Eiendomsmegling: rettslige spørsmål
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
eiendomsmegling rettslige spørsmål 2017
Eiendomsmegling pensum
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Norsk Bokmål
Verdipapirfondloven: med kommentarer
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Norsk Bokmål
Lov om finansiell sikkerhetsstillelse: med kommentarer
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Norsk Bokmål
Eiendomsmegling - rettslige spørsmål
2. utgave
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Norsk Bokmål
Ästhetik des Hässlichen
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Aesthetics of Ugliness
In this key text in the history of art and aesthetics, Karl Rosenkranz shows ugliness to be the negation of beauty without being reducible to evil, materiality, or other negative terms used it's conventional condemnation. This insistence on the specificity of ugliness, and on its dynamic status as a process afflicting aesthetic canons, reflects Rosenkranz's interest in the metropolis - like Walter Benjamin, he wrote on Paris and Berlin - and his voracious collecting of caricature and popular prints. Rosenkranz, living and teaching, like Kant, in remote Koenigsberg, reflects on phenomena of modern urban life from a distance that results in critical illumination. The struggle with modernization and idealist aesthetics makes Aesthetics of Ugliness, published four years before Baudelaire's Fleurs du Mal, hugely relevant to modernist experiment as well as to the twenty-first century theoretical revival of beauty.Translated into English for the first time, Aesthetics of Ugliness is an indispensable work for scholars and students of modern aesthetics and modernist art, literary studies and cultural theory, which fundamentally reworks conceptual understandings of what it means for a thing to be ugly.
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Finansavtaleloven: med kommentarer
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Norsk Bokmål
Verdipapirhandelloven: lovkommentar
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Norsk Bokmål
All Too Human
This book offers an analysis of humor, comedy, and laughter as philosophical topics in the 19th Century. It traces the introduction of humor as a new aesthetic category inspired by Laurence Sterne's "Tristram Shandy" and shows Sterne's deep influence on German aesthetic theorists of this period. Through differentiating humor from comedy, the book suggests important distinctions within the aesthetic philosophies of G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Solger, and Jean Paul Richter. The book links Kant's underdeveloped incongruity theory of laughter to Schopenhauer's more complete account and identifies humor's place in the pessimistic philosophy of Julius Bahnsen. It considers how caricature functioned at the intersection of politics, aesthetics, and ethics in Karl Rosenkranz's work, and how Kierkegaard and Nietzsche made humor central not only to their philosophical content but also to its style. The book concludes with an explication of French philosopher Henri Bergson's claim that laughter is a response to mechanical inelasticity.
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Sociologisk metodik
Sociologisk metodik har uppdaterats kontinuerligt i takt med den förändrade synen på forskningsmetoder. Denna femte upplaga är till stora delar en ny bok. Flera avsnitt har utökats, andra har helt skrivits om och några har tillkommit. Boken är indelad i två huvuddelar: Del I presenterar forskningsmetodikens grunder och introducerar kvalitativ och kvantitativ metodik. Del II fördjupar framställningen, både teoretiskt och metodologiskt. Här ligger tyngdpunkten på kvantitativ metod, men även kvalitativa aspekter behandlas. Karl-Erik Rosengren är professor emeritus. Han har tidigare varit verksam inom sociologi, medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap samt litteraturvetenskap vid universiteten i Lund, Göteborg och Madison, Wisconsin. Peter Arvidson är docent i sociologi vid Lunds universitet och tjänstgör för närvarande som professor i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid högskolan i Kalmar.
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Katastrofen i Barsebäck : en fingerad nyhetssändning och dess føljder. Del 1
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Norsk Bokmål
Communication: An introduction
This book offers a thorough, yet lively examination of all aspects of human communication.
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Sociologisk metodik
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Norsk Bokmål
Arbetsbok [till] Sociologisk metodik [av] Karl Erik Rosengren
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Norsk Bokmål
Juleroser 2019: 2019
Juleroser er eit rikt illustrert, litterært julehefte med bidrag frå nokre av dei fremste forfattarane og kunstnarane i vår tid. Herborg Kråkevik, som er redaktør for det vakre juleheftet, ønskjer å gi lesarane store kunstopplevingar til jul. I år har Juleroser 5-årsjubileum og har bidrag frå mellom andre Siri Hustvedt, Tore Kvæven, Maja Lunde, Lars Saabye Christensen, Sumaya Jirde Ali og Ståle Blæsterdalen. Tre vakre kunsttrykk er inkluderte. Juleroser er eit samarbeid mellom Samlaget og Egmont Kids Media Nordic AS.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Nynorsk
Norsk Nynorsk
20 politiske filosofer
«Filosofene har bare tolket verden, men det gjelder å forandre den.» Karl Marx' berømte ytring om at filosofenes oppgave er å forandre verden står som motto for Gunnar Fredrikssons nye bok. Her kan man lese om venstreteoretikere som Marx og Bakunin, konservatismens far Burke, feminismens grunnlegger Mary Wollstonecraft samt nazisten Alfred Rosenberg og vestlige tenkere som Karl Popper og John Rawles. I tillegg filosofer fra andre kulturkretser som Kon Fu Tze, Edward Said og nobelprisvinneren Amartya Sen.
2.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
What Heals and Why? Children's Understanding of Medical Treatments
We live in an increasingly pharmacological and medical world, in which children and adults frequently encounter alleged treatments for an enormous range of illnesses. How do we come to understand what heals and why? Here, 15 studies explore how 1,414 children (ages 5-11) and 882 adults construe the efficacies of different kinds of cures. Developmental patterns in folk physics, folk psychology, and folk biology lead to predictions about which expectations about illnesses and cures will remain relatively constant across development and which expectations will undergo change. With respect to a constant framework, we find that even young school children distinguish between physical and psychological disorders and the treatments that would be most effective for those disorders. In contrast, younger children reason differently about temporal properties associated with cures. They often judge that dramatic departures from prescribed schedules will continue to be effective. They are also less likely than older ages to differentiate between the treatment needs of acute versus chronic disorders, which in turn reflect different intuitions about how medicines work. Younger children see medicines as agent-like entities that migrate only to afflicted regions while having "cure-all" properties, views that help explain their difficulties grasping side effects. They also differ from older children and adults by judging pain and effort as reducing, instead of enhancing, a treatment's power. Finally, across all studies, optimism about treatment efficacy declines with age. Taken together, these studies show major developmental changes in how children envision the ways medicines and other cures work in the body. These findings reveal new dimensions of folk biology and its links to broader patterns in cognitive development. They also carry strong implications for how medicines should be provided and explained to children, as well as for what kinds of medication myths might persevere even in adults.
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Tidevarvets bättre genius : föreställningar om offentlighet och publicitet i Karl Johanstidens Sverige
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Norsk Bokmål
Jakten på Det hellige: nyåndelige bevegelser i Norge
Boken er en beskrivelse av nye åndelige livssyn som i de siste 20-30 årene har fått stadig flere tilhengere i de vestlige land. Den tar for seg blant annet Osho-bevegelsen, Rosenkors-ordenen, antroposofien og New Age-bevegelser. Har noter med litteraturhenvisninger.
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Norsk Bokmål
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