Senk skuldrene!: gjør mindre for helsa og bli friskere
Et sunt liv er enklere enn du tror! En stadig større del av livet vårt dreier seg om å forbedre helsa. Enten det gjelder kosthold, trening, behandlere vi burde gå til, eller tiltak for å styrke psyken. Men kan du noensinne bli fornøyd hvis det alltid er noe du bør endre på? Kaveh Rashidi mener oppmerksomheten på alt som må forbedres, paradoksalt nok går ut over helsa vår. Vi mister oversikten over hva som er viktigst, blir stresset og til syvende og sist sykere. I denne boka bruker han sine erfaringer som fastlege til å gi kloke og konstruktive, forskningsbaserte råd. Målet er å gi deg færre ting å tenke på, slik at du kan senke skuldrene og ta effektive valg for helsa. Så kan du heller bruke tiden til faktisk å leve et godt liv.
4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Kanskje du er frisk?: en bok om alt det syke vi gjør for helsa vår
Hver dag bombarderes vi med villedende helsenyheter og skremmende overskrifter. Frykten for sykdom kan utløse plager og drive oss til å gjøre unødige tiltak for helsa. I denne boken viser Kaveh Rashidi hvordan du skiller de gode rådene fra de dårlige. Sannsynligvis vil du oppdage at du kan gjøre mye mindre og fortsatt leve et sunt liv. Kanskje du er frisk? er en opplysende bok for alle som vil bekymre seg mindre for helsa og som ønsker å være den friskeste versjonen av seg selv. «En innholdsrik, saklig, oversiktlig og lettlest bok» [Terningkast 5] Cathrine Krøger, Dagbladet «En svært nyttig og viktig bok som vil vekke mye oppsikt og debatt. Den kommer til å provosere og begeistre.» Wasim Zahid, lege og forfatter
4.1 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Hvorfor vokser det ikke hår på tunga?: og 52 andre ting du lurer på om kroppen
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Kanskje du er frisk?: hvordan skille de gode helserådene fra de dårlige
Hver dag bombarderes vi med villedende helsenyheter og skremmende overskrifter. Frykten for sykdom kan utløse plager og drive oss til å gjøre unødige tiltak for helsa. I denne boken viser Kaveh Rashidi hvordan du skiller de gode rådene fra de dårlige. Sannsynligvis vil du oppdage at du kan gjøre mye mindre og fortsatt leve et sunt liv. Kanskje du er frisk? er en opplysende bok for alle som vil bekymre seg mindre for helsa og som ønsker å være den friskeste versjonen av seg selv. «En innholdsrik, saklig, oversiktlig og lettlest bok» [Terningkast 5] Cathrine Krøger, Dagbladet «En svært nyttig og viktig bok som vil vekke mye oppsikt og debatt. Den kommer til å provosere og begeistre.» Wasim Zahid, lege og forfatter
3.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
The River Cottage Year
In this new book, the follow-up to his bestselling River Cottage Cookbook, Hugh writes about the year on his Dorset smallholding. He recalls, month by month, the highs and lows of past years, and anticipates the 12 months ahead - what'll be in season when, and when'll be the best months to crack on with such tasks as chick rearing and sheep shearing, haymaking and hedge laying. But, for all its outdoorsy information, the real focus of THE RIVER COTTAGE YEAR is indoors - at Hugh's kitchen table. With over 100 brand new recipes, this is above all a cookery book and for once a genuinely seasonal one, celebrating local seasonal produce at its very best - chestnuts in January, artichokes in March, rhubarb in April, asparagus in May, strawberries in June, blackcurrants in July, tomatoes in August, plums in September, apples in October, pumpkins in November and parsnips in December...Full of his hard-earned smallholder's wisdom, seasoned with his infectious good humour, THE RIVER COTTAGE YEAR is Hugh's rallying cry for us to reclaim the seasons.
0.0 av 5
River Cottage Easy
First published as Hugh's Three Good Things in 2012.How often have you wished there was a magic formula to make cooking easier? Well, there is. Put just three good things together on a plate and, somehow, the whole is always greater and more delicious than the sum of its parts. Looking back over nearly two decades of professional cookery, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall has worked out the winning combinations. Salty, sweet, crunchy. Sharp, rich, crumbly. Hot, bland, crisp. Think scones with jam and cream, fish and chips with mushy peas, or porridge with golden syrup and cream. Hugh has used this simple formula to create more than 175 inspiring recipes, both well-loved classics and brand new ideas, based on trios like squash, ricotta and ham; aubergine, tomatoes and chickpeas; clams, tomatoes and garlic; chicken, tomatoes and tarragon; pork, potatoes and apples; pasta, courgettes and mozzarella; strawberries, cream and shortbread; and chocolate, ginger and digestives ... The list goes on.With sumptuous photography from Simon Wheeler, this book will unlock a whole new world of fantastic food. Easy cooking with three delicious ingredients. It really is that simple.
