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Viser resultat for 'Leopoldo Benacchio'

    Damms store atlas over universet

    Damms store atlas over universet

    Leopoldo Benacchio

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2003

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Damms store atlas over universet.

    Damms store atlas over universet.

    Leopoldo Benacchio

    Her er det største atlaset over universet som noen gang er publisert! Den tilbyr deg en forbløffende reise, og setter de nærmeste himmelobjektene så vel som de fjerneste galaksene innen rekkevidde. Du vil oppdage bilder av fascinerende planeter, men også ekstraordinære bilder av tåker og galakser som bare er synlige fra verdensrommet. Fra Jorden til Pluto, via stjernebildene, vil du reise flere tusen lysår på bare noen få sider. Fra Galileos første forsøk til ny teknologis underverk, er det erobringen av verdensrommet som helhet som fortelles her: galakser med forbløffende former og farger, det berømte stjernestøvet, det ikke mindre kjente sorte hullet, eller de ekstraordinære novaene og supernovaene; her er hovedpersonene i universets skue. Boken inneholder også svar på de vanligste spørsmålene, ordliste, bibliografi og internettadresser. Norsk fagkonsulent for verket er Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard. Har stikkordregister.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2003

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 299
    kr 299

    Rettspresidentens hustru

    Rettspresidentens hustru: tredje del

    Leopoldo Alas

    Alas (1852-1901) skrev denne romanen i 1884,og den blir regnet for å være den beste spanske naturalistiske roman fra 1800-tallet. Boken er en inntrengende bovaristisk samfunnssatire, og skildrer en ung kvinne som føler seg innestengt i et trist ekteskap og hennes forsøk på erotisk frigjøring. Alas benyttet pseudonymet "Clarin" når han skrev kritikker, og han var en innbitt forsvarer av naturalismen mot "l'art pour l'art".

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1997

    Norsk Bokmål


    Innbundet · 1996

    Norsk Bokmål


    Andre utgaver · 3


    Receiver, Bearer, and Giver of God's Spirit

    Receiver, Bearer, and Giver of God's Spirit

    Leopoldo A. Sanchez M.

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Pickwick Publications) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015





    Leopoldo Gout

    If he trusts you, you're in. You'll be playing a dangerous game, and he makes all the rules. The only way to win is to do the unexpected.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Selected Writings

    Selected Writings

    Leopoldo Lugones

    Argentina's best-known writer during his lifetime, Leopoldo Lugones's work spans many literary styles and ideological positions. He was influential as a modernist poet, as a precursor of the avant-garde, and also as the poet of Argentine nature. His short stories (Las Fuerzas Extranas: 1906) were early examples of the fantastic in Latin American fiction and influenced Borges, Quiroga, and others They reflect an interest in the uncanny and inspired contemporary interest in animism and occultism because the protagonists of many the stories were scientists and doctors experimenting in the transmutation of thought. His prose works include La Guerra Gaucha (1905) and the essay El Payador (1916) in which he idealized the gaucho as a heroic figure, popular poet, and a symbol of Argentine identity. Lugones altered his political views many times, adopting radical anarchism, and later in life, fascism. He was therefore a controversial figure, both accalimed and scorned by his contemporaries.His adherence to the importance of literary form drew criticism from the new generation of writers, such as Borges, but Borges later stated in 1955 that "Lugones was and continues to be the greatest Argentine writer."

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008



    Glosario Etimologico de Las Palabras Espa Oles

    Glosario Etimologico de Las Palabras Espa Oles

    Leopoldo De Egulaz Y Yanguas

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (BiblioLife) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2009



    Sculptor Spirit

    Sculptor Spirit

    Leopoldo A Saanchez M

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Inter-Varsity Press,US) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Adam Buenosayres

    Adam Buenosayres

    Leopoldo Marechal

    The first-ever English translation of "Argentina's Ulysses."

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    Ghost Radio

    Ghost Radio

    Leopoldo Gout

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    New Trends in Statistical Physics : Festschrift in Honor of Leopoldo Garcia-Colin's 80th Birthday

    New Trends in Statistical Physics : Festschrift in Honor of Leopoldo Garcia-Colin's 80th Birthday

    Alfredo. Macias

    Prof Leopoldo Garcia-Colin will become 80 years old in 2010, therefore we are interested in the publication of a Festschrift (book) to honor him. Prof Garcia-Colin has worked in many different fields of statistical physics, and has applied it to biological physics, solid state physics, relativity and cosmology. We are planning a 500 pages book with original and peer-reviewed articles from his friends and former students. We may buy about 100 copies of it.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010



    Educational reform in Peru : by Judithe Bizot ; with an introduction by Leopoldo Chiappo ; a study prepared for the International Educational Reporting Service

