Democracy and terrorism: Friend or foe?
This book examines the relationships between democratic government and political terrorism. Since the 9/11 attacks, the United States and many of its allies have declared a 'war on terrorism'. This struggle has been inspired in part by the belief is that by promoting democracy they will also bring an end to terrorism. Where people enjoy the blessings of liberty, they will naturally find peaceful outlets for the expression of their political views, it has been widely held. Terrorism, on the other hand, is seen largely as a consequence of repression.a Where citizens cannot choose rulers freely and where dissenting voices are silenced by the authorities, terrorism and other types of violence appear to follow. Democracy and Terrorism investigates the link between terrorism and the underlying principles of democracy, both from an historical perspective and against contemporary developments in the Middle East and elsewhere. Drawing upon a range of different case studies, and using quantitative data to investigate statistical links between the waves of democracy and manifestations of terrorist violence, the book reviews whether terrorism is in fact constrained by the rise of democratic government, and the role of the law in fighting terrorism.This book will be of much interest to students of terrorism, political violence, democratisation, security studies and International Relations in general.
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Global Terrorism
A beginners guide
0.0 av 5
Democracy and Terrorism: Friend or Foe?
<p>This book examines the relationships between democratic government and political terrorism. </p><p>Since the 9/11 attacks, the United States and many of its allies have declared a ‘war on terrorism’. This struggle has been inspired in part by the belief is that by promoting democracy they will also bring an end to terrorism. Where people enjoy the blessings of liberty, they will naturally find peaceful outlets for the expression of their political views, it has been widely held. Terrorism, on the other hand, is seen largely as a consequence of repression. Where citizens cannot choose rulers freely and where dissenting voices are silenced by the authorities, terrorism and other types of violence appear to follow. </p><p>Democracy and Terrorism investigates the link between terrorism and the underlying principles of democracy, both from an historical perspective and against contemporary developments in the Middle East and elsewhere. Drawing upon a range of different case studies, and using quantitative data to investigate statistical links between the waves of democracy and manifestations of terrorist violence, the book reviews whether terrorism is in fact constrained by the rise of democratic government, and the role of the law in fighting terrorism.</p><p>This book will be of much interest to students of terrorism, political violence, democratisation, security studies and International Relations in general.</p>
5.0 av 5
Fascism, Populism and American Democracy
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The Role of Terrorism in Twenty-First-Century Warfare
The role of terrorism in twenty-first-century warfare is a critical reflection on the major armed conflicts occurring during the 1990s and the first decade of the Twenty First Century. Conflicts in Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria all involved the use of terrorism by one or more groups. Turning to the future, the book asks what does this mean for violent conflicts yet to come?
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Weinberg's Color Atlas of Pediatric Dermatology, Fifth Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.More than 1,000 superb full-color photographs help you diagnose common and rare pediatric skin disorders Weinberg's Color Atlas of Pediatric Dermatology, Fifth Edition delivers an unsurpassed collection of more than 1,000 full-color images that provide invaluable guidance for the diagnosis of both common and rare skin disorders of neonates, infants, and children. Trusted by clinicians for more than forty years, this classic reference has been hailed for its clear, high-quality, full-color photographs and concise yet informative textual summaries. For each condition reviewed in the text, one or more clinical photographs are included, making differential diagnosis faster, easier, and more accurate. A brief, yet thorough overview of important clinical features, etiology, prognosis, and the most current therapeutic approaches is included for each disorder illustrated. Every page reflects the book's magnificent atlas format, with photographs linked to concise text that authoritatively describes the condition illustrated in each image, along with, in most cases, a one-sentence summary of suggested treatment protocols.Features* More than 400 new full-color images to facilitate speedy diagnosis* New treatment modalities are included when applicable, reflecting the very latest clinical findings and treatment guidelines* Revised and refreshed legends throughout the text highlight the latest thinking in pediatric dermatology practice * An essential resource for patient educationIf you are searching for an up-to-date, time-tested, visual resource that has been enthusiastically received by your colleagues in dermatology and pediatrics, your search ends here.
