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Viser resultat for 'Kent Andersen'

    Et varslet energisjokk

    Et varslet energisjokk: og den grønne pengemølla bak

    Kent Andersen

    I løpet av 2021 opplevde de fleste nordmenn at strømprisen mangedoblet seg fra nivået de hadde vært vant til. Hvordan var dette mulig i Norge, som takket være vannkraften er selvforsynt med strøm? I denne boken forklarer Kent Andersen hvordan vi havnet i denne ulykksalige situasjonen, der priseksplosjonen på strøm har skapt problemer for mange bedrifter og større fattigdom blant vanlige folk i Norge, mens staten og energibransjen håver inn penger. Norske utenlandskabler og europeisk energipolitikk står sentralt, men det er bare slutten på hendelsesforløpet i en historie om samfunnskriminalitet med mange skyldige. Dette ranet av norske borgere, som kompetente personer forgjeves advarte mot, ville ikke ha vært mulig uten ekstrem klimapolitikk, korrupt samrøre mellom politikk og næringsliv eller medier som ikke gjør jobben sin. I velkjent hardtslående stil trekker forfatteren linjen gjennom punktene. Tegningen viser en maktelite uten ære som motarbeider nordmenns interesser.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2022

    Norsk Bokmål



    Nakenape: roman i presens

    Kent Andersen

    "Nakenape" er først og fremst en thriller. En ulidelig spennende historie om å tro at man har kontroll, men så er det bare en illusjon. Så er boken også en hyllest til mennesker som blir strippet for alt, men som ikke gir seg og kommer tilbake. Imidlertid har boken enda flere dimensjoner. Klassekampen har kalt boken en økothriller, og den handler om et samfunn som er på feil vei og om miljøvern. Alt bakt inn i en nervepirrende leseopplevelse.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 100
    kr 100

    Godhetens tanketomme ondskap

    Godhetens tanketomme ondskap: betraktninger rundt Europas ulykke : sakprosa om det viktigste

    Kent Andersen

    Artiklene i denne boken gir en innsikt i et Europa på vei mot kaos. EU-eliten og globalistene lovte at flerkulturen skulle berike Europa. Det man fikk var noe helt annet. Demokratiet, velferden, samholdet og tryggheten går i oppløsning foran øynene våre.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål


    Klima antiklimaks

    Klima antiklimaks: hvordan grønn gruppetenkning tok livet av fornuften : sakprosa om massehysteri

    Kent Andersen

    For første gang i Norge lanseres en bok som gransker hele klimafeltet i et kritisk lys. Forfatteren påviser hvordan klimasaken gjennom årenes løp har forvandlet seg fra et faglig omdiskutert miljøspørsmål til et irrasjonelt massehysteri med enorme politiske og økonomiske konsekvenser - samt en tvungen konsensus som bryter med grunnleggende intellektuelle standarder. Det finnes ingen klimakrise, fastslår Kent Andersen, og de uunngåelig forgjeves forsøkene på å hanskes med den innbilte krisen, baner veien for en kolossal svindeløkonomi som beriker en mektig klimalobby på vanlige borgeres bekostning. «Klima Antiklimaks» er skrevet i en populær og hardtslående stil som tar sikte på å forklare klimafeltet for et bredt publikum.

    4.7 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål


    Klima antiklimaks

    Klima antiklimaks: hvordan grønn gruppetenkning tok livet av fornuften : sakprosa om massehysteri

    Kent Andersen

    For første gang i Norge lanseres en bok som gransker hele klimafeltet i et kritisk lys. Forfatteren påviser hvordan klimasaken gjennom årenes løp har forvandlet seg fra et faglig omdiskutert miljøspørsmål til et irrasjonelt massehysteri med enorme politiske og økonomiske konsekvenser - samt en tvungen konsensus som bryter med grunnleggende intellektuelle standarder. Det finnes ingen klimakrise, fastslår Kent Andersen, og de uunngåelig forgjeves forsøkene på å hanskes med den innbilte krisen, baner veien for en kolossal svindeløkonomi som beriker en mektig klimalobby på vanlige borgeres bekostning. «Klima Antiklimaks» er skrevet i en populær og hardtslående stil som tar sikte på å forklare klimafeltet for et bredt publikum.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 180
    kr 180

    Klima antiklimaks

    Klima antiklimaks

    Kent Andersen

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål


    Pocket · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål




    Kent Andersen

    Torunn Heier er en stresset alenemor med et mislykket ekteskap, mislykket selvbilde og et mislykket forhold til Gud, kreditorer og sin berømte ektemann. Hun forsøker å overleve i hverdagen ved å studere psykologi, skrive freelance-artikler for elskeren sin i Dagbladet og å jobbe deltid på et krisesenter. På dette krisesenteret går det et seiglivet rykte blant personalet om at noen systematisk har tatt livet av konemishandlere i mange tiår. Torunn lukter en mulighet og bestemmer seg for å skrive en artikkel om hvordan det føles å miste en voldelig mann og om morderen som kanskje finnes der ute, eller kanskje ikke. Men han finnes og har en perfekt fasade. I denne unike kriminalromanen bryter forfatteren med billig blodplatter, fordrukne detektiver og endeløse frokostmøter hos Kripos.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019

