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5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Emotion-Focused Therapy
Emotion-Focused Therapy provides an introduction to the theory, history, research, and practice of this emotion-centered, humanistic approach. Emotion-focused therapy is a complete theory of human functioning based on the adaptive role of emotion and on a therapy practice founded on the idea that emotional change is central to enduring change. This therapy emphasizes the awareness, acceptance, understanding, and transformation of emotion, and proposes that emotions themselves have an adaptive potential that, if activated, can help clients to change. Emotion-focused therapists help clients to experience their emotions in the safe setting of therapy so that, rather than avoiding or controlling their feelings, clients learn to use them as a guide to what is important or necessary in their lives. In this book, Leslie S. Greenberg presents and explores this versatile and useful approach, its theory, history, therapy process, primary change mechanisms, the empirical basis for its effectiveness, and recent developments that have refined the theory and expanded how it may be practiced.This essential primer, amply illustrated with case examples featuring diverse clients, is perfect for graduate students studying theories of therapy and counseling, as well as for seasoned practitioners interested in understanding how this approach has evolved and how it might be used in their practice.
3.0 av 5
Supervision Essentials for Emotion-Focused Therapy
Emotion-focused therapy (EFT) has become the go-to approach for many mental health professionals today. Although considerable efforts have been undertaken over the years to provide theoretical, practical, and research support for EFT, the same cannot be said for clinical supervision in an EFT context or with trainees who use EFT, which until now has proceeded using broad guidelines derived from general theories of supervision.In this book, Drs. Leslie Greenberg and Liliana Ramona Tomescu introduce a model of supervision that is founded on the same fundamental principles of EFT therapy: a safe supervisory alliance and relationship, an agreed-upon focus for each supervision session, and the identification of appropriate task markers (moments of uncertainty that present opportunities for supervisory intervention).Together, EFT supervisors and supervisees carefully deconstruct recorded therapy sessions, with moment-by-moment processing of the supervisee's responses and emotional understanding. Through close observation, supervisors enable trainees to develop seeing, listening, and empathic skills, as they become more attuned to both verbal and non-verbal cues that indicate clients' emotional responses.The book uses transcripts from supervision sessions with real trainees, including those documented on the DVD Emotion-Focused Therapy Supervision, also available from APA Books.
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Forgiveness and Letting Go in Emotion-Focused Therapy
Many individuals and couples come to therapy because of unresolved feelings of anger and hurt due to experiences of being wronged, betrayed, or violated. Over the past 20 years, Leslie Greenberg and his colleagues have undertaken clinical research to articulate a model of emotional injury resolution and map out a therapy-assisted path to forgiveness.This book shows how forgiveness oriented Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) helps individuals and couples process distressing negative emotions and transform them by accessing internal resources of strength and self compassion. Step-by-step guides for conducting EFT and EFT for couples (EFT-C), along with analyses of extensive clinical case material, show readers how to:promote clients' ownership of their emotional experienceempower clients to appropriately assign responsibility for harm donehelp clients see themselves as having the personal resources and resilience to recover from the emotional injuryTherapists will also learn to help clients determine whether forgiveness-with or without reconciliation with the injurer-is the right path, or whether it may be enough to simply let go of negative feelings.
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Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy
In ""Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy: The Dynamics of Emotion, Love, and Power"", authors Leslie S. Greenberg and Rhonda N. Goldman explore the foundations of emotionally focused therapy for couples. They expand its framework to focus more intently on the development of the self and the relationship system through the promotion of self-soothing and other-soothing; to deal with unmet needs both from the client's adulthood and childhood; and to work more explicitly with emotions, specifically fear, anxiety, shame, power, joy, and love. The authors discuss the affect regulation involved in three major motivational systems central to couples therapy - attachment, identity, and attraction and clarify emotions and motivations in the dominance dimension of couples' interactions.Written with practitioners and graduate students in mind, the authors use a rich variety of case material to demonstrate how working with emotions can facilitate change in couples and, by extension, in all situations where people may be in emotional conflict with others. Greenberg and Goldman provide the tools needed to identify specific emotions and show the reader how to work with them to resolve conflict and promote bonding in couples therapy.
0.0 av 5
Working with Emotions in Psychotherapy
In previous books, Leslie S. Greenberg has demonstrated the importance of integrating emotional work into therapy and has laid out a compelling model of therapeutic change. Building on these foundations, WORKING WITH EMOTIONS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY sheds new light on the process and technique of intervention with specific emotions. Filled with illustrative case examples, the book shows clinicians how to identify a given emotion, discern its role in a client's self-understanding, and understand how its expression is furthering or inhibiting the client's progress. Of vital importance, the authors help readers think more differentially about emotions; to distinguish, for example, between avoided emotional pain and chronic dysfunctional bad feelings, between adaptive sadness and maladaptive depression, and between overcontrolled anger and underregulated rage. A conceptual overview and framework for intervention are delineated, and special attention is given throughout to the integration of emotion and cognition in therapeutic work.
