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Viser resultat for 'Madison Becker'


    THE DESTINY : Deep Cove Academy

    Madison Becker

    What happens when your darkest nightmares become reality? Maya Murphy is a normal 16 year old girl with an average, boring life. Or so she thinks. When Maya’s mom suddenly ships her off to a mysterious boarding school, she quickly realizes that Deep Cove Academy is not what it seems... After learning that she is part of a secret underwater world, Maya’s existence is turned upside down as she struggles to find her true destiny. When Maya’s night terrors reveal evil lurking beneath the surface at Deep Cove, she teams up with the only other student who can help her: the devastatingly gorgeous but infuriating Reef Fenner. A boy she is magnetically drawn to. A boy she would follow anywhere. A boy whose green eyes are straight out of the depths of her nightmares.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020


    kr 59
    kr 59

    The Army Doc's Christmas Angel

    The Army Doc's Christmas Angel

    Annie O'Neil, Tina Beckett

    The Army Doc's Christmas Angel by Annie O'Neil Can she help him let go of his past? In this Hope Children's Hospital story, paediatrician Dr Finn Morgan's pushed everyone away since losing his leg in Afghanistan. Might he find the healing he's been looking for in the arms of stunning colleague Naomi? The Billionaire's Christmas Wish by Tina Beckett A family in time for Christmas? In this Hope Children's Hospital story, widower Theo Hawkwood needs a miracle for his sick daughter. But while visiting diagnostician Madison Archer works to find a cure, Theo's fighting his growing attraction to her...

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Tempting the Best Man (Gamble Brothers Book One)

    Tempting the Best Man (Gamble Brothers Book One)

    Jennifer L. Armentrout

    Madison Daniels has worshipped her brother's best friend since they were kids. Everyone thinks she and Chase Gamble would make the perfect couple, but there are two major flaws in their logic. 1) Chase has sworn off relationships of any kind, and 2) after blurring the line between friends and lovers for one night four years ago, they can't stop bickering.Forced together for her brother's wedding getaway, Chase and Madison decide to call a truce for the happy couple. Except all bets are off when they're forced to shack up in a tacky 70's honeymoon suite and survive a multitude of "accidents" as the family tries to prove their "spark" can be used than for more than fighting. That is, if they don't strangle each other first...

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    All Things New

    All Things New

    Audrey Marr

    Book one of The Bozeman Trilogy...Beside herself with grief, Kara Madison, recently widowed reluctantly follows her brother to his home in Bozeman, Montana. Attempting to overcome her loss, through the unconditional love and support of her brother, Dave White and his friends: Drew and Sandy Toomey, Bobbie Bekker and the Ralston family, she discovers she can move forward with life.When an unexpected turn of events transpires, flooded with a whirlwind of emotions, Kara's spiritual awakening and journey begins. Surrounded by her caring, new friends along with a great relationship with her brother, her heart is softened toward the truth of the gospel.Merging into a different culture and lifestyle, Kara is included in various activities with her friends: hiking, trail rides and camping. She comes to enjoy simple activities like church hay rides or skipping rocks across a pond. The more time spent with the Ralston family at the Lazy R Ranch, most definitely with Cody Ralston, her curiosity and interest increases. Ever gracious and considerate, she enjoys his attention which gives her pause, creating confusion and questions. How long does one grieve for a loved one? Cody is interested in the widow long before she recognizes any feelings for him, but chooses to be cautious, to see where events lead. Often reminded of the wedding band Kara continues to wear, he is acutely aware that after a decent relationship with her late husband, Jonathan Madison Jr, the bar is high. But with the Lord's help, given the legacy of his own father, he is confident he could fill the man's shoes. When Kara renews her friendship with a long time friend, Tim Warren, the rancher is swept along by a tide of turmoil and mixed emotions. He is left to wonder if he is too late to share from his heart.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Hollywood’s trash queens : intervjuer med Mötley Crüe

