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Viser resultat for 'Kathy Cuff'

    Legendarisk service

    Legendarisk service: nøkkelen er å bry seg

    Kenneth Blanchard, Vicki Halsey, Ken Blanchard, Kathy Cuff

    God kundeservice er et konsept alle virksomheter elsker å bli kjent for. Likevel er det slik for det fleste mennesker at de opplever den servicen de mottar for å være gjennomsnittlig, i beste fall. Vellykkede selskaper skaper en forbindelse mellom legendariske kundeservice og deres "blomstrende utvikling" - de anerkjenner at måten de ansatte behandler kundene på, er direkte relatert til hvordan lederene behandler sine ansatte. De fem komponentene (ICARE) i Legendarisk service er: I - Ideal service (Ideell service) C - Culture of service (Servicekultur) A - Attentiveness (Oppmerksomhet) R - Responsiveness (Forståelse) E - Empowerment (Autonomi)

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    Legendary Service

    Legendary Service

    Kenneth Blanchard

    Take Care of Your Customers - or Someone Else Will! Legendary Service Great customer service is a concept organizations love to be known for. Yet most people consider the service they receive to be average, at best. Successful companies make the connection between legendary customer service and a thriving business - they recognize that the way employees treat customers is directly related to the way managers treat employees. Kelsey Young is an optimistic but disillusioned sales associate working her way through college. Her world opens up when one of her professors challenges her to create a culture of service at her workplace by putting the five components of Legendary Service into practice. Although Ferguson's, the store where Kelsey works, certainly isn't known for service excellence, Kelsey believes she can make a positive difference. She quickly learns that culture change isn't easy - and that her role as a frontline employee is more significant than she ever could have imagined. In characteristic Blanchard style, Legendary Service: The Key Is to Care is a quick and entertaining read for people at all organizational levels in every industry.When applied, its lessons will have a profound impact on the service experience your customers will receive. Whether a CEO or a part-time employee, every person can make a difference - and customer service is everyone's job. Praise for Legendary Service: "Read this book and establish a service culture in your organization." (Horst Schulze, Chairman/CEO, Capella Hotel Group). "Legendary Service has great learnings for people at all organizational levels: for executives and managers, the value of a service culture; and for frontline staff, the reality that they are the face of the company and can make a difference. Legendary service - it's everyone, always." (Mark King, CEO and President, Taylor Made Golf). "Everything I know about service I learned from my career at Hilton Hotels, Marriott International, The Walt Disney Company, and Ken Blanchard. The One Minute Manager dramatically changed my thinking 32 years ago. Legendary Service will teach the next generation how to deliver sensational service. Buy it, study it, implement it." (Lee Cockerell, Executive Vice President, Walt Disney World (Retired & Inspired), and author of Creating Magic and The Customer Rules)."Kathy Cuff and Vicki Halsey have created a fantastic customer service model called ICARE. When you add their voices to that of the master storyteller Ken Blanchard, you have a masterpiece entitled Legendary Service. It is a must-read for everyone who, like me, has a passion for service." (Colleen Barrett, President Emeritus, Southwest Airlines, and coauthor of Lead with LUV). "Ken Blanchard has done it again and delivered the right book at the right time. Legendary Service provides the essentials of hospitality and servant leadership in a way that everyone can adopt - right now - today!" (John Caparella, President and COO, The Venetian, The Palazzo, and Sands Expo). "Ken, Kathy, and Vicki show us how to change everyday service events into memorable experiences. Their book is a must-read for anyone unwilling to accept mediocrity." (Leonardo Inghilleri, coauthor of Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit).

