Environmental business management : an introduction
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Knowledge Management
This textbook on knowledge management draws on the authors' more than twenty years of research, teaching and consulting experience. The first edition of this book brought together European, Asian and American perspectives on knowledge-based value creation; this second edition features substantial updates to all chapters, reflecting the implications of the digital transformation on knowledge work and knowledge management. It also addresses three new topics: the impact of knowledge management practices on performance; knowledge management in the public sector; and an introduction to ISO 9001:2015 as an implementation framework. The book is intended not only for academic education but also as an essential guide for managers, consultants, trainers, coaches, and all those engaged in business, public administration or non-profit work who are interested in learning about organizations in a knowledge economy. Given its wealth of case studies, examples, questions, exercises and easy-to-use knowledge management tools, it offers a true compendium for learning about and implementing knowledge management initiatives.
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Foreign Policy Analysis Beyond North America
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Lynne Rienner Pub) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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Gulls of Europe, Asia and North America
The standard text on the identification of the northern hemisphere's gulls, this book covers the plumage variation through age and subspecies of all 80 species in the region. With exhaustive coverage, detailed maps, and superb plates and photos, this book remains the definitive work on these birds, which represent the trickiest of all ID challenges.
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Migraine Art
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (North Atlantic Books,U.S.) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Whooping Crane : Images from the Wild
Approximately 250 wild whooping cranes nest in northern Canada and winter in south Texas, flying 2,500 miles annually between these two distinct havens: the coastal marshes of the Gulf of Mexico and the boreal wilderness on the border of Alberta and the Northwest Territories. Through twists of good fortune, each of these terminal migratory places is protected from human encroachment-by a U.S. national wildlife refuge on the one hand and a Canadian national park on the other. This last remaining natural flock of the species, its numbers small but slowly increasing, has thus become known by the names of its sanctuaries: Aransas-Wood Buffalo. On the flock's wintering grounds at Aransas National Wildlife Refuge in Texas, photographer Klaus Nigge has captured the daily activity of a single family over several weeks in two separate years, documenting their life in the salt marshes of the central Texas coast and, in one year, the happy arrival from the north of twin adolescents, itself an unusual event. Then, with the backing of National Geographic magazine, he received unprecedented permission from the Canadian government to photograph the cranes' summer nesting sites in remote areas of Wood Buffalo National Park. To obtain these unique photographs, he sat in a cleverly constructed blind for six days and nights, watching as a chick hatched and the adults cared for their young. There he witnessed both the peace and the perils of the cranes' summer haven. In three galleries, each containing portfolios of images of these magnificent birds in their natural habitat, Nigge captures the beauty and essential mystery that have led humans the world over to include cranes in their earliest myths and legends. Additionally, Nigge has written vignettes to accompany each of the portfolios. Krista Schlyer provides an introductory text that affords an overview of crane history. She chronicles the monumental efforts by humans to ensure the survival of the species and has added a profile of Nigge, outlining his extraordinary entry into the world of wild whooping cranes in order to acquire these breathtaking photographs.
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Art nouveau
Boken gir en grundig fremstilling av art nouveau, eller jugendstilen innen arkitektur- og interiørdesign, møbler, smykker, glass- og keramikkunst, sølvsmedkunst, fotografi og plakatkunst, maleri og skulptur. Boken tar også for seg stilens tidsmessige bakgrunn og hvordan den har fortsatt å prege kunst og arkitektur etter sin egentlige periode. Har bibliografi og stikkordregister. Illustrert.
