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Viser resultat for 'Kate Mosse'



    Kate Mosse

    4.8 av 5

    Pocket · 2007

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Pocket · 2007

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Andre utgaver · 5

    kr 20



    Kate Mosse

    3.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2009

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Innbundet · 2008

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20



    Kate Mosse

    Oppfølgeren til Labyrinten og Gravkammer er en fengslende historie om krig, kjærlighet og tapre unge kvinner og menn. Carcassonne, 1942: Ved en tilfeldighet dras den energiske og modige 18-åringen Sandrine inn i kampen mot den tyske overmakten. Sammen med de andre unge kvinnene i nettverket «Citadell» er hun villig til å ofre alt for å befri den franske middelhavskysten, slik forfedrene kjempet mot innvandrere fra nord mange hundre år tidligere. Sandrines partisaner forsvarer også en eldgammel hemmelighet som - hvis den havner i feil hender - kan endre historiens gang. Idet krigen går mot slutten, er Sandrines skjebne uløselig bundet til tre forskjellige menn. Men hvem er den egentlige fienden? Hvem utgjør den største trusselen? Og hvem er den sanne beskytteren av hemmelighetene som i generasjoner har trukket mennesker til foten av Pyreneene? Med Citadell har Kate Mosse skrevet en storslått, frittstående avslutning på sin kritikerroste Languedoc-trilogi, som har begeistret millioner av lesere verden over. Citadell kombinerer Labyrintens barske action med Gravkammers mysterier. «Kate Mosse avslutter nå Languedoc-trilogien etter 'Labyrinten' og 'Gravkammer', og hun har gjort det igjen: Elskere av velskrevet underholdningslitteratur kan glede seg til en forrykende reise gjennom tider og steder.» VG (5/6)

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2013

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 50

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 50

    Den trettende fortellingen

    Den trettende fortellingen

    Diane Setterfield

    4.4 av 5

    Pocket · 2013

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Pocket · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Andre utgaver · 8

    kr 20

    The little Prince

    The little Prince

    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    Few books have been as universally cherished by children and adults alike as The Little Prince. A beautiful gift edition of this touching and wise classic children's book, with the original translation by Katherine Woods and full-colour illustrations. A pilot stranded in the desert awakes one morning to see the most extraordinary little fellow standing before him. .Please," asks the stranger, .draw me a sheep." And the pilot realises that when life's events are too difficult to understand, there is no choice but to succumb to their mysteries. He pulls out a pencil and paper . . . and thus begins this wise and enchanting fable that, in teaching the secret of what is really important in life, has changed the world forever for its readers. This stunning new edition of the classic children's book The Little Prince, includes the classic English translation by Katherine Woods and original colour illustrations which will capture the hearts of readers of all ages.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    kr 50

    Innbundet · 2004


    kr 50

    Andre utgaver · 15

    kr 50

    The burning chambers

    The burning chambers

    Kate Mosse

    France 1562. As the Wars of Religion begin to take hold, a courageous Catholic woman and a passionate Huguenot believer find themselves united in possession of a priceless relic and set upon a quest to uncover a long-buried secret hidden in the haunting Chateau de Puivert in the foothills of the Pyrenees

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019



    Pocket · 2018



    Andre utgaver · 3




    Kate Mosse

    Frankrike. Allehelgensaften, 1897. Ei ung jente, Leonie Vernier, forsvinner sporløst fra Domaine de la Cade utenfor Rennes-les-Bains. Samme natt blir en prest brutalt myrdet i nabolandsbyen. Det eneste som knytter de to hendelsene sammen er musikken som høres i skogen og Tarot-kortet som presten holder. Morderne blir aldri dømt, og Leonie blir aldri funnet. Domanie de la Cade, 2007: Forfatter og musiker Meredith Martin ankommer Domaine de la Cade for å drive undersøkelser rundt komponisten Claude Debussy. Hun blir umiddelbart grepet av Leonies skjebne, og da hun oppdager et skjult gravkammer og begynner å høre musikk i skogen om natta, skjønner hun at den gamle historien ikke er avsluttet. Mot sin vilje kjemper hun snart for å finne Tarot-kortet og løse det gamle mysteriet, uten å bli det neste offeret selv. Dette er den andre boka i Languedoc-trilogien.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008


