A Storm of Songs
India celebrates itself as a nation of unity in diversity, but where does that sense of unity come from? One important source is a widely-accepted narrative called the "bhakti movement." Bhakti is the religion of the heart, of song, of common participation, of inner peace, of anguished protest. The idea known as the bhakti movement asserts that between 600 and 1600 CE, poet-saints sang bhakti from India's southernmost tip to its northern Himalayan heights, laying the religious bedrock upon which the modern state of India would be built.Challenging this canonical narrative, John Stratton Hawley clarifies the historical and political contingencies that gave birth to the concept of the bhakti movement. Starting with the Mughals and their Kachvaha allies, North Indian groups looked to the Hindu South as a resource that would give religious and linguistic depth to their own collective history. Only in the early twentieth century did the idea of a bhakti "movement" crystallize-in the intellectual circle surrounding Rabindranath Tagore in Bengal. Interactions between Hindus and Muslims, between the sexes, between proud regional cultures, and between upper castes and Dalits are crucially embedded in the narrative, making it a powerful political resource.A Storm of Songs ponders the destiny of the idea of the bhakti movement in a globalizing India. If bhakti is the beating heart of India, this is the story of how it was implanted there-and whether it can survive.
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The monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have severely limited the portrayal of the divine as feminine. But in Hinduism "God" very often means "Goddess". This extraordinary collection explores twelve different Hindu goddesses, all of whom are in some way related to Devi, the Great Goddess. They range from the liquid goddess - energy of the River Ganges to the possessing, entrancing heat of Bhagavati and Seranvali. They are local, like Vindhyavasini, and global, like Kali; ancient, like Saranyu, and modern, like "Mother India". The collection combines analysis of texts with intensive fieldwork, allowing the reader to see how goddesses are worshiped in everyday life. In these compelling essays, the divine feminine in Hinduism is revealed as never before - fascinating, contradictory, powerful.
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Three Bhakti Voices
The landscape of North Indian religion was dramatically transformed in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries by a remarkable family of poet-saints. Among the most famous and beloved of these figures-in India and throughout the world-are Mirabai, Surdas, and Kabir. In this book, John Stratton Hawley takes a probing look at all three, finding that many of the beliefs and legends surrounding them-even central motifs-emerged long after their deaths. This volume probes the lives, works, beliefs, and legends of three Bhakti poets-Mirabai, Surdas, and Kabir. Analysing the oldest manuscripts across North India, Hawley describes how these poets were heard and perceived in their own day and reveals startling facts about them. Hawley shows that these poets are, surprisingly, creations of those who have loved them through the centuries. Weaving in some sixty-five English verse translations, most of them based on early manuscripts, Hawley tells this fascinating story of change and transmission. The new preface updates the research on the field. This book will interest students and scholars of religious studies, medieval Indian history, and informed general readers.
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Into S?R's Ocean
Sur's Ocean: Poems from the Early Tradition was published in 2015 as the fifth volume of the Murty Classical Library of India. That book contains Kenneth Bryant's critical reconstructions of 433 poems of Surdas that circulated in the sixteenth century, when this great Hindi poet lived, and it includes facing-page, English verse translations by John Stratton Hawley. The name traditionally assigned to these poems is Sursagar, meaning Sur's Ocean.Into Sur's Ocean: Poetry, Context, and Commentary picks up many threads from that volume, and provides a substantial introduction to the poet, his medium, and his oeuvre; an overview of editions, including Bryant's; an analysis of the challenges Hawley faced as translator; and poem-by-poem commentary. Each commentary is a brief, independent essay. This book offers a deep--and rewarding--dive into Sur's Ocean.