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Norsk Bokmål
Moneymakers : the secret world of banknote printing
This book is about the most precious piece of paper we know, about bank-notes. Modern life would be unthinkable without them. Yet, the general public is kept very much in the dark about how they are made or who makes them. It is rarely known, for example, that despite America's technical Prowess all dollar bills are printed exclusively on German high-security printing presses using secret Swiss special inks, or that the phony 100 dollar bills, the so-called supernotes may well be printed in a top-secret printing works located just north of the white House and run by the CIA - although the US government is blaming the rogue government of North Korea for counterfeiting these bills. This book is finally lifting the veil on an industry used to absolute secrecy.It recounts the stories of a British banknote printer who, fearing the loss of his customer, informed the Egyptian secret service that the securities printing machinery the Egyptians were about to buy was of Jewish origin; of a private printer who convinced the Polish central bank that it should destroy a complete series of new, perfect banknotes which had been printed by a competitor, or of an Argentinean high-security printer who came to print genuine fake bank-notes for Zaire and Bahrain as a result of two sting operations, which smell of the Belgian and French secret service. Moneymakers, by offering a detailed view of the banknote industry and its modus operandi, removes the industry's carefully imposed shroud of secrecy. This book has been researched over a five-year period in Europe, the USA, and Latin America. The book is based exclusively on personal Interviews and confidential mate4rial normally not accessible to outsiders. There were attempts to stop this research project. Klaus W. Bender has peered behind the scenes of the Secret and exclusive world of the moneymakers.- Financial Times Deutschland, 2004 The errors and pitfalls at the birth of the euro make Bender's research so unnerving. - Suddeutsche Zeitung, 2004 Bender does not mince his words when he describes abuses - and there are lots of them. - Neue Zurcher Zeitung, 2004
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The Arctic
As the threat of global climate change becomes a reality, many look to the Arctic Ocean to predict coming environmental phenomena. There, the consequences of Earth's warming trend are most immediately observable in the multi-year and perennial ice that has begun to melt, which threatens ice-dependent microorganisms and, eventually, will disrupt all of Arctic life. In The Arctic: What Everyone Needs to Know (R), Klaus Dodds and Mark Nuttall offer a concise introduction to the circumpolar North, focusing on its peoples, environment, resource development, conservation, and politics to provide critical information about how changes there can and will affect our entire globe and all of its inhabitants. Dodds and Nuttall shed light on how the Arctic's importance has grown over time, the region's role during the Cold War, indigenous communities andtheir history, and the past and future of the Arctic's governance, among other crucial topics. The Arctic is an essential primer for those seeking information about one of the most important regions in the world today.
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Managing Money and Discord in the UN
How do international organizations in the United Nations system put together their budgets? What is the role of complex principals - most notably member states - and the complex agents in the bureaucracies of international organizations in budgeting processes? And what does a focus on budgeting tell us about the changing nature of the system of international organizations? This book provides answers to these questions through a detailed examination of budgeting in the UN system. The analysis draws on both quantitative and qualitative observations for a total of 22 UN system organizations and detailed case studies for the United Nations, ILO, UNESCO, and WHO. The findings demonstrate the importance of three key organizational outcomes- proceduralization, routinization, and budgetary segmentation - as international organizations grapple with managing discord overpriorities as a result of complex principal- agent constellations. Contrary to a common view of international bureaucracies as pathological organizations, core budget routines are mostly successfully maintained. However, principal constellations become more complex, notably through the rise ofvoluntary contributions and non-state donors; budgetary segmentation advances, in some cases even leading to the setting up of new international organizations; and budgeting and resource mobilization become ever more intertwined. As a consequence, the capacity of international bureaucracies to fulfil their budgeting responsibilities is stretched to the limits and beyond. Transformations in Governance is a major academic book series from Oxford University Press. It is designed to accommodate the impressive growth of research in comparative politics, international relations, public policy, federalism, and environmental and urban studies concerned with the dispersion of authority from central states to supranational institutions, subnational governments, and public-private networks. It brings together work that advances our understanding of theorganization, causes, and consequences of multilevel and complex governance. The series is selective, containing annually a small number of books of exceptionally high quality by leading and emerging scholars. The series is edited by Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and Walter Mattli of the University of Oxford.
