Skyggen fra Wall Street
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Nådeløs forfølger
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Den tredje dødssynd
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Maktens vokter
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Det syvende bud
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Norsk Bokmål
The passion of Molly T
Godt lest pocket som tåler å leses igjen.
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Det Syvende Bud: Og de har alle et motiv for å drepe
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Norsk Bokmål
Mosby's Paramedic Textbook (United Kingdom Edition)
UK Edition Mosby's Paramedic Textbook
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Dangerous Women
The Dangerous Women anthology contains following stories: - Introduction by Gardner Dozois - “Some Desperado” by Joe Abercrombie - A Red Country story - “My Heart is Either Broken” by Megan Abbott - “Nora’s Song” by Cecelia Holland - “The Hands That Are Not There” by Melinda Snodgrass - “Bombshells” by Jim Butcher - A Harry Dresden story - “Raisa Stepanova” by Carrie Vaughn - “Wrestling Jesus” by Joe R. Lansdale - “Neighbors” by Megan Lindholm - “I Know How to Pick ’Em” by Lawrence Block - “Shadows For Silence in the Forests of Hell” by Brandon Sanderson - A Cosmere story - “A Queen in Exile” by Sharon Kay Penman - “The Girl in the Mirror” by Lev Grossman - A Magicians story - “Second Arabesque, Very Slowly” by Nancy Kress - “City Lazarus” by Diana Rowland - “Virgins” by Diana Gabaldon - An Outlander story - “Hell Hath No Fury” by Sherilynn Kenyon - “Pronouncing Doom” by S.M. Stirling - An Emberverse story - “Name the Beast” by Sam Sykes - “Caretakers” by Pat Cadigan - “Lies My Mother Told Me” by Caroline Spector - A Wild Cards story - “The Princess and the Queen” by George R.R. Martin - A Song of Ice and Fire story
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If You Talk To Animals
"If You Talk To Animals" is a true story based on the experiences of Cecilia and Tom Sanders during a period of five years in the late 1980's. The Sanders are the sole operators of Wet Mountain Wildlife Rehabilitation. Experience the entire spectrum of emotion from heartbreak to the pure joy of being wild and free. Participate in the adventures of the wild orphans that come to the facility for nurturing and eventual release. Meet Jessica Fawn, a whitetail doe who inspired the author to write "If You Talk to Animals." Discover incredible personalities and unique characters such as Tim Buck 1 and Tim Buck 2, Lawrence Elk, and Quilma the porcupine. "If You Talk To Animals" will literally take you on the journey of a lifetime with wild orphans who will steal your heart with their antics. Follow them through their playful childhood into the wild world they were born to live in.
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Dangerous Women Part 1
Commissioned by George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois, these tales of dangerous women by the most stellar names in fiction are available for the first time in a three-volume paperback. George R.R. Martin is the bestselling author of A Song of Ice and Fire, the inspiration for HBO's hit series Game of Thrones. This first volume features an original 35,000 word novella by George R.R. Martin.'The Princess and the Queen' reveals the origins of the civil war in Westeros (before the events in A Game of Thrones), which is known as the Dance of the Dragons, pitting Targaryen against Targaryen and dragon against dragon. Other authors in this volume of warriors, bad girls and dragonriders include worldwide bestselling authors Brandon Sanderson, Lawrence Block and Nancy Kress. DANGEROUS WOMEN 1 Gardner Dozois's introduction from the hardcover George R. R. Martin, "The Princess and the Queen" Carrie Vaughn, "Raisa Stepanova" Nancy Kress, "Second Arabesque, Very Slowly" Lawrence Block, "I Know How to Pick 'Em" Megan Abbott, "My Heart Is Either Broken" Joe R. Lansdale, "Wrestling Jesus" Brandon Sanderson, "Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell"
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STEM Learning with Young Children
This teacher's guide provides the background information, STEM concepts, and strategies needed to successfully implement an early STEM curriculum (Ramps and Pathways) with young children, ages 3-8. R&P actively engages young children in designing and building ramp structures using wooden cove molding, releasing marbles on the structures, and observing what happens.Children use logical-mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills as they explore science concepts related to motion, force, and energy. This one-of-a-kind resource uses a newly created Inquiry Teaching Model (ITM) as the conceptual framework and devotes specific attention to the importance of an inclusive, social, STEM learning environment in which children are free to collaborate, take risks, and investigate within the context of exploratory and constructive play.
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Female Tommies
World War I saw one of the biggest ever changes in the demographics of warfare, as thousands of women donned uniforms and took an active part in conflict for the first time in history. Through their diaries, letters, and memoirs, meet the women who defied convention and followed their convictions to defend the less fortunate and fight for their country. Follow British Flora Sandes as she joins the Serbian Army and takes up a place in the rearguard of the Iron Regiment as they retreat from the Bulgarian advance. Stow away with Dorothy Lawrence as she smuggles herself to Paris and heads to the front. Enlist in Russia's all-female "Battalion of Death" alongside peasant women and princesses alike. The personal accounts of these women provide a valuable insight into what life was like for women in a male-dominated environment.