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014



    Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants

    Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants

    Kathy Bonewit-West

    Learn the foundational concepts and skills necessary to become a successful clinical medical assistant! Written using clear and accessible language, Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants, 10th Edition guides you through common office procedures such as taking vital signs, collecting and processing lab specimens, preparing patients for examinations, and assisting with office surgeries. This new edition is thoroughly updated throughout and includes content on elephant system for ear irrigation, influenza test, h. pylori test, digital scale for measuring weight, administration of rotavirus vaccine, along with new chapters on nutrition, emergency preparedness, and the medical record. Plus, with the addition of soft skills, and critical thinking exercises, this comprehensive text introduces you the skills you need to succeed in today's fast-paced medical office. UPDATED procedural photos provides you with the most current pictures of how to perform important clinical medical assisting procedures.Detailed learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter align with respective procedures to help guide you through the learning process (and ensure that you learned everything you should from the chapter).Over 120 procedures presented in a clear, illustrated, step-by-step format, with online videos showing 84 of the procedures in action.Student resources on the Evolve companion website offer a fun way for you to practice your medical assisting knowledge with animations, games matching exercises, and other interactive activities.Chapter outlines and learning objectives prepare you for the skills and concepts you will be learning.Charting examples help you understand the process for charting your own procedures.Patient Teaching boxes prepares you for effective communication, with detailed instructions on how to answer questions and how to explain medical concepts and procedures.What Would You Do? What Would You Not Do? case studies challenge you to apply?yourr knowledge to realistic medical office situations?- with a practitioner's response at the end of chapters.Putting It All Into Practice and Memories from Practicum boxes feature real medical assistants sharing personal, on-the-job experiences.Glossary of key terms gives you a quick reference guide for important terms and concepts. NEW! Chapter on nutrition focuses on everything a medical assistant should know about the important field of nutrition.NEW! Chapter on emergency preparedness focuses on everything a medical assistant needs to know about emergency preparedness in the medical office.UPDATED chapter on emergency procedures and first aid ensures you have the most up-to-date information on this vital trend.UPDATED chapter on the medical record reviews how the MA maintains and interacts with the medical record.UPDATED content on the latest products and tests used in the medical office includes elephant system for ear irrigation, influenza test, digital scale for measuring weight, administration of rotavirus vaccine, procedure for measuring BP using an automatic BP cuff, and the new hazardous communication standard.NEW! SimChart (R) for the Medical Office (SCMO) connection ties Elsevier's Educational EHR cases to the appropriate chapters and provides cohesion for the total curriculum solution.NEW! New certification examination review on Evolve help you use the textbook when studying for certification and will help you to create a study plan.NEW! Professionalism and soft skills content emphasizes importance of professional interaction with patients and co-workers.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017




    Hugh Howey


    4.3 av 5

    Pocket · 2020


    kr 79

    Pocket · 2016


    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 79

    Understanding Your Users

    Understanding Your Users

    Kathy Baxter, Catherine Courage, Kelly Caine

    This new and completely updated edition is a comprehensive, easy-to-read, "how-to" guide on user research methods. You'll learn about many distinct user research methods and also pre- and post-method considerations such as recruiting, facilitating activities or moderating, negotiating with product developments teams/customers, and getting your results incorporated into the product. For each method, you'll understand how to prepare for and conduct the activity, as well as analyze and present the data - all in a practical and hands-on way. Each method presented provides different information about the users and their requirements (e.g., functional requirements, information architecture). The techniques can be used together to form a complete picture of the users' needs or they can be used separately throughout the product development lifecycle to address specific product questions. These techniques have helped product teams understand the value of user experience research by providing insight into how users behave and what they need to be successful. You will find brand new case studies from leaders in industry and academia that demonstrate each method in action. This book has something to offer whether you are new to user experience or a seasoned UX professional. After reading this book, you'll be able to choose the right user research method for your research question and conduct a user research study. Then, you will be able to apply your findings to your own products.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Traumerelatert dissosiasjon

    Traumerelatert dissosiasjon: Ferdighetstrening for pasienter og terapeuter

    Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, Onno Van

    Ferdighetstrening for pasienter og terapeuter

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål



    Orber: lyskroppene fra de åndelige riker vekker og åpner din bevissthet for høyere nivåer

    Diana Cooper, Kathy Crosswell

    Orber er fysiske bevis på englenes energier, sier forfatterne. De er de himmelske veseners lyskropp. Boken gir svar på hvordan gjenkjenne engelen i orben, og ta i mot budskapet til hver orb/engel.

    4.3 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    Never let me go

    Never let me go

    Kazuo Ishiguro

    In one of the most memorable novels of recent years, Kazuo Ishiguro imagines the lives of a group of students growing up in a darkly skewered version of contemporary England. Narrated by Kathy, now 31, Never Let Me Go hauntingly dramatises her attempts to come to terms with her childhood at the seemingly idyllic Hailsham School, and with the fate that has always awaited her and her closest friends in the wider world. A story of love, friendship and memory, Never Let Me Go is charged throughout with a sense of the fragility of life.If you enjoyed Never Let Me Go, you might also like Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day, now available in Faber Modern Classics.