    Hollywood’s trash queens : intervjuer med Mötley Crüe

    Cyril Hellman

    "När du hade sex med Tom Zutauts (talangscout på Warner som upptäckte bandet) flickvän på en toalett och Zutaut ovetande befann sig utanför, tänkte du på att du äventyrade ditt bands karriär?–?Nej, moral, konsekvenser och självbehärskning existerade inte. Vi brydde oss inte om ekonomi. Vi ville bara ha kul med gratis sprit, kokain och knulla så många brudar som möjligt. Ger du fyra nitton­åringar från gatan miljontals dollar är det självklart att de går bärsärk, säger Neil."Cyril Hellman har varit ett Mötley Crüe-fan sedan 1983 och träffat bandet upprepade gånger. Här samlas för första gången hans intervjuer med Nikki Sixx, Vince Neil, Tommy Lee och Mick Mars.INNEHÅLL:Nu kommer cirkusen till stan(Den här intervjun är en sammanställning av två artiklar, ursprungligen publicerade i Rocky nr 5 2005 och SvD 2005-06-11)Mötley Crüe: Live i Madison Square Garden(Ursprungligen publicerad i SvD mars 2005)Theatre of Pain: Intervju med Nikki Sixx(Ursprungligen publicerad i holländska magasinet Foil 2007)Recension: The Heroin Diaries(Ursprungligen publicerad i Rocky oktober 2007)En tillbakablick på den svenska 80-talsdebatten om W.A.S.P. och Mötley Crüe(Ursprungligen publicerad i Kontro maj 2015)Bonusläsning: Hårdrockhjärtat som aldrig dör(Ursprungligen publicerad i Rocky nr 5 2005)Cyril Hellman är prisbelönt journalist och författare. Han har tidigare skrivit böckerna Gå Johnny, gå, gå (2005), Stefan Jarl – en intervjubok (2008) och Mitt mörka hjärta – gangstern och reportern (2011). Han blev 2010 utsedd till Årets krönikör av Sveriges tidskrifter för sina krönikor i Situation Stockholm.Telegram Journalistik ger ut god journalistik som publicerats genom tiderna – i bokform. Krönikor, essäer, reportage, artiklar, spännande features, djuplodande intervjuer, grävande reportage – journalister från den så omsusade magasinsboomen under 80-, 90- och 00-talet öppnar sina digra arkiv, och det har skrivits fantastiska texter även innan dess som nu kan tillgängliggöras igen. Det skrivs dessutom nya texter, som nu kan läsas direkt – i en e-bok eller en tryckt bok, läsaren väljer.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    The Return of George Washington: 1783-1789

    The Return of George Washington: 1783-1789

    Edward Larson

    Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Edward J. Larson recovers a crucially important--yet almost always overlooked--chapter of George Washington's life, revealing how Washington saved the United States by coming out of retirement to lead the Constitutional Convention and serve as our first president. After leading the Continental Army to victory in the Revolutionary War, George Washington shocked the world: he retired. In December 1783, General Washington, the most powerful man in the country, stepped down as Commander in Chief and returned to private life at Mount Vernon. Yet as Washington contentedly grew his estate, the fledgling American experiment floundered. Under the Articles of Confederation, the weak central government was unable to raise revenue to pay its debts or reach a consensus on national policy. The states bickered and grew apart. When a Constitutional Convention was established to address these problems, its chances of success were slim. Jefferson, Madison, and the other Founding Fathers realized that only one man could unite the fractious states: George Washington. Reluctant, but duty-bound, Washington rode to Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 to preside over the Convention. Although Washington is often overlooked in most accounts of the period, this masterful new history from Pulitzer Prize-winner Edward J. Larson brilliantly uncovers Washington's vital role in shaping the Convention--and shows how it was only with Washington's support and his willingness to serve as President that the states were brought together and ratified the Constitution, thereby saving the country.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    Bakom kulisserna i Kiev : Om hur amerikansk nykonservatism och ukrainsk nyn