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Krishna, The Butter Thief
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At Play with Krishna
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The Life of Hinduism
"The Life of Hinduism" brings together a series of essays - many recognized as classics in the field - that present Hinduism as a vibrant, truly 'lived' religion. Celebrating the diversity for which Hinduism is known, this volume begins its journey in the 'new India' of Bangalore, India's Silicon Valley, where global connections and local traditions rub shoulders daily. Readers are then offered a glimpse into the multifaceted world of Hindu worship, life-cycle rites, festivals, performances, gurus, and castes. The book's final sections deal with the Hinduism that is emerging in diasporic North America and with issues of identity that face Hindus in India and around the world: militancy versus tolerance and the struggle between owning one's own religion and sharing it with others. Contributors of this title include: Andrew Abbott, Michael Burawoy, Patricia Hill Collins, Barbara Ehrenreich, Evelyn Nakano Glenn, Sharon Hays, Douglas Massey, Joya Misra, Orlando Patterson, Frances Fox Piven, Lynn Smith-Lovin, Judith Stacey, Arthur Stinchcombe, Alain Touraine, Immanuel Wallerstein, William Julius Wilson, and Robert Zussman.
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Webster-Stratton metoden og en gruppestudie
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Norsk Bokmål
A History of World Societies : Volume C: From 1775 to the present
VOLUME C: FROM 1775 TO THE PRESENT. "A History of World Societies provides students with an excellent foundation for their understanding of the major world civilizations and their achievements." -JASON M. STRATTON, Bakersfield College The attention paid to cross-cultural comparisons and connections, recent scholarship, and the use of art, maps, and boxed features make A History of World Societies a valuable text. The regional approach is focused and more manageable for both students and instructors."" -FUNSO AFOLAYAN, University of New Hampshire GET MORE FREE HELP FOR THIS COURSE ONLINE! FREE Online Study Guide a The Online Study Guide helps you review each chapter, come to class prepared, and pass the test. For details, see the "Visit the Web site" page at the front of this book. PREFER AN E-BOOK? The A History of World Societies e-Book is available at a significant discount. World Societies e-book ISBN-13: 978-0-312-66696-5 ISBN-10: 0-312-66606-9 90000 BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S 9 780312 666965
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A Capital Crime
An outstanding historical crime thriller based on real-life events: the framing of Timothy Evans for murders committed by notorious serial killer John Christie. It is winter, 1950 in a dingy part of London. John Davies confesses to strangling his wife and baby daughter, and for DI Ted Stratton of West End Central, it promises to be a straightforward case. When Davies recants, blaming respectable neighbour Norman Backhouse for the crimes, nobody, including Stratton, sees any reason to believe him. Davies is convicted and hanged, but later, after a series of gruesome discoveries, Stratton begins to suspect that there has been a terrible miscarriage of justice. Her marriage in tatters, ex-MI5 agent Diana Calthrop is determined to start a new life, but, despite a promising beginning, she soon finds herself in trouble both financially and emotionally. And with a seemingly unstoppable killer of women on the loose, she is very vulnerable indeed. A Capital Crime is a story of guilt, longing, uncertainty, and grotesque horror.
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Sahara: Verdens Villmarker/ Time-Life Bøker
