Cognitive psychology
Boken gir et innblikk i psykologiens kognitive side
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Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Psychology is an excellent introduction to the study of cognition, providing insight into both psychological and physiological aspects of the mind. The text covers key concepts and draws on interesting and relevant research to give students a thorough understanding of the subject. Written in an engaging and accessible style, students will learn the theory and its practical applications for everyday life through a wealth of examples and illustrations.This first edition has been updated and adapted for the UK, European, South African and Middle Eastern markets, drawing on recent research and relevant examples from these regions to enable students to fully relate to the topics discussed.
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White People and Black Lives Matter
This book interrogates white responses to black-led movements for racial justice. It probes reactions which often prevent white people from according to black activists the full range of human emotion and expression, including joy, anger, mourning, and political action.
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Cognitive Psychology
Second Edition
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Introduction to sociology scandinavian sensib…
<p>Sociology is a constantly changing scientific endeavour, adventure and practice that was born with the advent of modernity. One of the main reasons for the rise of sociology was modern societys wish to understand itself. In this introduction to sociology, the authors emphasize the importance and centrality of the idea of the <i>sociological imagination</i>, as it was conceived by sociologist C. Wright Mills.</p><p> </p><p>This book will enhance and further develop your sociological imagination with a sensibility that has its breeding ground in the Scandinavian countries; this is the first comprehensive attempt to write an international/Nordic text book and introductory text to sociology.</p><p> </p><p>This book is aimed primarily at first year students in sociology but will be of interest to anyone who is looking for a comprehensive guide to the exciting field of sociology.</p> Contents Introduction The legacy of the sociological imagination Scandinavian sensibility Structure and content of the book Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 1. What is society? Contested concepts and shifting metaphors Willy Guneriussen, University of Tromsø Introduction Individualism vs holism: methodological and ontological controversies Sociology – an explanatory or interpretive science? Structure or action? Society – a material or symbolic reality? The symbolic turn Combining distinctions The theoretical landscape of sociology Several theories – one reality? Beyond traditions – towards a minimalist model of society Biology and society Combining traditions The first synthesis: Talcott Parsons’ sociology Modifying Parsons’ theory of society Metaphors, science and sociological imagination Metaphors Changing conceptions or changing realities? Concluding reflections Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 2. The sociology of work Inger Marie Hagen, Fafo Introduction The labour contract – labour as commodity in the market From work to labour Modern labour – work as commodity The two parties to the contract: labour and managerial prerogative The labour contract and the social context – different models The collective agreement Labour and self-expression Working conditions Other answers to `why work?’ Motivation and management The work organisation From command to self-management? An example – the modern work organisation – the three different company systems Employer and employee – equal partners Management as superior to employees Employee and management as parties in an ongoing dialogue Working life and distribution – industrial democracy Norms of distribution and norms of democracy Three notions of industrial democracy Industrial democracy and participation – individual and representative participation The Nordic labour market The Nordic model of labour relations When contemporary labour is a part of the past . . . Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 3. The sociology of power Fredrik Engelstad, University of Oslo Introduction The interpretation of `power’ Power as concept Dimensions in social action Expectations and legitimacy From micro to macro State, democracy, politics State, rights and informal power relations Shaping and articulation of interests Political participation on a broad scale Fragmentation and globalisation: abdication of politics? Civil society Networks and organising capacity Gender power and attitudes toward gender Encounters with welfare state institutions Economy and working life Business life, markets and power Management and leadership in enterprises Participation and industrial democracy Ideas and communication Power in the public sphere Aesthetics, culture and national values Social elites: who governs? Power and democratisation Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 4. The sociology of the family Mai Heide Ottosen, The Danish National Centre for Social Research Introduction What is a family? Sociological perspectives on the family Kinship vs family studies The family as a social institution The family as a social group Family as social practice Demographic trends The `bean-pole’ family The crisis of the patriarchal family Structuring family