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Science in Culture
Twenty-five years ago, Gerald Holton's Thematic Origins of Scientific Thought introduced a wide audience to his ideas. Holton argued that from ancient times to the modern period, an astonishing feature of innovative scientific work was its ability to hold, simultaneously, deep and opposite commitments of the most fundamental sort. Over the course of Holton's career, he embraced both the humanities and the sciences. Given this background, it is fitting that the explorations assembled in this volume reflect both individually and collectively Holton's dual roots. In the opening essay, Holton sums up his long engagement with Einstein and his thematic commitment to unity. The next two essays address this concern. In historicized form, Lorraine Daston returns the question of the scientific imagination to the Enlightenment period when both sciences and art feared imagination. Daston argues that the split whereby imagination was valued in the arts and loathed in the sciences is a nineteenth-century divide. James Ackerman on Leonardo da Vinci meshes perfectly with Daston's account, showing a form of imaginative intervention where it is irrelevant to draw analogies between art and science. Historians of religion Wendy Doniger and Gregory Spinner pursue the imagination into the bedroom with literary-theological representations. Science, culture, and the imagination also intersect with biologist Edward Wilson and physicist Steven Weinberg. Both tackle the big question of the unity of knowledge and worldviews from a scientific perspective while art historian Ernst Gombrich does the same from the perspective of art history. To emphasize the nitty-gritty of scientific practice, chemists Bretislav Fredrich and Dudley Herschback provide a remarkable historical tour at the boundary of chemistry and physics. In the concluding essay, historian of education Patricia Albjerg Graham addresses pedagogy head-on. In these various reflections on science, art, literature, philosophy, and education, this volume gives us a view in common: a deep and abiding respect for Gerald Holton's contribution to our understanding of science in culture. Peter Galison is Mallinckrodt Professor of History of Science and of physics at Harvard University. Stephen R. Graubard is editor of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and its journal, Daedalus, and professor of history emeritus at Brown University. Everett Mendelsohn is director of the History of Science Program at Harvard University.
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Intermediate microeconomics with calcus
The #1 text is still the most modern presentation of the subject and gives students tools to develop the problem-solving skills they need for the course, and beyond.
3.5 av 5
Håndbok i parterapi
Samlivsbrudd og parproblemer er noe av det mest stressende mennesker kan oppleve. Det er forbundet med angst, depresjon, rusmisbruk, økt blodtrykk og relasjonelle konflikter, og har åpenbare omkostninger også for barn og øvrig familie, og samfunnet generelt. Stadig flere søker parterapi ved for eksempel familievernkontorer eller privatpraktiserende psykologer og parterapeuter når de opplever at forholdet er under press. Fagfeltet er i vekst og utvikling, og med denne boka gis det et stort løft. Håndbok i parterapi består av 30 kapitler fordelt på tre deler. Del 1 gir en bred introduksjon, del 2 behandler ulike temaer som ofte kommer opp i parterapiarbeidet, mens del 3 presenterer ulike parterapeutiske tilnærminger og metoder. Kapitlene er gjennomgående illustrert med eksempler fra praksis og avsluttes med spørsmål for videre refleksjon. Boka vil være til nytte i både utdanning og terapeutisk arbeid. Ottar Ness er bokas redaktør. Bidragsyterne er Elsa Almås, Harlene Anderson, Pia Camilla Aursand, Åse Randi Bakklund Hermanrud, Bente Barstad, Karin Barth, Bård Bertelsen, Paolo Bertrando, Trine Eikrem, Camilla Fikse, Anne Marie Fosse Teigen, Sissel Gran, Toril Hepsø, Jahn-Fredrik Holthe, Per Jensen, Ayna B. Johansen, Lena Kristiansen, Ragnvald Kvalsund, Øyvind Kvello, Anne Kyong Sook Øfsti, Michelle T. Leonard, Sari Lindeman, Lennart Lorås, Stephen Madigan, Agnar Meling, Jon Middelborg,Hilde Opstvedt, Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad, Toril Reitan, Catrin Sagen, Dimitrij K. Samoilow, Olea Smith-Kaland, Rolf Sundet, Frode Thuen, Terje Tilden, Anne Hedvig Vedeler, Jannicke Tindberg og Rune Zahl-Olsen.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
De som beveger verden
Hvem er Johan Galt? Dette spørsmålet åpner denne boken, som er en gigant i verdenslitteraturen og et flammende forsvar for enerne, de som bringer verden videre. Ayn Rand fletter sammen en medrivende intrige med ingredienser som etikk, metafysikk, politikk, økonomi og sex. Resultatet er en kunstnerisk kraftpresentasjon som har fascinert millioner av lesere verden over siden boken utkom i 1957. De som beveger verden er favorittboken til mange av verdens mektigste mennesker, bl.a. Vladimir Putin, Margareth Thatcher og Alan Greenspan.
