She can't reach him ... but he can get to her ... A chilling twisty tale of cat and mouse - perfect for fans of Linwood Barclay and Harlan Coben.
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The Quiet Child
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Glemselens sted
Hylle 56. Ulest
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Der det ikke finnes nåde
Hylle 56. Ulest
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Norsk Bokmål
Eric Drummond and his Legacies
This book shows how the first institution of global governance was conceived and operated. It provides a new assessment of its architect, Eric Drummond, the first Secretary-General of the League of Nations, appointed a century ago. The authors conclude that he stands in the front rank of the 12 men who have occupied the post of Secretary-General of the League or its successor, the UN. Part 1 describes his character and leadership. His influence in shaping the International Civil Service, the `beating heart' of the League, is the subject of Part 2, which also shows how the young staff he appointed responded with imagination and creativity to the political, economic and social problems that followed World War I. Part 3 shows the influence of these early origins on today's global organizations and the large scale absorption of League policies, programmes, practices and staff into the UN and its Specialized Agencies.
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Eastern Shore Beer: The Heady History of Chesapeake Brewing
When Great Britain levied heavy taxes against the colonies, the Eastern Shore's first beer geek, John Beale Bordley, swore off English ales and set his substantial estate to perfecting his own home brews. It took another two centuries and a revolution of a different kind to bring brewing back to the Maryland shore. In 1989, Wild Goose bore the gospel of drinking local to Cambridge before falling victim to the first craft beer bubble. The next wave of high-gravity harbingers like Eastern Shore Brewing, Burley Oak and Evolution Craft Brewing fought to change collective palates and legislation allowing them to serve up their frosty pints. Beer bard and blogger Tony Russo taps into this full-bodied history while introducing the region's bold new batch of brewers.
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Near-rings and Near-fields
This volume contains three invited lectures and sixteen other papers which were pre- sented at the 14th International Conference on Nearrings and Nearfields held in Stellen- bosch, South Africa, July 9-161997. It was also the first nearring conference to be held after the untimely death of James R Clay, who over the years had been an inspiration to many algebraists interested in nearring theory. The occasion was marked by the invitedtalk of Gerhard Betsch, which was devoted to an overview of Clay's contributions to nearring and nearfield theory. This book is affectionately dedicated to the memory of James R Clay. All the papers presented here have been refereed under the supervision of the Editorial Board: Fong Yuen, Carl Maxson, John Meldrum, GUnterPilz, Leon van Wyk and Andries van der Walt. Thanks are due to the referees and to the Editorial Board. A special word of thanks is due to Wen-fong Ke for preparing the final version of the TEX files, and to Fong Yuen for his pains in arranging for the publication of the volume with Kluwer Academic Publishers.Andries van der Walt Stellenbosch, August 1999 COMBINATORIAL ASPECTS OF NEARRING THEORY TO THE MEMORY OF JAMES RAY CLAY GERHARDBETSCH A briefcurriculum vitae ofJames Ray (Jim) Clay Born November5,1938 at Burley (Idaho). Died January 16, 1996 at Tucson (Arizona). Married since 1959 to Carol Cline BURGE, "a truly beautiful daughter of Zion" (Dedication ofJim's 1992 book). Three daughters, ten grand-children.
