A history of modern europe in the modern world
<i>A History of Europe in the Modern World</i> delves into how Europe's history has contributed to the development of the modern world and an increasingly global society. The twelfth edition of this classic text links specific nations, movements, and landmark events in European history to broader historical themes and problems that have shaped the contemporary era. Readers of this text will learn about Europe's past within the context of key historical trends, including the rise of industry and a global economy; the development of science, technology, and new forms of knowledge; social, cultural, and political movements; evolving views of human rights; and the complex relations between European nations and the wider world.
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My War Gone by, I Miss it So
A compassionate, visceral record of conflict; a brutally honest account of war's exhilarations and the more personal battleground of heroin addiction.
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Psychic Dreaming
Everyone is psychic to some degree, but did you know that psychic abilities can be enhanced while you dream? Psychic Dreaming explores how parapsychology and dreamwork can be combined to enhance creativity, improve your decision making, and heal yourself in body and soul. Join parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach as he shows how to identify ESP, clairvoyance, precognition, and other psi experiences as they occur through dreams. Explore dream incubation, lucid dreaming, and symbol interpretation to solve problems, relieve stress, confront your fears, and overcome nightmares. Use your dreams to create psychic connections with your loved ones, and explore other points in time and space to create a complete picture of the person you are, the person you have been, and the person you will be in the future.
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3 Toes
"Yip, Yippy Yap Yippy Yay, I'm a clever fellow, they say," howls Three-Toes the cunning coyote. Quiet as the shadow of a floating cloud, he gets around to escaping Rancher Brown's trap, tricking Towser the dog, and sending Hop-a-long jumping for shelter on his long jack rabbit legs. The final book of the Mesaland Series follows Three-Toes as he pops in and out of mischief on the sunny mesa.First published between 1943 and 1949 and now available again, the seven books in the Mesaland Series introduce a new generation of readers to the animals and plants of the great Southwest.
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Mind Over Matter
The mind is a powerful tool that, when properly focused, can do amazing things to both the body and the outside world. In Mind Over Matter, Lloyd Auerbach analyzes a variety of topics, including psychokinesis, faith healing, stigmata, shamanism, firewalking, psychic attacks, martial arts, levitation, and more. This remarkable book helps you develop your psychic abilities, build your confidence and self-esteem, and keep a responsible attitude as you learn to psychically affect yourself and those around you. You'll also explore paranormal topics such as how to communicate with spirits and investigate ghosts.
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Woodworking for Young Makers
Learning to be a maker has never been more fun. Full-color cartoons and drawings lead you through the steps needed for making a wizard wand, a sanding block, a charging station for your phone or tablet, and a sturdy box with a hidden compartment. You'll learn how to choose and use the right tools, measure and cut properly, sand, glue, and finish your woodworking projects to make them look great. This is the perfect guide for young people who want to do woodworking at home, at school, or at a local makerspace. It teaches fundamental skills and unlocks creativity. No prior experience or knowledge of tools is required. Everything you need to know is explained in the text and cartoons. This easy-to-follow guide is suitable for all ages. It features: Lavish cartoons and line art Step-by-step instructions with full-color art Projects that are fun and useful Basic skills, handy tips, and safety precautions Woodworking is the most universally useful of crafts. In this book, young adults will learn to work successfully with standard hand tools found in any garage or basement workshop and in any school shop class.The skills learned here will unlock a lifetime of useful skills and satisfying accomplishments.
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Gåtens mysterium
Martin og Ole går i niende klasse. De er forelsket i hver sin jente i klassen, og er opptatt av det som vanlige tenåringer er opptatt av. En dag snubler de over et skattekart på skolens loft med en mystisk gåte. Det tar ikke lang tid før jakten på skatten er i gang. Det blir ikke lettere når guttene plutselig finner ut at det er andre som også jakter på den samme skatten. Underveis i jakten kommer de opp i både uventede og farlige situasjoner som setter karakteren på prøve. Hvem finner skatten først og hva er egentlig skatten verd? Boken Gåtens Mysterium er beregnet på barn og ungdommer fra 10 - 16 år. Den tar opp mange relevante problemstillinger i en ungdoms hverdag, samtidig som den er lettlest og spennende. Boken tar også opp spørsmål knyttet til tro og tvil, da det er mange ungdommer som gjerne vil finne sin identitet i slike spørsmål.
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Norsk Bokmål
Den högsta principen : att välja kärlek framför rädsla
Författaren till den bästsäljande Healingkoden visar i sin nya bok hur man blir fri från stress och når ett harmoniskt och framgångsrikt liv. Vet du att de allra flesta problem vi upplever i livet har sitt upphov i stress? Inte stress som att ha för mycket att göra på jobbet, eller inte hinna med städningen hemma, utan riktigt djup stress, stress som beror på tidigare katastrofer, på svåra oförrätter, på obearbetade upplevelser. Stress som är så djup att den lagras i dina cellminnen och ger upphov till sjukdom och ohälsa. I Den högsta principen visar Alexander Loyd hur vi kan komma till rätta med den djupa stress som gör att vi mår dåligt, koncentrerar oss på fel saker i livet och har så svårt att nå våra mål. Här lär vi oss enkla steg-för-steg-övningar för att läka ut stressen på cellnivå och vi får verktygen vi behöver för att undvika att mer stress skapas i livet. Alexander Loyd har doktorerat i psykologi och naturmedicin. Efter en blygsam start i sin egen källare, med knappa resurser och utan marknadsföring, har han byggt upp en av de största praktikerna i världen, med klienter i alla amerikanska delstater och över hundra andra länder. Hans djupa övertygelse om att man måste läka bakomliggande andliga problem för att komma till rätta med fysiska och mentala svårigheter, har lett till att han har utvecklat ett väletablerat behandlingsprogram. Hans första bok, Healingkoden, är en internationell storsäljare och den finns för närvarande i tryck i över tjugofem länder.
