alban Bergs Oper Lulu
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Boundaries of Agreement
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Norsk Bokmål
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