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Reflections on research : the realities of doing research in the social sciences
*What is it really like to do social science research? <br>*In what ways can research go wrong and what can you do to put it right again? <br>*How do research methods and research ethics relate in practice? <p>This is a 'how it went' rather than a 'how to do' research methods book. It is based upon the reflections and experiences of a wide range of established social researchers, the majority of whom undertake research in the field of health care. By drawing upon anecdotal accounts of setting up research projects, negotiating access, gathering data and disseminating findings, the book highlights the practical and ethical complexities involved in the conduct of empirically based research. </p><p>By focussing upon the real-life experiences of social science researchers <i>Reflections on Research</i> provides insight into the day-to-day realities of conducting research - the pleasures and the pitfalls. As such, it is essential reading for all students and researchers in the social sciences as well as academics and professionals interested in research and research ethics. </p><p>Contributors<br>Priscilla Alderson, Professor of Childhood Studies at the Institute of Education; Kathryn Backett-Milburn, Senior Research Fellow at the Research Unit in Health, Behaviour and Change and Co-Director of the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, University of Edinburgh; Rosaline Barbour, Professor of Health and Social Care at the University of Dundee; Hannah Bradby, Lecturer in Medical Sociology at Warwick University; Elizabeth Chapman, Research Associate at the Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge; Susan Cox, Assistant Professor and Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Scholar at The W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics, University of British Columbia; Sarah Cunningham-Burley, Reader in Public Health Sciences and Co-Director of the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships at the University of Edinburgh; Gill Dunne, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the University of Plymouth; Susan Eley, Lecturer at the Department of Applied Social Science, University of Stirling; Elizabeth Ettorre, Professor of Sociology, University of Plymouth; Catherine Exley, Lecturer in Medical Sociology in the Centre for Health Services Research, University of Newcastle upon Tyne; Calliope (Bobbie) Farsides, Senior Lecturer in Medical Ethics at the Centre of Medical Law and Ethics, King's College London; Claire Foster, Chartered Health Psychologist and Senior Research Fellow at The Institute of Cancer Research ; Jonathan Gabe, Reader in Sociology in the Department of Social and Political Science at Royal Holloway, University of London; Wendy Gnich, Research Fellow at the Research Unit in Health, Behaviour and Change, University of Edinburgh; Trudy Goodenough, Research Assistant working at the Centre for Ethics in Medicine, University of Bristol; Susan Gregory, Research Fellow at the Research Unit in Health, Behaviour and Change, the University of Edinburgh; Rachel Grellier, Assistant Health & Social Development Specialist at Options Consultancy Service; Nina Hallowell, teaches Social Science and Ethics in the department of Public Health Sciences, the Medical School, University of Edinburgh; Khim Horton, Lecturer (clinical) at the European Institute of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey; Julie Kent, Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of West of England; Julia Lawton, Research Fellow at the Research Unit in Health, Behaviour and Change, the University of Edinburgh; Abby Lippman, Professor in the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics at McGill University; Liz Lobb, Researcher in familial cancer and palliative care at Edith Cowan University in Perth.Lesley Lockyer, Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of the West of England; Alice Lovell, teaches Psychology at Birkbeck College, Faculty of Continuing Education; Marion McAllister, Macmillan Genetic Counsellor and Honorary Lecturer at the North West Genetics Knowledge Park (Nowgen) and Regional Genetics Service/Academic Unit of Medical Genetics, St Mary's Hospital, Manchester; Richard Mitchell, Research Fellow in the Research Unit in Health, Behaviour and Change (RUHBC), University of Edinburgh; Virginia Morrow, Research Lecturer at the Child-Focused Research Centre, Department of Health & Social Care, Brunel University, London; Melissa Nash, University College London; Odette Parry, Professor of Social Welfare & Community Justice and head of the Social Inclusion Research Unit (SIRU) at NEWI, The University of Wales; Stephen Platt, Director of the Research Unit in Health, Behaviour and Change, University of Edinburgh; Laura Potts, Senior Lecturer in the School of Management, Community and Communication at York St John College, York; Shirley Prendergast, Reader in Research at Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge; Martin Richards, Director of the Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge; Deborah RitchieSenior Lecturer in Health Promotion at Queen Margaret University College; Ann Robertson, Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of Toronto; Susan Robinson, Research Associate in the Department of General Practice at King's College, London; Tom Shakespeare, Director of Outreach at PEALS, a University of Newcastle-based research centre ; Hilary Thomas, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology, University of Surrey; Stefan Timmermans, Associate Professor at Brandeis University; Kay Tisdall, Senior Lecturer in Social Policy at the University of Edinburgh; Jonathan Tritter, Research Director of the Institute of Governance and Public Management, University of Warwick; Julia Twigg, Professor of Social Policy and Sociology at the University of Kent; Clare Williams, Research Fellow in the Department of Midwifery and Women's Health, King's College London; Emma Williamson, Wellcome Trust Research Fellow for the EPEG Project, Centre for Ethics in Medicine, University of Bristol . </p>
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Norsk Bokmål
The Arraigning and Indicting of Sir John Barleycorn, Knt. Newly Composed by a Well-Wisher to Sir John and All That Love Him.