    Bakom kulisserna i Kiev : Om hur amerikansk nykonservatism och ukrainsk nyn

    Robert Parry

    "Den mest ensidiga bevakningen i mannaminne av en större internationell kris." Så karaktäriserar den undersökande veteranjournalisten Robert Parry mediernas skildring av Ukrainakrisen.I Bakom kulisserna i Kiev visar han hur den i väst etablerade berättelsen om utvecklingen i landet förvandlat en komplex verklighet till en moralitet om goda och onda, där ädla demonstranter kämpar mot en elak president och dennes ännu elakare beskyddare, Putin.Som en del av mediernas propagandaoffensiv har även ingått att flera centrala element i konflikten har förtigits eller tonats ned. Det gäller särskilt de roller som spelats av nykonservativa i USA och nynazister i Ukraina.Om Obama, och hans efterträdare, fortsätter att följa den nykonservativa agendan, menar Parry, väntar en framtid med ändlösa krig över hela Mellanöstern och en konfrontation med Ryssland, som i förlängningen kan leda till storkrig.FÖRFATTARENRobert Parry är en amerikansk undersökande journalist, verksam på e-zinet Consor­tium News.Under 1980-talet låg Robert Parry bakom flera av avslöjandena om den så kallade Iran-Contras-­affären, i vilken bland annat högt uppsatta tjänste­mänhade smugglat och sålt vapen till Iran och sedan använt pengarna till att finansiera Contrasgerillan i Nicara­gua. Hans artiklar publicerades av Newsweek och Associated Press och och belönades 1984 med George Polk Award for National Reporting.Robert Parrys senast utgivna böcker är: Secrecy & Privi­lege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq (2004), Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidencyof George W. Bush (2007), och America's Stolen ­Narrative: From Washington and Madison to Nixon, Reagan and the Bushes to Obama (2012).

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness

    Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness

    Jon Kabat-Zinn

    The landmark work on mindfulness, meditation, and healing, now revised and updated after twenty-five years Stress. It can sap our energy, undermine our health if we let it, even shorten our lives. It makes us more vulnerable to anxiety and depression, disconnection and disease. Based on Jon Kabat-Zinn's renowned mindfulness-based stress reduction program, this classic, groundbreaking work--which gave rise to a whole new field in medicine and psychology--shows you how to use medically proven mind-body approaches derived from meditation and yoga to counteract stress, establish greater balance of body and mind, and stimulate well-being and healing. By engaging in these mindfulness practices and integrating them into your life from moment to moment and from day to day, you can learn to manage chronic pain, promote optimal healing, reduce anxiety and feelings of panic, and improve the overall quality of your life, relationships, and social networks. This second edition features results from recent studies on the science of mindfulness, a new Introduction, up-to-date statistics, and an extensive updated reading list. Full Catastrophe Living is a book for the young and the old, the well and the ill, and anyone trying to live a healthier and saner life in our fast-paced world. Praise for Full Catastrophe Living "To say that this wise, deep book is helpful to those who face the challenges of human crisis would be a vast understatement. It is essential, unique, and, above all, fundamentally healing." --Donald M. Berwick, M.D., president emeritus and senior fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement "One of the great classics of mind/body medicine." --Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D., author of Kitchen Table Wisdom "A book for everyone . . . Jon Kabat-Zinn has done more than any other person on the planet to spread the power of mindfulness to the lives of ordinary people and major societal institutions." --Richard J. Davidson, founder and chair, Center for Investigating Healthy Minds, University of Wisconsin-Madison "This is the ultimate owner's manual for our lives. What a gift " --Amy Gross, former editor in chief, O: The Oprah Magazine "I first read Full Catastrophe Living in my early twenties and it changed my life." --Chade-Meng Tan, Jolly Good Fellow of Google and author of Search Inside Yourself "Jon Kabat-Zinn's classic work on the practice of mindfulness to alleviate stress and human suffering stands the test of time, a most useful resource and practical guide. I recommend this new edition enthusiastically to doctors, patients, and anyone interested in learning to use the power of focused awareness to meet life's challenges, whether great or small." --Andrew Weil, M.D., author of Spontaneous Happiness and 8 Weeks to Optimum Health "How wonderful to have a new and updated version of this classic book that invited so many of us down a path that transformed our minds and awakened us to the beauty of each moment, day-by-day, through our lives. This second edition, building on the first, is sure to become a treasured sourcebook and traveling companion for new generations who seek the wisdom to live full and fulfilling lives." --Diana Chapman Walsh, Ph.D., president emerita of Wellesley College

