Keto Diet
From the author of the national bestseller Eat Dirt, a 30-day healthy plan -- including more than 80 delicious recipes -- to burn fat, fight inflammation, and reverse disease using the keto diet. Today, the ketogenic diet is the world's fastest growing diet, and with good reason. When practiced correctly, it has been proven to burn fat, reduce inflammation, fight cancer, balance hormones and gut bacteria, improve neurological diseases, and even increase lifespan. Unfortunately, many people remain unaware of several key factors that are crucial to the diet's success, setting them up for frustration, failure, and relapse. In Keto Diet, bestselling author Dr. Josh Axe sets the record straight, offering thorough, step-by-step guidance to achieving lifelong health. Unlike other books on the subject, Keto Diet identifies and details five different ketogenic protocols and explains why picking the right one for your body and lifestyle is fundamental to your success. Inside, you'll find all the tools they need to say goodbye to stubborn fat and chronic disease once and for all, including: shopping listsdelicious recipesexercise routinesaccessible explanations of the science behind keto's powerful effectsfive different keto plans and a guide to choosing the one that fits you best!
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Eat Dirt
National BestsellerDoctor of Natural Medicine and wellness authority Dr. Josh Axe delivers a groundbreaking, indispensable guide for understanding, diagnosing, and treating one of the most discussed yet little-understood health conditions: leaky gut syndrome.Do you have a leaky gut? For 80% of the population the answer is "yes"--and most people don't even realize it. Leaky gut syndrome is the root cause of a litany of ailments, including: chronic inflammation, allergies, autoimmune diseases, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, diabetes, and even arthritis.To keep us in good health, our gut relies on maintaining a symbiotic relationship with trillions of microorganisms that live in our digestive tract. When our digestive system is out of whack, serious health problems can manifest and our intestinal walls can develop microscopic holes, allowing undigested food particles, bacteria, and toxins to seep into the bloodstream. This condition is known as leaky gut syndrome.In Eat Dirt, Dr. Josh Axe explains that what we regard as modern "improvements" to our food supply--including refrigeration, sanitation, and modified grains--have damaged our intestinal health. In fact, the same organisms in soil that allow plants and animals to flourish are the ones we need for gut health. In Eat Dirt, Dr. Axe explains that it's essential to get a little "dirty" in our daily lives in order to support our gut bacteria and prevent leaky gut syndrome. Dr. Axe offers simple ways to get these needed microbes, from incorporating local honey and bee pollen into your diet to forgoing hand sanitizers and even ingesting a little probiotic-rich soil.Because leaky gut manifests differently in every individual, Dr. Axe also identifies the five main "gut types" and offers customizable plans--including diet, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations--to dramatically improve gut health in just thirty days. With a simple diet plan, recipes, and practical advice, Eat Dirt will help readers restore gut health and eliminate leaky gut for good.
0.0 av 5
Eat Dirt
A groundbreaking, indispensable guide for understanding, diagnosing, and treating one of the most discussed (but little understood) health conditions: leaky gut syndrome.
