Viser resultat for 'Katrin Eismann'
Adobe Photoshop Restoration & Retouching
Katrin Eismann, Wayne Palmer, Dennis Dunbar
Whether you're a professional photographer or the family shutterbug, you can't afford to miss the long-awaited Fourth Edition of the classic Photoshop Restoration and Retouching.Katrin Eismann and co-authors Wayne Palmer and Dennis Dunbar have reviewed, updated, and revised every single technique to address the most important features in Adobe Photoshop CC. They've also added three brand new chapters on how to photograph, scan, and process RAW files; how to apply the techniques taught in the book when using Photoshop Elements; and how to retouch and enhance still life, product, and real estate shots.Using clear, step-by-step instructions and professional examples, the authors present powerful tools and techniques photographers, designers, restoration studios, and beauty retouchers can use to restore valuable antique images, retouch portraits and product shots, and enhance glamour photography. You'll master today's best ways to:Correct extreme exposure errors and improve color, contrast, and toneRescue heirloom originals suffering from mold damage, cracks, and torn edgesReplace missing image informationRemove dust and scratches quickly and easilyTransform old photos into beautiful, original works of art by converting them to black-and-white or tinted imagesUse sharpening techniques and tonal correction tools to add life and sparkle to digital photosEnhance portraits by removing blemishes, reducing wrinkles, and enhancing eyes, lips, and hair, while maintaining your subject's essential characterApply the secrets of top glamour and beauty industry retouchers to perfect skin, make-up, and hairWith new example images, illustrations, and techniques throughout, Photoshop Restoration and Retouching, Fourth Edition will help you transform faded, damaged photographs into beautiful images that are as clear and crisp as the day they were taken (maybe even better!) - and how to turn casual snapshots and studio portraits into the most flattering images possible.
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Pocket · 2016
Photoshop studio secrets
Deke McClelland, Katrin Eismann
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Pocket · 2001
Pocket · 1999
Web design studio secrets
Deke McClelland, Katrin Eismann, Terri Stone
Boka tar for seg design av websider. 14 webdesignere bidrar i boka med ideer og teknikker fra sitt arbeid. Fra det enkleste til det siste om verktøy som JavaScript, Dynamic HTML, Flash og annet. Nivå: mellomnivå til avansert. Systemkrav: Mac eller Windows 95. Med litteraturliste.
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 2000
Pocket · 1999
Camera & Craft
Andy Batt
#2 on's list of Best Photography Books of 2014!To create successful imagery, you need to balance technical know-how and aesthetic vision. In Camera & Craft, we deconstruct photographic principles in new ways to help you think through your process. Together with nine guest photographers, we explore photographic practice and follow up with inventive exercises and demonstrations that challenge you to engage with your tools-all with the goal of helping you work more creatively. Along the way are conversations with our guest photographers that address each topic, from how the professionals work with clients and models to what they think about as they look through the viewfinder. Here's what you'll find inside:Advice and insights from professionals working in a variety of fields, from photojournalism and portraiture to fine-art, landscape and commercial photographyTechnical explanations about how photographic tools work-so you can connect knowledge to your practice and work more instinctively and creatively Key steps for improving digital workflowInnovative exercises at the end of each chapter as well as on our companion website that encourage you to experiment with and understand the photographic process-from learning how far you can push your camera's sensor to exploring the effects of neutral vs. creative colorInterviews with technical and creative experts about developing skills and making images that matterThis book is part of The Digital Imaging Masters Series, which features cutting-edge information from the most sought-after and qualified professionals and instructors in the photography field. Based on the progressive curriculum of the Master of Professional Studies in Digital Photography (MPS DP) program created by Katrin Eismann at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York City, these books are the next best thing to being in the classroom with the Digital Photography Masters themselves.
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Pocket · 2014
#2 on's list of Best Photography Books of 2014!To create successful imagery, you need to balance technical know-how and aesthetic vision. In Camera & Craft, we deconstruct photographic principles in new ways to help you think through your process. Together with nine guest photographers, we explore photographic practice and follow up with inventive exercises and demonstrations that challenge you to engage with your tools-all with the goal of helping you work more creatively. Along the way are conversations with our guest photographers that address each topic, from how the professionals work with clients and models to what they think about as they look through the viewfinder. Here's what you'll find inside:Advice and insights from professionals working in a variety of fields, from photojournalism and portraiture to fine-art, landscape and commercial photographyTechnical explanations about how photographic tools work-so you can connect knowledge to your practice and work more instinctively and creatively Key steps for improving digital workflowInnovative exercises at the end of each chapter as well as on our companion website that encourage you to experiment with and understand the photographic process-from learning how far you can push your camera's sensor to exploring the effects of neutral vs. creative colorInterviews with technical and creative experts about developing skills and making images that matterThis book is part of The Digital Imaging Masters Series, which features cutting-edge information from the most sought-after and qualified professionals and instructors in the photography field. Based on the progressive curriculum of the Master of Professional Studies in Digital Photography (MPS DP) program created by Katrin Eismann at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York City, these books are the next best thing to being in the classroom with the Digital Photography Masters themselves.