    4.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    kr 69

    Pocket · 2017

    kr 79

    Andre utgaver · 6

    kr 69



    Kathy Gordon

    Denne spennende lukeboken kan hjelpe små barn til å snakke om følelsene sine.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019

    Norsk Bokmål


    I love Dick

    I love Dick

    Chris Kraus

    3.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Innbundet · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Andre utgaver · 5

    kr 69

    Constructing Grounded Theory

    Constructing Grounded Theory

    Kathy Charmaz

    Lecturers, request your electronic inspection copyKathy Charmaz presents the definitive guide to doing grounded theory from a constructivist perspective. This second edition of her groundbreaking text retains the accessibility and warmth of the first edition whilst introducing cutting edge examples and practical tips.This expanded second edition:- explores how to effectively focus on data collection- demonstrates how to use data for theorizing- adds two new chapters that guide you through conducting and analysing interviews in grounded theory - adds a new chapter on symbolic interactionism and grounded theory- considers recent epistemological debates about the place of prior theory- discusses the legacy of Anselm Strauss for grounded theory.This is a seminal title for anyone serious about understanding and doing grounded theory research.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    kr 199

    Innbundet · 2014

    kr 249
    kr 199

    Den store sjømat kokeboken

    Den store sjømat kokeboken

    Kathy Knudsen

    I tillegg til oppskrifter på sjømat, gir boka en veiledning i hvordan man skal behandle og tilberede sjømat. I bokas kapitler om supper, pannesteking, røresteking, grilling, gryteretter og paier presenteres oppskrifter fra hele verden. Med register.

    4.6 av 5

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Pocket · 2000

    kr 59
    kr 59

    De døde kaller

    De døde kaller

    Kathy Reichs

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2007

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 79

    Pocket · 2008

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 79


    Gardens: Immerse yourself in a world of creativity

    Kathy ireland


    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    Deja Dead

    Deja Dead

    Kathy Reichs

    Bagged and discarded, the dismembered body of a woman is discovered in the grounds of an abandoned monastery. Dr Temperance Brennan, Director of Forensic Anthropology for the province of Quebec, has been researching recent disappearances in the city. Soon she is convinced that a serial killer is at work. But when no one else seems to care, her anger forces her to take matters into her own hands. Her determined probing has placed those closest to her in mortal danger, however. Can Tempe make her crucial breakthrough before the killer strikes again?

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012


    kr 119

    Pocket · 2015



    Andre utgaver · 7

    kr 119

    Dødelige beslutninger

    Dødelige beslutninger

    Kathy Reichs

    Krigen mellom de forskjellige lovløse motorsykkelgjengene har til nå bare rammet medlemmene av gjengene, to av dem er blitt blåst i lufta. Så blir et barn skutt på gaten i Montreal, i Nord-Carolina forsvinner en tenåring, og det som kan være hennes skjelett dukker opp et helt annet sted. Rettsantropologen Dr. Temperance Brennan blir engasjert i saken og det bringer henne inn i en farlig og ukjent verden. Dette er den tredje romanen om Temperance Brennan.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2001

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Don Quixote

    Don Quixote

    Kathy Acker

    Roman. Oversatt til svensk av Nina Lekander

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1986



     Einstein Never Used Flash Cards: How Our Children Really Learn--and Why They Need to Play More and Memorize Less

    Einstein Never Used Flash Cards: How Our Children Really Learn--and Why They Need to Play More and Memorize Less

    Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff

    In Einstein Never Used Flashcards highly credentialed child psychologists, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Ph.D., and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph.D., with Diane Eyer, Ph.D., offer a compelling indictment of the growing trend toward accelerated learning. It's a message that stressed-out parents are craving to hear: Letting tots learn through play is not only okay-it's better than drilling academics! Drawing on overwhelming scientific evidence from their own studies and the collective research results of child development experts, and addressing the key areas of development-math, reading, verbal communication, science, self-awareness, and social skills-the authors explain the process of learning from a child's point of view. They then offer parents 40 age-appropriate games for creative play. These simple, fun--yet powerful exercises work as well or better than expensive high-tech gadgets to teach a child what his ever-active, playful mind is craving to learn

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004



    Lysande Utsikter

    Lysande Utsikter

    Kathy Acker

    Roman. Orginaltittel: Great Expectations

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1982



    My Mother: Demonology, a novel

    My Mother: Demonology, a novel

    Kathy Acker

    Based loosely on the relationship between Colette Peignot and Georges Bataille, My Mother: Demonology is the powerful story of a woman's struggle with the contradictory impulses for love and solitude. At the dawn of her adult life, Laure becomes involved in a passionate and all-consuming love affair with her companion, B. But this ultimately leaves her dissatisfied, as she acknowledges her need to establish an identity independent of her relationship with him. Yearning to better understand herself, Laure embarks on a journey of self-discovery, an odyssey that takes her into the territory of her past, into memories and fantasies of childhood, into wildness and witchcraft, into a world where the power of dreams can transcend the legacies of the past and confront the dilemmas of the present. With a poet's attention to the power of language and a keen sense of the dislocation that can occur when the narrative encompasses violence and pornography, as well as the traumas of childhood memory, Kathy Acker here takes another major step toward establishing her vision of a new literary aesthetic.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1993



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