3.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Grand Hotel Europa: roman
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Healernes verden: en reise i virkelighetens mirakler
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Leonard Cohen: en tolerert biografi
Boken omhandler Leonard Cohens liv og diktning fra barndommen til i dag. Forfatteren har fått adgang til Cohens private arkiv og upubliserte brev og notatbøker og har hentet stoff fra intervjuer med han selv. Har bibliografi og diskografi.
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Norsk Bokmål
Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior
From the bestselling author of The Drunkard's Walk and coauthor of The Grand Design (with Stephen Hawking), a startling and eye-opening examination of how the unconscious mind shapes our experience of the world. Winner of the 2013 PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award Over the past two decades of neurological research, it has become increasingly clear that the way we experience the world--our perception, behavior, memory, and social judgment--is largely driven by the mind's subliminal processes and not by the conscious ones, as we have long believed. In Subliminal , Leonard Mlodinow employs his signature concise, accessible explanations of the most obscure scientific subjects to unravel the complexities of the subliminal mind. In the process he shows the many ways it influences how we misperceive our relationships with family, friends, and business associates; how we misunderstand the reasons for our investment decisions; and how we misremember important events--along the way, changing our view of ourselves and the world around us.
4.0 av 5
Skjønne tapere
Handlinga i romanen kretser rundt tre personer som er knytta sammen gjennom seksuell lidenskap og deres felles fascinasjon for Catherine Tekakwitha, en indianerhelgen fra det 17. århundret.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Children withnspecific language impairment
4.0 av 5
I'm your man: Leonard Cohens liv
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Norsk Bokmål
Ham on rye
INTRODUCTION BY RODDY DOYLE'He brought everyone down to earth, even the angels' LEONARD COHENCharles Bukowski is one of the greatest authors of the twentieth-century. The autobiographical Ham on Rye is widely considered his finest novel. A classic of American literature, it offers powerful insight into his youth through the prism of his alter-ego Henry Chinaski, who grew up to be the legendary Hank Chinaski of Post Office and Factotum.
4.7 av 5
Å, Josephine!
Fire fortellinger i én bok: «The Wicklow Way» -En serieskaper på vandring i et vakkert irsk landskap med mange sauer og få mennesker. «L. Cohen: Et liv» - En fantasifull og høyst uoffisiell biografi om Leonard Cohen. «Diamantene» - To detektiver som blir innhentet av sine egne private problemer. «Å, Josephine!» - Den liden.skapelige kjærligheten mellom Napoleon Bonaparte og Josephine Baker som overvinner tid og rom, men som ender i tragedie.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
157 bønner
Mennesker har bedt til Gud til alle tider, overalt. Men hvem er Gud? Hvordan ber jeg? Hva skal jeg be om? I 157 bønner finner du både eldgamle og nyskrevne bønner av blant annet Den hellige Birgitta, Mor Teresa, Augustin, Leonard Cohen, Maria Solheim, Rudi Myntevik, Sunniva Gylver og Anne Kristin Aasmundtveit. Gi konfirmanten en gave som kan vare resten av livet. En hjelp til å leve med Jesus som venn når konfirmanttiden er over. Bakerst i boken finner du blant annet emneregister, ordforklaringsliste og veiledning til ulike måter å be på.
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