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013



    Broene i Madison County

    Broene i Madison County

    Robert James Waller

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1997

    kr 30

    Innbundet · 2000

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 30

    Broene i Madison county

    Broene i Madison county

    Robert James Waller

    Dette er historien om et kort, men intenst møte mellom to mennesker, Robert Kincaid og Francesca Johnson. En enslig vandrer i tilværelsen, en fotograf på leting etter overbyggede broer, og en bondekone med italienske røtter og en dunkel drøm om noe mer enn det livet har gitt henne. Filmatisert.

    3.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1995

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Innbundet · 1994

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 109

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 69

    Broene i Madison County

    Broene i Madison County

    Robert James

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1997

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89

    Innbundet · 1993

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 79
    kr 89

    Blodig bevis

    Blodig bevis

    Patricia Daniels Cornwell, Patricia Cornwell

    Noen forfølger Beryl Madison med truende og slibrige telefonoppringninger. Livredd flykter den kjente forfatterinnen til Key West. Etter en stund vender hun likevel hjem til Richmond. Samme kveld ringer det på døren. Av uvisse grunner slipper hun inn gjesten som blir hennes morder. Rettsmedisineren Kay Scarpetta blir tilkalt. Sammen med førstebetjent Peter Marino tar hun fatt på undersøkelsene. Dette er den andre romanen om Kay Scarpetta.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1998

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89

    Pocket · 1998

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 89

    Misadventures of a City Girl

    Misadventures of a City Girl

    Meredith Wild

    Fresh off a divorce from a Hollywood hotshot, Madison Atwood needs an escape. With the paparazzi fresh on her heels and her love life splashed on every tabloid, she runs away to a swanky retreat in Northern California. Avalon Springs is the mountainside haven she needs to find herself again.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces

    Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces

    Remzi H.

    OSTEP ("oh step"), or the "the comet book", represents the culmination of years of teaching intro to operating systems to both undergraduates and graduates at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Computer Sciences department for nearly 20 years.The book is organized around three concepts fundamental to OS construction: virtualization (of CPU and memory), concurrency (locks and condition variables), and persistence (disks, RAIDS, and file systems).The material, if combined with serious project work and homeworks, will lead students to a deeper understanding and appreciation of modern OSes.The authors, Remzi and Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau, are both professors of Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. They have been doing research in computer systems for over 20 years, working together since their first graduate operating systems class at U.C. Berkeley in 1993.Since that time, they have published over 100 papers on the performance and reliability of many aspects of modern computer systems, with a special focus on file and storage systems. Their work has been recognized with numerous best-paper awards, and some of their innovations can be found in the Linux and BSD operating systems today.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008


    kr 150
    kr 150



    Tana French

    God krim serien

    3.3 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 79

    Pocket · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 79

    Sugar and spice

    Sugar and spice: an L.A. candy novel

    Lauren Conrad

    Sugar and spice . . . not everyone's nice.Fresh from being betrayed by one of her closest friends, new celebrity Jane Roberts has learned a few lessons. Most important: know who to trust. And in Hollywood, that list is short. Determined to get control of her life, Jane swears off boys and all the trouble they bring. But when high school sweetheart Caleb and L.A. crush Braden show up, both acting sweeter than ever, Jane has a hard time remembering her no-boys rule.And for the first time Jane's best friend, Scarlett, has only one guy on her mind: her new boyfriend, Liam. But being on a hit reality show means hanging out with other guys on-camera, and Liam isn't too happy with pretending to play a bit part in her love life.Just when everything feels out of control, Jane makes a discovery that changes everyone's definition of "reality" forever. In television star Lauren Conrad's L.A. Candy series, the drama is pure dishy fun.