networks Family policies Inside the family: marriage, parenthood and childhood The de-institutionalisation of marriage From fatherhood and motherhood to parenthood Childhood Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 5. The sociology of education Nihad Bunar and Rickard Jonsson, Stockholm University Introduction Sociological perspectives on education The functionalist approach Education and socialisation Social integration Education and gatekeeping: screening and selecting Education as an agent of social change The conflict approach The correspondence principle Reproduction through expectations and opposition Subjective expectation of objective probability Restricted and elaborated codes The subjective-interpretative approach Education and the market The market-oriented position The market-sceptical position The market-ambivalent position Education and ethnicity Urban schools Refugee and migrant students Education and gender Gender and school achievement Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 6. The sociology of religion Ola Sigurdson, University of Gothenburg Introduction What is the sociology of religion? Sociology, the secularisation thesis and the return of religion Religion in the Scandinavian nation-states: an example The continuities and discontinuities of secularised religion The future of religion: towards a post-secular society? Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 7. The sociology of media and information technologies Simon Lindgren, UmeS University Introduction Constructions and representations The media `effects’ model Media, ideology and struggles over hegemony New media and participatory culture Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 8. The sociology of health Thomas Johansson, University of Gothenburg Introduction Historical perspectives Health inequalities Gender and health Lifestyles, risks and health The face of health Global health Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 9. The sociology of class and social stratification Gunnar C. Aakvaag, University of Oslo Introduction Marx’s definition of class The class structure of modern capitalism Max Weber: a multidimensional approach to stratification and class Weber’s general approach to social stratification: class, status and party Weber’s class theory Contemporary class analysis A neo-Marxian approach: Erik Olin Wright and exploitation Wright’s class schema A neo-Weberian approach: John H. Goldthorpe and life chances Service and labour contracts Goldthorpe’s class schema Pierre Bourdieu: classes and lifestyles The social space Bourdieu’s class schema Habitus and class Class, habitus and lifestyle Class and social mobility Social relationships Intergenerational mobility Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 10. The sociology of deviance Philip Lalander, Malmö University Introduction Labelling, ambivalence and counter-labelling Different types of deviance Diagnosis and identity Indulgence at the margins of society Escape from everyday life/escaping everyday life Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 11. The sociology of gender Johanna Esseveld and Sara Eldén, Lund University Introduction Gender and sex Beyond dichotomies A sociological definition of gender Theorising gender Classical texts Men’s and women’s roles Gender oppression and structural inequality New themes in the sociology of gender Gender as a social practice Intersectionality Scandinavian sociology of gender today Conclusions Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 12. The sociology of micro-social interaction and everyday life Søren Kristiansen and Michael Hviid Jacobsen, Aalborg University Introduction Everyday life as a social domain Micro-social interaction The basis of micro-social interaction: common sense, meaning and intersubjectivity Phenomenological sociology Symbolic interactionism Ethnomethodology The syntax of interaction: rules, rituals and ceremonies Goffman and dramaturgical sociology Conversation analysis Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 13. The sociology of globalisation Thomas Hylland Eriksen, University of Oslo Introduction Origins of contemporary globalisation Globalisation today Globalisers and sceptics Dimensions of globalisation Disembedding, including de-localisation Standardisation Interconnectedness Mobility Mixing Vulnerability Re-embedding Central questions about globalisation The dialectics of globalisation Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 14. The sociology of culture Bjorn Schiermer, University of Copenhagen Introduction Sociology of culture and popular culture The Frankfurt School: the critique and the potential of modern mass culture Siegfried Kracauer: the dialectics of commodified culture Theodor W. Adorno: the critical potential of autonomous art Walter Benjamin: art and politics The Birmingham School: culture as `a way of life’ Poststructuralism and semiotics: culture as `text’ The `material turn’: re-extending the shortened concept of culture Cultural studies: leaving the high/low dichotomy behind Ironic sensibilities: kitsch and camp and new ways of being together Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 15. The sociology of ethnicity Nihad Bunar and Marko Valenta, Stockholm University and NTNU Introduction Defining ethnicity Theoretical approaches to ethnicity Primordialism Instrumentalism New ethnicities The importance of ethnic networks Symbolic ethnicity Theories and policies for managing ethnic diversity Ethnicity and other sociologically relevant concepts of