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A Man Walks Into a Bar
"A man walks into a bar. . . ."-the unmistakable prelude to a joke. This remarkable collection of artist's postcards of the same name could not have a more fitting title. Drawn, written, or stuck together, postcards featuring the contributing artists' favorite jokes make up the unique content of this amusing small volume. The postcards are addressed to the fictitious figure Pepe Nietnagel-a pseudonym that prompts us to pick up our ears: is it the rascal from the popular series of German "Pauker" films from the late sixties and early seventies? As it happens, there is indeed something mischievous about this undertaking. The two editors, Franziska and Johannes Sperling, wrote to selected artists, and about one hundred of them responded to their request and mailed them small works of art. Besides word- and joke-savvy contemporaries such as Erwin Wurm, Lawrence Weiner, Nedko Solakov, or Ragnar Kjartansson, to our great delight, protagonists such as John Baldessari, Jonathan Meese, Daniel Richter, and Karin Sander also participated in the playful game. The artists presented (selection): John Baldessari, Andre Butzer, Tacita Dean, Andy Hope 1930, Christian Jankowski, Ragnar Kjartansson, Jim Lambie, Erik van Lieshout, Jonathan Meese, Julie Mehretu, Jonathan Monk, Tal R, Tobias Rehberger, Daniel Richter, Ed Ruscha, Thomas Scheibitz, Thomas Schutte, David Shrigley, Lawrence Weiner, Erwin Wurm
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The City Reader
The sixth edition of the highly successful The City Reader juxtaposes the very best classic and contemporary writings on the city to provide the comprehensive mapping of the terrain of Urban Studies and Planning old and new. The City Reader is the anchor volume in the Routledge Urban Reader Series and is now integrated with all ten other titles in the series. This edition has been extensively updated and expanded to reflect the latest thinking in each of the disciplinary areas included and in topical areas such as compact cities, urban history, place making, sustainable urban development, globalization, cities and climate change, the world city network, the impact of technology on cities, resilient cities, cities in Africa and the Middle East, and urban theory. The new edition places greater emphasis on cities in the developing world, globalization and the global city system of the future. The plate sections have been revised and updated. Sixty generous selections are included: forty-four from the fifth edition, and sixteen new selections, including three newly written exclusively for The City Reader. The sixth edition keeps classic writings by authors such as Ebenezer Howard, Ernest W. Burgess, LeCorbusier, Lewis Mumford, Jane Jacobs, and Louis Wirth, as well as the best contemporary writings of, among others, Peter Hall, Manuel Castells, David Harvey, Saskia Sassen, and Kenneth Jackson. In addition to newly commissioned selections by Yasser Elshestawy, Peter Taylor, and Lawrence Vale, new selections in the sixth edition include writings by Aristotle, Peter Calthorpe, Alberto Camarillo, Filip DeBoech, Edward Glaeser, David Owen, Henri Pirenne, The Project for Public Spaces, Jonas Rabinovich and Joseph Lietman, Doug Saunders, and Bish Sanyal. The anthology features general and section introductions as well as individual introductions to the selected articles introducing the authors, providing context, relating the selection to other selection, and providing a bibliography for further study. The sixth edition includes fifty plates in four plate sections, substantially revised from the fifth edition.
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Kunsten å hjelpe: mennesker i samhandling med systemer
I denne andre delen av Kunsten å hjelpe er interaksjonsmodellens tenkemåte og praksis ført videre. I arbeid med grupper viser Shulman hvordan sosialarbeideren kan gå fram for å utløse det potensialet for gjensidig hjelp som ligger i en gruppe, og dermed anspore medlemmene til å hjelpe seg selv og hverandre. I arbeid med systemer er hensikten med interaksjonsmodellen fortsatt å oppnå gjensidighet mellom klient/bruker og det sosiale system «klienten» er avhengig av. Dette får en spesiell vinkling fordi «det sosiale system» nå kan være sosionomens egen arbeidsplass, en annen forvaltningsorganisasjon eller et lokalsamfunn.Boka har et bredt nedslagsfelt. Med sin vekt på praksis er den svært anvendbar i grunnutdanningen. Men det solide teoretiske grunnlaget og den nyskapende tenkemåten med hensyn til hvor og hvordan man kan bruke sosialt arbeids fagkunnskap, gjør boka til et interessant faglig tilskudd også for den erfarne praktiker.Boka er en tilrettelagt oversettelse av Del 4.5 av Lawrence Shulman The Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups and Communities.