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Innbundet · 2018
Color Management & Quality Output: Working with Color from Camera to Display to Print
Masters of Professional Studies at the School of Visual Arts in New York) Ashe Tom P. (Associate Chair
We have all felt the frustration of wasting time, paper, and effort when our prints or web images don't match the images we see on our monitors. Fortunately, you're holding the resource that will help solve these problems. This book guides you through the hardware settings and software steps you'll need to post professional images and make stunning prints that showcase your artistic vision. In Color Management & Quality Output, Tom P. Ashe, a color expert and gifted teacher, shows you how to color manage your files from input all the way through output, by clearly explaining how color works in our minds, on our monitors and computers, and through our printers. You'll learn to: properly calibrate your monitorunderstand Adobe Photoshop color settingsbuild and evaluate color profiles for all your devicesnavigate the print menu in both Photoshop and Lightroomappreciate the differences between inkjet prints and C-printsoptimize sharpening for a variety of print mediaunderstand how and why to use RIPscommunicate with creative professionals, clients, and output service providers to ensure the highest quality results. This book is part of The Digital Imaging Masters Series, which features cutting-edge information from the most sought-after and qualified professionals and instructors in the photography field. Based on the progressive curriculum of the Masters of Professional Studies in Digital Photography created by Katrin Eismann at the School of Visual Arts in New York City, these books are the next best thing to being in the classroom with the Digital Photography Masters themselves.
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Pocket · 2014
Kvalitet? For børn
Karin Esmann
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Pocket · 1978
Norsk Bokmål
Arvestykker : litteratur og historie i undervisningen
Karin Esmann
Formidlingen af 'arvestykker' er en central aktivitet i både dansk- og historieundervisning. Hvis undervisningen skal engagere eleverne kræves der andet og mere end blot konservering eller afstøvning af arvestykkerne. Det er disse problemer, der er emnet
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 1998
Senskade: kriminalroman
Knut Faldbakken
3.8 av 5
Pocket · 2009
Norsk Bokmål
Innbundet · 2008
Norsk Bokmål
Karin Slaughter
4.0 av 5
Pocket · 2004
Norsk Bokmål
Pocket · 2003
Norsk Bokmål
Læring og ferdighetsutvikling
Hermundur Sigmundsson
For å kunne legge til rette for god undervisning, må vi forstå hvilke mekanismer som er involvert i læringsprosessen. Denne boka forklarer utvikling og læring i et biologisk perspektiv, samt utvikling av ferdigheter og atferd på psykologisk/pedagogisk nivå. Flere av bidragsyterne er anerkjente forskere innen læring og ferdighetsutvikling. Boka er aktuell som pensum i høyskole- og universitetsfag relatert til læring og ferdighetsutvikling. Bidragsytere: - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Brian Hopkins - Timothy D. Johnston - Øyvind Kvello - Arve Vorland Pedersen - Hermundur Sigmundsson - Ann-Katrin Stensdotter - Jan Erik Wiedemann.
4.1 av 5
Pocket · 2017
Norsk Bokmål
Pocket · 2017
Norsk Bokmål
Medisinsk treningslære
Håvard Østerås, Ann-Katrin Stensdotter
4.0 av 5
Pocket · 2020
Norsk Bokmål
Medisinsk treningslære
Håvard Østerås, Ann-Katrin Stensdotter
Ny utgave av Medisinsk treningslære! Boken handler om hvordan mennesket tilpasser seg fysisk belastning, og hvordan trening tilpasses for å imøtekomme den enkeltes behov. Treningslære i medisinsk sammenheng bygger på idrettens treningslære. Mange av de prinsippene som brukes der trening inngår i pasientsammenheng, er de samme som innen idretten. Det er likevel viktige forskjeller, og disse er belyst i denne boken. Medisinsk treningslære er primært rettet mot fysioterapeuter og leger, samt annen helsepersonell som ønsker teoretisk og praktisk vinkling mot fysisk aktivitet og trening som en del av aktuelle tiltak.
4.7 av 5
Pocket · 2011
Norsk Bokmål
Pocket · 2002
Norsk Bokmål
Dottir is two-time consecutive CrossFit Games Champion Katrin Davidsdottir's inspiring and poignant memoir. As one of only two women in history to have won the title of "Fittest Woman on Earth" twice, Davidsdottir knows all about the importance of mental and physical strength. She won the title in 2015, backing it up with a second win in 2016, after starting CrossFit in just 2011.A gymnast as a youth, Davidsdottir wanted to try new challenges and found a love of CrossFit. But it hasn't been a smooth rise to the top. In 2014, just one year before taking home the gold, she didn't qualify for the Games. She used that loss as motivation and fuel for training harder and smarter for the 2015 Games. She pushed herself and refocused her mental game. Her hard work and perseverance paid off with her return to the Games and subsequent victories in 2015 and 2016.In Dottir, Davidsdottir shares her journey with readers. She details her focus on training, goal setting, nutrition, and mental toughness.