categorisation Ethnicity and class Ethnicity and gender Ethnicity and race Ethnicity, racism and discrimination Ethnicity and nation Ethnicity and citizenship Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 16. The sociology of the self Thomas Johansson, University of Gothenburg Introduction The sociology of the body: classical texts Consuming the Other Cyborgs and transvestites Lifestyle, fashion and the body Bodybuilding, fitness and gender Plastic surgery and body modifications Summary Think for yourself Further reading Chapter 17. The sociology of social change Gunnar C. Aakvaag, University of Oslo Introduction What are the `general characteristics’ of a society? Functional differentiation Consequences for the individual: facing social complexity Institutional `colonisation’ Consequences for the individual: facing commercialisation and bureaucratisation Individualisation Industrial modernity Individualised modernity Consequences for the individual: facing the decline of standard biographies Risk society Objective side-effects Subjective perception Consequences for the individual: facing uncertainty Social change: all that is solid melts into air? Summary Think for yourself Further reading Notes References Index
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Levande läppar rekommenderas
Novellen Levande läppar rekommenderas handlar om att vara ung: Om att vara omstörtande kär, om jakten på sin identitet, om alldeles för många akademiska poäng och om märkliga, hemliga sällskap. Jag räknade till fem A-kurser, två B-kurser, två C-kurser och en handfull kvälls- och sommarkurser. 315 högskolepoäng och noll utsikter att få ett vettigt jobb i framtiden.Jag var ett fritt fall utan mening och mål och när jag nu dessutom, genom fönstret, såg en av dem som ägde den svartklubb jag var skyldig 20 000 kronor så föll jag bokstavligen ihop under bordet. "Vad?" sa Smilla och kröp ner till mig på golvet. "Anabolasnubbarna", sa jag. "De kommer snart och tar mig." Hon bara flinade. "Din tjej har en pistol. Och är orädd och crazy. Du kan känna dig säker." Johanna Nilsson, föddes 1973, författardebuterade 1996 med romanen Hon går genom tavlan, ut ur bilden . Hon har därefter skrivit ett tjugotal titlar, både vuxenromaner och barn- och ungdomsböcker. 2015 släpptes Det grönare djupet , författarens uppföljare till Karin Boyes roman Kallocain , och SvD skrev: "Johanna Nilsson är som alltid en imponerande säker berättare. Det tycks finnas en forsande flod i hennes huvud hela tiden". Johanna Nilsson har under sin karriär tilldelats ett flertal priser, bland annat fick hon 2015 Sveriges Radios Novellpris för novellen 84 kilo nåd . Novellix ger ut små, snygga böcker med en novell per bok. Både klassiker och nyskrivet - allt ifrån Virginia Woolf till Håkan Nesser! Samtliga böcker med originalomslag av svenska formgivare, illustratörer och konstnärer. Novellix-novellerna säljs både styckvis och förpackade i fina presentaskar. Stora läsupplevelser i ett litet format.
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Fence Vol. 3
Scrappy fencer Nicholas Cox comes to the end of his path to prove himself worthy of a father he never knew in the face of surly upperclassmen, nearly impossible odds, and the talent of his rival, sullen fencing prodigy, Seiji Katayama. Sparks fly white-hot on the pitch as Nicholas and Seiji finally face off once again in the halls of King's Row. It's a match that will change King's Row (and both of them!) forever, and set the stage as the team journeys to face their bitter rivals and prove themselves once and for all. The third volume of the breakneck series from writer C.S. Pacat (The Captive Prince) and fan-favorite artist Johanna the Mad comes at you as fast as a parry and hits as hard as a strike.
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Fence Vol. 2
Nicholas Cox is determined to prove himself in the world of competitive fencing, and earn his place on the Kings Row fencing team, alongside sullen fencing prodigy, Seiji Katayama, to win the right to go up against his golden-boy half-brother. Tryouts are well underway at King's Row for a spot on the prodigious fencing team, and scrappy fencer Nicholas isn't sure he's going to make the grade in the face of surly upperclassmen, nearly impossibly odds, and his seemingly unstoppable roommate, the surly, sullen Seiji Katayama. It'll take more than sheer determination to overcome a challenge this big! From the superstar team of C.S. Pacat (The Captive Prince) and fan-favorite artist Johanna the Mad comes the second volume of this acclaimed, dynamic series.
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Fence Vol. 1
Nicholas Cox is determined to prove himself in the world of competitive fencing, and earn his place alongside fencing legends like the dad he never knew, but things get more complicated when he's up against his golden-boy half-brother, as well as sullen fencing prodigy, Seiji Katayama. Nicholas, the illegitimate son of a retired fencing champion, is a scrappy fencing wunderkind, and dreams of getting the chance and the training to actually compete. After getting accepted to the prodigious Kings Row private school, Nicholas is thrust into a cut-throat world, and finds himself facing not only his golden-boy half-brother, but the unbeatable, mysterious Seiji Katayama... Through clashes, rivalries, and romance between teammates, Nicholas and the boys of Kings Row will discover there's much more to fencing than just foils and lunges. From acclaimed writer C.S. Pacat (The Captive Prince) and fan-favorite artist Johanna the Mad.
