Magiske julefortellinger: med åtte koselige fortellinger og kjære julesanger
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Norsk Bokmål
Min første bok om
Pakken inneholder de fire bøkene: Dyrene i jungelen, Dyrene på gården, Gravere og dumpere og Traktorer. Bøkene oppmuntrer barn til å lære nye ord ved å snakke om det de ser på de fargerike bildene. Det blir stilt enkle spørsmål underveis der barna oppfordres til å peke, telle og gjenkjenne farger.
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Norsk Bokmål
Dyrene i jungelen
Boka oppmuntrer barn til å lære nye ord ved å snakke om det de ser på de fargerike bildene. Det blir stilt enkle spørsmål underveis der barna oppfordres til å peke, telle og gjenkjenne farger.
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Norsk Bokmål
Boka oppmuntrer barn til å lære nye ord ved å snakke om det de ser på de fargerike bildene. Det blir stilt enkle spørsmål underveis der barna oppfordres til å peke, telle og gjenkjenne farger.
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Norsk Bokmål
Gravere og dumpere
Boka oppmuntrer barn til å lære nye ord ved å snakke om det de ser på de fargerike bildene. Det blir stilt enkle spørsmål underveis der barna oppfordres til å peke, telle og gjenkjenne farger.
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Norsk Bokmål
Dagen min
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Norsk Bokmål
I skogen
Med bitering i tre
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Norsk Bokmål
Dyrene på gården
Boka oppmuntrer barn til å lære nye ord ved å snakke om det de ser på de fargerike bildene. Det blir stilt enkle spørsmål underveis der barna oppfordres til å peke, telle og gjenkjenne farger.
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Norsk Bokmål
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Social Sciences The Big Issues: Fourth edition
<p>Fully revised and updated, the fourth edition of <i>Social Sciences: The Big Issues</i> explores key debates about how we live our personal, domestic and emotional lives at a time of enormous, previously unimaginable change and disruption, including a pandemic that locked down households and economies. </p><p>Since the third edition, everyone’s life has changed. The pandemic – at least temporarily – stopped social life as we knew it and virtually forced governments to close down their economies. This is where this edition of <i>The Big Issues</i> starts. Staying at home posed a radical departure from routine life, but reactions to Covid-19 have exposed the endurance of particular social relations – especially inequalities – which characterize societies worldwide.</p><p>A few of the new big issues covered in this edition include: </p><ul><li><p> </p> </li><li>Changing selves and personal lives in light of racism and sexual and identity politics in a pandemic</li><li><p> </p> </li><li>Changing patterns of consumption in relation to market production and what it means for climate change</li><li><p> </p> </li><li>Changing intersections of citizenship, migration and globalization in the context of the virus crossing borders, and both the opportunities and sources of inequality involved</li><li><p> </p> </li><li>Changing ideas about power, politics and populism in the aftermath of Brexit</li></ul><p>Building on the strong foundation of this well-loved text, this fully revised fourth edition explores how big issues and social forces intersect to create both change and evidence of continuity, especially of social inequalities. It<i> </i>provides a clear, accessible introduction to the ideas and approaches of the social sciences across a range of disciplines, including sociology, psychology and politics.</p>
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Social Sciences
The social sciences are about people and the relationships between individuals and the social and material world we live in. They are about the social structures which shape - and are shaped by - social forces such as ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality and age and the bodies we inhabit. How are these relationships changing and to what extent and how can people influence change? What are the big issues which concern us today? How can the social sciences help us to understand what is going on? Social Sciences: The Big Issues third edition looks at what matters in terms of what is changing and what remains the same in contemporary life, bringing together personal concerns and social forces. Fully revised and updated, this book explores some of the debates about how we live our personal, domestic and emotional lives at a time of change and disruption, including economic crises and uncertainties. The issues covered include: changing selves and personal lives; the role of consumption and consumerism; materialism and material culture; as well as citizenship, migration and globalization as both opportunities and sources of inequality in the contemporary world and in everyday lives. The third edition of Social Sciences: The Big Issues provides a clear, accessible introduction to the ideas and approaches of the social sciences across a range of disciplines, including sociology, psychology and politics.