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Beyond Willpower
A new book from the bestselling author of The Healing Code about how to go from stress to success in 40 days. The revolutionary new science of Practical Spirituality designed to replace stress with well being and success, quickly and for the long term.Did you know that most self-help programmes have a 97% failure rate? The truth is that the standard self-help mantra of tapping into your willpower and using the power of positive thinking is actually a blueprint for failure. In Beyond Willpower, bestselling author and psychological counsellor Alex Loyd, reveals the definitive step-by-step programme to help you finally achieve the life you want and the success you deserve. Science has proven that stress is the primary source of virtually any problem - physical, spiritual, emotional, and even circumstantial. Loyd believes that we need to understand how love works in our bodies to combat stress. By harnessing love's power and learning to love in the present moment, you can define your life goals and live mindfully in a state of peace. Beyond Willpower offers a revolutionary 40-day holistic guide based on more than 25 years of clinical experience and rooted in science, ancient wisdom, and proven therapeutic techniques to remove personal obstacles that sabotage success. Using the programme you will define your goal, be it wealth, career satisfactions, healing of health issues, or resolution of relationship problems and follow the step-by step process for achieving this goal quickly and for the long term.
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The Healing Code
6 minutes to heal the source of your health, success og relationship issue
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Healingkoden : sex minuter för att läka orsaken till dina problem med hälsa
År 2001 upptäckte dr Alexander Loyd hur man kan aktivera en fysisk funktion som finns inbyggd i kroppen och med vars hjälp vi kan eliminera orsaken till så mycket som 95 procent av alla sjukdomar och fysiska symtom. Nervsystemet och immunförsvaret kan då utföra sitt arbete med att läka skador och svagheter i kroppen. Dr Loyds upptäckter har validerats med hjälp av tester och inte minst av de tusentals människor från hela världen som har använt healingkoden för att komma till rätta med praktiskt taget alla slags problem när det gäller sjukdomar, känslor och relationer, liksom framgång i arbetslivet. Tester har också visat att det finns en allomfattande healingkod som kan hjälpa till att läka de flesta typer av problem för de flesta människor. I den här boken får du lära dig denna allomfattande healingkod, som bara tar några minuter att göra.
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The Book of Tangrams
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Dover Publications Inc.) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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Hjertets stemme
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Norsk Bokmål
Yrkesskadetrygd : Utredning fra Rikstrygdeverket med utkast til lov
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Norsk Bokmål
The Healing Code
The Healing Code is your healing kit for life - to heal the issues you know about, and the ones you don't. In 2001, while trying to cure his wife of her long term depression, Dr. Alex Loyd discovered how to activate a physical function built into the body that consistently and predictably removes the source of 95% of all illness and disease, so that the neuro-immune system takes over its job of healing whatever is wrong with the body. He also discovered that there is a Universal Healing Code that will heal most issues for most people - physical, emotional and relational, as well as enabling breakthroughs in success and well being. The Healing Code has been subjected to numerous tests which have validated its success, as do the testimonies of the thousands of people for whom it has worked. In this book you will discover for yourself The Healing Code process. It's easy to learn, can be used just about anywhere and takes only six minutes to complete.This life changing book also includes the Seven Secrets of life, health and prosperity, the 10-second Instant Impact technique for defusing everyday stress and the Heart Issues Finder - a simple test that identifies quickly your own personal source issues and imbalances. In just six minutes, lower stress, turn the immune and healing systems back on and discover the life changing effects of The Healing Code.
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Your Vocational Credo
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Health Rights are Civil Rights
Health Rights Are Civil Rights tells the story of the important place of health in struggles for social change in Los Angeles in the 1960s and 1970s. Jenna M. Loyd describes how Black freedom, antiwar, welfare rights, and women\u2019s movement activists formed alliances to battle oppressive health systems and structural violence, working to establish the principle that health is a right. For a time-with President Nixon, big business, and organized labor in agreement on national health insurance-even universal health care seemed a real possibility.Health Rights Are Civil Rights documents what many Los Angeles activists recognized: that militarization was in part responsible for the inequalities in American cities. This challenging new reading of suburban white flight explores how racial conflicts transpired across a Southland landscape shaped by defense spending. While the war in Vietnam constrained social spending, the New Right gained strength by seizing on the racialized and gendered politics of urban crisis to resist urban reinvestment and social programs. Recapturing a little-known current of the era\u2019s activism, Loyd uses an intersectional approach to show why this diverse group of activists believed that democratic health care and ending war making were essential to create cities of freedom, peace, and social justice-a vision that goes unanswered still today.
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Cans: Thoughts of God, Grace and Groceries
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Createspace Independent Publishing Platform) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Boats, Borders, and Bases
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Fundamentals of Fire and Emergency Services
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Pearson) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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