Economics Improve Your World
Bok om samfunnsøkonomi
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The Financial Diaries
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Built to focus on what matters to students in today's high-tech, globalized world, Dean Karlan and Jonathan Morduch's Economics represents a new generation of products, optimized for digital delivery and available with best-in-class adaptive study resources in Mc-Graw Hill Connect. The second edition delivers core economic concepts along with exciting new ideas in economic though and strives to keep students engaged by confronting issues that are important in the world. This text combines a familiar curriculum with material from new research and applied areas such as finance, behavioral economics, and the political economy. Students and faculty will find content that breaks down barriers between what takes place in the classroom and what happens in our nation and broader world, with applications that are driven by empirical evidence, data, and research.Karlan and Morduch show students that economics is a tool to better one's own life and promote better public and business policies in the world. At the same time, this second edition challenges students to reach their own conclusions about what "better" really means.
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Experimental Conversations
Discussions of the use and limits of randomized control trials, considering the power of theory, external validity, gaps in knowledge, and what issues matter.The practice of development economics has undergone something of a revolution as many economists have adopted new methods to answer perennial questions about the effectiveness of anti-poverty programs. In this book, prominent development economists discuss the use and impact of one of the most significant of these new methods, randomized control trials (RCTs) and field experiments. In extended interviews conducted over a period of several years, they explain their work and their thinking and consider the broader issues of how we learn about the world and how we can change it for the better.These conversations offer specialists and nonspecialists alike a unique opportunity to hear economists speak in their own words, free of the confines of a particular study or econometric esoterica. The economists describe how they apply research findings in the way they think about the world, revealing their ideas about the power of theory, external validity, gaps in knowledge, and what issues matter. Also included are interviews with RCT observers, critics, sponsors, consumers, and others. Each interview provides a brief biography of the interviewee. Thorough annotations offer background and explanations for key ideas and studies referred to in the conversations.ContributorsAbhijit Banerjee, Nancy Birdsall, Chris Blattman, Alex Counts, Tyler Cowen, Angus Deaton, Frank DeGiovanni, Esther Duflo, Pascaline Dupas, Xavi Gine, Rachel Glennerster, Judy Gueron, Elie Hassenfeld, Dean Karlan, Michael Kremer, David McKenzie, Jonathan Morduch, Lant Pritchett, Jonathan Robinson, Antoinette Schoar, Dean Yang
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The Club
SHORTLISTED FOR TELEGRAPH FOOTBALL BOOK OF THE YEAR 2019A fascinating book, by two witty and meticulous sports writers Sunday TimesA jaunty journey through the past quarter of a century in English football The TimesMagnificent ... Witty, pacy, thorough, this is a book hard to put down Daily MailBrilliant IndependentHow did English football - once known for its stale pies, bad book-keeping and hooligans - become a commercial powerhouse and the world's premium popular entertainment?This was a business empire built in only twenty-five years on ambition, experimentation and gambler's luck. Lead by a motley cast of executives, Russian oligarchs, Arab Sheikhs, Asian Titans, American Tycoons, battle-hardened managers, ruthless agents and the Murdoch media - the Premier League has been carved up, rebranded and exported to phenomenal 185 countries. The United Nations only recognizes 193.But the extraordinary profit of bringing England's ageing industrial towns to a compulsive global attention has come at a cost. Today, as players are sold for hundreds of millions and clubs are valued in the billions, local fans are being priced out - and the clubs' local identities are fading. The Premier League has become the classic business fable for our globalised world.Drawing on dozens of exclusive and revelatory interviews from the Boardrooms - including Liverpool's John W. Henry, Tottenham's Daniel Levy, Martin Edwards and David Gill at Manchester United, Arsene Wenger and Stan Kroenke at Arsenal, Manchester City's sporting director Txiki Begiristain, and executives at Chelsea, West Ham, Leicester City and Aston Villa - this is the definitive bustand boom account of how the Premier League product took over the world.
