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Viser resultat for 'Lenore Arnberg'

    Så blir barn tvåspråkiga : vägledning och råd under förskoleåldern

    Så blir barn tvåspråkiga : vägledning och råd under förskoleåldern

    Lenore Arnberg

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1988



    Bidīngūnih kūdak dū zabānī mīshavad

    Bidīngūnih kūdak dū zabānī mīshavad

    Lenore Arnberg

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1991

    Norsk Bokmål


    Tvåspråkighet med förhinder? - Invandrar- och minoritetsundervisning i Sverige

    Tvåspråkighet med förhinder? - Invandrar- och minoritetsundervisning i Sverige

    Lenore Arnberg

    Undervisning för invandrare och inhemska minoriteter är inte bara en fråga om metod och pedagogik i begränsad bemärkelse. Denna typ av undervisning diskuteras, planeras och genomförs i ett socialt sammanhang som på ett tydligare sätt än i fråga om annan undervisning präglas av motsättningar. Den utformas i spänningsfältet mellan å ena sidan vetenskap och å den andra olika attityder, ideologiska ställningstagaden och intressen. Ofta har forskningsbaserad kunskap haft svårt att göra sig gällande som bas och riktningsgivare för hur verksamheten bäst bör genomföras. Självklart måste verksamhetens slutgiltiga utformning vara beroende både av politiska överväganden i samhället och av det aktuella forskningsläget, men i undervisningen för invandrare och inhemska minoriteter har balansen mellan dessa två styrmekanismer varit ojämn och det har varit oklart vilka aspekter av undervisningen som ska hanteras av politiken och vilka professionen själv bör ta hand om. I den här boken ger ett antal författare anställda vid eller med annan anknytning till Centrum för tvåspråkighetsforskning vid Stockholms universitet en allsidig belysning av olika sektorer av invandrar- och minoritetsundervisningen: svenska för vuxna invandrare, förskoleverksamhet för tvåspråkiga barn, ungdomsskolans undervisning i svenska som andraspråk och hemspråk samt undervisning för en inhemsk minoritet, samerna. Dessa områden beskrivs både utifrån de politiska sammanhang och den samhällssituation som varit bestämmande för deras utveckling och mot bakgrund av de vetenskapligt baserade kunskaper som kan ligga till grund för en professionalisering av respektive område.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1996



    Så blir barn tvåspråkiga

    Så blir barn tvåspråkiga

    Lenore Arnberg

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004


    kr 89
    kr 89

    Raising Children Bilingually

    Raising Children Bilingually: The Preschool Years

    Lenore Arnberg

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1987


    kr 30
    kr 30

    Så blir barn tvåspråkiga

    Så blir barn tvåspråkiga

    Leonore Arnberg

    Interkulturell forståelse

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004


    kr 70
    kr 70

    Et hav av kjærlighet

    Et hav av kjærlighet

    Margit Sandemo

    Utsendingene fra Lysets rike har to viktige oppgaver, å finne Berengaria og Móri, og å uskadeliggjøre Lenore og Talornin som har bortført dem.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2000

    Norsk Bokmål


    Pocket · 2000

    Norsk Bokmål


    Lenore: Wedgies

    Lenore: Wedgies

    Roman Dirge

    Return to the dark, surreal world of Lenore, the cute little dead girl with a knack for unintentional mayhem and occasional wanton destruction in this second installment, beautifully and painstakingly recolored by Roman Dirge himself. This title features stories about limbless cannibals, clock monsters, cursed vampire dolls, taxidermied friends, an obsessed would-be lover and more fuzzy animal mutilations than you can shake a severed head at. A huge cult hit in the US and set to follow the same trajectory in the UK, Lenore is one of the funniest, darkest, cutest, creepiest characters on the marketplace today.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010



    Hvem var Lenore?

    Hvem var Lenore?

    Tony Miller

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket ·

    Norsk Bokmål


    Surface Tensions : Surgery, Bodily Boundaries, and the Social Self

    Surface Tensions : Surgery, Bodily Boundaries, and the Social Self

    Lenore. Manderson

    Surface Tensions is an expansive, yet intimate study of how people remake themselves after catastrophic bodily change-the loss of limbs, the loss of function, the loss or replacement of organs. Against a sweeping cultural backdrop of art, popular culture, and the history of science and medicine, Manderson uses narrative epistemology based on in-depth interviews with over 300 individuals to show how they re-establish the coherence of their bodies, identities, and biographies. In addition to offering important new insights into the care, rehabilitation, and rehabituation of post-trauma patients,

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål


    Portrett av Cornelia

    Portrett av Cornelia

    Lenore Coffee

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1989

    Norsk Bokmål


    Pocket · 1975

    Norsk Bokmål


    The Alaska Gardener's Handbook

    The Alaska Gardener's Handbook

    Lenore Hedla

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (High North Press) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1994



    Best Practices for the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Justice System

    Best Practices for the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Justice System