0.0 av 5
Working With Emotion in Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavior, and Emotion-Focused Psychotherapy
The authors of this volume investigate the role of emotion in the development and maintenance of psychological problems, and in effecting psychological change. They examine emotion as it is conceptualized and used in three of the most widely practiced approaches today--psychodynamic, cognitive behavior, and emotion-focused psychotherapy. In each chapter, the authors discuss the impact of emotion on child development and learning, the relationship between emotion and motivation, and the ways in which emotion can be harnessed in treatment to improve psychological functioning and strengthen interpersonal relationships. Clinical vignettes show readers how to arouse, identify, and channel emotions in therapy, while also utilizing emotion to develop and maintain an effective therapeutic alliance.
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Facilitating Emotional Change
While emotions are often given a negative connotation people are described as being too emotional or as needing to control their emotions this book demonstrates that emotions are organizing processes that enhance adaptation and problem solving. Within an experiential therapy framework, the volume shows how to work with moment-by-moment emotional processes to resolve various psychological difficulties. The first two sections introduce the process experiential approach to treatment. Exploring the interrelationships among emotion, cognition, and change, the authors develop a powerful, clinically relevant theory of human functioning. The third section, a detailed treatment manual, outlines the general principles and methods of therapy and provides step-by-step directions for six specific types of interventions. Excerpts from actual transcripts exemplify the various methods, illuminating the moment-by-moment process for both the client and the therapist.
0.0 av 5
Working with emotions in psychotherapy
Emosjonsfokusert terapi
0.0 av 5
Facilitating Emotional Change: The Moment-by-Moment Process
Emosjonsfokusert terapi. Med praktiske kliniske eksempler
0.0 av 5
Case Formulation in Emotion-Focused Therapy
Emotion-focused therapy (EFT) views clinical disorders as, at base, emotional disorders. Case formulation in EFT represents an organizing framework and a map to help therapists specifically address these emotional problems.This book presents a detailed, concrete, step-by-step process for constructing an emotion-focused case formulation, ready for use with clients. EFT case formulation focuses on the client's narrative content (the stories they tell) as well as emotional processing (how the client feels).By attending to the interaction between these two things and paying particular attention to the painful emotion underlying the presenting problem, therapists can make moment-to-moment decisions about how to proceed in therapy. As a result, clients change maladaptive emotions and create more adaptive meaning of events and feelings.The chapters present each stage of case formulation in depth, followed by case examples that apply the case formulation method to a cross-section of clinical disorders, including depression, anxiety, trauma, and eating disorders.
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The Lost Gutenberg
For rare book collectors, an original copy of the Gutenberg Bible - there are only forty-six in existence - is the undisputed gem of any collection. The Lost Gutenberg recounts five centuries in the life of one particular copy of the Bible from its very creation by Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany, to its ultimate resting place, in a steel vault under the protection of the Japanese government. Margaret Leslie Davis draws readers into this incredible saga, inviting them into the colourful lives of each of its fanatic collectors along the way. Exploring books as objects of desire across centuries, Davis will leave readers not only with a broader understanding of the culture of rare book collectors, but with a deeper awareness of the importance of books in our world.
0.0 av 5
Yoga anatomi
«Yoga anatomi» gir deg en dypere forståelse for hvilke deler av kroppen som skal være aktive når en posisjon utføres på riktig måte. Ved hjelp av detaljerte anatomiske illustrasjoner får du et tydelig bilde av hvordan det skal se ut. Du får vite hvordan spesifikke muskler påvirkes av bevegelsene i leddene, hvordan justeringer av en posisjon kan forsterke eller redusere effektiviteten og hvordan ryggsøylen, pusten og holdningen henger sammen. Du kommer til å se posisjonene og bevegelsene i et nytt lys og vil få mange aha-opplevelser. Uansett om du er nybegynner eller har praktisert yoga i mange år, er «Yoga anatomi» et uvurderlig referanseverk. Boken er også svært nyttig for alle andre som jobber med idrett, trening og helsefag og trenger grunnleggende kunnskaper om menneskets anatomi, som naprapater, fysioterapeuter og personlige trenere. Leslie Kaminoff og Amy Matthews er internasjonalt anerkjente eksperter og lærere i anatomi, pusteøvelser og trening. «Yoga anatomi» er en utvidet, oppdatert og forbedret utgave av den internasjonale bestselgeren «Yoga Anatomy» (ikke utkommet på norsk tidligere).
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Bontrager's Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy
En radiografi bok perfekt for radiograf studiet. Ikke brukt.