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Et eksklusivt selskap: hvordan Premier League ble den rikeste og mest ettertraktede sportsligaen i verden
Fra spillet bak kulissene da de engelske toppdivisjonsklubbene brøt ut av Football League og dannet en ny liga, til den indre splittelsen som nå truer med å slite den i stykker. Dette er innsidehistorien om hvordan Premier League ble til et av de store underholdningsimperiene i vår tid, hvordan den opprettholdt sin forbløffende vekst og hva den er villig til å gi slipp på for å fortsette å brøyte seg frem. Boka er bygget opp rundt viktige vendepunkter i ligaens utviklingskurve, som de dramatiske forhandlingene som ga Rupert Murdochs BSkyB den første kringkastingsavtalen, Manchester Uniteds signering av Cristiano Ronaldo, Roman Abramovitsjs oppkjøp av Chelsea og de kongelige emirat- arabernes ankomst i Manchester. Hver episode er rekonstruert ved hjelp av førstehåndsskildringer og forfatternes samtaler med folk som var til stede. De har hatt unik tilgang til sentrale beslutningstakere - som Manchester Uniteds tidligere styreleder Martin Edwards, Tottenhams styreleder Daniel Levy, Fenway Sports Groups hovedeier John W. Henry og Arsenals eier Stan Kroenke - og byr underveis på avslørende, morsomme og sjokkerende historier fra styrerommene.
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Norsk Bokmål
Camden House history of German literature. Vol. 2 : German literature of the Early Middle Ages
This second volume of the set not only presents a detailed picture of the beginnings of writing in German from its first emergence as a literary language from around 750 to 1100, but also places those earliest writings into a context. The first stages of German literature existed within a manuscript culture, so careful consideration is given to what constitutes the actual texts, but German literature also arose within a society that had recently been Christianized -- through the medium of Latin. Therefore what we understand by literature in Germany at this early period must include a great amount of writing in Latin. Thus the volume looks in detail at Latin works in prose and verse, but with an eye upon the interaction between Latin and German writings. Some of the material in the newly written German language is not literary in the modern sense of the word, but makes clear the difficulties and indeed the triumphs of the establishing of a written literary language. Individual chapters look first at the earliest translations and functional literature in German (including charms and prayers); next, the examination of heroic material juxtaposes the <i>Hildebrandlied</i> with the Christian <i>Ludwigslied</i> and with Latin writings like <i>Waltharius</i> and the panegyrics; Otfrid's work -- the Gospel-poem in German -- is given its due prominence; the smaller German texts and the later prose works are fully treated; as is chronicle-writing in German and Latin. Old High German literature was a trickle compared to the flood of the Latin that surrounded (and influenced) it, but its importance is undeniable: that trickle became a river.<br>Contributors: Linda Archibald, Graeme Dunphy, Stephen Penn, Christopher Wells, Jonathan West, Brian Murdoch.<br>Brian Murdoch is Professor of German at the University of Stirling, Scotland.
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Diskursanalyse som teori og metode
Bogen giver en overordnet introduktion til den socialkonstruktionistiske diskursanalyse. Forfatterne kortlægger diskursanalysens videnskabsteoretiske præmisser og dens sammentænkning af humanistiske og samfundsvidenskabelige teorier om den sociale konstruktion af viden, identitet og samfund. Bogens hoveddel introducerer og vurderer tre centrale tilgange til diskursanalyse: Ernesto Laclau og Chantal Mouffes diskursteori, Norman Faircloughs kritiske diskursanalyse samt diskurspsykologien repræsenteret af blandt andre Jonathan Potter og Margaret Wetherell. Bogen giver mange metodiske anvisninger og eksempler på, hvordan teorierne kan omsættes til analysestrategier i konkret empirisk arbejde.
4.1 av 5
Corporate Finance
4.5 av 5
Corporate Finance
For MBA/graduate students taking a course in corporate finance. An Emphasis on Core Financial Principles to Elevate Individuals' Financial Decision MakingUsing the unifying valuation framework based on the Law of One Price, top researchers Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo have set the new canon for corporate finance textbooks. Corporate Finance, Fourth Edition blends coverage of time-tested principles and the latest advancements with the practical perspective of the financial manager, so students have the knowledge and tools they need to make sound financial decisions in their careers. For a streamlined book specifically tailored to the topics covered in the first one-semester course, Corporate Finance: The Core is also available by Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo. MyFinanceLabTM not included. Students, if MyFinanceLab is recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyFinanceLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.MyFinanceLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.
4.9 av 5
An Introduction to Moral Philosophy, second edition
From respected philosopher and writer Jonathan Wolff, this brief introduction to ethics stimulates independent thought, emphasises real-world examples, and provides clear and engaging introductions...
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Challenging Southeast Asian Development
Over the course of the last half century, the growth economies of Southeast Asia - Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam - have transformed themselves into middle income countries. This book looks at how the very success of these economies has bred new challenges, novel problems, and fresh tensions, including the fact that particular individuals, sectors and regions have been marginalised by these processes. Contributing to discussions of policy implications, the book melds endogenous and exogenous approaches to thinking about development paths, re-frames Asia's model(s) of growth and draws out the social, environmental, political and economic side-effects that have arisen from growth. An interesting analysis of the problems that come alongside development's achievements, this book is an important contribution to Southeast Asian Studies, Development Studies and Environmental Studies.