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<p><strong>Latin American female photographers reflect on personal and collective struggle</strong></p><p>Showcasing 12 Latin American female photographers--Adriana Lestido, Luz Mar a Bedoya, Johanna Calle, Helen Zout, Claudia Donoso, Rosa Gauditano, Leonora Vicu a, Carla Rippey, Carolina C rdenas, Milagros de la Torre, Paz Err zuriz and Rosario L pez--<i>Black Sun</i> reflects on personal and collective tragedies.</p>
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The Book as Art
Women have been pioneers in the field of book arts, crafting intimate and insightful works that blend word, image, and media together in exciting and unique ways. Whether produced as one-offs or manufactured in serial form, these volumes share a wonderful craft aspect that has broad appeal to fellow artists, collectors, and ordinary readers alike. Often highly conceptual in form, they stretch the boundaries of what constitutes a 'book.' This illustrated volume presents over 100 artists books held in the permanent collection of the Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C. The publication of this trade book corresponds with the institution s twentieth anniversary celebration. With an engaging introduction by acclaimed fiction-writer Audrey Niffenegger and essays by curator Krystyna Wasserman and renown book arts scholar Johanna Drucker, the text compliments the highly engaging profiles of each work, which will be illustrated in multiple views. Artist biographies, and a comprehensive bibliography round out the offerings.
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Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education
This book presents a comprehensive overview of extant literature on competence-based vocational and professional education since the introduction of the competence concept in the 1950s. To structure the fi eld, the book distinguishes between three approaches to defi ning competence, based on 1.functional behaviourism, 2. integrated occupationalism, and 3. situated professionalism. It also distinguishes between two ways of operationalizing competence: 1. behaviour-oriented generic, and 2. task-oriented specifi c competence. Lastly, it identifi es three kinds of competencies, related to: 1. specific activities, 2. known jobs, and 3. the unknown future. Competence for the unknown future must receive more attention, as our world is rapidly evolving and there are many `glocal' challenges which call for innovation and a profound transformation of policies and practices. Th e book presents a range of diff erent approaches to competence-based education, and demonstrates that competencebased education is a worldwide innovation, which is institutionalized in various ways. It presents the major theories and policies, specifi c components of educational systems, such as recognition, accreditation, modelling and assessment, and developments in discipline-oriented and transversal competence domains. Th e book concludes by synthesizing the diff erent perspectives with the intention to contribute to further improving vocational and professional education policy and practice.Joao Santos, Deputy Head of Unit C5, Vocational Training and Adult Education, Directorate General for Employment, Social Aff airs and Inclusion, European Commission: "This comprehensive work on competence-based education led by Martin Mulder, provides an excellent and timely contribution to the current debate on a New Skills Agenda for Europe, and the challenge of bridging the employment and education and training worlds closer together. Th is book will infl uence our work aimed at improving the relevance of vocational education to support initial and continuing vocational education and training policy and practice aimed at strengthening the key competencies for the 21st century."Prof. Dr. Reinhold Weiss, Deputy President and Head of the Research, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Bonn, Germany: "This book illustrates that the idea and concept of competence is not only a buzzword in educational debates but key to innovative pedagogical thinking as well as educational practice."Prof. Dr. Johanna Lasonen, College of Education, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA: "Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education is one of the most important multi-disciplinary book in education and training. Th is path-breaking book off ers a timely, rich and global perspective on the fi eld. Th e book is a good resource for practitioners, policymakers and researchers."
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Maten och moralen : ska Sverige ha en livsmedelsproduktion?
Mat och livsmedel står i centrum för samhällsdebatten, inte sällan utifrån matens etiska aspekter. Hur vill vi att maten ska produceras för att det ska kännas bra i magen? Hur påverkas vår miljö och klimatet av livsmedelsproduktionen? Hur ser de globala utmaningarna för livsmedelsförsörjningen ut, både för konsumenter och producenter världen över? Hur ser vi på relationen mellan vår mat och villkoren för djuren? Sammantaget handlar det om maten och framtiden, eller maten i framtiden. Detta är perspektiv som LRF Mjölk vill diskutera i den här antologin. Författare är:Ulf Berg, riksdagsledamot (M) Åke Bonnier, biskop i Skara Sven-Erik Bucht, landsbygdsminister (S)Leif Denneberg, generaldirektör Jordbruksverket Stefan Edman,författare Jens Holm, riksdagsledamot (V) Christer Isaksson, journalist och författare Isabella Lövin, biståndsminister (MP)Annie Lööf, partiledare (C) Jens Mattsson, generaldirektör SVA Johanna Sandahl, ordförande NaturskyddsföreningenLars Tysklind, riksdagsledamot (FP), Helena Jonsson. förundsordförande, LRF, Annika Åhnberg, samordnare regeringens livsmedelsstrategi och Jan Wärnbäck, talesperson för jordbruksfrågor WWF.