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Innbundet · 2019
Katrin Behrend
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 1999
Norsk Bokmål
Katrin Behrend
Hel og fin
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 1990
Pocket · 1998
Norsk Bokmål
Kom og oppdag byen vår
Ann-Katrin Heger
Kom og bli med til byen! Her er det mye å oppdage. Spennende klaffer, overraskende tittehull og tilpassede tekster gir svar på mange av de første spørsmålene om hva som skjer i byen.
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Innbundet · 2020
Norsk Bokmål
Moria: på innsiden av Europas største flyktningleir : 2015-2022
Guro Kulset Merakerås, Katrin Brubakk, Katrin Glatz Brubakk
I 2015 kollapset flyktningapparatet i Europa. Moria, på den greske øya Lesvos, ble raskt selve symbolet på krisen i den moderne europeiske flyktningpolitikken. På det meste har leiren, opprinnelig bygd for 3000, huset over 20.000 mennesker som har levd under katastrofale forhold, psykisk og fysisk. Siden er politikken blitt stadig strengere, leiren mer lukket - og fremtiden til menneskene som søker trygghet i Europa, mer usikker enn noen gang. Moria har vært mye i det norske nyhetsbildet gjennom årene, men pressedekningen har vært fragmentert. Ved å ta oss med innenfor gjerdene i leiren og vise hvordan hverdagen der har sett ut over tid, forteller Katrin Glatz Brubakk og Guro Kulset Merakerås for første gang hele historien om Moria. I en egen fotodel ser vi utvalgte øyeblikk gjennom fotograf Knut Brys blikk. . Boka lar oss møte mennesker som psykolog Katrin Glatz Brubakk har blitt kjent med gjennom tolv opphold som frivillig og profesjonell hjelpearbeider, og vi følger deres kamp for å holde ut livet i Moria. Samtidig tar forfatterne et skritt tilbake og løfter psykologiske, politiske og historiske perspektiv som setter enkelthistoriene og leiren i en større sammenheng. De drøfter også hva situasjonen på Lesvos kan si oss om utviklingen av den internasjonale flyktningpolitikken i dag. . Moria. På innsiden av Europas største flyktningleir er en usedvanlig rik og innsiktsfull fremstilling av et av de viktigste og mest dramatiske kapitlene i den europeiske samtidshistorien - og en kraftfull utfordring av norsk offentlighet.. Ved å kjøpe boka støtter du Leger Uten Grenser. Forfatterne gir sine salgsinntekter uavkortet til organisasjonens humanitære arbeid.
4.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2023
Norsk Bokmål
Laura Trenter
Det är någonting mycket märkligt med vinden. Gilbert har alltid vetat det. Ända sedan pappa dog har den både lockat och skrämt. Han känner på sig att om det är någonstans han kan få veta mer om sin pappa så är det där. En dag börjar konstiga saker att hända, en mystisk katt dyker upp på omöjliga ställen, en gammal gumma tycks kunna läsa hans tankar. Och plötsligt hittar han ett av pappas gamla fotoalbum! Men det är någonting med bilderna som inte stämmer, han kan bara inte komma på vad det är …Laura Trenter har tillsammans med fotografen Katrin Jakobsen gjort en spännande och annorlunda deckare. Bilderna i boken är viktiga, det händer saker i dem som kan leda både Gilbert och den uppmärksamma läsaren närmare gåtans lösning. Eller så är det tvärtom.Om boken”Vääldigt bra! Ibland lite skrämmande, spänning 100%, man kan inte sluta läsa. Läste klart den på 3tim!! Katten är väldigt konstig och skrämmande. Bilderna var verkligen skrämmande!! Men den var jätte, jätte, jättebra precis som Laura Trenters alla andra böcker, men den här var bäst!!!!!!!!!”//sara- bokslukaren”Boken är JÄTTEBRA!!! Alla Lauras böcker är det!!! I boken visar dom bilder från albumet och det gör att ännu fler frågor dyker upp och boken blir ännu mer spännande!!! Laura fixar en mix av deckare, spänning, kärlek, humor och vardag.”OjsantyckerLaura Trenter är en av våra mest älskade och lästa författare. Med sina psykologiska thrillers tänjer hon gränserna för hur man kan skriva för barn. Hon väjer inte för det skrämmande utan tar tvärtom ut svängarna ordentligt. Hennes böcker är väldigt realistiska och andlöst spännande. Läsaren kan ändå tryggt våga läsa vidare, som den skickliga berättare Laura Trenter är lämnar hon ingenting åt slumpen och allting får så småningom sin förklaring.Laura Trenter är född 1961 och dotter till de två kända deckarförfattarna Stieg Trenter och Ulla Trenter.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2014
Innbundet · 2004
Norsk Bokmål
Linguistische Textanalyse - Drei Unterschiedliche Ansatze Und Deren Umsetzung Am Konkreten Beispiel
Katrin Kleinbrahm
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Grin Verlag Gmbh) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2014
Rask levering med
Trygg betaling med
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