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Viser resultat for 'Johan Ræder'


    Anestesiologi: en innføringsbok

    Johan Ræder

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 349

    Pocket · 2009

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 249

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 349

    Premedication and general anaesthesia in outpatient gynecological surgery

    Premedication and general anaesthesia in outpatient gynecological surgery

    Johan Ræder

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1989



    Johan Bojer og heimbygda Rissa : liv og dikting

    Johan Bojer og heimbygda Rissa : liv og dikting

    Trygve Ræder

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1972

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 199
    kr 199

    Barnas jul

    Barnas jul: våre beste julefortellinger

    H.C. Andersen, Tor Åge Bringsværd, Gudny Ingebjørg Hagen, Janne Aasebø Johnsen, Astrid Lindgren, Karin Stjernholm Ræder, Hans Christian Andersen

    En vakker juleantologi med 11 stemningsfulle julehistorer. Flott bok for voksne og barn å lese sammen i førjulstid og jul. Historier av blant annet Astrid Lindgren, H.C. Andersen, Tor Åge Bringsværd, Gudny I. Hagen, Janne Aasebø Johnsen, Karin Stärnholm Raeder og Alf Prøysen (gjendiktning). Illustrasjoner av Ilon Wikland, Anne G. Holt, Flemming Jeppesen, Johan Egerkrans, Asbjørn Tønnesen, Svein Solem og Eivind Gulliksen.

    4.5 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    The Nordic models in political science

    The Nordic models in political science: challenged, but still viable?

    The Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden are frequently considered a distinct group of countries in political science studies. The term Nordic model(s) is sometimes used to describe the policies pursued by these countries. The aim of the book is to examine whether there is one or several Nordic model(s), whether there have been any changes over time in the distinctiveness of the Nordic countries, and when and why the Nordic model(s) emerged. Moreover, in light of recent global economic, legislative and political integration, will the Nordic distinctiveness last? This book examines Nordic models in several key areas of political science, such as state- and nation-building, political parties and party systems, determinants of party choice, representation and parliamentarism, gender and politics, central governmental institutions, regional and local governments, interest intermediation and interest group representation, and welfare state and knowledge regimes. The Nordic Models in Political Science provides an introduction for students and academic readers interested in Nordic politics in general and Nordic models in particular. «This is a thorough and balanced assessment of the 'Nordic model'. It shows that, in spite of change and transnational convergence, distinctive features of the Nordic states have survived, producing substantially different outcomes in important policy fields.» - Michael Keating, Professor of Politics, Universities of Aberdeen and Edinburgh Editor: Oddbjørn Knutsen, Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Oslo Other contributors: Harald Baldersheim, Einar Berntzen, Karl Hagen Bjurstrøm, Johan Christensen, Tom Christensen, Åse Gornitzka, Knut Heidar, Cathrine Holst, Stein Kuhnle, Axel West Pedersen, Bjørn Erik Rasch, Hilmar Rommetvedt, Lawrence E. Rose, Siv Sandberg, Hege Skjeie and Mari Teigen.

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    kr 349
    kr 349



    John Williams

    4.3 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Pocket · 2012


    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 5

    kr 59

    Hva er et egg?

    Hva er et egg?: boka om vitenskap i hverdagen

    Johan Olsen, Hakim Lyngstadås

    «Barnas Bill Bryson» er tilbake med nye fortellinger om tingene vi omgir oss med til daglig - vitenskapen i hverdagen. «Hva er et egg?» tar nysgjerrigheten på alvor og inviterer til undring rundt det dagligdagse. Du blir garantert overrasket over hvor mye entusiastisk kunnskapsformidling som kan springe ut av en kopp med kaffe, et glass med vann og et kokt egg til frokost! Eller andre hverdagsligheter, som hår, buser og promp. Og ikke minst klokka - for hva er egentlig tid? Visste du at plast ble oppfunnet for å redde elefanter? Eller at Wi-fi er resultatet av en gruppe forskeres jakt på sorte hull? Illustrert med fotografier og Thomas Hjorhaabs morsomme tegninger. «Den er full av godt humør, fotografier og Thomas Hjorthaabs illustrasjoner. Man merker hvordan forfatteren boltrer seg i et hav av kunnskap, som onkel Skrue i pengebingen sin.» Politiken «Det er både lærerikt, underholdende og genialt.» Readersworld.dk Les, la deg underholde og bli smartere! Fra 10-99 år

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 129
    kr 129

    Trehus i dag. Modern Frame Houses

    Trehus i dag. Modern Frame Houses

    Hans Granum, Sven Erik Lundby

    1. opplag. I kommisjon hos Johan Grundt Tanum Forlag. Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Forskningsråd. Byggteknisk utvalg. 152 s., 84 figs. Huset på omslaget er tegnet av Eline Randers, 7. klasse Tåsen skole