0.0 av 5
River Cottage Light & Easy
'Eating more healthily isn't about denial. For example, reducing one's dependence on wheat flour and dairy ingredients, which don't appear at all in this book, turns out to be a delicious voyage of discovery. New grains, new oils, new tastes, new combinations: it all adds up to a new zest for life.' Hugh Fearnley-WhittingstallEver lack the time or inspiration to cook a nourishing meal after a hectic day? Delicious, health-giving food doesn't have to be time-consuming and complicated. In River Cottage Light & Easy Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall delivers wholesome delights with zero compromise on taste for all occasions - from brilliant breakfasts to goodness on the go, from crunchy salads to simple roasts and hotpots, from nutrient-packed fish dishes to lighter breads, baking and treats (we all need those!). Each recipe is dairy-free and wheat-free, and all are guaranteed to bring a fresh energy and vitality to your everyday cooking and eating.The 170 flavour-hitting recipes include: easy almond milk, pumpkin seed drop scones, savoury buckwheat galettes, wheat-free spinachy wraps, rye grissini, swede and smoky bacon soup, fragrant Asian broth, raw courgette and fennel salad with peanut dressing, Nordic slaw with rye crumbs, fish-rizo with broad beans, speedy fish and tomato curry, easiest ever storecupboard fishcakes, spiced beef with bashed beans, aromatic nutty chicken, lamb and cashew curry, smashed roast Jerusalem artichokes, beetroot burgers, perky pestos, feisty salsas, rhubarb, apple and ginger pie, peach and orange sorbet, chocolate and avocado mousse, chestnut marmalade muffins and life-loving brownies...With striking photography from Simon Wheeler, this beautiful book provides solutions to creating the most nourishing and healthy of meals as quickly and easily as possible.
0.0 av 5
River Cottage Every Day
Putting food on the table for the family quickly and economically doesn't mean you have to compromise on quality. This book shows how Hugh's approach to food can be adapted to suit any growing, working family, or busy young singles and couples for that matter. Breakfast, baking, lunchboxes, quick suppers, healthy snacks, eating on the move and weekend cooking for the week ahead - all these, and more, are covered in River Cottage Every Day.As Hugh says: 'I make no prior assumptions about where you shop, what you may or may not know about growing vegetables or keeping livestock, whether you can tell the difference between a swede and turnip, or know what to do with a belly of pork and a breast of lamb. Instead, I'll show you easy and confidence-inspiring ways with cuts of meat, types of fish and other ingredients you may not have tried before. And I'll offer you new approaches that I hope will breathe new life to familiar staples, like rice, spuds, beans, and your daily bread.Above all, I intend to tempt you irresistibly towards a better life with food, with a whole raft of recipes that I think you will love. I hope some of them will become your absolute favourites, and the favourites of your dear friends and beloved family. I hope that the dishes you like best will infiltrate and influence your cooking, giving you increased confidence and fresh ideas. In short, I hope that before long, cooking simple and delicious food from the best seasonal ingredients becomes second nature and first priority for you, not just once in a while, but every day.'
0.0 av 5
The River Cottage Fish Book: The Definitive Guide to Sourcing and Cooking Sustainable Fish and Shellfish
The formidable River Cottage team turns their attention to all matters aquatic in this definitive guide to freshwater fish, saltwater fish, and shellfish. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Nick Fisher examine the ecological and moral issues of fishing, teach individual skills such as catching and descaling, and offer a comprehensive (and fascinating) species reference section. They also demystify the cooking of fish with 135 recipes for preparing fish and shellfish in diverse ways, from pickling to frying to smoking. This ambitious reference-cookbook appeals to both intellect and appetite by focusing on the pleasures of catching, cooking, and eating fish while grounding those actions in a philosophy and practice of sustainability. The authors help us understand the human impact on the seafood population, while their infectious enthusiasm for all manner of fish and shellfish--from the mighty salmon to the humble mackerel to the unsung cockle--inspires us to explore different and unfamiliar species. Fish is superlative food, but it's also a precious resource. "The River Cottage Fish Book" delivers a complete education alongside a wealth of recipes, and is the most opinionated and passionate fish book around.
