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Viser resultat for 'Karen Horney'

    Taz̤ādhāy-i darūnī-i mā

    Taz̤ādhāy-i darūnī-i mā

    Karen Horney

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1984

    Norsk Bokmål


    New Ways in Psychoanalysis

    New Ways in Psychoanalysis

    Karen Horney

    I bra stand. 313 s.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1966


    kr 35
    kr 35

    Vår tids nevrotiker

    Vår tids nevrotiker

    Karen Horney:

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1967

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 129
    kr 129

    Vår tids nevrotiker

    Vår tids nevrotiker

    Karen Horney

    223 sider, med et forord av Leo Eitinger

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1971

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 25
    kr 25

    Karen Horney

    Karen Horney

    Bernard J. Paris

    Karen Horney (1885-1952) is regarded by many as one of the most important psychoanalytic thinkers of the twentieth century. Her early work, in which she quarreled with Freud's views on female psychology, established her as the first great psychoanalytic feminist. In her later years, she developed a sophisticated theory of her own which provided powerful explanations of human behavior that have proved to be widely applicable. Yet through these years of intellectual achievement, Horney struggled with emotional problems. This engrossing study of Horney's life and work draws on newly discovered materials to explore the relation between her personal history and the evolution of her ideas.Bernard J. Paris argues that Horney's inner struggles-in particular her compulsive need for men-induced her to embark on a search for self-understanding, which she recorded first in her diaries and then in her covertly autobiographical psychoanalytic writings. Although this search brought Horney only partial relief from her problems, it led her to profound and original insights into the human psyche. Paris describes Horney's life-her childhood and adolescence in Germany, marriage to Oskar Horney, motherhood, analysis and self-analysis, emigration to the United States, founding of the American Institute for Psychoanalysis, ostracism by the psychoanalytic establishment, and her many romantic liaisons. At the same time he examines the various stages of Horney's thought, showing how her experiences influenced her ideas. Focusing particularly on Horney's later work, Paris shows her mature theory to be an important contribution to the study of literature, biography, gender and culture, as well as to psychoanalysis and psychology.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1996



    Psykoanalysens mödrar : Helene Deutsch, Karen Horney, Anna Freud och Melanie Klein

    Psykoanalysens mödrar : Helene Deutsch, Karen Horney, Anna Freud och Melanie Klein

    Janet Sayers

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1992

    Norsk Bokmål




    Clara Thompson

    Clara Thompson was a leading representative of the cultural interpersonal school of psychoanalysis, sometimes known as the "neo-Freudians," which included Karen Horney, Erich Fromm, and Harry Stack Sullivan. "Classical analysts" once viewed neo-Freudians with the greatest suspicion and mistrust, yet today they can be seen for the innovative group of thinkers they were. Thompson's Psychoanalysis: Evolution and Development, first published in 1950, remains an enormously fair-minded discussion of the history of psychoanalytic theory and therapy.Psychoanalysis has always been a theory of personality as well as a technique of therapy. Since Freud was born in 1856, and was an outstanding representative of the culture of old Vienna, Thompson thought there was plenty of room for revising classical analytic thinking in light of later developments. Such revisionism, she believed, need not lose the essential appreciation of the dynamic unconscious within classical analysis. However, Thompson felt Freud's biological outlook needed to be supplemented by a culturally more sophisticated orientation, and she was among those who tried to put Freud's concepts of libido into historical perspective. Instead of psychoanalysis having as its objective the release of tensions, Thompson proposed that the goal of analysis ought to be the growth of the total personality. Her revisionism also meant that the scope of psychoanalytic treatment could be broadened well beyond the neuroses Freud sought to explain. Thompson well understood the impact of the social environment on character formation.The psychology of women needed to be rethought; differences between men and women could be partly explained by the social expectations that traditional Western culture had imposed on them. Thompson believed the whole analyst-patient relationship needed to be rethought; the real personality of the therapist has to be acknowledged, and the full human interplay between patient and analyst required examination.In the current positivistic therapeutic climate based on technological advances in psychopharmacology, the ethical and humanistic dimension may be lost. Reflecting on the work of Clara Thompson and the neo-Freudian school can remind us of earlier efforts to challenge therapeutic authority and their distinct relevance to our problems today.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Att ha eller att vara?

    Att ha eller att vara?