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Camden House history of German literature. Vol. 4 : Early modern German literature 1350-1700
<i>Early Modern German Literature</i> provides an overview of major literary figures and works, socio-historical contexts, philosophical backgrounds, and cultural trends during the 350 years between the first flowering of northern humanism around 1350 and the rise of a distinctly middle-class, anti-classical aesthetics around 1700. Recent scholarship has significantly revised many traditional assumptions about the literature of this period, starting with a reassessment of the canon. The notion of "literature" has expanded to include a much wider range of texts than before, such as broadsheets, illustrated books, emblem books, travelogues, demonological treatises, and letters. Greater attention to the cultural and social phenomena that affect literary production has led to hitherto neglected areas of research, including the culture of learning and learnedness; the idea of authorship; the relationship between the intellectual elite and the state and other political authorities and institutions; the development of the family; gender dichotomy; and the early formation of an educated, urban middle class. In an introduction and twenty-seven essays on specific but broadly-based topics of seminal importance to the period, written by leading specialists from North America, the United Kingdom, and Germany, this pathbreaking volume reflects this state-of-the-art research.<br><br> Contributors: Klaus Garber, Graeme Dunphy, Renate Born, Stephan Fussel, Scott Dixon, Wilhelm Kulmann, Max Reinhart, joachim Knape, Hans-Gert Roloff, Erika Rummel, John Alexander, Peter Hess, Andreas Solbach, Peter Daly, Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly, Jill Bepler, Gerhart Hoffmeister, Steven Saunders, jeffrey Chipps Smith, Wolfgang Neuber, Gerhild Scholz Williams, Anna Carrdus, John L. Flood, Laurel Carrington, Theodor Verweyen, John Roger Paas<br><br> Max Reinhart is Professor of German at the University of Georgia.
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Norsk Bokmål
Tumor Virus-Host Cell Interaction
The oncogenic virus can only be studied as a carcinogen when its relation to the host cell in which it resides is understood. The interaction between tumor virus and host cell was the subject of a recent North Atlantic Treaty Organization Advanced Study I~stitute. This volume is the edited proceedings of this study institute. One problem of fundamental importance in understanding malignant transformation is the mechanism by which the oncogenic vector promotes the aberrations in the host cell regulatory appara- tus resulting in a cancerous cell. It is partly the purpose of this volume to help clarify this problem, and to stimulate the interest of others to continue the research necessary to this end. The meeting from which this volume is compiled took place in the Principality of Monaco with the patronage of Her Serene High- ness, Princess Grace and was supported principally by a grant from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The editor wishes to thank the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Princess Grace of Monaco, and the Bureau de Tourism Monaco for their generous support.Addi- tional financial assistance was provided by the Deutsches Studium Gesellschaft and I would like to thank Prof. Klaus Munk, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, for his help in obtaining this aid. I would also like to thank the Verwaltung of the Deutsches Krebsfor- schungszentrum for their administrative help.
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A Gross of Pirates
From anti-slavery heroes to evil murderers, from `the Victual Brothers' to Somali raiders today, a 1000-year roll call of the pirates.It is no use pretending that these criminals do not evoke admiration - even envy. Part of the appeal is the democratic nature of their activities, characterised as far back as the 14th century by Klaus Stortebeker thieving in the Baltic - his crew were called the Likedeelers, the equal sharers. Author Terry Breverton has brought together the extraordinary stories of 144 pirates throughout history. They include Norman privateers, Barbary Corsairs, Elizabethan adventurers, Chinese pirates, `the Brethren of the Coast' - and of course the pirates of the Caribbean. There are some surprises. Who, for example were the Dunkirkers? They were Spanish privateers based at Dunkirk, then held by the Spanish Habsburgs, who plagued the Dutch for more than eighty years. In 1587 the United Provinces of Holland declared the Dunkirk privateers to be pirates (there is a difference) making their naval captains swear an oath to throw all Dunkirker prisoners into the North Sea. The practice was known as voetenspoelen, `washing the feet', and in winter would be a quick death. Beginning with the 9th-century `Shield Maiden' pirate Alfhild and ending with Mohamed Abdi Hassan - `Afweyne' (Big Mouth) - who ransomed supertankers for tens of millions of dollars, A Gross of Pirates is an exciting journey under full sail across a millennium of blood and treasure.