    Norsk Bokmål


    Innbundet · 2019

    Norsk Bokmål


    Word Order Typology and Comparative Constructions

    Word Order Typology and Comparative Constructions

    Paul Kent. Andersen

    This monograph, discussing various aspects involved with a typology of word order, strives to take a next step towards a better understanding of the profound unity underlying languages. The volume is divided into five sections: 1) Word order typology; 2) A critical analysis of word order typology; 3) Word order within comparative constructions; 4) Word order in the comparative construction in the Rigveda; 5) Diachronic aspects of word order withing comparative constructions.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1983



    50 hendelser som formet Norge

    50 hendelser som formet Norge

    Jon Ewo

    I 50 hendelser som formet Norge tar Jon Ewo oss gjennom viktige hendelser i Norgeshistorien fra 793 og frem til i dag. Les om blant annet Norges første mynt, Hansaforbundet, innføring av skolegang for alle barn og dannelsen av vårt første politiske parti. Boken viser også hvordan utvandringen til USA og kampen for kvinners stemmerett har påvirket landet vårt, og hvordan makten gjennom tiden har flyttet seg mellom konger, adelen og vanlige borgere. Og mye mer! Med Jon Ewos kompetanse, språk og lekne stil gjøres historien vår levende og lett tilgjengelig for unge lesere. Fagkonsulent på boken er Marlen S. Ferrer. Jon Ewo (f. 1957) har en stor produksjon av barne- og ungdomsbøker og sakprosatitler. Han har jobbet som konsulent, redaktør, frilanser og forlegger. Ewo har vunnet en rekke norske og utenlandske litteraturpriser. Har vunnet Kulturdepartementets litteraturpris for barne- og ungdomslitteratur tre ganger og Brageprisen én gang. I 2014 mottok kan riksmålsforbundets barne- og ungdomspris. Ewo har 3 ganger blitt nominert som norsk forfatter til H.C. Andersen-prisen. Og 1 gang vært shortlistet til ALMA-prisen. Ella Okstad er illustratør og har illustrert en rekke barnebøker. Hun er utdannet ved Kent Institute of Art and Design i Storbritannia. Okstad har en rekke oppdrag både i Norge og internasjonalt, og barnebøkene hun har illustrert har blitt oversatt til flere språk.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 50
    kr 50

    Green Sun

    Green Sun

    Kent Anderson

    'The world's best crime writer' Metro'The best of what crime fiction can do' Michael Connelly'Fearsomely authentic and moving' Daily Mail'Tells the unvarnished truth about what it is to be a cop' James PattersonA 2019 Los Angeles Times Book Prize finalistThe acclaimed author of Night Dogs and Sympathy for the Devil returns with a blistering new novel - his first in over 20 years.Hanson thought he had witnessed the worst of humanity after a tour of duty in Vietnam and a stint as a cop in Oregon. Then he moves to Oakland, California to join the under-funded, understaffed police department. Unlike the rest of the white officers, Hanson takes seriously his duty to serve and protect the black community of East Oakland.He will encounter prejudice and hate on both sides of the line... and struggle to keep true to himself against powerful opposition and personal danger.Green Sun is a raw, unflinching novel about America's divided cities and one man's divided soul.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Pocket · 2018


    Night Dogs

    Night Dogs

    Kent Anderson

    <b>Acclaimed crime writer Kent Anderson's "fiercely authentic and deeply disturbing" police novel, following a Vietnam veteran turned cop on the meanest streets of 1970s Portland, Oregon (<i>Los Angeles Times</i>).</b><br>Two kinds of cops find their way to Portland's North Precinct: those who are sent there for punishment, and those who come for the action. Officer Hanson is the second kind, a veteran who survived the war in Vietnam only to decide he wanted to keep fighting at home. Hanson knows war, and in this battle for the Portland streets, he fights not for the law but for his own code of justice.<br>Yet Hanson can't outrun his memories of another, warmer battleground. A past he thought he'd left behind, that now threatens to overshadow his future. An enemy, this time close to home, is prying into his war record. Pulling down the shields that protect the darkest moments of that fevered time. Until another piece of his past surfaces, and Hanson risks his career, his sanity--even his life--for honor.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Nels Anderson's World War I Diary