0.0 av 5
Keto Diet
The first book to provide a 360 approach to the new diet phenomenom, Keto: combining the scientific exploration into health benefits with a practical plan and lifestyle guide complete with recipes and exercises
0.0 av 5
Alt lyset vi ikke ser: en roman
EN BLIND FRANSK JENTE. EN FORELDRELØS TYSK GUTT. BEGGE KJEMPER FOR Å OVERLEVE. ET SKJEBNEMØTE I DET OKKUPERTE FRANKRIKE DER TO LIV ENDRES FOR ALLTID. Marie-Laure bor med faren i Paris nær det naturhistoriske museet, hvor han er låsemester for museets tusener av låser. Når Marie-Laure blir blind som seksåring, bygger pappa en perfekt miniatyr av nabolaget så hun kan memorere det med hendene og finne veien hjem på egenhånd. Når hun er tolv år, okkuperer nazistene Paris. Hun og pappa flykter til festningsbyen St. Malo ved kysten, til et familiemedlem. Med seg bærer de en hemmelighet: En juvel som kanskje er museets mest verdifulle edelsten. Har de fått utlevert den ekte steinen eller bare en av flere kopier? Den ekte steinen har en urgammel spådom over seg. Og hensynløse nazister jakter på den. I en gruveby i Tyskland vokser foreldreløse Werner opp på barnehjem. Hans tekniske begavelse skaffer ham innpass i Hitlers brutale ungdomsorganisasjonen. Werner blir sendt ut på oppdrag for å spore og knuse motstandsfolk på kryss og tvers i Europa. Sjokkert over krigens og nazistenes brutalitet, ender han i St. Malo, hvor hans skjebne flettes sammen med Marie-Laure. Med sitt lyrisk vakre språk, har Anthony Doerr skrevet en vidunderlig, fengslende og uforglemmelig historie om en blind jente og en foreldreløs gutt midt under krigens herjinger. Kritikerrost bestselger. Nominert til National Book Award 2014. Topp ti på Amazon og NYT.
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Twisted Hate
Josh Chen has never met a women he couldn't carm-ecept for Jules Ambrose.
5.0 av 5
Fremdeles meg
Tredje og avsluttende bok i serien om Lou: oppfølgeren til bestselgerne "Et helt halvt år" og "Etter deg" av Jojo Moyes. Lou Clark vet mye. Hun vet hvor mange mil det er mellom hennes nye hjem i New York og kjæresten Sam i London. Hun vet at hennes rike, nye arbeidsgiver er et godt menneske, og hun vet at hans unge kone har hemmeligheter for ham. Det Lou ikke vet, er at hun kommer til å møte en mann som vil snu opp ned på livet hennes i New York. For amerikanske Josh vil komme til å minne henne så mye om en mann hun en gang kjente, at alt hun tror hun vet om kjærlighet vil bli utfordret. Lou aner ikke hva hun skal gjøre, men hun vet at det hun velger, kommer til å forandre alt ...
4.4 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Twisted Hate
Gorgeous, cocky and on his way to becoming a hotshot doctor, JOSH CHEN has never met a woman he couldn’t charm - except for Jules Ambrose. The beautiful redhead has always been a thorn in his side since they met, but she also consumes his thoughts in a way no woman ever has. When their animosity explodes into one unforgettable night, he proposes a solution that’ll get her out of his system once and for all: an enemies with benefits arrangement with simple rules. No jealousy. No strings attached. And absolutely no falling in love. Outgoing and ambitious, JULES AMBROSE is a former party girl who’s focused on one thing: passing the bar exam. The last thing she needs is getting involved with a doctor who puts the suffer in insufferable… no matter how good-looking he is. But the more she gets to know him, the more she realizes there’s more than meets the eye to the man she’s hated for so long. Her best friends brother. Her nemesis. And her only salvation.
