Norsk litteraturhistorie for ungdomstrinnet
Boken har en tradisjonell inndeling av litteraturepokene. Den er kronologisk ordnet fra runene til 1990. Inneholder oppgaver til repetisjon, refleksjon og hjelp til å se sammenhenger. Bildeutvalg som sammen med teksten setter litt.historien inn i en kultur- og samfunnshistorisk sammenheng.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Nynorsk
Norsk litteraturhistorie for ungdomssteget
Dette er en kjent og kjær kunnskapskilde for mange, solgt i mer enn 50.000 eksemplarer. Etter L-97 er boka spesielt aktuell for repetisjon før eksamen i 10. klasse. Boka formidler og fornyer tradisjonelt stoff, samtidig som forfattere og forfatterskap fra 1970-, 1980- og 1990 årene er kommet med. Det er lagt vekt på å formidle stoffet levende og engasjerende, slik at det er lettere å lese, huske og forstå.
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Norsk Nynorsk
Riss: Valdres : 56 historier, 26 stemmer, 4 årstider
Kva slags spor set Valdres i deg og meg? Det er skrive mykje og godt om Valdres. Eit søk ved det lokale biblioteket gjev oss ei imponerande treffliste over bøker og tidsskrift med "Valdres" i tittel eller emne. Ein kan tenkje at kvar ein topp, lokalkjendis, foss og kulturminne er skildra allereie. Mykje av denne litteraturen vart fordøydd med stor respekt i ei periode med idémyldring: Skal vi laga ei bok om identitet i Valdres? Kan vi kome under huda på valdrisen og alle andre som kjenner seg heime her? Så ringte Jenny Komperud Edge til Valdres Natur- og Kulturpark. Det var ein haustdag i 2021 og ho ville be om lov til å tatovere Valdres-logoen på ryggen. Det fekk ho sjølvsagt lov til, på lik linje med dei om lag 60 andre vi kjenner til som har gjort det same. Dette sette oss på eit godt spor. Kva meir enn eit fint symbol vart rissa inn i huda til Jenny berre nokre veker seinare? Kva for minner, verdiar, kjensler, mellommenneskelege band og framtidsutsikter vart blanda inn i blekket då kaldt og spisst stål møtte mjuk og varm hud? "Identitet er ein del av korleis ein oppfattar seg sjølv, kva ein er, og kven ein høyrer til." innleier sosialantropolog Tom Bratrud boka RISS og held fram: "Valdres-identitet, som andre former for identitet, er derfor ikkje ein «ting». Det er noko som gradvis blir forma i relasjon med andre menneske og stader." Folk møter folk I dette spelerommet har vi late folk møte folk og historie møte notid. 26 ulike skribentar, både etablerte forfattarar og ferske stemmer, har fått opne opp noko dei forbind med Valdres eller korleis Valdres har sett eit preg, eit riss, i andre. Kva slags identitetsmarkørar finst der ute, og er det rom for å sjå på dei med både varmt, nytt og skrått blikk? 56 historier, 153 bilete og fire årstider Dei 56 historiene i RISS er både humoristiske og djupt personlege. Kåserande og lyriske. Historiske opprulleringar og små glimt. Og alt i mellom. Fortalt med kvardagspuls og utan strenge sjangerkrav. Det er 153 bilete i RISS, der dei aller fleste er tatt i samanheng med produksjonen av denne boka. Dette gjev boka ei eiga visuell ramme. Kapitla er dei fire årstidene, som set eigne riss i oss gjennom året. Eksempel på historier i RISS: - Ein arbeidsdag på vatnet når fjellaure skal bli rakfisk - Korleis ein småfrekk gauk representerer sitt eige urverk her i dalen - Revolusjonen i skogsdrifta gjennom ein mannsalder - Folka som berre er der når du treng dei som mest - Fargar, smakar, lydar og lukter som ein kjenner att her - Hagane vi ikkje trudde vi kunne finne i Valdres Skribentar: Fredrik Dieserud, Olav Norheim, Egil Heggen, Ida Nordland Hillestad, Kari Hauge, Andrea Agatha Grøneng, Pernille Ødegård, Ida Ask, Jørand Ødegård Lunde, Aud Søyland, Ørnulf Juvkam Dyve, Knut Aastad Bråten, Kjellbjørn Karsrud, Ingunn Vedvik Jensen, Ingrid Ødegård, Magni Kristin Moe Westgård, Tone Thorgrimsen, Johanna Fuglesteg, Marit Beate Kasin, Guro Helgesdotter Rognså, Kirsten Inga Kamrud, Bergljot Strand, Ylve Gudheim, Anders Brenno, Magny Karlberg og Nils Rogn. Fotografar: Yngve Ask (Scanout) er hovudfotograf. Fredrik Holte Breien, Ida Ask, Cathrine Dokken og Thor Østbye har også bidrege.