    Erich Fromm

    Att ha eller att vara? är en modern klassiker. Boken är en personlig och sammanfattande redovisning av Erich Fromms tes att mänsklighetens överlevande inte bara beror på nödvändiga förändringar i samhället utan också på en radikal förändring av människans livsattityder och personliga förhållningssätt. Att ha och att vara är två skilda livsformer. Att ha innebär ägande och leder till försvar, våld och aggression. Att vara kräver oberoende, frihet, mänsklig mognad och kritiskt förnuft. Kärlek ligger inte inom ägandets utan inom varandets livsform. Den tysk-amerikanske psykoanalytikern Erich Fromm blev tidigt influerad av marxismen och vände sig mot den freudianska psykoanalysens starka biologiska förankring. 1934 flyttade han till USA och förenade sig med de s.k. neofreudianerna, främst Karen Horney och Harry Stack Sullivan. Översättning Ingeborg Löfgren Boken ingår i serien Natur och Kulturs psykologiklassiker . Erich Fromm (1900–1980), psykolog, samhällsteoretiker och filosof. Född och uppvuxen i Tyskland emigrerade han 1934 till USA. Av Fromm har Natur och Kultur även utgivit Det glömda språket , Flykten från friheten , Konsten att lyssna och Kärlekens konst .

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2006



    Constitution-Types in Delinquency

    Constitution-Types in Delinquency

    W. A. Willemse

    Routledge is now re-issuing this prestigious series of 204 volumes originally published between 1910 and 1965. The titles include works by key figures such asC.G. Jung, Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Otto Rank, James Hillman, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney and Susan Isaacs. Each volume is available on its own, as part of a themed mini-set, or as part of a specially-priced 204-volume set. A brochure listing each title in the "International Library of Psychology" series is available upon request.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1999



    50 Psychology Classics

    50 Psychology Classics

    Tom Butler-Bowdon

    A brand new edition of the thinking person's guide to popular psychology. In a journey spanning 50 books, hundreds of ideas and over a century, 50 Psychology Classics looks at some of the most intriguing questions relating to what motivates us, what makes us feel and act in certain ways, how our brains work, and how we create a sense of self. This edition includes contemporary classics like Thinking, Fast and Slow; Quiet and The Marshmallow Test. EXPLORE the human condition through the great thinkers in psychology:Alfred Adler on human nature - Albert Bandura on self-efficacy - Isabel Briggs-Myers on personality type - Hans Eysenck on the four dimensions of personality - Albert Ellis on emotions - Erik Erikson on identity crises - Anna Freud on defense mechanisms - Sigmund Freud on dreams - Eric Hoffer on mass psychology - Karen Horney on inner conflicts - Carl Jung on the collective unconscious - Alfred Kinsey on sexual psychology - Melanie Klein on envy - Abraham Maslow on human potential - Stanley Milgram on obedience to authority - I. P. Pavlov on conditioning - Carl Rogers on counselling - Jean Piaget on child psychology - B. F. Skinner on the power of environment DISCOVER the findings of contemporary research and practice:Susan Cain on introversion - Carol Dweck on mindset - Martin Gilbert on happiness - Malcolm Gladwell on intuition - John Gottman on marriage - Temple Grandin on autism - Stephen Grosz on self-delusion - Daniel Kahneman on thinking - Walter Mischel on self-control - Leonard Mlodinow on the subconscious - Steven Pinker on nature vs nurture - V. S. Ramachandran on neurology - Barry Schwartz on the burden of choiceGAIN the essence of great writings in psychology:The Nature of Prejudice - The Female Brain - Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - A Guide To Rational Living - The Will To Meaning - The Nature of Love - I'm OK, You're OK - The Divided Self - Gestalt Therapy - The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat - Authentic Happiness - Darkness Visible

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Classic Morita Therapy

    Classic Morita Therapy

    Australia) LeVine Peg (Monash University

    Shoma (Masatake) Morita, M.D. (1874-1938) was a Japanese psychiatrist-professor who developed a unique four stage therapy process. He challenged psychoanalysts who sanctioned an unconscious or unconsciousness (collective or otherwise) that resides inside the mind. Significantly, he advanced a phenomenal connection between existentialism, Zen, Nature and the therapeutic role of serendipity. Morita is a forerunner of eco-psychology and he equalised the strength between human-to-human attachment and human-to-Nature bonds. This book chronicles Morita's theory of "peripheral consciousness", his paradoxical method, his design of a natural therapeutic setting, and his progressive-four stage therapy. It explores how this therapy can be beneficial for clients outside of Japan using, for the first time, non-Japanese case studies. The author's personal material about training in Japan and subsequent practice of Morita's ecological and phenomenological therapy in Australia and the United States enhance this book. LeVine's coining of "cruelty-based trauma" generates a rich discussion on the need for therapy inclusive of ecological settings. As a medical anthropologist, clinical psychologist and genocide scholar, LeVine shows how the four progressive stages are essential to the classic method and the key importance of the first "rest" stage in outcomes for clients who have been embossed by trauma.Since cognitive science took hold in the 1970s, complex consciousness theories have lost footing in psychology and medical science. This book reinstates "consciousness" as the dynamic core of Morita therapy. The case material illustrates the use of Morita therapy for clients struggling with the aftermath of trauma and how to live creatively and responsively inside the uncertainty of existence. The never before published archival biographic notes and photos of psychoanalyst Karen Horney, Fritz Perls, Eric Fromm and other renowned scholars who took an interest in Morita in the 1950s and 60s provide a dense historical backdrop.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Sin, Pride & Self-Acceptance: The Problem of Identity in Theology & Psychology