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Fence - Striking Distance
Sixteen-year-old Nicholas Cox is the illegitimate son of a retired fencing champion who dreams of getting the proper training he could never afford. After earning a place on the elite Kings Row fencing team, Nicholas must prove himself to his rival, Seiji Katayma, and navigate the clashes, friendships, and relationships between his teammates on the road to state championships—where Nicholas might finally have the chance to spar with his golden-boy half-brother. Coach Williams decides to take advantage of the boys' morale after a recent victory and assigns them a course of team building exercises to further deepen their bonds. It takes a shoplifting scandal, a couple of moonlit forest strolls, several hilariously bad dates, and a whole lot of introspection for the team to realize they are stronger together than they could ever be apart. The first installment of this enticing original YA novel series by Sarah Rees Brennan, rich with casual diversity and queer self-discovery, explores never-before-seen drama inspired by C.S. Pacat's critically acclaimed Fence comic series and boasts original cover and interior art by Johanna The Mad.
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Sommereventyr: Nasjonalmuseet på Blaafarveværket
Utstillingen på Blaafarveværket er en reise gjennom 1800-tallet. Kunsten fra dette århundret har satt dype spor i vår kulturhistorie. Det var først på begynnelsen av 1800-tallet at kunstnere i Norge ble definert som kunstnere fremfor håndverkere. Maleriene var et viktig bidrag til grunnmuren for norsk kultur og identitet frem mot unionsoppløsningen og selvstendigheten i 1905. Utstillingen er en del av feiringen av Blaafarveværkets grunnlegger, Tone Sinding Steinsvik, som er intervjuet av Vidar Sandem for boken. En særskilt hilsen fra Nasjonalmuseets direktør Karin Hindsbo foreligger. I et nært samarbeid mellom Blaafarveværket og Nasjonalmuseet er utstillingen kommet i stand, og viser noe av det ypperste innenfor norsk billedkunst. Utstillingen viser til sammen 60 verker av Harriet Backer, Christian Krohg, Oda Krohg, Kalle Løchen, Eilif Peterssen, Edvard Munch, Harald Sohlberg, Lars Hertervig, Hans Gude, Th. Kittelsen, Thomas Fearnley, J.C. Dahl, Knud Baade, Peder Balke, Frits Thaulow, Signe Scheel, P.S. Krøyer, Chr. Skredsvig, Sofie Werenskiold, Kitty L. Kielland, Lars Jorde, Johanna Marianne Freystein, Evelina Stading, August Cappelen, Carl Sundt-Hansen, Annette Anker, Adolph Tidemand, Erik Werenskiold, Asta Nørregaard, Gerhard Munthe og Halfdan Egedius. Hvert enkelt bilde i utstillingen er illustrert og belyses gjennom nyskrevne tekster av Mai Britt Guleng, Vibeke Waallann Hansen, Sandra Lorentzen og Sverre Følstad. Summary in English.
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Norsk Bokmål
The Lucky Gourd Shop
When an American mother's three adopted children reach their teens, they grow curious about their Korean heritage. A much-anticipated letter from Korea fails to satisfy them but sparks memories in the eldest. So begins the heartbreaking and inspiring tale of their birth mother's life as their adoptive mother imagines it. Abandoned as a baby and then again and again, Mi Sook is raised in a Korean coffee shop by its string of owner-mothers. She grows to adulthood fiercely independent and eventually comes to manage the shop. But her marriage to Kun Soo, with whom she has three children, begins a series of events that ultimately wrench her babies from her arms. Deceived by Kun Soo and his well-intentioned mother, and unsupported by a rigidly Confucian culture, Mi Sook emerges as a tragic and heroic figure who embodies the rich complexities of a nation -- and of the heart.