4.6 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Fluency With Information Technology: Global Edition
For the introduction to Computer Science course Fluency with Information Technology: Skills, Concepts, and Capabilities equips readers who are already familiar with computers, the Internet, and the World Wide Web with a deeper understanding of the broad capabilities of technology. Through a project-oriented learning approach that uses examples and realistic problem-solving scenarios, Larry Snyder teaches readers to navigate information technology independently and become effective users of today’s resources, forming a foundation of skills they can adapt to their personal and career goals as future technologies emerge. Teaching and Learning Experience This program presents a better teaching and learning experience—for you and your students. Skills, Concepts, and Capabilities Promote Lifelong Learning: Three types of content prepare students to adapt to an ever-changing computing environment. Engaging Features Encourage Students to become Fluent with Information Technology (FIT): Interesting hints, tips, exercises, and backgrounds are located throughout the text. Student and Instructor Resources Enhance Learning: Supplements are available to expand on the topics presented in the text.
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The Nordic models in political science: challenged, but still viable?
The Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden are frequently considered a distinct group of countries in political science studies. The term Nordic model(s) is sometimes used to describe the policies pursued by these countries. The aim of the book is to examine whether there is one or several Nordic model(s), whether there have been any changes over time in the distinctiveness of the Nordic countries, and when and why the Nordic model(s) emerged. Moreover, in light of recent global economic, legislative and political integration, will the Nordic distinctiveness last? This book examines Nordic models in several key areas of political science, such as state- and nation-building, political parties and party systems, determinants of party choice, representation and parliamentarism, gender and politics, central governmental institutions, regional and local governments, interest intermediation and interest group representation, and welfare state and knowledge regimes. The Nordic Models in Political Science provides an introduction for students and academic readers interested in Nordic politics in general and Nordic models in particular. «This is a thorough and balanced assessment of the 'Nordic model'. It shows that, in spite of change and transnational convergence, distinctive features of the Nordic states have survived, producing substantially different outcomes in important policy fields.» - Michael Keating, Professor of Politics, Universities of Aberdeen and Edinburgh Editor: Oddbjørn Knutsen, Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Oslo Other contributors: Harald Baldersheim, Einar Berntzen, Karl Hagen Bjurstrøm, Johan Christensen, Tom Christensen, Åse Gornitzka, Knut Heidar, Cathrine Holst, Stein Kuhnle, Axel West Pedersen, Bjørn Erik Rasch, Hilmar Rommetvedt, Lawrence E. Rose, Siv Sandberg, Hege Skjeie and Mari Teigen.
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Det kommunale laboratorium: teoretiske perspektiver på lokal politikk og organisering
Utviklingstendensene i lokalpolitikken og lokalforvaltningen er preget av en rekke paradokser: avtakende valgdeltakelse parallelt med stadig flere kommunale oppgaver og økende budsjetter; krav om mer ledelse, men minkende handlingsrom for ledere; stadig mer velutbygde lokale partier, men uten en tydelig avspeiling av partiskiller i oppgaveutførelsen; ønsker om mer lokalt selvstyre, men en sterk statlig styring av velferdstilbudene. I Det kommunale laboratorium søker forfatterne å vise hvordan samfunnsvitenskapelige teorier kan gi innsikt i og forståelse av disse tendensene. Sentrale spørsmål som drøftes i boken: · Hvor demokratiske er egentlig kommunene? · Hvem har makt i lokalsamfunnet? · Hvor går grensen for det kommunale selvstyret? · Hvordan oppstår innholdet i den lokale politikken? · Hvordan blir politiske vedtak iverksatt? · Hvilken organisasjonsform passer best i ulike omgivelser? · Hvorfor er det så vanskelig å reorganisere? · Finnes det en egen kommunal organisasjonskultur? · Hva slags ledelsesformer passer i en kommune? · Kan fornyelse styres? Denne 3. utgaven er revidert og oppdatert i lys av nyere norsk og internasjonal forskning. Presentasjonene er pedagogisk tilrettelagt og diskuterende. Målgruppene er studenter i høyere utdanning og personer som har sitt virke i kommunene, og som søker analyseredskaper som hjelp for bedre planlegging og styring av utviklingen i sin egen kommune. Harald Baldersheim Professor ved Institutt for statsvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo Lawrence E. Rose Professor ved Institutt for statsvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo Forfattere: Harald Baldersheim, Oddbjørn Bukve, Tore Hansen, Are Vegard Haug, Ishtiaq Jamil, Dag Øyvind Lotsberg, Audun Offerdal, Lawrence E. Rose, Tord Willumsen og Morten Øgård
4.1 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Empowerment Series: The Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups, and Communities
Shulman's text introduces a model for the helping process based on an "interactional" approach, which uses a variety of theories and skills to build on the client-helper relationship. By presenting the core processes and skills in the chapters on work with individuals, Shulman shows how common elements exist across stages of helping and across different populations. These processes and skills reappear in the discussions of group, family, and community work.
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