    Sin, Pride & Self-Acceptance: The Problem of Identity in Theology & Psychology

    Terry D. Cooper

    What is at the root of the problem of humanity? Is it pride or lack of self-esteem? Do we love ourselves too much or too little? The debate about the human condition has often been framed this way in both theological and psychological circles. Convictions about preaching, teaching, marriage and child rearing, as well as politics, social welfare, business management and the helping professions, more often than not, fall on one side or the other of this divide. With theological and psychological insight Terry D. Cooper provides trenchant analysis of this centuries-long debate and leads us beyond the usual impasse. Humanistic psychology has often regarded traditional Christianity as its archrival in assessing the human condition. Cooper demonstrates how the Christian doctrine of a sinful and fallen humanity sheds light on the human condition which exhibits both pride and self-denigration. Bringing theological insights ranging from Augustine and John Calvin to Reinhold Niebuhr together with the psychological theories of Freud, Jung, Carl Rogers, Gerald May and Karen Horney, Cooper guides readers through the maze of competing claims to a resolution which affirms Christian conviction while critically engaging modern psychological theory. A model of the proper integration of Christian theology and the discipline of psychology, Sin, Pride & Self-Acceptance will be of special help to students and practitioners of psychology, pastoral counseling and clinical psychology.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2003



    Psychology of Women and Gender

    Psychology of Women and Gender

    Zeryl Joy M. Fiscal

    Psychology is one of the most interesting and important facts about human being. Psychology is the science of behavior and mind embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experience as well as thought. It is an academic discipline and a social science which seeks to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases. Psychology of every human being differs from individual to individual and it also differs on the basis of gender of human being. Psychology of a human being can be of two kinds which are known as masculine psychology and feminine psychology. Feminine psychology is an approach to psychology that focuses on issues concerning gender, female human identity, and the issues that women face throughout their lives especially social, economic, and political issues. Moreover, feminine psychology is an approach towards understanding the values, beliefs, and thinking processes of a female individual. Women are considered the most complex types of persons because of their physiological differences from their male counterparts. The focus of this book is to analyze the psychology of women. However, the contents of this book go way beyond from explaining the psychological aspects of a woman's mind. The book is divided into ten chapters. These chapters focus on each aspect of a day to day to life of every women in this world. The chapters include the structure of the female brain and the aspects of brain which affects the psychology of women. This text also points out the specific differences between the male brain and the female brain. There are also portions of the text that explains the basic biological, physical, and mental differences between a female individual and a male individual. The text of this book will also explain the reasons behind the differences between male and female psychology and provides enough evidence collected from reliable sources to justify the differentiations. The purpose of this book is also to focus on the achievements of women all around the world to inspire more women to thrive towards their goal successfully. On the other hand, the purpose of this book will also identify the obstacles, conflicts and harassments among women of all nationalities, ethnicity and race all around the globe. This book also focuses on the mental health of women and also identifies the severe mental illnesses that women of face in today's world. The book will also identify the significant changes that have occurred in the field of psychology and feminine psychology over time. Likewise, some prominent psychologists whose theories influenced the field of psychology immensely will be cited and discussed. The information provided here are secondary data, collected from various reliable websites, Wikipedia, Scholarly articles, and research papers. Theories of Sigmund Freud, Karen Horney, and many other prominent psychologists are utilized here to point out the significance of feminine psychology.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017




    Maria Adolfsson

    Feiltrinn er første bind i serien om politietterforsker Karin Eiken Hornby. Handlingen utspiller seg på Doggerland, en værhard øygruppe basert på et forsvunnet landområde mellom Storbritannia og Skandinavia. Det er dagen etter den årlige østersfestivalen på Doggerland. Politietterforsker Karen Eiken Hornby våkner opp på et hotellrom i grusom bakrus og med en enorm skyldfølelse for nattens utskeielser. Et annet sted på øya blir en ung kvinne funnet drept, og nyheten rammer det lille øysamfunnet hardt. Karen får ansvaret for etterforskningen, men saken kompliseres av at offeret er ekskona til sjefen hennes - mannen hun våknet ved siden av samme morgen. Mens Karen balanserer rollen som etterforsker og alibi, graver hun i øyas historie. Hun oppdager fort at fortidens bedrag fortsatt gjør seg gjeldende og tvinges til å navigere mellom egne og andres feiltrinn.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2023