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Gale Ecco, Print Editions) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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John Barleycorn
As close to an autobiography as Jack London ever wrote,
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Hip Hops
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The Existential Drinker
Drinking to excess has been a striking problem for industrial and post-industrial societies - who is responsible when an individual opts for a slow suicide? The causes of such drinking have often been blamed on genes, moral weakness, 'disease' (addiction), hedonism, and Romantic illusion. Yet there is another reason: the drinker may act with sincere philosophical intent, exploring the edges of self, consciousness, will, ethics, authenticity and finitude. Beginning with Jack London's John Barleycorn: alcoholic memoirs the book goes on to cover novels such as Jean Rhys's Good morning, midnight, Malcolm Lowry's Under the volcano, Charles Jackson's The lost weekend and John O'Brien's Leaving Las Vegas, and less familiar works such as Frederick Exley's A fan's notes, Venedikt Yerofeev's Moscow-Petushki, and A. L. Kennedy's Paradise. -- .
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Når villdyret våkner + Kystpiratene
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Faust: tragediens første del
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
I en og samme person
Fargerik oppvekstroman fra amatørteatermiljøet i en amerikansk småby. I sin nye roman vender John Irving for alvor tilbake til temaet seksualitet, som var så tydelig i hans tidligere bøker, blant annet i Garps bok. Dette er en tidløs roman om vennskap og kjærlighet, på tvers av alder og kjønn, men også en roman som tar siste halvdel av forrige århundre på pulsen. Dette er en politisk roman, om et ømtålig emne, slik også Siderhusreglene var. Det er en hudløs og grusom bok, fra et utsatt miljø, men den er tidvis også både burlesk og morsom. I en og samme person er en fargerik oppvekstroman fra amatørteatermiljøet i en amerikansk småby, det er en bok om begjær og toleranse.- skrevet slik bare John Irving kan gjøre det.- fylt av humor, uventede vendinger og bisarre karakterer.
4.2 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Enke for et år
Pent brukt. Fra Bokklubben nye bøker
4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Kongen på fyllinga: tiden er inne til å slakte gjøkalven og væpne de rettferdige
Kongen på fyllinga er en burlesk og eksplosiv debutroman, gjennomsyret av hat til et dobbeltmoralsk Amerika representrert ved den lille tyskættede byen Baker i Midtvesten. Og romanens hovedperson, John Kaltenbrunner, har grunn til å hate. Helt siden han stakk hodet fram første gang, er han blitt tråkket på og gjort til latter. Alle hans drømmer, hele hans nitide arbeid på familiegården er blitt lagt i grus. Tristan Egolf har skrevet en historie om hvor langt et tilsynelatende sunt menneske kan gå når det i årevis må leve med sin fortvilelse i taushet. Det er også en roman om en by der incest, blind vold, rasisme og sykelig religiøsitet florerer, for det meste i det stille. Og når kaoset endelig bryter løs, når det utstøtte og undertrykte virkelig gjør seg gjeldende, er det som om verdens undergang står for døren.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Don Quixote
I denne klassikeren om "ridderen av den bedrøvelige skikkelse" lærer en klok og erfaren mann å se med mistro på alle illusjoner og ta tingene for hva de er, menneskene for hva de er verd, og livet for hva det innebærer av realiteter. Gjennom sine to hovedpersoner, den fattige adelsmannen Don Quijote og bonden Sancho, skildrer Cervantes to hovedtyper av menneskeheten - og to hovedtrekk i den spanske folkesjel: eventyrlyst, storhetsvanvidd, visjonær idealisme, og praktisk, nøktern livsvisdom og næringsvett.
4.5 av 5
The Hearing-Loss Guide
The best advice for those with hearing loss, from a leading audiologist and from patients with personal experience
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Handbook of Communication and Social Interaction Skills
Providing a thorough review and synthesis of work on communication skills and skill enhancement, this <i>Handbook</i> serves as a comprehensive and contemporary survey of theory and research on soc...
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