Teach yourself new testament greek: Befinner reading new testament greek in the first lesson
<p>Begin reading biblical Greek from the first lesson using lively, contemporary methods. This tool emphasizes developing reading skills rather than mastering technical grammar.</p>
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Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Sagwan Press) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Lady Lucy Houston DBE
The life-story of Lady Lucy Houston DBE must surely be one of the most romantic and dramatic epics of the last one hundred and fifty years, yet nowadays she is a woman unknown. She was a renowned beauty with a sharp intelligence, and over the years she would exploit her charismatic charm, first as a teenager to entice a wealthy lover, and subsequently to lead three husbands to the altar.
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Dury and Andrews' Map of Hertfordshire
This book is about the map of an English county - Hertfordshire - which was published in 1766 by two London map-makers, Andrew Dury and John Andrews.For well over two centuries, from the time of Elizabeth I to the late 18th century, the county was the basic unit for mapping in Britain and the period witnessed several espisodes of comprehensive map making. The map which forms the subject of this book followed on from a large number of previous maps of the county but was greatly superior to them in terms of quality and detail. It was published in a variety of forms, in nine sheets with an additional index map, over a period of 60 years. No other maps of Hertfordshire were produced during the rest of the century, but the Board of Ordnance, later the Ordnance Survey, established in the 1790s, began to survey the Hertfordshire area in 1799, publishing the first maps covering the county between 1805 and 1834. The OS came to dominate map making in Britain but, of all the maps of Hertfordshire, that produced by Dury and Andrews was the first to be surveyed at a sufficiently large scale to really allow those dwelling in the county to visualise their own parish, local topography and even their own house, and its place in the wider landscape.The first section examines the context of the map's production and its place in cartographic history, and describes the creation of a new, digital version of the map which can be accessed online . The second part describes various ways in which this electronic version can be interrogated, in order to throw important new light on Hertfordshire's landscape and society, both in the middle decades of the eighteenth century when it was produced, and in more remote periods. The attached DVD contains over a dozen maps which have been derived from the digital version, and which illustrate many of the issues discussed in the text, as well as related material which should likewise be useful to students of landscape history, historical geography and local history.
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Fasit for et lengre liv: 100 faktorer som kan legge til eller stjele år fra din levetid
Hvor høy alder kommer du til å oppnå? Den gjennomsnittlige levealderen stiger fortsatt, men ikke lenger så raskt som før. Det er en rekke faktorer i miljøet og vår livsstil som virker i motsatt retning. Denne boken forteller om de viktigste faktorene som bidrar positivt eller negativt til det å bli oppnå høy alder. Boken setter pluss- og minuspoeng på de enkelte faktorene, slik at du kan lese hva som er virkelig viktig, og hva som bidrar mindre i positiv eller negativ retning. Den vil inspirere deg til å foreta de nødvendige endringene i livet, slik at du kan oppleve å få leve lengst mulig her på Jorden.
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Norsk Bokmål
Everything You Need To Know About The Human Body
Readers' imaginations will be fired on every page with this wonderful single-volume human body book. It is arranged thematically, with chapters on: parts of the body; growing and changing; food and digestion; the brain and senses; and movement. A range of informative and interactive features perfectly enhance and consolidate each reference section.
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Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Art of the Four
The Glasgow Style is the name given to the work of a group of young designers and architects working in Glasgow from 1890-1914. At its centre were four young friends who had trained at Glasgow School of Art; two architects and two artists - Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Herbert MacNair, Margaret Macdonald and Frances Macdonald - who were simply known by their friends and contemporaries as `The Four'. Their work was a personal vision in the new international style of the 1890s, Art Nouveau, and is perhaps best known for Mackintosh's architecture and furniture. But at the root of this new style was a graphic language which all four shared.Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Art of The Four presents the most coherent story to date of this important group, concentrating on the entirety of their artistic imagery and output, far beyond the best known work of the 1890s, and charting the constantly changing relationships between the artists and their work.
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Scottish architect, designer, and painter Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1928) was one of the earliest pioneers of modern architecture and design. While he did not receive much recognition in his hometown of Glasgow during his lifetime, his bold new blend of simplicity and poetic detail inspired modernists across Europe.Mackintosh's avant-garde approach embraced a variety of media as well as fresh stylistic devices. His multi-faceted oeuvre incorporated architecture, furniture, graphic design, landscapes, and flower studies. He embraced strong lines, elegant proportions, and natural motifs, combining an adventurous dose of japonisme with a modernist sensibility for function. He preferred bold black typography, restrained shapes, and tall, generous windows suffusing rooms with light.Much of his work was collaborative practice with his wife, fellow artist Margaret Macdonald. The couple made up half of the loose Glasgow collective known as "The Four"; the other two were Margaret's sister, Frances, and her husband, Herbert MacNair. On the continent, the "Glasgow Style" was met with delight. In Italy, Germany, and, in particular, Austria, artists of the Viennese Secession and Art Nouveau drew much from its rectilinear yet lyrical forms.In this introductory book, we take in Mackintosh's practice across art, architecture, and design to explore his particular combination of the statuesque and sensual and its vital influence on modernist expression across Europe. Featured projects include his complete scheme for the Willow Tea Rooms and the Mackintosh Building at the Glasgow School of Art, widely considered Mackintosh's masterwork.