    Norsk Bokmål


    Honey and Me

    Honey and Me

    Karen McCombie

    Things haven't been great for Kirsten recently - she's had to start at a new school where she doesn't know anybody, and home hasn't been a great place to be either with Mum and Dad arguing all the time. At least she has her old friend Honey to talkto. But her new friends have lots of questions about Honey...and her older brother Finn might just spill the beans about this special friend! Particularly suitable for struggling, reluctant and dyslexic readers aged 8+

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Television's Female Spies and Crimefighters

    Television's Female Spies and Crimefighters

    Karen A. Romanko

    From Emma Peel with her ""kinky boots"" to Amanda King and her poppy seed cake, from Julie Barnes with her hippie pad to Honey West and her pet ocelot, TV's female spies and crimefighters leave an indelible impression, but there hasn't been a reference book devoted to them until now.This encyclopedic work covers TV's female spies, private investigators, amateur sleuths, police detectives, federal agents and crime-fighting superheroes, with an emphasis on lead or noteworthy characters. The entries include series credits and synopses, notable plot points, important or fun facts, and critical commentary on seminal series and characters. In addition to its A to Z coverage of the topic, the book provides a brief history of female spies and crimefighters on television, placing them in chronological perspective and sociological context.With 350 female spies and crimefighters who have appeared in over 250 television series since the 1950s, this comprehensive reference will appeal to TV fans and popular culture scholars alike.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016




    Karen Kincy

    Feathers unfurl from my skin. My plummet curves into a swoop, and I tuck my talons beneath my body. From girl to great horned owl in about a second. Pretty good, huh? Gwen Williams is like any other modern teenager with one exception: she's a shapeshifter. Never having known her Pooka-spirit father, Gwen must struggle with the wild, wonderful magic inside of her alone-and in secret. While society may tolerate vampires, centaurs, and Others like Gwen, there are plenty of folks in Klikamuks, Washington, who don't care for her kind. Now there's a new werewolf pack in town, and Others are getting killed, including Gwen's dryad friend. The police are doing zilch. In the midst of terrible loss and danger, Gwen meets a cute Japanese fox spirit who's refreshingly comfortable with his Otherness. Can Gwen find the courage to embrace her true self and find the killer-before she becomes the next victim?

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010


    Love for a Lifetime: A Bridal Keepsake

    Love for a Lifetime: A Bridal Keepsake

    Karen Moore

    A gift for the soon-to-be-married, this lovely book will help the bride cherish all the moments that bring her to her wedding day. In poetry and prose, Karen Moore notes the significant events first dates, meeting families, choosing marriage vows, the wedding, the honeymoon and making home. There is room for the bride to save the invitation, record their vows, and make significant notes. Moore celebrates with the bride and offers helpful encouragement to make her wedding a reflection of a love that will last for a lifetime."

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015



    Your Wedding Astrologer

    Your Wedding Astrologer

    Karen Christino

    The stars are here to help you plan your wedding! Use this guide to find astrologically based advice on everything you need to plan the perfect cosmically customized wedding-from choosing the right dress, locale, or food, or dealing with your difficult Scorpio maid of honor.What do you do if your stubborn Leo partner wants a dramatic, extravagant wedding-but you don't? How do you choose the right date to make sure all the planets are all aligned in your favor? How can a sensitive Cancer avoid getting overwhelmed and stressed by wedding planning? Now, experienced astrologer Karen Christino delivers tailored insight into how to use the stars to your advantage to plan every last detail of your dream wedding. In this book, you'll discover: -The ideal date for your wedding based on your Zodiac sign -The best dresses for you and your bridesmaids -The easiest ways to deal with a difficult mother-in-law or demanding maid of honor -The perfect location for a romantic honeymoonAnd much more!With Your Wedding Astrologer, you'll be able to make sure the stars align for the wedding of your dreams-and a happy, long-lasting marriage!

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


    Wonderwise: Hiding: A book about animal disguises

    Wonderwise: Hiding: A book about animal disguises

    Karen Wallace

    For many animals Hiding is the only way of staying alive: sometimes it's to fool hungry enemies and sometimes it's to creep unseen upon luckless prey. The world of animal disguise is rich and colourful - a hunting tiger's coat can cleverly blend into long grass, a harmless fly will pretend to be a fierce hornet and an opossum will play dead.The Wonderwise series presents facts in a way that will inspire young children's imaginations about the world around them.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


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