    kr 34
    kr 34



    Kate Mosse

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 30
    kr 30



    Kate Mosse

    Three secrets. Two women. One Grail . . . 10th Anniversary Edition of the spellbinding No. 1 bestselling novel.July 1209: in Carcassonne a 17-year-old girl is given a mysterious book by her father which he claims contains the secret of the true Grail. Although Alais cannot understand the strange words and symbols hidden within, she knows that her destiny lies in keeping the secret of the labyrinth safe . . .July 2005: Alice Tanner discovers two skeletons in a forgotten cave in the French Pyrenees. Puzzled by the labyrinth symbol carved into the rock, she realises she's disturbed something that was meant to remain hidden. Somehow, a link to a horrific past - her past - has been revealed.

    4.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    kr 30

    Pocket · 2010


    kr 20

    Andre utgaver · 5

    kr 30



    Kate Mosse

    From the No.1 internationally bestselling author comes the third heart-stopping adventure exploring the incredible history, legends and hidden secrets of Carcassonne and the Languedoc.Set during World War II in the far south of France, CITADEL is a powerful, action-packed mystery that reveals the secrets of the resistance under Nazi occupation. While war blazed in the trenches at the front, back at home a different battle is waged, full of clandestine bravery, treachery and secrets. And as a cell of Maquis resistance fighters, codenamed CITADEL, fight for everything they hold dear, their struggle will reveal an older, darker combat being fought in the shadows.Combining the rugged action of LABYRINTH with the haunting mystery of SEPULCHRE, CITADEL is a story of daring and courage, of lives risked for beliefs and of astonishing secrets buried in time.

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012


    kr 40

    Pocket · 2014


    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 40

    The mistletoe bride & other tales

    The mistletoe bride & other tales

    Kate Mosse

    A wonderfully atmospheric collection of short stories, rooted deep in the landscape and inspired by traditional folk tales and country legends from England and France. These tales are richly populated by ghosts and spirits seeking revenge; by grief-struck women and haunted men coming to terms with their destiny - all rooted deep in the elemental landscapes of Sussex, Brittany and the Languedoc. The collection will include The Mistletoe Bride, La Fille de Melisande, Red Letter Day, The Lending Library, The House on the Hill...

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013





    Kate Mosse

    A gripping tale of mystery and adventure from the bestselling author of THE TAXIDERMIST'S DAUGHTER and LABYRINTH.

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    kr 99

    Pocket · 2007


    kr 20

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 99

    The city of tears

    The city of tears

    Kate Mosse

    Following on from the Sunday Times number one bestseller, The Burning Chambers, Kate Mosse's The City of Tears is the second thrilling historical epic in The Burning Chambers series, for fans of Ken Follett and Dan Brown. June 1572: for ten, violent years the Wars of Religion have raged across France. Neighbours have become enemies, countless lives have been lost, the country has been torn apart over matters of religion, citizenship and sovereignty. But now a precarious peace is in the balance: a royal wedding has been negotiated by Catherine de' Medici and Jeanne d'Albret, an alliance between the Catholic Crown and Henri, the Huguenot king of Navarre. It is a marriage that could see France reunited at last. Meanwhile in Puivert, an invitation has arrived for Minou Joubert and her family to attend this historic wedding in Paris in August. But what Minou does not know is that the Joubert family's oldest enemy, Vidal, will also be there. Nor that, within days of the marriage, on the eve of the Feast Day of St Bartholomew's, Minou's family will be scattered to the four winds and one of her beloved children will have disappeared without trace . . . A breath-taking novel of revenge, persecution and loss, sweeping from Paris and Chartres to the City of Tears itself - the great refugee city of Amsterdam - this is a story of one family's fight to stay together, to survive and to find each other, against the devastating tides of history . . .