    Educational reform in Peru : by Judithe Bizot ; with an introduction by Leopoldo Chiappo ; a study prepared for the International Educational Reporting Service

    Judithe Bizot

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1975

    Norsk Bokmål


    Advances in bioinformatics and computational biology : Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics, BSB 2005, São Leopoldo, Brazil, July 27-29, 2005 : proceedings

    Advances in bioinformatics and computational biology : Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics, BSB 2005, São Leopoldo, Brazil, July 27-29, 2005 : proceedings

    <p>This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics, BSB 2005, held in Sao Leopoldo, Brazil in July 2005.</p><p>The 15 revised full papers and 10 revised extended abstracts presented together with 3 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 55 submissions. The papers address a broad range of current topics in computational biology and bioinformatics.</p>

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2005



    La Pasion Esclava

    La Pasion Esclava

    Nuria Godon

    La Pasion Esclava addresses the masochist discursivity of La Regenta (1884-1885) by Leopoldo Alas, Clarin, as a subversive strategy of dominance and submission through which the foundations of liberal thinking on education, agency, and freedom of the modern subject are refuted. Differing from studies that prioritize the Freudian psychoanalytic focus and link masochism with perverse and passive behaviors, this book offers a pluralist approach, where cultural, clinical-historical, and literary perspectives are essential to relocate masochism to the area of passions, while emphasizing the agency and creativity upon which the discursive meaning of transgressive masochism in fin-de-siecle narrative is articulated.Nuria Godon shows how La Regenta challenges the models of partnership in modern society by displaying a reformulation of the masochist contract that parodies the marital contract, satirizes Rousseau's social contract, and places the wheels of Krause's educational machine under scrutiny. Likewise, she explores Catholicism's impact on the masochist dynamic in other contemporary texts by authors such as Emilia Pardo Bazan and Armando Palacio Valdes, without excluding Leopold von Sacher-Masoch-the Austrian writer from whom the term masochism was coined-to further disclose how religion's influence shapes the dialectic of female and filial masochism in the Spanish context represented in Alas's masterpiece. In this sense, La Pasion Esclava invites one to reconsider masochism as a tool that tears apart the mechanisms of gender subjection, which are observable not only in the Spanish literary texts analyzed in this book, but also in other cultural productions.La Pasion Esclava aborda la discursividad masoquista en La Regenta (1884-1885) de Leopoldo Alas, Clarin, como una estrategia subversiva de dominio y sumision mediante la cual se rebaten los fundamentos del pensamiento liberal sobre la educacion, la agencia y la libertad del sujeto moderno. Frente a las investigaciones que priman el enfoque psicoanalitico de tradicion freudiana y vinculan el masoquismo a conductas perversas y pasivas, este estudio brinda una aproximacion pluralista -donde destaca la perspectiva cultural, historica-clinica y literaria- gracias a la cual es posible reubicar el masoquismo en el amplio terreno de las pasiones y subrayar la agencia y creatividad sobre las que se conforma el sentido discursivo del masoquismo transgresor en la narrativa finisecular. Nuria Godon muestra como la novela cumbre de Alas problematiza las propuestas de companerismo en la sociedad moderna presentando una reformulacion del contrato masoquista que parodia el contrato matrimonial, satiriza el contrato social rousseriano y cuestiona el engranaje del sistema educativo krausista. Asimismo, explora el impacto del catolicismo en la dinamica masoquista en otros textos de autores contemporaneos entre los cuales figuran Emilia Pardo Bazan y Armando Palacio Valdes, sin olvidar a Leopold von Sacher-Masoch-autor sobre el que se acuna el termino de masoquismo-para explicar posteriormente como la influencia religiosa da forma al despliegue de la dialectica del masoquismo femenino y filial en el contexto espanol trazado en La Regenta. En este sentido, La Pasion Esclava invita a una reconsideracion del masoquismo como herramienta que hace saltar los mecanismos de sujecion generica, susceptibles de ser observados no solo en el ambito literario espanol que el libro presenta sino tambien dentro de otras producciones culturales.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    The Dead

    The Dead

    Mark Oldfield

    MADRID, 1982. Comandante Leopoldo Guzman has decided it is time to disappear. Franco is dead and there's no place in the new order for the former head of the tyrant's secret police. But first, Guzman needs money. Luckily, blackmail has always come easily to him - after all, he knows where the bodies are. And so he should. He buried them. MADRID, 2010. Fifteen tangled corpses in a disused mine, three bound skeletons in a sealed cellar - a trail of dead that has led forensic investigator Ana Maria Galindez to one Comandante Leopoldo Guzman. Guzman himself disappeared decades ago but she fears his toxic legacy lives on. Her investigation has revealed a dark conspiracy born amid the corruption of Franco's dictatorship, a conspiracy that after decades in the shadows is finally ready to bloom.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Innbundet · 2017