SAHARA VERDENS VILLMARKER/TIME-LIFE BØKER/AMSTERDAM AV JEREMY SWIFT OG REDAKSJONEN FOR TIME-LIFE BØKER MED FOTOGRAFIER AV PIERRE BOULAT. Innhold 1/ Den mektigste ørkenen Fjellbygningen 2/ Spor etter forsvunnet vann Dengang Sahara var grønn Over Tassili-platået 3/ Sandsjøer formet av vinden Inn i det ukjente Sahara 4/ I ly av sanddynene Overlevelseseksperter 5/ Et liv i pakt med naturen Når himmelen kjølner 6/ De tause slettene Ørkenens egne skulpturer Litteratur Vi takker Register. Forfatteren: Jeremy Swift, en forsker ved University of Sussex, har gjennomført et omfattende feltarbeid i Sahara der han en tid bodde sammen med tuareg-gjeterne. Han er utdannet biolog og økonom og har utgitt vi- tenskapelige arbeider om fuglenes atferds- mønster, nasjonalparker og nomader i tillegg til en bok om den økologiske krisen, The Other Eden - A New Approach to Man, Nature and Society. Han er formann for Anti-Slavery Society og Aborigines Protec- tion Society. Spesielle konsulenter: John Cloudsley- Thompson har skrevet flere bøker om ør- kenøkologi. Han har i 11 år vært professor i zoologi ved University of Khartoum og di- rektør for Sudan Natural History Museum. For tiden er han professor i zoologi ved Birkbeck College, University of London. Andrew Warren er spesialist i ørkenmor- fologi. Han har foretatt reiser til ørkenen i Libya, Algerie, og Niger og er medforfatter til boken, Geomorphology in Deserts. Han underviser i geografi og naturbevaring ved University College i London. Forsidebildet: Bare en brøkdel av Sahara er dekket med sand, men i sandsjøene skaper vinden sandformer med presise, nesten geo- metriske proporsjoner. VERDENS VILLMARKER Redaksjonen for Sahara: SJEFSREDAKTØR: John Man Redaktør: Simon Rigge Billedredaktør: Pamela Marke Layout konsulent: Louis Klein I redaksjonen: Mike Brown, Mally Cox Kate Dorment, Dan Freeman, Heather Sherlock, Timberlake Wertenbaker Layout assistent: Joyce Mason Billedforskning: Susan Stratton, Karin Pearce Layout: Graham Davies Billedassistent: Angela McNeill Redaksjonssekretær: Jackie Matthews Konsulenter Botanikk: Christopher Grey-Wilson, Phyllis Edwards Geologi: Dr. Peter Stubbs Reptiler: David Ball Fisker: Dr. Alwyne Wheeler Virvelløse dyr: Dr. Michael Tweedie Ornitologi: I. J. Ferguson-Lees Zoologi: Dr. P. J. K. Burton. Følgende Time-Life korrespondenter har ytt ver- difull hjelp under arbeidet med denne boken: Maria Vincenza Aloisi, Paris; Liz Kraemer, Bonn; Ann Natanson, Roma. Oversatt fra engelsk av AD-EX (Translations) Ltd. i samarbeid med Knut Fægri, vitenskapelig konsulent Arne Abrahamsen, oversetter No hook may be reproduced in any or mechanical means, and retrieval devices ten permission from
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Norsk Bokmål
The Dealmakers of Downstate Illinois
Many people are unaware that from 1945 to 1975, downstate lawmakers dominated the Illinois political arena. In The Dealmakers of Downstate Illinois, Robert E. Hartley details the lives and contributions of three influential southern Illinois politicians, Paul Powell, Clyde Choate, and John Stelle. He describes how these "dealmakers" were able to work with Democrats and Republicans throughout the state to bring jobs and facilities to their region. Using a variety of coalitions, they maintained downstate political strength in the face of growing Chicago influence.Hartley traces the personal histories of Powell, Choate, and Stelle, shows how they teamed up to advance a downstate political agenda, and reviews their challenges and successes. Beginning with an account of early experiences, including the battlefield courage that earned Choate the Medal of Honor as well as Stelle's World War I experience and later entrepreneurship, the book continues with an exploration of the groundwork for their collaborative legislative agenda and their roles in the growth of Southern Illinois University and the passage of income tax legislation. Hartley reviews the importance of Powell's relationship with Governor Stratton, Choate's leadership of the 1972 Democratic national convention and his relationships with Governor Walker and with Chicago interests.The Dealmakers of Downstate Illinois is a vivid, straightforward tale of fighting in the legislative chambers, backstabbing behind the scenes, and trading of special favors for votes in pursuit of not only personal gain but also the advancement of a neglected region.