5.0 av 5
The Personal MBA
This revised and expanded edition of the bestselling book, The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman, gives you everything you need to transform your business, your career or your working life forever.An MBA at a top school is an enormous investment in time, effort and cold, hard cash. And if you don't want to work for a consulting firm or an investment bank, the chances are it simply isn't worth it.Josh Kaufman is the rogue professor of modern business education. Feted by everyone from the business media to Seth Godin and David Allen, he's torn up the rulebook and given thousands of people worldwide the tools to teach themselves everything they need to know.The Personal MBA teaches simple mental models for every subject that's key to commercial success. From the basics of products, sales & marketing and finance to the nuances of human psychology, teamwork and creating systems, this book distils everything you need to know to take on the MBA graduates and win.'File this book under: NO EXCUSES' Seth Godin, author of Purple Cow and Linchpin'Well on its way to becoming a business classic. You're pretty much guaranteed to get your money's worth - if not much, much more' Jason Hesse, Real Business'Josh Kaufman has synthesized the most important topics in business into a book that truly lives up to its title. It's rare to find complicated concepts explained with such clarity. Highly recommended' Ben Casnocha, author of My Start-Up Life Josh Kaufman is an acclaimed blogger and consultant who helps people improve their business skills. He previously worked at Proctor & Gamble. Since 2005 Josh has been helping people learn about business without remortgaging their lives through his website,
5.0 av 5
Lean UX: Designing Great Products with Agile Teams
Lean UX has become the preferred approach to interaction design, tailor-made for today's agile teams. In the second edition of this award winning book, leading advocates Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden expand on the valuable Lean UX principles, tactics, and techniques covered in the first edition to share how product teams can easily incorporate design, experimentation, iteration, and continuous learning from real users into their Agile process. Inspired by Lean and Agile development theories, Lean UX lets you focus on the actual experience being designed, rather than deliverables. This book shows you how to collaborate closely with other members of your Agile product team, and gather feedback early and often. You'll learn how to drive the design in short, iterative cycles to assess what works best for the business and the user. Lean UX shows you how to make this change-for the better.Frame a vision of the problem you're solving and focus your team on the right outcomes Bring the designers' toolkit to the rest of your product team Share your insights with your team much earlier in the process Create Minimum Viable Products to determine which ideas are valid Incorporate the voice of the customer throughout the project cycle Make your team more productive: combine Lean UX with Agile's Scrum framework Understand the organizational shifts necessary to integrate Lean UX
4.0 av 5
Bird box
Malorie raises the children the only way she can: indoors, with the doors locked, the curtains closed, and mattresses nailed over the windows. The children sleep in the bedroom across the hall, but soon she will have to wake them and blindfold them. Today they will risk everything. Today they will leave the house. Josh Malerman's New York Times bestselling Bird Box is a terrifying psychological thriller that will haunt you long after reading.
4.3 av 5
Ølvennens ledsager: en veileder til produksjon, brygging, smaking, rangering og drikking verden over
Boken tar for seg over 400 forskjellige ølsorter, bryggerier, bryggs opprinnelsessted og regionale forskjeller i produksjonsmetoder og ingredienser. Det gis dessuten en smaksvurdering på en skala fra 1 til 3 ølkrus. Har stikkordregister.
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Norsk Bokmål
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The monocle book of gentle living
0.0 av 5
Ida: the link
I mer enn et århundre har forskere kappes om å finne ut mer om menneksets anetavle. Funnet av Ida - et perfekt fossil av en tidlig primat - gjør at historien om menneskenes opprinnelse må skrives om. Det 47 millioner år gamle fossilet er en ny brikke i det enorme puslespillet som menneskenes utviklingshistorie er. I nært samarbeid med forskerne som har undersøkt henne, forteller den prisbelønte forfatteren Colin Tudge om Ida og hennes histoire. Etter oppdagelsen av Ida fulgte en banebrytende naturvitenskapelig detektivvirksomhet, og Ida - The Link legger frem en omfattende utredning om det unike fossilet, samtidig som det plasserer henne inn i sin sammenheng. Boken gir nye og tankevekkende perspektiver på vår fortid og endrer det vi vet om både primatens evolusjon og, til slutt, vår egen.