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Graphic Novels for Children and Young Adults
With contributions by: Eti Berland, Rebecca A. Brown, Christiane Buuck, Joanna C. Davis-McElligatt, Rachel Dean-Ruzicka, Karly Marie Grice, Mary Beth Hines, Krystal Howard, Aaron Kashtan, Michael L. Kersulov, Catherine Kyle, David E. Low, Anuja Madan, Meghann Meeusen, Rachel L. Rickard Rebellino, Rebecca Rupert, Cathy Ryan, Joe Sutliff Sanders, Joseph Michael Sommers, Marni Stanley, Gwen Athene Tarbox, Sarah Thaller, Annette Wannamaker, and Lance Weldy.One of the most significant transformations in literature for children and young adults during the last twenty years has been the resurgence of comics. Educators and librarians extol the benefits of comics reading, and increasingly, children's and YA comics and comics hybrids have won major prizes, including the Printz Award and the National Book Award. Despite the popularity and influence of children's and YA graphic novels, the genre has not received adequate scholarly attention.Graphic Novels for Children and Young Adults is the first book to offer a critical examination of children's and YA comics. The anthology is divided into five sections, structure and narration; transmedia; pedagogy; gender and sexuality; and identity, that reflect crucial issues and recurring topics in comics scholarship during the twenty-first century. The contributors are likewise drawn from a diverse array of disciplines-English, education, library science, and fine arts. Collectively, they analyze a variety of contemporary comics, including such highly popular series as Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Lumberjanes; Eisner award-winning graphic novels by Gene Luen Yang, Nate Powell, Mariko Tamaki, and Jillian Tamaki; as well as volumes frequently challenged for use in secondary classrooms, such as Raina Telgemeier's Drama and Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.
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Faith, Medical Alchemy and Natural Philosophy
Published in 1998, this is a fundamental re-assessment of the world-view of the alchemists, natural philosophers and intelligencers of the mid 17th century. Based almost entirely upon the extensive and hitherto little-researched manuscript archive of Samuel Hartlib, it charts and contextualises the personal and intellectual history of Johann Moriaen (c.1592-1668), a Dutch-German alchemist and natural philosopher. Moriaen was closely acquainted with many of the leading thinkers and experimenters of his time, including Rene Descartes, J.A. Comenius, J.R. Glauber and J.S. KA1/4ffler. His detailed reports of relations with these figures and his response to their work provide a uniquely informed insight into the world of alchemy and natural philosophy. This study also illuminates the nature and mechanisms of intellectual and technological exchanges between Germany, The Netherlands and England.
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Introducing Qualitative Research in psychology (3. utg.)
<ul><li><b>Why use qualitative research in psychology?<br></b></li><li><b>How is qualitative research in psychology carried out?<br></b></li><li><b>What are the major debates and unresolved issues surrounding this form of research?</b></li></ul><i>Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology</i> is a vital resource for students new to qualitative psychology. It offers a clear introduction to the topic by taking eight different approaches to qualitative methods and explaining when each one should be used, the procedures and techniques involved, and any limitations associated with such research. <p>Throughout the new edition, material has been re-organized and updated to reflect developments in the field, while Carla Willig's style of writing, popular with students and lecturers alike, remains unchanged. Together with wider coverage of conceptual issues and epistemological & theoretical challenges in qualitative research, this third edition boasts <b>three new methods chapters: Thematic Analysis, Narrative Analysis</b> and <b>Visual Methodologies</b>. Three additional chapters on <b>Qualitative Research Design & Data Collection, The Role of Interpretation</b> and <b>Putting Together A Research Proposal</b> will be invaluable to students and researchers during conceptual preparation.</p><p>This edition contains more interactive exercises and discussion points in order to help students understand what they are learning, as well as three qualitative research reports written by students. </p><p>The third edition is supported by a new <b>Online Learning Centre</b> with resources for lecturers and students. </p><p><i>With contributions from Sarah Jane Dryden, Caroline Silcock and Joanna Silver.</i></p><p><b><i>"All students of qualitative research in psychology will find a wealth of information in Carla Willig's book. With its expanded sections and detailed consideration of concepts, techniques and applications of qualitative research, the interactive approach taken in this book is ably supported by extensive research examples. As usual with Carla Willig's clear and detailed writing style, this book will give both new and existing researchers the opportunity to think clearly about their use of qualitative research and its methods."