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Norsk Nynorsk
Re-engaging Disconnected Youth
As many young adults continue to disengage with learning each day, teachers and administrators struggle to find ways to re-engage secondary students with their schooling and communities. Re-engaging Disconnected Youth profiles a program that succeeds in doing so, one that can serve as a model for others. In a Midwestern alternative school, three teachers built a curriculum around hands-on learning, restorative justice Talking Circles, and multicultural education, in the hopes that it would re-engage and inspire youth. Drawing on Adult Transformative Learning Theory, the book is an in-depth, qualitative study of the ways the program transformed adult and youth perceptions of trust, connections, schooling and human rights. It breaks down stereotypes about youth labeled "at-risk" and provides evidence that it is never too late to become passionate about learning. This new revised edition includes updated research and a chapter exploring the impact of the program on middle school youth.
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Blomstenes hemmelige språk: roman
4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
My dark Vanessa
Vanessa Wye was fifteen-years-old when she first had sex with her English teacher. She is now thirty-two and in the storm of allegations against powerful men in 2017, the teacher, Jacob Strane, has just been accused of sexual abuse by another former student. Vanessa is horrified by this news, because she is quite certain that the relationship she had with Strane wasn't abuse. It was love. She's sure of that. Forced to rethink her past, to revisit everything that happened, Vanessa has to redefine the great love story of her life - her great sexual awakening - as rape. Now she must deal with the possibility that she might be a victim, and just one of many. Nuanced, uncomfortable, bold and powerful, My dark Vanessa goes straight to the heart of some of the most complex issues our age.
4.5 av 5
<p>This Norton Critical Edition includes:</p> <ul><li>The 1818 first edition text of the novel, introduced and annotated by J. Paul Hunter.</li><li>Three maps and eight illustrations.</li><li>A wealth of source and contextual materials, thematically arranged to promote classroom discussion. Topics include “Sources, Influences, Analogues”, “Circumstances, Composition, Revision” and “Reception, Impact, Adaptation”.</li><li>Eleven critical essays on Frankenstein’s major themes, six of them new to the Third Edition.</li><li>A chronology and a selected bibliography.<br></li></ul> <p>About the Series</p> <p>Read by more than 12 million students over fifty-five years, Norton Critical Editions set the standard for apparatus that is right for undergraduate readers. The three-part format—annotated text, contexts and criticism—helps students to better understand, analyse and appreciate the literature, while opening a wide range of teaching possibilities for instructors. Whether in print or in digital format, Norton Critical Editions provide all the resources students need.</p>
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Moby Dick
Tells the mad, raging, Shakespearean tale of Captain Ahab's insane quest to kill a giant white whale that has taken his leg, and upon which he has sworn vengeance, at any cost.
4.8 av 5
Ready player one
Når virkelighetsflukten blir et spørsmål om liv og død. En hel verden står på spill. Løser du gåten vinner du alt. Er du klar? Det er 2045 og virkeligheten er et stygt sted. De eneste gangene Wade Watts virkelig føler seg levende er når han er koblet inn i OASIS, en uendelig virtuell verden der nesten alle på jorda tilbringer sine våkne timer. Da den eksentriske skaperen av OASIS dør, etterlater han seg en rekke umulige gåter basert på hans besettelse av fordums populærkultur. Den som blir den første til å løse alle gåtene, kommer til å arve hans enorme formue - og kontrollen over OASIS. En dag finner Wade løsningen på den første gåten. Plutselig er han omringet av rivaler villige til å gå over lik for å vinne. Kappløpet er i gang - og du overlever kun om du vinner.
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
4.3 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Often described as Austen's finest work, Emma is the story of wealthy, beautiful Emma Woodhouse who, bored, matchmakes her friends - with often disastrous results. And gradually Emma starts to realise that she might not know her own heart at all...
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Little Women
Excerpt from Little Women: Or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy
4.6 av 5
Hello Professor : A Black Principal and Professional Leadership in the Segregated South
Like many black school principals, Ulysses Byas, who served the Gainesville, Georgia, school system in the 1950s and 1960s, was reverently addressed by community members as ""Professor."" He kept copious notes and records throughout his career, documenting efforts to improve the education of blacks. Through conversations with Byas and access to his extensive archives on his principalship, Vanessa Siddle Walker finds that black principals were well positioned in the community to serve as conduits of ideas, knowledge, and tools to support black resistance to officially sanctioned regressive educ
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Parkgate & Neston Through Time
This fascinating selection of photographs traces some of the many ways in which Parkgate & Neston has changed and developed over the last century.
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Krispedagogik : hjälp till barn och unga i kris
"Den största skadan gör den som vänder ryggen till." Barnombudsman Reidar Hjermann, Norge Varje dag finns det förskolebarn och skolelever som upplever kriser och förluster. De kan ha förlorat föräldrar eller nära vänner eller ha varit med om krig och flykt. Medan man inom psykologin och psykiatrin länge har haft sina egna fackområden för att möta barn i kris, har sådan verksamhet varit mindre utvecklad inom pedagogiken. Boken tar upp de möjligheter som ligger i att kriser och trauman ändrar barns och elevers förutsättningar för lärande och är den första bok på svenska som framställer en specifik krispedagogik. Den beskriver på ett praxisnära sätt hur förskolan och skolan kan omskapa kriser och trauman till pedagogiska möjligheter som gör att både barn, elever och lärare övervinner problemen. Boken vänder sig till blivande och verksamma lärare, specialpedagoger, skolledare och personal inom barn- och elevhälsoteam från förskola till grund- och gymnasieskola.