    Nels Anderson's World War I Diary

    Allan Kent. Powell

    Nels Anderson's World War I Diary provides a rare glimpse into the wartime experiences of one of the most well-respected sociologists of the twentieth century, the renowned author of The Hobo (1920) and Desert Saints: The Mormon Frontier in Utah (1942). <br><br>Anderson, a keen observer of people, places, and events his entire life, joined the U.S. Army in 1918 at the age of 29 and was sent to Europe to fight as part of the Allied Expeditionary Force (AEF) under General Pershing. Keeping a journal was strongly discouraged during WWI, particularly among the rank-and-file soldiers, thus Anderson's descriptions stand as a rare gem. Furthermore, his diary is the only known account of war service during WWI by a member of the LDS Church. Anderson joined the Mormon faith after accepting the hospitality of an extended Mormon ranching family during his travels throughout the American West as a working hobo. Anderson's accounts of the St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne offensives are particularly remarkable given the challenges of keeping a detailed journal amidst the chaos and suffering of the war's Western Front. His insights into the depravity and callousness of war are buttressed with intimate human portraits of those to whom he was closest. The war years provided many formative experiences that would prove to have a lasting influence on Anderson's views regarding the working poor, authority, and human values; this would come to bear heavily on his later work as a pioneering sociologist at the University of Chicago, where he helped establish participant observation as a research method. <br><br>The many introspective entries contained in this volume will be of great interest to military historians and history buffs as well as to those in the social sciences looking to find the intellectual origins of Anderson's later work in the burgeoning field of sociology.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål


    The Life of F. M., H. R. H. Edward, Duke of Kent

    The Life of F. M., H. R. H. Edward, Duke of Kent

    William James Anderson

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Andesite Press) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015



    Communication Crisis at Kent State

    Communication Crisis at Kent State

    Phillip K. Tompkins, Elaine Vanden Bout Anderson

    Originally published in 1971. On May 4th, 1970, shots fired by the Ohio National Guard at Kent State University were heard around the world. People were either outraged by the killings or outraged at the students. Instant experts rendered the judgment that it was all a problem of communication. This book tested that hypothesis as it presents the result of an in-depth series of interviews both within and outside the university soon after the tragic event. The book includes a narrative of an initial understanding of the incidents but admits its limit in full information as it outlines the results of the study, which looked at systems and subsystems of information flow. This book adds to the understanding of problems of communication in large organisations and particularly education establishments as well as being a cautionary tale of a specific event.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    The End of the Wasp Season

    The End of the Wasp Season

    Denise Mina

    A savage murder with no apparent motive - DS Morrow's most challenging case brings her work and home lives dangerously close... From the two-time winner of the prestigious Theakstons Old Peculier Crime Novel of the Year Award and author of THE LONG DROP.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    kr 50

    Pocket · 2011


    kr 50

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 50

    The Nature of Emotion

    The Nature of Emotion

    Building on the legacy of the groundbreaking first edition, the Editors of this unique volume have selected more than 100 leading emotion researchers from around the world and asked them to address 14 fundamental questions about the nature and origins of emotion.For example: What is an emotion? How are emotions organized in the brain? How do emotion and cognition interact? How are emotions embodied in the social world? How and why are emotions communicated? How are emotions physically embodied? What develops in emotional development?Each chapter addresses one of these questions, with often divergent answers from the experts represented here: Adam Anderson, Lauren Atlas, Yair Bar-Haim, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Kent Berridge, Jennifer Urbano Blackford, Caroline Blanchard, Margaret Bradley, Ralph Adolphs, Joshua Carlson, Laura Carstensen, Luke Chang, Joan Chiao, Gerald Clore, Roshan Cools, Eveline Crone, Antonio Damasio, Hanna Damasio, Richard Davidson, Mauricio Delgado, Nazanin Derakshan, Nancy Eisenberg, Naomi Eisenberger,Paul Ekman, Phoebe Ellsworth, Andrew Fox, Nathan Fox, Barbara Fredrickson, Jonathan Freeman, Karl Friston, Matthias Gamer, Beatrice de Gelder, Paul Glimcher, Hill Goldsmith, Todd Hare, Lasana Harris, Catherine Hartley, Aaron Heller, Ursula Hess, Quentin Huys, Tom Johnstone, Jerome Kagan, Dacher Keltner,Brian Knutson, Peter Lang, Regina Lapate, Edward Lemay, Robert Levenson, Wen Li, Matthew Lieberman, Bruce McEwen, Katie McLaughlin, Andrew Meltzoff, Mohammed Milad, Elisabeth Murray, Kristin Naragon-Gainey, Charles Nelson, Paula Niedenthal, Hadas Okon-Singer, Jaak Panksepp, Carolyn Parkinson, Luiz Pessoa, Rosalind Picard, Carien van Reekum, Edmund Rolls, Melissa Rosenkranz, Carol Ryff, Tim Salomons, Anil Seth, Alexander Shackman, Rebecca Shiner, Tania Singer, Peter Sokol-Hessner, LeahSomerville, Daniel Tranel, Kay Tye, Tor Wager, Leanne Williams, Rachel Yehuda, and David Zald.At the end of each chapter, the Editors-Andrew Fox, Regina Lapate, Alexander Shackman, and Richard Davidson-highlight key areas of agreement and disagreement.In the final chapter-The Nature of Emotion: A Research Agenda for the 21st Century-the Editors outline their own perspective on the most important challenges facing the field today and the most fruitful avenues for future research.Not a textbook offering a single viewpoint, The Nature of Emotion reveals the central issues in emotion research and theory in the words of many of the leading scientists working in the field today, from senior researchers to rising stars, providing a unique and highly accessible guide for students, researchers, and clinicians.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Rhetoric in Human Rights Advocacy