0.0 av 5
Grön mat : vegetariskt varje dag från River Cottage
»en bok där man faktiskt vill laga allt.« SVD En vegetarisk kokbok för alla måltider , det är vad Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall skapat. Här finns nästan 200 läckra vegetariska recept som hjälper oss att leva ett bättre liv samtidigt som vi gör en insats för miljön. Att äta grönt bidrar ju till en mer hållbar framtid. Här finns många goda och lättlagade recept, som mustiga grytor, läckra pajer, rejäla soppor, matiga sallader och dessutom många smårätter och röror som tillsammans bildar en hel måltid. Några exempel: kikärts-, mangold- och svampsoppa, aubergine- och böngryta, lasagne med squash och fänkål, purjofyllda pumpor med ost och timjan och kålrots- och potatispiroger. Recepten är vegetariska men passar alla som vill äta nyttigare. Grundtanken är att ta vara på säsongens råvaror och allt ska naturligtvis vara ekologiskt och närodlad. ”Vi i västerlandet äter alldeles för mycket kött – för mycket för vår egen hälsa och alldeles för mycket för välbefinnandet för de många miljoner djur som föds upp för att bli mat. För mig är industriellt jordbruk helt enkelt fel – miljömässigt och etiskt”, skriver författaren i bokens inledning. »en bok där man faktiskt vill laga allt.« SVD
0.0 av 5
Frisk mat : hälsosamt varje dag från River Cottage
Hälsosam mat behöver inte vara krånglig eller ta tid att tillaga. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall visar i den här inspirerande boken hur man lätt kan laga mat som är både läcker och nyttig. Här finns allt från suveräna frukostar och smidig ta med-mat via fräscha sallader och lätta söndagsmiddagar till fiskrätter och långkok. Här finns också härliga desserter, bröd, kakor och godis. Alla recept är fria från vete- och mjölkprodukter och kommer garanterat att ladda kroppen med ny energi. Boken innehåller 170 recept, med nya spännande kombinationer och smakupplevelser, till exempel forell med chermoula, quinoa- och krusbärstabbouleh, spenatwraps, soppa på rostad aubergine och tomat, zucchini- och fänkålssallad med jordnötsdressing, ugnsbakad makrill med fänkål och krusbär, Bloody Mary-stek med avokado, kryddig biff med bönröra, lamm- och cashewcurry, rostat jordärtskocksmos, rödbetsburgare, eldig salsa, ingefärskryddad rabarber- och äppelpaj, persiko- och apelsinsorbet, choklad- och avokadomousse … Med Simon Wheelers inspirerande bilder kommer den här boken att få en central plats i ditt kök. För vem vill inte laga mat som är både god och nyttig?
0.0 av 5
River Cottage Veg Every Day!
Why don't we eat more veg? They're healthy, cost-effective and, above all, delicious. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall believes that we should all be eating more of the good stuff, as he explains in this brilliant book.He's come up with an abundance of veg-tastic recipes, including a warm salad of grilled courgettes, lemon, garlic, mint and mozzarella, a winter giant couscous salad with herbs and walnuts, radishes with butter and salt, lemony guacamole, linguine with mint and almond pesto and cherry tomatoes, baby carrot risotto, new potato gnocchi, a summer stir-fry with green veg, ginger, garlic and sesame, a winter stir-fry with Brussels sprouts, shiitake mushrooms and five-spice, a cheesy tomato tart, a spring onion gallette, roast jacket chips with merguez spices and spiced yoghurt, curried bubble and squeak, scrambled eggs and asparagus with lemon, tomato gazpacho, pea and parsley soup, roast squash wedges, baba ganoush, beetroot houmous, spinach pasties and barbecued corn on the cob. With over 200 recipes and vibrant photography from Simon Wheeler, River Cottage Veg Every Day is a timely eulogy to the glorious green stuff.
5.0 av 5
Hugh's Three Good Things
How often have you wished there was a magic formula to simplify cooking? Well, there is. Put three good things together on a plate and, somehow, the whole is always greater and more delicious than the sum of its parts. Looking back over nearly two decades of professional cookery, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall has worked out the combinations that make magic. Salty, sweet, crunchy. Sharp, rich, crumbly. Hot, bland, crisp. Think scones with jam and cream, fish and chips with mushy peas, or porridge with golden syrup and cream. Hugh has used the formula of three to create more than 175 recipes, both well-loved classics and brand new ideas, based on trios like squash, ricotta and ham; aubergine, tomatoes and chickpeas; clams, tomatoes and garlic; chicken, tomatoes and tarragon; pork, potatoes and apples; pasta, courgettes and mozzarella; strawberries, cream and shortbread; and chocolate, ginger and digestives ...The list goes on. With sumptuous photography from Simon Wheeler, this book will unlock a whole new world of fantastic food. Three Good Things. It really is that simple.