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Norsk Bokmål
De dødes hus
En av de mest suksessfulle bokseriene for ungdom som digger grøss! Søskenparet Amanda og Josh har akkurat flyttet til en ny by. Huset foreldrene har kjøpt ligner på et spøkelseshus, synes søsknene, og de vil helst ikke flytte inn. Men alt blir bedre når de får seg venner på stedet. Det eneste problemet er imidlertid at de nye vennene vil være venner for alltid ... De dødes hus er den første boken som kom ut i Gåsehudserien - boken som sparket i gang tidenes mest populære serie for barn og unge.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Pack up the moon
They used to joke about it. Like many brilliant scientists, Josh sometimes had trouble remembering things that needed doing in the “real” world—like buying groceries, eating regular meals, and talking to people. But he was happy to have his beloved wife, Lauren, remind him with her “honey do” lists. He just never realized how much he would need one when she was gone. Being a widower is not something Joshua Park ever expected. Given his solitary job, small circle of friends and family, and the social awkwardness he’s always suffered from, Josh has no idea how to negotiate this new, unwanted phase of life. But Lauren had a plan to keep him moving forward. A plan hidden in the letters she leaves him, giving him a task for every month in the year after her death. A plan that leads Joshua with a loving hand on a journey through grief, anger, and denial. It’s a journey that will take Joshua from his first outing as a widower to buy groceries…to an attempt at a dinner party where his lack of experience hosting creates a comic disaster…to finding a new best friend while weeping in the dressing room of a clothing store. As his grief makes room for new friendships and experiences, Joshua learns Lauren’s most valuable lesson: The path to happiness doesn’t follow a straight line. Funny, sometimes heart-wrenching, and always uplifting, this novel from New York Times bestselling author Kristan Higgins illuminates how life’s greatest joys are often hiding in plain sight.
0.0 av 5
Isla and the happily ever after
The cafe is boiling. The atmosphere is clouded with bittersweet coffee. Three years of desire rip through my body and burst from my lips: "Josh!" His head jolts up. For a long time, a very long time, he just stares at me. And then...he blinks. "Isla?" Hopeless romantic Isla has had a crush on brooding artist Josh since their first year at the School of America in Paris. And, after a chance encounter in Manhattan over the summer break, romance might be closer than Isla imagined. But as they begin their senior year back in France, Isla and Josh are forced to face uncertainty about their futures, and the very real possibility of being apart. Set against the stunning backdrops of New York, Paris and Barcelona, this is a gorgeous, heart-wrenching and irresistible story of true love, and the perfect conclusion to Stephanie Perkins's beloved series.
5.0 av 5
På denne siden av himmelen
EN FORTELLING OM FAMILIEHEMMELIGHETER, BRUTTE RELASJONER - OG OM EN KJÆRLIGHET SOM ER STERKERE ENN ALT. Annie Warren ønsket alltid det beste for sin sønn, Josh. Men år med mislykkethet og dårlige valg skapte en hjerteskjærende avstand, som nå bare har vokst seg større. Josh kommer seg ikke videre i livet. Han går på uføretrygd og venter på at forsikringsselskapet skal gi ham et forlik, et forlik som stadig blir utsatt. Og enda verre, han har latt seg lure av en bedragerinne som hevder at han er far til en syv år gammel jente ved navn Savannah. Da Josh står i fare for å miste forliket som rettmessig tilhører ham, er Annie fast bestemt på å kjempe for sønnen. Men i prosessen vil hun oppdage en skatt som er langt mer verdifull enn penger, en hun aldri hadde forventet å finne, den største skatten sønnen kunne ha gitt henne. En enkeltstående roman.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
The Hating Game
Lucy Hutton has always believed that the nice girl can get the corner office. She’s charming and accommodating and prides herself on being loved by everyone. Everyone except sarcastic, cynical, and intimidating Joshua Templeman. Her nemesis. Josh is the dark and brooding to Lucy’s light and cheery, the crisp pressed suit to her retro outfits and bright red lipstick. And he gets under her skin like no one else can. Trapped in a shared office together five days a week, they’ve become entrenched in an addictive, never-ending game of one-upmanship. When a new executive position is announced, Josh and Lucy are top contenders for the promotion, but the idea of working for the other is so unthinkable that they strike a deal: whoever doesn’t get the job will walk away. The stakes have never been higher and as the competition heats up and the barriers between them begin to fall down, Lucy starts questioning just who her opponent truly is and whether this man she’s hated all this time is even the real Josh. Maybe Lucy Hutton doesn’t hate Joshua Templeman. And maybe, he doesn’t hate her either.
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