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Det er her det skjer!: møter med etikk, religion og filosofi i barnehagen
Etikk, religion og filosofi spiller en stor rolle i livene våre, også i barnehagens hverdagsliv. Antologien viser hvordan religiøsitet, etikk og filosofi oppstår og erfares i barnehagens pedagogiske praksis, av forskere, personalet, foreldre og barn. Målet er å belyse lite utforskede sider ved livet i barnehagen. Temaer som liv og død, riktig og galt, makt, frihet og barns lek og læring er trukket frem i praksisnære empiri fra barnehagen. Den skal gi barnehagelærerstudenter, forskere og andre barnehageinteresserte økt innsikt i hvordan religion, etikk og filosofi gjør seg gjeldende i barnehagepedagogiske praksis. Tematikken drøftes av norske og utenlandske praktikere og forskere innenfor SRLE og pedagogikkfaget. Redaktøren Teresa K. Aslanian har med seg bidragsyterne Luke J. Addison, Mari Alnæs, Caralyn Blaisdell, Jane Bone, John M. Davis, Guro Hansen Helskog, Nina Johannesen, Eva M. Johansson, Kari Krogstad, Lynn J. McNair, Else Cathrine Melhuus, Soern Finn Menning og Anna R. Moxnes.
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Norsk Bokmål
Petroleum Contracts and International Law
This book addresses aspects of international law relating to petroleum contracts, examining oil and gas agreements between states and private companies and their intersection with rules of international law. It provides detailed and insightful coverage of the current practice as well as commentary and analysis based on the authors' extensive experience. The book covers topics such as the nature of international petroleum contracts, petroleum agreements as state contracts, issues of contract stability, the development of bilateral investment treaties, natural resource cycles, political risks and the specific petroleum policies of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, theInternational Monetary Fund and the International Development Association.This is a timely and comprehensive book on this important area of law.
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Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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McGonagall's Chronicles (Which Will Be Remembered For A Very Long Time)
A tragic comedy, McGonagall's Chronicles charts the poet's life story, tries to understand how he could be so bad at what he did and gets to the heart of the dilemma that surrounds his legend - is it okay for us to laugh at someone's obvious and relentless failings?
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Dust to Dust
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (XLIBRIS CORPORATION) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Communication and Political Crisis
Communication and Political Crisis explores the role of the global media in a period of intensifying geopolitical conflict. Through case studies drawn from domestic and international political crises such as the conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, leading media scholar Brian McNair argues that the digitized, globalized public sphere now confronted by all political actors has produced new opportunities for social progress and democratic reform, as well as new channels for state propaganda and terrorist spectaculars such as those performed by the Islamic State and Al Qaeda. In this major work, McNair argues that the role of digital communication will be crucial in determining the outcome of pressing global issues such as the future of feminism and gay rights, freedom of speech and media, and democracy itself.
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Locker Room Talk
Locker Room Talk is a provocative piece of event theatre. Inspired by Donald Trump's leaked sexually aggressive comments, the show is a confronting exploration of the phenomenon the then presidential candidate later dismissed as `locker room banter'.But can this be true? Is this simply a loathsome individual or one who speaks to a silent majority? Gary McNair wants to think we are better than this, and is having honest conversations with men about women to see if he is right or wrong. The words of these men are performed by a cast of women in this verbatim piece.
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An introduction to political communication
Intro til forholdet mellom politikk, media og demokrati. Hvordan bruker politikere, foreninger, lobbyister, ikke-statlige organisasjoner, og terrorist grupper media?
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Preaching With a Problem
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (iUniverse) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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British Journalism Today
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Routledge) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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An Introduction to Political Communication
At a time of radical shifts in power across the globe, the sixth edition of An Introduction to Political Communication examines the role of the media in the political process. Brian McNair reflects on the role of communication in key events such as the referendum vote for the UK's withdrawal from the European Union, the rise of nationalist populism in Europe, and the victory of Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential election. He explores the use of communication as a weapon by Islamic State and other insurgent organisations, and by Putin's Russia in its dealings with the West, including the hacking of Democratic Party emails in 2016. McNair argues that an expanding globalised public sphere and digital media network have transformed political communication, allowing political actors, from politicians and pressure groups to trade unions and terrorist organisations, to bypass traditional, established media in communicating their messages.This sixth edition of McNair's classic text has been comprehensively revised and updated to include:the 2016 US presidential election and Donald Trump's rise to power;the UK's EU referendum of 2016, the Scottish independence referendum of 2014 and the `snap' UK general election of June 2017;the growing role in political communication of the internet and social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, and their destabilising impact on the management of political crises all over the world including the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines MH17 and the disappearance of MH370, the Tianjin disaster in China and the Russian intervention in Ukraine;Islamic State's global jihad, and the use of social media as an instrument of terror;the growing capacity of WikiLeaks and other online sources, such as the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, to challenge elite control of information.
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Robert The Bruce: King Of Scots
Robert the Bruce had himself crowned King of Scots at Scone on a frozen March morning in 1306. After years of struggle, Scotland had been reduced to a vassal state by Edward I of England and its people lived in poverty. On the day he seized the crown Bruce renewed the fight for Scotland's freedom, and let forth a battle cry that would echo through the centuries. Using contemporary accounts, Ronald McNair Scott tells the story of Scotland's legendary leader, and one of Europe's most remarkable medieval kings. It is a story with episodes as romantic as those of King Arthur, but also one which belongs in the annals of Scottish History, and has shaped a nation.
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