4.7 av 5
Must inclusion be special?
Must Inclusion be Special? examines the discord between special and inclusive education and why this discord can only be resolved when wider inequalities within mainstream education are confronted. It calls for a shift in our approach to provision, from seeing it as a conglomeration of individualised needs to identifying it as a conglomeration of collective needs. The author examines the political, medical and cultural tendency of current times to focus upon the individual and contrasts this with the necessity to focus on context. This book distinguishes the theoretical perspectives that are often associated with special or inclusive education and the broad range of interests which depend upon their ongoing development. This examination leads to a problematisation of mainstream education provision, our understanding of why social inequities emerge and how additional support can overcome these inequities. Further chapters explore the underlying challenges which emerge from our use and understanding of the notions of special and inclusive, outlining an alternative approach based upon a community of provision. This approach recognises the interconnectedness of services and the significance of context, and it encapsulates the aspiration of much international legislation for participation and inclusion for all. But it also assumes that we tend towards diffuse practices, services, policies, settings and roles, spread across provision which is variously inclusive and exclusionary. In seeking to create equitable participation for all, support needs to shift its focus from the individual to this diffuse network of contexts.Must Inclusion be Special? emerges from the research base which problematises inclusion and special education, drawing upon examples from many countries. It also refers to the author's research into pedagogy, language and policy, and his experiences as a teacher and the parent of a child identified with special educational needs.
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Animal farm: a fairy story
Renowned urban artist Shepard Fairey's new look for Orwell's timeless satire'All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others.'Mr Jones of Manor Farm is so lazy and drunken that one day he forgets to feed his livestock. The ensuing rebellion under the leadership of the pigs Napoleon and Snowball leads to the animals taking over the farm. Vowing to eliminate the terrible inequities of the farmyard, the renamed Animal Farm is organised to benefit all who walk on four legs. But as time passes, the ideals of the rebellion are corrupted, then forgotten. And something new and unexpected emerges. . . Animal Farm - the history of a revolution that went wrong - is George Orwell's brilliant satire on the corrupting influence of power.
4.4 av 5
An Introduction to Political Philosophy
Why should some have the right to pass power?
3.8 av 5
Abnormal psychology: Abnormal psychology
<p>With Macmillan’s superior content delivered by LaunchPad, Comer’s widely adopted textbook shows students where the study and treatment of psychological disorders stand today. In addition to a thorough updating, the new edition employs some extraordinary interactive tools to bring students face to face with the realities of psychological dysfunction, organized for easy access and assignability.</p> <p>Updates to this edition include:</p><p><ul><li>InfoCentral infographics provide visual representations of data related to key topics and concepts in each chapter. They help students recognize trends and patterns and make connections between related topics, as well as offer fascinating snippets of information to spur interest in chapter topics</li><li>MindTech gives special attention to particularly provocative technological trends in engaging and enlightening ways. Critical Thought questions ask students to reflect on the effects of technology on mental health, as well as its use in innovative treatments for psychological disorders.</li><li>PsychWatch emphasizes the effect of culture on mental disorders and treatment with examples from movies, the news, and real lives.</li><li>Trending… focuses on trending topics in abnormal psychology, with accompanying questions that ask students to think critically about these issues and consider different viewpoints.</li><li>Critical Thought appears within the narrative of each chapter, asking students think critically about the material they have just read.</li></ul><p> <br>
5.0 av 5
Måken Jonathan
Denne boken ble i sin tid solgt i over 5 millioner eksemplarer i USA. Den er oversatt til en rekke språk og er blitt kommentert og lest i alle aldersgrupper og miljøer. Nå leses den igjen av en ny generasjon. Historien handler ganske enkelt om måken Jonathan som bryter ut av Flokken. Han tror livet kan være noe mer enn å fly i flokk og bare være opptatt av det daglige matstrevet. Han blir en Utstøtt. Så trener, sliter og drømmer han seg alene frem til et rikere liv med ny innsikt og større kjærlighet. Og han blir læremester for andre som tør. Men det koster. Ikke alle har mot og rygg til å stå alene, utenfor, til å erklære at de ikke behøver Flokkens beskyttelse.
4.2 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Foundations of European Politics: A Comparative Approach
Foundations of European Politics: A Comparative Approach offers an accessible introduction to European politics using a coherent comparative and analytical framework. It presents students with the ...
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Inorganic Chemistry
Leading you from the fundamental principles of inorganic chemistry right through to cutting-edge research at the forefront of the subject, Inorganic Chemistry is the ideal course companion for the duration of your degree.
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