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Zombie Theory
Zombies first shuffled across movie screens in 1932 in the low-budget Hollywood film White Zombie and were reimagined as undead flesh-eaters in George A. Romero\u2019s The Night of the Living Dead almost four decades later. Today, zombies are omnipresent in global popular culture, from video games and top-rated cable shows in the United States to comic books and other visual art forms to low-budget films from Cuba and the Philippines. The zombie\u2019s ability to embody a variety of cultural anxieties-ecological disaster, social and economic collapse, political extremism-has ensured its continued relevance and legibility, and has precipitated an unprecedented deluge of international scholarship. Zombie studies manifested across academic disciplines in the humanities but also beyond, spreading into sociology, economics, computer science, mathematics, and even epidemiology. Zombie Theory collects the best interdisciplinary zombie scholarship from around the world. Essays portray the zombie not as a singular cultural figure or myth but show how the undead represent larger issues: the belief in an afterlife, fears of contagion and technology, the effect of capitalism and commodification, racial exclusion and oppression, dehumanization. As presented here, zombies are not simple metaphors; rather, they emerge as a critical mode for theoretical work. With its diverse disciplinary and methodological approaches, Zombie Theory thinks through what the walking undead reveal about our relationships to the world and to each other.Contributors: Fred Botting, Kingston U; Samuel Byrnand, U of Canberra; Gerry Canavan, Marquette U; Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, George Washington U; Jean Comaroff, Harvard U; John Comaroff, Harvard U; Edward P. Comentale, Indiana U; Anna Mae Duane, U of Connecticut; Karen Embry, Portland Community College; Barry Keith Grant, Brock U; Edward Green, Roosevelt U; Lars Bang Larsen; Travis Linnemann, Eastern Kentucky U; Elizabeth McAlister, Wesleyan U; Shaka McGlotten, Purchase College-SUNY; David McNally, York U; Tayla Nyong\u2019o, Yale U; Simon Orpana, U of Alberta; Steven Shaviro, Wayne State U; Ola Sigurdson, U of Gothenburg; Jon Stratton, U of South Australia; Eugene Thacker, The New School; Sherryl Vint, U of California Riverside; Priscilla Wald, Duke U; Tyler Wall, Eastern Kentucky U; Jen Webb, U of Canberra; Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock, Central Michigan U.
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The Great Central Railway
This volume looks at past views between Nottingham (Victoria) and Rugby (Central) stations, and compares them with the present day. There is also a section looking at progress by the restorationists over the past 40 years. The achievements of the present day Great Central Railway have been impressive, with the promise of greater things to come.
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Garratts & Guitars: Sixty Trainspotting Years
Memories of those now seemingly far-off days, hanging off the ends of platforms, bridges and similar vantage points all in the pursuit of steam and on into the modern era. Illustrated with images taken over the sixty years, using the a variety of cameras, film stock in blackwhite and colour then progressing to digital.
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InThe aim of this series is to appeal to readers of all ages, perhaps for different reasons... For the younger reader there are wonderful pictures of trains, real trains. There will, for example, be tank engines, steam engines, electric trains and multiple units and many more varieties besides!
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Garratts and Guitars Sixty Trainspotting Years
The second part of John Stretton's sixty trainspotting years features his forays into the world of railways and other areas of interest during the period 1985 to 2015.
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Hillwalking in Shropshire
Guidebook to 32 walking routes in Shropshire in the West Midlands. The routes range from 3 miles (5km) to 12 miles (19km), taking in highlights such as The Wrekin, Wenlock Edge, Long Mynd and Stiperstones, Castle Ring and Bury Ditches. Many routes start near delightful towns and villages including Church Stretton, Ludlow and Bishops Castle.
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Blue Remembered Hills
The Shropshire Hills are alive with stories, although all too few of these are known to the casual visitor or even to the interested long-term resident. But each year, a lucky few will hear these weird and wonderful tales as they accompany landscape detective Keith Pybus on his walks around this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Now, for the first time, these stories have been committed to print for all to enjoy. Follow in the footsteps of A.E. Housman, Mary Webb, Bruce Chatwin and John Osborne to rediscover this lovely part of England. Meet three local 'Grand Designers' and explore the mansions they built with the fortunes they made. Find out what brought Napoleon Bonaparte's brother, Lucien, to the Ludlow social scene. Read the hair-raising tale of Molly Morgan, twice sentenced to transportation. Ponder over the mysterious case of the wretched maid of Ferney Hall. Ache at the heart-wrenching stories of children banished to the New World on the Mayflower. Stories that will surprise and move you and make you want to find out more about the Shropshire Hills. Of course, explorations are not just into the past.Every year thousands of 'foodies' attend the Ludlow Food Festival, and its markets and restaurants could not exist without the unique and varied produce of local farms, moors and hedgerows. Church Stretton, Shropshire's very own spa town was once promoted as 'Switzerland without wolves and avalanches'. And Rectory Wood was recently voted the least stressful location in England. So join Keith Pybus on an unforgettable adventure through the Shropshire Hills in all their glory. Feel the breeze in your hair, just as you feel the history at your back...
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Forebyggende helsearbeid: folkehelsearbeid i teori og praksis
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