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2011


    kr 69

    Pocket · 2011


    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 6

    kr 69

    Sweet little lies

    Sweet little lies

    Lauren Conrad

    An L.A Candy novel

    4.3 av 5

    Pocket · 2010

    kr 89

    Pocket · 2010


    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 6

    kr 89

    Man, the state and war

    Man, the state and war: A theoretical analysis

    Kenneth waltz

    What are the causes of war? To answer this question, Professor Kenneth Waltz examines the ideas of major thinkers throughout the history of Western civilization. He explores works both by classic political philosophers, such as St. Augustine, Hobbes, Kant, and Rousseau, and by modern psychologists and anthropologists to discover ideas intended to explain war among states and related prescriptions for peace. "In this thoughtful inquiry into the views of classical political theory on the and causes of war, Professor Waltz follows three principal themes nature or images: war as a consequence of the nature and behavior of man, as an outcome of their internal organization of states, and as a product of inter- Foreign Affairs national anarchy. "It is fortunate that Waltz is not merely a qualified political theorist but also an able student of international politics with a command of the con- temporary literature and of the raw data on the subject. He is thus able intellectually to analyze the contributions of the political philosophers and to assess their relevance and adequacy for understanding the real world of - American Political Science Review international politics. politics." KENNETH N. WALTZ is a recipient of the James Madison Award for distinguished schol- arly contributions to political science from the A merican Political Science A ssociation. He has taught at Swarthmore, Brandeis, Harvard, Peking, and Fudan Universities, and the London School of Economics. He is Ford Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley, and is now at the Institute of War and Peace Studies at Columbia University. He is the author of Foreign Policy and Democratic Politics and Theory of International Politics; he is coauthor of The Spread of Nuclear Weapons.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2001


    kr 50

    Pocket · 2001


    kr 50

    USAs presidenter

    USAs presidenter: fra George Washington til Donald J. Trump

    Ole O. Moen

    Den 20. januar 2017 tok Donald J. Trump over som USAs 45. president. Hans forgjengere har vært ulike personligheter. Noen kom fra trange kår, andre var født med en sølvskje i munnen. Noen blir husket av ettertiden - andre blir glemt. Noen havnet i vanære, andre ble ikoner og forbilder. Noen gikk til krig, mens andre skapte fred. Noen ble husket for skandaler i privatlivet, mens andre tilbrakte sine presidentår i politisk strid. Noen bare administrerte USA, andre reformerte verdens eneste supermakt. Professor Ole O. Moen tegner spennende portretter av dem alle - fra George Washington til Donald J. Trump. Les om presidentene fra vår nære fortid: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan og om USAs første ikke-hvite president, Barack Obama, som fikk Nobels fredspris i Oslo i 2009. Les også om nasjonens fedre: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson og James Madison - og om partifedrene Andrew Jackson og Abraham Lincoln. Og les om de ukjente: Zachary Taylor, Rutherford B. Hayes og William Harrison. Og alle de andre. Portrettene i denne boken på 784 sider inneholder fakta, politiske analyser, anekdoter og sitater. Professor i amerikansk kulturkunnskap Ole O. Moen - som har arbeidet med USA som spesialfelt i over 40 år - forklarer også hvilken betydning hver enkelt president hadde for sin samtid.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 109

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89

    Andre utgaver · 6

    kr 109

    The Gardener's Garden

    The Gardener's Garden: Midi Format

    Madison Cox

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018



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