    Rhetoric in Human Rights Advocacy

    Richard K. Ghere

    This book examines the rhetoric of various "exemplars" who advocate for causes and actions pertaining to human rights in particular contexts. Although some of these exemplars champion human rights, others are human rights antagonists. Simply put, the argument here is that concern for how particular individuals advocate for human rights causes-as well as how antagonists obstruct such initiatives-adds significant value to understanding the successes and failures of human rights efforts in particular cultural and national contexts. On one hand, we can grasp how specific international organizations and actors function to develop norms (for example, the rights of the child) and how rights are subsequently articulated in universal declarations and formal codes. But on the other, it becomes apparent that the actual meaning of those rights mutate when "accepted" within particular cultures. A complementary facet of this argument relates to the centrality of rhetoric in observing how rights advocates function in practice; specifically, rhetoric focuses upon the art of argumentation and the various strategies and techniques enlisted therein. In that much of the "reality" surrounding human rights (from the standpoints of advocates and antagonists alike) is fundamentally interpretive, rhetorical (or argumentative) skill is of vital importance for advocates as competent pragma-dialecticians in presenting the case that a rights ideal can enhance life in a culture predisposed to reject that ideal. This book includes case studies focusing on the rhetoric of the following individuals or groups as either human rights advocates or antagonists: Mary B. Anderson, Rwandan "hate radio" broadcasters, politicians and military officials connected with the Kent State University and Tiananmen Square student protest tragedies, Iqbal Masih, Pussy Riot, Lyndon Johnson, Julian Assange, Geert Wilders, Daniel Barenboim, Joe Arpaio, and Lucius Banda.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Innbundet · 2015


    Big Data Is Not a Monolith

    Big Data Is Not a Monolith

    Perspectives on the varied challenges posed by big data for health, science, law, commerce, and politics.Big data is ubiquitous but heterogeneous. Big data can be used to tally clicks and traffic on web pages, find patterns in stock trades, track consumer preferences, identify linguistic correlations in large corpuses of texts. This book examines big data not as an undifferentiated whole but contextually, investigating the varied challenges posed by big data for health, science, law, commerce, and politics. Taken together, the chapters reveal a complex set of problems, practices, and policies.The advent of big data methodologies has challenged the theory-driven approach to scientific knowledge in favor of a data-driven one. Social media platforms and self-tracking tools change the way we see ourselves and others. The collection of data by corporations and government threatens privacy while promoting transparency. Meanwhile, politicians, policy makers, and ethicists are ill-prepared to deal with big data's ramifications. The contributors look at big data's effect on individuals as it exerts social control through monitoring, mining, and manipulation; big data and society, examining both its empowering and its constraining effects; big data and science, considering issues of data governance, provenance, reuse, and trust; and big data and organizations, discussing data responsibility, "data harm," and decision making.ContributorsRyan Abbott, Cristina Alaimo, Kent R. Anderson, Mark Andrejevic, Diane E. Bailey, Mike Bailey, Mark Burdon, Fred H. Cate, Jorge L. Contreras, Simon DeDeo, Hamid R. Ekbia, Allison Goodwell, Jannis Kallinikos, Inna Kouper, M. Lynne Markus, Michael Mattioli, Paul Ohm, Scott Peppet, Beth Plale, Jason Portenoy, Julie Rennecker, Katie Shilton, Dan Sholler, Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Isuru Suriarachchi, Jevin D. West

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Regnskapsorganisering: oppgavesamling : virksomhetsstyring og intern kontroll

    Bjørgunn Havstein, Tove-Gunn Moen

    4.9 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 100

    Pocket · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 100

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 100


    Trygghetssirkelen: en tilknytningsbasert intervensjon : om å fremme tilknytningen i tidlige foreldre-barn-forhold

    Bert Powell, Kent Hoffman, Bob Marvin, Glen Cooper

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 270
    kr 270

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