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020



    Crucifix Lane

    Crucifix Lane

    Kate Mosse

    Briefly unconscious after a fall in south east London's Crucifix Lane, Annie comes to and finds herself propelled eleven years into the future and caught up with a group of people, led by the charismatic Kellen, who are helping the disadvantaged. But Kellen's altruism is a cover for criminal activities including bio-piracy and Annie's friend Leah is a casualty of her refusal to face that fact. In a dramatic climax, Annie confronts Kellen as the Thames breaks its banks, and she is saved only by her return to 1997 - with the knowledge that London's future is in her hands.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1998


    kr 50
    kr 50

    The winter ghosts

    The winter ghosts

    Kate Mosse

    Freddie Watson mistet sin elskede bror i første verdenskrig, og han må forsøke å finne på noe for å få fred fra sorgen. Vinteren 1928 reiser han gjennom Frankrike, og i en isolert landsby møter han den vakre, unge kvinna Fabrissa som også sørger over en tapt generasjon. Fabrissa og Freddie deler historiene sine med hverandre, og neste dag skjønner Freddie at han har nøkkelen til et hjerteskjærende mysterium.

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010


    kr 22

    Innbundet · 2009


    kr 50

    Andre utgaver · 5

    kr 22

    The taxidermist's daughter

    The taxidermist's daughter

    Kate Mosse

    The enthralling new Sunday Times bestselling gothic novel from the author of THE WINTER GHOSTS, CITADEL and LABYRINTH. The clock strikes twelve. Beneath the wind and the remorseless tolling of the bell, no one can hear the scream ...1912. A Sussex churchyard. Villagers gather on the night when the ghosts of those who will not survive the coming year are thought to walk. And in the shadows, a woman lies dead. As the flood waters rise, Connie Gifford is marooned in a decaying house with her increasingly tormented father. He drinks to escape the past, but an accident has robbed her of her most significant childhood memories. Until the disturbance at the church awakens fragments of those vanished years ...

    3.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    kr 20

    Pocket · 2014


    kr 30

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 20



    Kate Mosse

    A THRILLING ADVENTURE STORY OF COURAGE, DESTINY AND BETRAYAL SET IN MEDIEVAL AND CONTEMPORARY CARCASSONNE July 1209: in Carcassonne a sixteen-year-old girl is given a mysterious book by her father which he claims contains the secret of the true Grail. Although Alaïs cannot understand the strange words and symbols hidden within, she knows that her destiny lies in protecting it. It will take great sacrifice and faith to keep the secret of the labyrinth safe - a secret that stretches back thousands of years to the deserts of Ancient Egypt July 2005: Alice Tanner stumbles upon two skeletons during an archaeological dig in the mountains outside Carcassonne. Inside the hidden tomb where the bones lie crumbling, she experiences an overwhelming sense of malevolence, as well as a creeping realisation that, however impossible it seems, she can somehow understand the mysterious ancient words carved into the rock. Too late, Alice realises she's set in motion a terrifying sequence of events that she cannot control and that her destiny is inextricably tied up with the fate of the Cathars 800 years before.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2005


    kr 30

    Pocket · 2003


    kr 30

    The Burning Chambers (Limited Signed Edition)

    The Burning Chambers (Limited Signed Edition)

    Kate Mosse

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    The Mistletoe Bride and Other Haunting Tales

    The Mistletoe Bride and Other Haunting Tales

    Kate Mosse

    I hear someone coming. It has happened before. I pause and listen but no longer hear anything. I sigh. As always, hope is snatched away before it can take root. And so then, as always, I am carried back to that first December so very long ago...

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    The Black Mountain

    The Black Mountain: Quick Reads 2022

    Kate Mosse

    The Black Mountain is a Quick Read short story from bestselling author Kate Mosse. It is May, 1706. Ana, a young Spanish woman, lives in a small town on the north-west coast of Tenerife with her mother and twin younger brothers. The town is in the shadow of a mighty volcano, which legend says has the devil living inside it. However, there has been no eruption for thousands of years and no one believes it is a threat. One day, Ana notices that the air feels strange and heavy, that the birds have stopped singing. Tending the family vineyard, a sudden strange tremor in the earth frightens her. Very soon it will be a race against time for Ana to help persuade the town that they are in danger and should flee before the volcano erupts and destroys their world. Will they listen? And Ana herself faces another danger .

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2022



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