5.0 av 5
Geografiens makt: 10 kart som forklarer verden
Alle statsledere blir påvirket av geografi. Valgene de tar begrenses av fjell, elver og hav. For å forstå tiden vi lever i, holder det ikke med kunnskap om folk og politiske bevegelser. Man må også vite hvordan jorden ser ut. Med utgangspunkt i ti kart viser Geografiens makt hvordan geopolitisk innsikt er avgjørende for å forstå historiens gang. På tilgjengelig og forfriskende vis forklarer forfatteren komplekse sammenhenger, og gjør leseren i stand til å navigere i en konfliktfylt verden. Sagt om boken: «Ganske enkelt en av de beste bøkene om geopolitikk du kan tenke deg». Evening Standard «Skarpe innblikk i hvordan geografi former verdensledernes valg». Financial Times «Skrevet med presisjon og strålende argumenter». Dame Ann Leslie Om forfatteren: Den britiske forfatteren, redaktøren og journalisten Tim Marshall (f.1959) er en ledende autoritet innen utenrikspolitikk, og har gjennom mer enn 25 år rapportert fra en lang rekke land og konfliktområder, inkludert Balkan og Midtøsten. Han har skrevet flere bøker, og jobbet for blant annet BBC, Sky News, The Times, Guardian, Independent og Daily Telegraph. Boka dekker Russland, USA, Kina, Latin-Amerika, Midtøsten, Afrika, India/Pakistan, Europa, Japan/Korea og Arktis.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Foundations of clinical research: Applications to evidence-based practice
4.5 av 5
Organic Chemistry: A short course
Veldig lite brukt, nesten ikke åpnet og ingen merker i boken
4.0 av 5
Foundations of Clinical Research
Updated examples to provide students with a relevant context for understanding designs and analysesConceptual description of analytic procedures used in evidence-based practice as well as tables to demonstrate simple calculationsAlgorithm for choosing a statistical procedure based on a study's designDiagrams that aim to assist in a student's understanding of experimental and observational design variationsGuidelines for critical appraisal of various types of studiesStrong emphasis on evidence-based practice, including a focus on sensitivity/specificity and likelihood ratios, number needed to treat, measuring clinically meaningful change
4.6 av 5
Essentials of PAI Assessment
Forfatter: Leslie C. Morey
5.0 av 5
Bontrager's Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy
Master radiographic positioning with this comprehensive, user-friendly text. Focusing on one projection per page, Bontrager's Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy, 9th Edition includes all of the positioning and projection information you need to know in a clear, bulleted format. Positioning photos, radiographic images, and radiographic overlays, presented side-by-side with the explanation of each procedure, show you how to visualize anatomy and produce the most accurate images. Updated to reflect the latest ARRT competencies and ASRT curriculum guidelines, it features more than 200 of the most commonly requested projections to prepare you for clinical practice.Labeled radiographs (radiographic overlays) identify key radiographic anatomy and landmarks to help you recognize anatomy and determine if you have captured the correct diagnostic information on your images.Positioning chapters, organized with one projection per page, present a manageable amount of information in an easily accessible format. Unique page layout with positioning photos, radiographic images, and radiographic overlays presented side-by-side with the text explanation of each procedure to facilitate comprehension and retention. Pathologic Indications list and define the pathologies most likely to be encountered during procedures covered in each chapter to help you understand the whole patient and improve your ability to produce radiographs that make diagnosis easy for the physician. Pathology Demonstrated sections explain why a particular projection is needed, or what pathology might be demonstrated, to give you a larger frame of reference and a better understanding of the reasoning behind each projection. Radiographic Criteria on positioning pages provide standards for evaluating the quality of each radiograph, helping you develop a routine for evaluating radiographic quality.Pediatric Applications prepare students for clinical success - and prepare technologists to deal competently with the special needs of their pediatric patients.Geriatric Applications include general information on positioning techniques and patient handling for geriatric patients, fostering an understanding of the challenges these patients present to the technologist.Critique Radiographs demonstrate positioning errors and help you avoid similar errors in clinicals. Instructor resources include an accompanying Evolve website with PowerPoint slides, an image collection, and a test bank to help instructors prepare for class.Student resources include a workbook and handbook to help you better understand and retain complicated material. NEW! Updated art visually demonstrates the latest digital technology used in radiography with approximately 250 new radiographs, positioning, and equipment images. NEW and UPDATED! Increased emphasis on radiation safety practices arms you with the information you need to know to succeed in clinical practice. NEW! Obese Patient Considerations include general information on positioning techniques and positioning modifications for obese patients to show you how to position this subset of patients accurately. UPDATED! Reflects the latest ARRT competencies and ASRT curriculum guidelines to prepare you for boards and clinical practice.UPDATED! Completely revamped surgical procedures chapter reflects current ARRT competencies and ASRT curriculum guidelines.UPDATED! Routine and Special Procedures sections moved to an appendix so you can refer to this necessary material quickly and efficiently.
4.9 av 5
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