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Norske Eirik, Gunther fra Berlin og Lizzy fra New York har i utgangspunktet bare én ting felles: De fyller tretten år på samme dag. Men denne bursdagen blir ikke som andre. De våkner opp sammen, innestengt i et fangehull, uten å vite hvor de er eller hvordan de kom dit. De er utvalgt - de skal bli åndejegere.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Multi-Material Injection Moulding
Injection moulding is the most important of all the commercial methods of plastics processing. Many variations have been developed and one of the rapidly expanding fields is multi-material injection moulding. This is particularly important where processors are looking to gain technological advantages over rivals by adding value to products. Whilst tooling costs can be very high, cost savings can be made by eliminating assembly steps. This review looks at the many techniques being used, from the terminology to case studies. There are many issues involved in moulding different types of materials
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Norsk Bokmål
The Restless Sea
An epic story of changing times, courage and a love story only made possible by war. `A rich and skilful novel dramatizing how the war changed so many lives' Elizabeth Buchan For Jack, orphaned and homeless after the Blitz, a new life begins in the Merchant Navy. As he waits for the ships to gather in a secret Scottish harbour, he meets Olivia - adrift from her sheltered home, yet relishing her new freedoms. Before the war, they would never have met. But these are extraordinary times, and the only choice is to live like there is no tomorrow. Praise for this epic, heart-rending debut: `An emotional and memorable read' Woman's Own `A story about class changing conventions, as much as it is a war story . . . De Haan writes with depth and compassion' Times `The sure-footedness of a pro - a remarkable debut' Jeffrey Archer
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Power Blender Revolution
High-horsepower power blenders are revolutionizing the kitchen habits of millions of people. These fast and convenient devices have many of the functions of the food processor, the juicer, and, of course, the old-fashioned, low-horsepower blender. Vanessa Simkins' Power Blender Revolution is the first general cookbook for power-blender owners who want to get the most use and pleasure from their purchase. Power blenders make juices without sacrificing the nutritious fiber that juicing machines can't handle; they make purees (including baby foods), soups that are silky smooth and light; and they excel with hummus, guacamole, and other dips and spreads. With a little instruction, you'll be making healthy smoothies for breakfast. When dinner comes rolling around, you'll know how to make every kind of sauce imaginable, for topping pastas, meats, potatoes, vegetables, and more. Time for dessert? You can't mix up a faster mousse, or a faster blend of ice-cream ingredients, in any other kind of machine. With expert tips and tricks that help you choose, use, clean, and maintain your machine, and a bounty of more than 300 creative and tasty recipes, this book is an essential companion for anyone who has invested in a power blender. "Power Blender Revolution is packed full of healthy, vibrant recipes and creative ways to use your blender. Vanessa Simkins proves that your blender isn't just for smoothies. These are recipes you will come back to time and time again.". --Tieghan Gerard, author of Half Baked Harvest
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The Gang's All Queer
Honorable Mention, 2018 Distinguished Book Award presented by the American Sociological Association's Sociology of Sexualities Section The first inside look at gay gang members.Many people believe that gangs are made up of violent thugs who are in and out of jail, and who are hyper-masculine and heterosexual. In The Gang's All Queer, Vanessa Panfil introduces us to a different world. Meet gay gang members - sometimes referred to in popular culture as "homo thugs" - whose gay identity complicates criminology's portrayal and representation of gangs, gang members, and gang life. In vivid detail, Panfil provides an in-depth understanding of how gay gang members construct and negotiate both masculine and gay identities through crime and gang membership. The Gang's All Queer draws from interviews with over 50 gay gang- and crime-involved young men in Columbus, Ohio, the majority of whom are men of color in their late teens and early twenties, as well as on-the-ground ethnographic fieldwork with men who are in gay, hybrid, and straight gangs. Panfil provides an eye-opening portrait of how even members of straight gangs are connected to a same-sex oriented underground world. Most of these young men still present a traditionally masculine persona and voice deeply-held affection for their fellow gang members. They also fight with their enemies, many of whom are in rival gay gangs. Most come from impoverished, `rough' neighborhoods, and seek to defy negative stereotypes of gay and Black men as deadbeats, though sometimes through illegal activity. Some are still closeted to their fellow gang members and families, yet others fight to defend members of the gay community, even those who they deem to be "fags," despite distaste for these flamboyant members of the community. And some perform in drag shows or sell sex to survive. The Gang's All Queer poignantly illustrates how these men both respond to and resist societal marginalization. Timely, powerful, and engaging, this book will challenge us to think differently about gangs, gay men, and urban life.
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