    Lenore E. A. Walker, James M. Pann, David L. Shapiro, Vincent B. Van Hasselt

    This timely brief resource introduces a new evidence-based model for treatment of mentally ill individuals in jails, with emphasis on community-based options. Forensic mental health experts review police alternatives to arresting mentally ill persons in confrontations, the efficacy of problem-solving courts, and continuity of care between jail and community. The book's best-practices approach extends to frequently related issues such as addiction, domestic violence, juvenile considerations, and trauma and describes successful programs coordinating judicial and clinical systems. These guidelines for decriminalizing non-violent behaviors and making appropriate services available to those with mental problems should also help address issues affecting the justice system, such as overcrowding. Included in the coverage: The Best Practices Model.Best practices in law enforcement crisis interventions with the mentally ill.Problem-solving courts and therapeutic jurisprudence.Competency restoration programs.A review of best practices for the treatment of persons with mental illness in jail.Conclusions, recommendations, and helpful appendices.With its practical vision for systemic improvement, Best Practices Model for Intervention with the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Justice System is progressive reading for practitioners in the mental health field, especially practitioners working with inmates, as well as for stakeholders in the law enforcement and justice systems.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Sickness and the State

    Sickness and the State

    Lenore Manderson

    This 1996 book is a history of health and disease in colonial Malaya from colonisation to the outbreak of World War II. This was a period marked by dramatic economic expansion, rapid population growth and changes in patterns of infection. Drawing on the contrasting environments created by colonial capitalism, the book emphasises the role of medicine in legitimating colonial presence and shows that the ill-health of individual populations was directly related to their social and political climate. Viewing colonial Malaya through a series of complex lenses, the book integrates social and material history, historical epidemiology and demography, as well as theories of political economy, feminism and postcolonialism. In doing so, it offers a compelling account of the history of disease and changing health status under colonialism.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2002



    Innbundet · 1996



    Frittgående barn

    Frittgående barn: hvordan gi barna dine friheten du hadde uten å bli gal av bekymring

    Lenore Skenazy

    I Frittgående barn tar Lenore Skenazy, som selv er mor til to, et oppgjør med forestillingen at verden har blitt så mye farligere de siste tiårene og at det er nødvendig å holde våre barn under kontinuerlig oppsikt og innskrenke deres bevegelsesfrihet og mulighet til å takle små utfordringer i hverdagen på egenhånd. Her i Skandinavia har "curlingforeldre" blitt et begrep, en trend der foreldrene ikke lenger lar barna lære å mestre verden gjennom å prøve og feile, men går foran dem og koster veien fri for alle hindringer. Forfatteren har både humor og selvironi og gjør sitt oppgjør med den overbeskyttende barneoppdragelsen til morsom og underholdende lesning.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Cancer Biology for You !

    Cancer Biology for You !

    Lenore Stuart

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Createspace Independent Publishing Platform) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Unchained Memories

    Unchained Memories

    Lenore Terr

    Can a long-forgotten memory of a horrible event suddenly resurface years later? How can we know whether a memory is true or false? Seven spellbinding cases shed light on why it is rare for a reclaimed memory to be wholly false. Here are unforgettable true stories of what happens when people remember what they've tried to forget,plus one case of genuine false memory. In the best detective-story fashion, using her insights as a psychiatrist and the latest research on the mind and the brain, Lenore Terr helps us separate truth from fiction.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1995



    Collecting Objects - Excluding People : Chinese Subjects and American Visual Culture, 1830-1900

    Collecting Objects - Excluding People : Chinese Subjects and American Visual Culture, 1830-1900

    Lenore Metrick-Chen

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål


    Deixis and Information Packaging in Russian Discourse

    Deixis and Information Packaging in Russian Discourse

    Lenore A. Grenoble

    The role deixis plays in structuring language and its relation to the context of utterance provides the focus for an examination of information packaging in Russian discourse. The analysis is based on a model which interprets discourse as constituted by four interrelated frameworks - the linguistic text, the text setting, the text content, and the participant framework. Deixis is divided into three primary dimensions of time, space, and person, which are metaphorically extended to secondary dimensions of information status (knowledge, focus, and theme). The linguistic devices which function in

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1998

    Norsk Bokmål


    Language Policy in the Soviet Union

    Language Policy in the Soviet Union

    Lenore A. Grenoble

    Soviet language policy provides rich material for the study of the impact of policy on language use. Moreover, it offers a unique vantage point on the tie between language and culture. While linguists and ethnographers grapple with defining the relationship of language to culture, or of language and culture to identity, the Soviets knew that language is an integral and inalienable part of culture. The former Soviet Union provides an ideal case study for examining these relationships, in that it had one of the most deliberate language policies of any nation state. This is not to say that it was constant or well-conceived; in fact it was marked by contradictions, illogical decisions, and inconsistencies. Yet it represented a conscious effort on the part of the Communist leadership to shape both ethnic identity and national consciousness through language. As a totalitarian state, the USSR represents a country where language policy, however radical, could be implemented at the will of the government. Furthermore, measures (such as forced migrations) were undertaken that resulted in changing population demographics, having a direct impact on what is a central issue here: the very nature of the Soviet population. That said, it is important to keep in mind that in the Soviet Union there was a difference between stated policy and actual practice. There was no guarantee that any given policy would be implemented, even when it had been officially legislated.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2003



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