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Caravans and trade in Afganistan : the changing life of the nomadic Hazarbuz
The Hazarbuz is a sub-group of the Pashtun Mohmand engaged in caravan trading in East Afghanistan along the route to Turkestan which for centuries has been linked to the Silk Road, the age-old connection between the Orient and the Occident.<br><br>The book traces the socio-economic and political transformation of Hazarbuz community over the past century. It describes the successive changes from a pastoral way of life to a settled existence in bazaars in Afghanistan and lately in crowded refugee camps in Pakistan, where many Hazarbuz went in exile after 1979. The analysis is based on the author’s field data and the scanty literary sources.<br><br>The work discusses the historical factors which partly encouraged and partly forced the nomads to engage in transport activities with their camels and, from the 1920s, to turn to trade. While the Hazarbuz exported a variety of products from Afghanistan to the Indus lowland, their main source of income has come from the import and sale of tea in the northern regions of Afghanistan.<br><br>The transformation of Hazarbuz pastoral economy is analyzed within the wider context of cultural and political change and with particular attention to kinship ideologies, social organization, and notions of solidarity.<br><br>The book also contains: Appendix: Fieldwork among the Hazarbuz, Bibliography, Glossary and Index. <br><br>Published in 1995 in the series <strong>The Carlsberg Foundation's Nomad Research Project</strong>. Hardcover with dust jacket. 294 pages. 184 illustrations – 86 in colour - and 9 maps (e.g.: distribution of ethnic groups, Hazarbuz migration routes between winter and summer areas, Hazarbuz caravan routes). <br><br>This book is tightly connected with the works of Gorm Pedersen (Afghan Nomads in Transition: A Century of Change Among the Zala Khân Khêl, 1994) and Klaus Ferdinand (Afghan Nomads. Caravans, conflicts and trade in Afghanistan and British India, 2006) – all published in the series The Carlsberg Foundation’s Nomad Research Project. <br><br><strong>Birthe Frederiksen</strong> is a social anthropologist. She did fieldwork among pastoral nomads and bazaar merchants in Afghanistan in 1975 and resumed her work among the very same people in the refugee camps in Pakistan in 1988.
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Norsk Bokmål
Afghan nomads in transition : a century of change among the Zala Khān Khēl
Known as ‘the land of the nomads’, Afghanistan has for centuries had a large and thriving nomad population which has played a considerable role in the country’s political and economic development. The Zala Khân Khêl, a branch of the major Afghan nomadic tribe the Ahmadzai, are pastoral nomads who for hundreds of years have migrated between the highlands of Afghanistan and the lowlands of the Indus valley in search of pasture. Every autumn and spring these caravans of nomads, their flocks of sheep and goats, their families, and all their possessions are on the move, travelling up to 500 kilometres each way. <div><br></div><div><i>Afghan Nomads in Transition</i> traces the history of the Zala Khân Khêl from the end of the last century to the present day. Based on field data collected by the author during periods when he lived and worked closely with the people themselves, the book presents a detailed study of the Zala Khân Khêl in relation to the politics and economy of the country as a whole. Following a brief history and geographical description of Afghanistan, the author examines every aspect of their way of life – their genealogy and identity, the infrastructure of their society, the patterns of their migration, their transport, their tents and shelters, and the lands they choose to adopt. He shows how their livelihood as nomads has developed and changed dramatically in an interaction with the larger tribal and state society of which they are part, and describes the intricate processes through which this way of life has adapted itself to modern society. </div><div><br></div><div>With its outstanding photographs, <i>Afghan Nomads in Transition</i> is a rewardingly full and informative account of a fascination body of people, providing a greater understanding of nomadism and its changing position in the modern world. </div><div><br></div><div>The book also contains: Bibliography, Glossary, Index and Index of Authors.</div><div><br></div><div>Published in 1994 in the series <b>The Carlsberg Foundation's Nomad Research Project</b>. Hardcover with dust jacket. 268 pages. 