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Kanaløyene: livet og naturen på Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark og Herm
Boken tar for seg kanaløyene Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark og Herm. Hver øy blir presentert i tekst og bilder.
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Norsk Bokmål
En liten fortelling på rim om brannbilen som kjører så fort den kan når brannalarmen går, bortover svingete veier og frem til låven for å slukke brannen. Barnet kan trykke på en knapp og høre brannbilens sirene.
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Norsk Bokmål
En liten fortelling på rim om traktoren som kjører over jorder, trekker med seg fôr til dyrene og pløyer åkeren. Barnet kan trykke på en knapp og høre traktoren brumme.
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Norsk Bokmål
Det store blå egget
Dette er en sprett-opp-bok om Rosa Gris og de andre dyrene på gården. En dag finner de et mystisk egg, og de bestemmer seg for å ta godt vare på det frem til det er klekket. Men er det egentlig et egg?
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Norsk Bokmål
Flora Flodhest vil sove
Dette er en sprett-opp bok om Flora Flodhest. Hun syns de andre dyrene i jungelen bråker så mye, og det eneste hun ønske seg er litt ro. Men det spørs om Freddy Frosk, Eli Elefant og Kalle Krokodille lar henne være i fred.
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Norsk Bokmål
Survivors of the Holocaust
An award-winning graphic exploration of the Holocaust Based on a series of a BAFTA-nominated animated documentaries, the artwork in Survivors of the Holocaust has been reinvented to bring together six different real-life survivors' account of the Holocaust. Every word rings with truth, whether it describes the bleak fear of arriving at Auschwitz or the sheer terror of Kristallnacht, and is complemented by dazzling, clever artwork. This unique children's graphic novel aims to bring the survivors' stories to a new audience. It is an important, timely reminder of the horrors that can be inflicted on innocent people and a reflection of the Holocaust's legacy today. Its importance has been recognised - Survivors of the Holocaust won the overall award at the School & Library Association awards in 2017.The Holocaust is an important part of the history curriculum at Key Stage 3 and this book is pitched perfectly for 9-12 year olds.
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Frankie's Foibles
Frankie is worried. He's worried about his new school, he's worried about making friends, and he's worried about the bully boys that wait for him on the corner of the street. But most of all, he's worried about what might happen if he steps on the cracks in the pavement.Then Frankie learns about his foibles, the pesky little creatures that whisper worries in his ear. They are bullies, just like the boys on the corner. But with a big grin on his face and a little help from his brand new friend, Frankie discovers that he can learn to ignore his foibles... and eventually escape his worries for good!This beautifully illustrated story will appeal to any child age 7+ who worries, especially those with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and anxiety. Emphasising that we all have worries, it is a great way for parents and professionals to approach the topic sensitively.
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Animate Planet
In Animate Planet Kath Weston shows how new intimacies between humans, animals, and their surroundings are emerging as people attempt to understand how the high-tech ecologically damaged world they have made is remaking them, one synthetic chemical, radioactive isotope, and megastorm at a time. Visceral sensations, she finds, are vital to this process, which yields a new animism in which humans and "the environment" become thoroughly entangled. In case studies on food, water, energy, and climate from the United States, India, and Japan, Weston approaches the new animism as both a symptom of our times and an analytic with the potential to open paths to new and forgotten ways of living.
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Lesbian Geographies
It has long been recognised that the spatialisation of sexual lives is always gendered. Sexism and male dominance are a pervasive reality and lesbian issues are rarely afforded the same prominence as gay issues. Thus, lesbian geographies continue to be a salient axis of difference, challenging the conflation of lesbians and gay men, as well as the trope that homonormativity affects lesbians and gay men in the same ways. This volume explores lesbian geographies in diverse geographical, social and cultural contexts and presents new approaches, using English as a working language but not as a cultural framework. Going beyond the dominant trace of Anglo-American perspectives of research in sexualities, this book presents research in a wide range of countries including Australia, Argentina, Israel, Canada, USA, Russia, Poland, Spain, Hungary and Mexico.
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