</i></b><i><br>Dr Nollaig Frost, Senior Lecturer, Psychology, Middlesex University, UK</i></p><p><i><b>"A tour de force from an expert guide which grounds students in the lexicon of qualitative psychology, before explicating a range of major methodologies. Students will appreciate many worked examples, and will be stimulated by the coverage of contemporary innovations, issues and debates - an invaluable textbook."</b><br>Professor Brendan Gough, Institute of Health and Wellbeing, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK</i></p><p><i><b>"In just over a decade, Carla Willig's book has become one of the key introductory texts in the field. Many of my students and supervisees have enjoyed reading it - finding complex issues and debates have been explained in an accessible manner. This latest edition includes helpful advice on writing a research proposal, some newer research methods and discussion about the future of qualitative research. In addition, there are new chapters on epistemology and interpretation which I think my students will find particularly valuable as these are often the most challenging topics when one is new to qualitative research."</b><br>Dr David Harper, Reader in Clinical Psychology, University of East London, UK</i></p><p><i><b>"Once again, Carla Willig has produced a wonderfully clear account of how and why qualitative methods ought be used to answer psychological questions. Not only does Willig examine key theories, ethics and debates surrounding the use and interpretation of qualitative data, she shows us 'how' to do it - step by step, with a tremendous sense of balance and integrity. This new edition covers some of the more recent debates in qualitative research, contains new examples of how to design, carry out and approach analysis in qualitative methods and lots of useful questions that researchers ask themselves along the way. My students have used Willig's writings on qualitative methods for many years as they can understand and engage with it. There is simply no other equivalent text in psychology to rival Willig's - her clarity, conviction and sheer brilliance in putting difficult ideas on methods into plain language is something students in psychology will relish for a very long time to come."</b><br>Paula Reavey, Professor of Psychology, London South Bank University, UK</i></p><p><i><b>"In writing this text originally, Carla Willig argued that, unlike quantitative research (where the aim is to follow a set of rules and get them 'right'), qualitative research is more about 'having adventures'. From the start it sounds a lot more fun, and certainly a lot more interesting! And it was. Students and lecturers alike appreciate its lively, practical approach, its very clear and elegant writing, its use of clever examples of students' own work and its lucid explanations of the theory underpinning methods and methodologies. This new, third edition is a real triumph. It's more comprehensive and it's bang up to date, with three additional new chapters, more examples of student projects, and overall an even more systematic approach. It is, in my view, the most approachable and person-friendly text around introducing qualitative research in psychology, and a great opportunity to 'boldly go', have adventures, and really get to grips with doing qualitative research."</b><br>Wendy Stainton Rogers, Professor Emerita, Faculty of Health and Social Care, The Open University, UK</i></p>
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Det er alt
Marguerite Duras døde 3. mars 1996. Tre dager før avsluttet hun sin siste bok - Det er alt - en dagbok skrevet i dialog med Yann Andréa Steiner. Nå utgir TransFe:r Forlag boka for første gang i norsk oversettelse ved Silje Aanes Fagerlund og med etterord av Anne Helene Guddal. Farvel. Farvel til ingen. Selv ikke til deg. Det er over. Ingenting finnes. Siden må bli ferdig. Kom nå. Vi må dra. Det er alt (C'est tout) er en dagbok fra de to siste leveårene til Marguerite Duras (1914-1996). Ettersom hun ikke lenger kan skrive selv, er teksten nedskrevet av den yngre partneren Yann Andréa Steiner. Teksten tar dels form av en dialog med ham, og dels som monologiske ytringer. Det er alt handler først og fremst om døden - den uunngåelige døden, den definitive slutten som nærmer seg. Men her også følelsesladde utsagn om kjærlighet, begjær, barndommen i Indokina og forfatterens mor - og, ikke minst, refleksjoner rundt livet som skrivende. Stilen er utpreget litterær, konsentrert og poetisk, med en tidvis skarp og narsissistisk tone, og boka skapte en viss polemikk i Frankrike da den utkom. Det er alt er oversatt av Silje Aanes Fagerlund, og inneholder dessuten et etterord av poeten og essayisten Anne Helene Guddal - nylig Bragepris-nominert for diktsamlingen Døden og andre tiggere. Etterordet er en personlig og engasjert inngang til Det er alt, samtidig som den ser boka i lys av Duras' øvrige forfatterskap. Design og sats er ved Johanne Hjorthol.
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