156 illustrations – 70 in colour - and 8 maps (e.g.: Physical map of Afghanistan, migration routes, summer pastures, ethnic groups, refugee camps in North-West Frontier Province of Afghanistan). <div><br></div><div>This book is tightly connected with the works of Birthe Frederiksen (<i>Caravans and Trade in Afghanistan: The Changing Life of the Nomadic Hazarbuz</i>, 1995) and Klaus Ferdinand (<i>Afghan Nomads. Caravans, conflicts and trade in Afghanistan and British India</i>, 2006). See also: Asta Olesen: <i>Afghan Craftsmen. The Cultures of Three Itinerant Communities</i>, 1994. All published in the series The Carlsberg Foundation’s Nomad Research Project. <div><br></div><div><b>Gorm Pedersen</b> is a social anthropologist. He has spent time with pastoral nomads as well as settled people in Afghanistan during 1975-1976 and 1978, and with refugees in Pakistan in the 1980s and 1990s.</div></div></div>
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Norsk Bokmål
London: blant gangstere, rabbinere, oligarker, rebeller og andre ektefødte barn av det britiske imperiet
London vil aldri bli helt det samme etter at du har lest denne boka. Glem Big Ben og Buckingham Palace og møt menneskene i gatene som gjennom historien har formet den britiske hovedstaden. Bli med til Notting Hill, Camden, Clapham, Peckham, Mayfair, Stamford Hill, Tooting, Southall, Shoredrich, Brixton og Ealing. Her møter du idealistiske ortodokse jøder, lidenskapelige Arsenal-fans, familien som har drevet kafé i Bethnal Green siden 1900, DJ-en som introduserte The Clash for reggae, irske løsarbeidere, hellige krigere, djerve filmregissører, polske bohemer og kompromissløse indiske restauranteiere. Boka er både et storslått byportrett, et aktuelt tidsbilde, og en innsiktsfull historiebok - en annerledes guide til en by som rommer hele verden.
4.6 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Paris: top sights, authentic experiences
Lonely Planet's Best of Paris 2019 is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Promenade down the Champs Elysees, lose yourself in the Louvre and work your way through a feast of food and wine - all with your trusted travel companion.
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Rebuilding Research Writing
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Social Practices
Essays on and around art and art practices by the author of I Love Dick.A border isn't a metaphor. Knowing each other for over a decade makes us witnesses to each other's lives. My escape is his prison. We meet in a bar and smoke Marlboros.-from Social PracticesMixing biography, autobiography, fiction, criticism, and conversations among friends, with Social Practices Chris Kraus continues the anthropological exploration of artistic lives and the art world begun in 2004 with Video Green: Los Angeles Art and the Triumph of Nothingness.Social Practices includes writings from and around the legendary "Chance Event-Three Days in the Desert with Jean Baudrillard" (1996), and "Radical Localism," an exhibition of art and media from Puerto Nuevo's Mexicali Rose that Kraus co-organized with Marco Vera and Richard Birkett in 2012. Attuned to the odd and the anomalous, Kraus profiles Elias Fontes, an Imperial Valley hay merchant who has become an important collector of contemporary Mexican art, and chronicles the demise of a rural convenience store in northern Minnesota. She considers the work of such major contemporary artists as Jason Rhoades, Channa Horowitz, Simon Denny, Yayoi Kusama, Henry Taylor, Julie Becker, Ryan McGinley, and Leigh Ledare. Although Kraus casts a skeptical eye at the genre that's come to be known as "social practice," her book is less a critique than a proposition as to how art might be read through desire and circumstance, delirium, gossip, coincidence, and revenge. All art, she implies, is a social practice.
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A Short History of the Ancient World
A Short History of the Ancient World examines the emergence of urban civilizations on the continents of Africa, Europe, and Asia. Tracing developments from prehistoric times through the end of antiquity, the book investigates the unique social, cultural, religious, economic, and political characteristics of each civilization. Employing a social historical approach, Rauh argues that the ancient world encompassed more than simply Greece and Rome, and that urban populations across Eurasia and northern Africa were linked by an ancient world system. He explores the interconnectivity between societies in the Roman Mediterranean, East Africa, India, and China as they attained urban development, material prosperity, and cultural achievement. This beautifully designed full-color book includes an impressive range of images, as well as chronologies, timelines, overviews of dynasties, and chapter reviews.
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