    Rhetoric and pleasure : readings in realist literature

    Rhetoric and pleasure : readings in realist literature

    Jan van Luxemburg

    This study treats, after a discussion on literary theory, rhetorical and conventional aspects of realist novels from three different cultures: La regenta by the Spaniard Leopoldo Alas (1852-1901), the feminist novel Constance Ring by the Norwegian author Amalie Skram (1846-1905) and three Roman novels by the Dutch writer Louis Couperus (1863-1923). The author argues that part of the meaning of these novels is influenced and in some cases even rendered undecidable by the use of rhetorical figures and tropes or by the exigencies of literary decorum. Part of the rhetoric is strongly estheticizing: it generates a plaisir du texte, and also threatens the postulated serious or emancipatory meaning of the texts. Van Luxemburg's rhetorical analysis is influenced by the deconstructionist criticism of among others Roland Barthes, J. Hillis Miller, Paul de Man and Adena Rosmarin. His book covers the representation of women, of servants and slaves and (in relation to this) the depiction of morality and religion.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1992

    Norsk Bokmål


    Cuatro relatos del siglo XIX

    Cuatro relatos del siglo XIX

    Robert Pignarre

    Bearbeidede noveller av forfatterne José de Espronceda, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Mariuano José de Larra og Leopoldo Alas (Clarin). - Lettlest. - Har oppgaver til teksten og ordliste på spansk, engelsk, fransk og tysk. - Passer også for ungdom

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1995

    Norsk Bokmål


    In the Presence of Mystery

    In the Presence of Mystery

    Howard M. Fraser

    This study is devoted to the manifestations of the occult in modernist Hispanic short fiction, particularly that of Manuel Gutierrez Najera, Ruben Dario, and Leopoldo Lugones. According to Howard Fraser, modernist fiction exhibited a coherent, thoroughgoing spiritualist experimentation as an antidote to bourgeois materialism. The fascination of these modernist writers with such areas as alchemy, theosophy, and the supernatural expressed not only a residual Romantic literary sensibility but also the influence of numerous spiritualist movements around the world. In this regard, the modernistas show a spiritualist attitude toward the Beyond, what Joseph Campell has called ""a dimension of the universe that is not available to the senses . . . the recognition of something [in nature] that is much greater than the human dimension.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Computer Science 2

    Computer Science 2

    Ricardo (EDT) Baeza-Yates

    The articles in this proceedings were presented at the 13th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society held in La Serena, Chile on October 14-16, 1993. A record number of 90 submissions were received this year in response to the call for papers. They came from 19 countries in four continents. The 44 articles presented here were selected by the program committee whose members were Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Chair, Univ. de Chile) Leopoldo Bertossi (U niv. Catolica de Chile) Jorge Boria (Schlumberger, USA & UNICEN, Argentina) Edgardo Broner (Univ. Simon Bolivar, Venezuela) Pere Brunet (Polytechnic of Catalunya, Spain) Jose Blakeley (Texas Instruments, USA) Eduardo Krell (Fundacion Chile) Tomas Lang (Univ. of California at Irvine, USA) Rosana Lanzelotte (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Stefano Levialdi (Univ. di Roma, Italy) Jorge Lobo (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, USA) Jose Palazzo (UFRGS, Brazil) Christian Queinnec (Poly technique & INRIA, France) Gregory Rawlins (Indiana University, USA) Carlos Scheel (Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico) Robbert Van Renesse (Cornell Univ., USA) The criteria for selection was based primarily on quality; we also considered relevance, clarity and the potential benefit to the community. The contents of these proceedings are organized on six main areas (number of papers in parentheses) : Algorithms and Data Structures (10); Databases and Information Systems (6); Distributed Systems and Computer Architecture (6); Logic and Knowledge (8); Petri Nets (4); and Software Engineering and Programming Languages (10). They also include one invited paper.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013



    Barcelona Inspires Me

    Barcelona Inspires Me

    Ricardo Feriche

    This is a stunning photographic celebration of everything that makes Barcelona one of the most inviting, exciting and inspiring cities in the whole world. Barcelona is special, its architecture, monuments, streets, its style, its history, its spirit, and its people. Barcelona is constantly growing and evolving, yet it has managed to maintain the unique spirit that makes it one of the world's most vibrant cities. Barcelona Inspires Me takes readers on a fascinating and wonderfully illustrated journey through the city, from the past to the present. Featuring images from some of the world's most respected artists and photographers - including Picasso, Miro, Salvador Dali, Catala-Roca, Leopoldo Pomes, Cartier-Breson, and many more - accompanied by short essays, intriguing histories, and colourful stories about the city's people and places, this is an unrivalled exploration of a city that has inspired and will continue to inspire anyone who visits.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015



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