0.0 av 5
River Cottage Fruit Every Day!
Fruit is pretty much the perfect food: bountiful, delicious and colourful, it also helps us to fight infection, stresses and strains. But why are we still a nation that thinks it's a bit racy to slice a banana onto our cornflakes in the morning? A 'piece of fruit' in a lunch box, on the breakfast table or at the end of a meal is all very well, but fruit is so much more exciting than this, and we don't eat nearly enough of the stuff. Perhaps this is because we don't always understand how to use it in our cooking, or how to choose the best fruit for the season. Hugh sets out to address this head on. With 180 delicious recipes, River Cottage Fruit Every Day! will show you how to enjoy a broader eating experience and make fruit easy, fun and irresistible. You'll find recipes for all the wonderful seasonal fruit that grows in this country, and learn how to make the most of fruit from other parts of the world. Recipes include marinated lamb and fig kebabs; barbecued pork chops with peaches and sage; venison stew with damsons; and parsnip and apple cakes. There are also fresh and zingy salads as well as gorgeous cakes, tarts, pies, crumbles and puddings.With glorious photography from Simon Wheeler, this book will bring amazing new fruity vitality and flavour to your food.
0.0 av 5
River Cottage Love Your Leftovers
100 imaginative recipes for the resourceful cook, from the acclaimed author of the River Cottage series.
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100 ways to eat better
In Eat Better Forever, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall gives you all the tools to improve your eating habits, and therefore your life - permanently. And to help it all happen, he's added his 100 healthiest recipes yet. In this ground-breaking book, instead of promising a gimmicky single-fix solution to the challenge of healthy eating, Hugh extracts the knowledge, advice and healthy habits, from cutting edge research into the obesity crisis, to produce 7 simple strategies that will transform your diet and your health. Starting with the blissfully simple message that we all need to Go Whole, he leads us away from the industrial junk and processed foods that are doing so many of us so much harm and returns us to the real foods that nurture us and keep us well. Everything that follows is clear, believable and achievable. From sorting the good carbs from the bad, learning not to fear fat, and looking after our gut, to renegotiating the foods we call 'drinks' and being mindful of when to eat.and when to take a pause. Hugh guides us to a better way of eating that will last us our whole lives. It's all offered up with reassuring tips and switches that help us act on the vital knowledge he imparts. And the 100 recipes that come with it, and their endless variations, make for a lifetime of healthy eating.
0.0 av 5
Din fantastiske kropp
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Manus om anus: om kroppens (kanskje) viktigste organ
2.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Calling a Wolf a Wolf
A POETRY BOOK SOCIETY RECOMMENDATIONSHORTLISTED FOR THE FELIX DENNIS PRIZE FOR BEST FIRST COLLECTION 2018I could not be held responsiblefor desirehe could not be held at allTracking the joys and pains of the path through addiction, and wrestling with desire, inheritance and faith, Calling a Wolf a Wolf is the darkly sumptuous debut from award-winning poet Kaveh Akbar. These are powerful, intimate poems of thirst: for alcohol, for other bodies, for knowledge and for life.'The struggle from late youth on, with and without God, agony, narcotics and love, is a torment rarely recorded with such sustained eloquence and passion as you will find in this collection'FANNY HOWE'Compelling . . . strange . . . always beautiful' ROXANE GAY, AUTHOR OF BAD FEMINIST AND HUNGER'Truly brilliant'JOHN GREEN, AUTHOR OF THE FAULT IN OUR STARS'A breathtaking addition to the canon of addiction literature'PUBLISHERS WEEKLY (STARRED REVIEW)
0.0 av 5
Mathematical Concepts for Mechanical Engineering Design
Mathematical Concepts for Mechanical Engineering Design provides a broad understanding of the main computational techniques used for simulation of water distribution networks and water transmission systems. It introduces the theoretical background to a number of techniques and general data analysis techniques. The book also examines the application of techniques in an industrial setting, including current practices and current research, are presented. It provides practical experience of commercially available systems and includes a small-scale water systems related projects. The authors illustrate the concepts and techniques covered in the book by using a calculation that simulates water distribution networks and water transmission systems. The book also covers significant research on new methodologies and important applications in the fields of automation and control as well as includes the latest coverage of chemical databases and the development of new computational methods and efficient algorithms for hydraulic software and mechanical engineering.The book will be informative and useful to both academics and mechanical engineers in various industrial sectors, including hydraulic and mechanical engineering.
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