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1952

    Norsk Bokmål


    Arbeidsmiljøloven med kommentarer

    Arbeidsmiljøloven med kommentarer

    Arbeidsmiljøloven med kommentarer ble anmeldt i Juristkontakt, 2 utg. ( ) én av de viktigste kommentarutgavene til arbeidsmiljøloven i bokform. Ole André Oftebro Advokat, partner i Advokatfirma Ræder DA Arbeidsmiljøloven med kommentarer gir fyldige og detaljerte kommentarer til alle bestemmelsene i arbeidsmiljøloven av 17. juni 2005 nr. 62 med senere endringer i lov- og forskriftsverket og rettspraksis. Boken omtaler og gir referanser til rettsutviklingen internasjonalt innen EU/EØS-systemet, EMK mv. Boken er oppdatert per august 2016. Du finner utførlige kommentarer til de nye bestemmelsene om utvidet adgang til midlertidige ansettelse, viktige endringer i lovens arbeidstidsregler, de nye regler om aldersgrenser, og bestemmelsene i nytt kapittel 14 A om konkurranseklausler mv, som innebærer vesentlig endring av tidligere rettstilstand. Tillitsvalgtbegrepet, og sentrale begreper som arbeidsgiver, arbeidstaker og virksomhet, herunder konsernproblematikken, er gitt bred omtale. Boken retter seg mot praktiserende advokater, dommere og jurister. Boken er aktuell for alle som står overfor arbeidsrettslige spørsmål, så som tillitsvalgte, bedriftsledere, personalansvarlige og studenter. Det er lagt vekt på at boken skal være grei å bruke i praksis, samtidig som den er utfyllende, balansert og presis. Boken er skrevet av over 35 advokater og andre praktiserende jurister. Forfatterne er: Aase C. Løne Aili Kristin Stenseth Alex Borch Anita Hegg Anne Amanda Norendal Anniken Astrup Cathrine Prahl Reusch Claude A. Lenth Elizabeth Ege Else Leona McClimans Gunn Kristin Olimstad Harald Pedersen Helga Aune Henning Jakhelln John Aage Hvardal Kari Gimmingsrud Katrine Rygh Monsen Kristine Fremstad Moen Lill Christin Egeland Lise Johansen Liv Torill Evenrud Marita Lien Marit B. Frogner Monica Haugedal Nina Kroken Ole Kristen Øverberg Per Benonisen Preben H. Mo Rannveig Arthur Rune Bård Hansen Stian Hasli-Hansen Stig Åkenes Johnsen Tina Storsletten Nordstrøm Torbjørn Stokke Tor Kielland Trond Erik Kvalsnes

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål


    Dette er Norge 1814-1965

    Dette er Norge 1814-1965

    Redaksjon: Johan T. Ruud, Arnold Eskeland, Gunnar Randers, Magne Skodvi, Per Svein Paulsen, Rut Mykland

    3 bind

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1963

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Norsk lyrik

    Norsk lyrik

    ved utvalg av Kristian Winterhjelm, Johan Sebastian Cammermeyer Welhaven, Henrik Arnold Wergeland, Jacobine Camilla Collett, Henrik Ibsen, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Carl Theodor Caspari, Kristofer Randers, Jørgen Engebretsen Moe, Andreas Munch

    Med 20 portrætter i staalstik af norske forfattere og med illustrationer af A.Bloch, Eivind Nielsen, Chr. Skredsvig, K. Uchermann, Erik Werdenskiold og Oscar Wergeland.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1906

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Earth for all - A SURVIVAL GUIDE for Humanity

    Earth for all - A SURVIVAL GUIDE for Humanity

    Sandrine Dixson-Decleve, Owen Gaffney, Jayati Ghosh, Jorgen Randers, Johan Rockstrom, Per Espen Stoknes

    The economic operating system keeps crashing. It’s time to upgrade to a new one. Five decades ago, The Limits to Growth shocked the world by showing that population and industrial growth were pushing humanity towards a cliff. Today the world recognizes that we are now at the cliff edge: Earth has crossed multiple planetary boundaries while widespread inequality is causing deep instabilities in societies. There seems to be no way out. Earth For All is both an antidote to despair and a road map to a better future. Using powerful state-of-the-art computer modeling to explore policies likely to deliver the most good for the majority of people, a leading group of scientists and economists from around the world present five extraordinary turnarounds to achieve prosperity for all within planetary limits in a single generation. This survival guide for humanity is required reading for everyone concerned about living well on a fragile planet.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2022



    Operational Amplifiers

    Operational Amplifiers

    Johan H. Huijsing

    This proven textbook guides readers to a thorough understanding of the theory and design of operational amplifiers (OpAmps). The core of the book presents systematically the design of operational amplifiers, classifying them into a periodic system of nine main overall configurations, ranging from one gain stage up to four or more stages. This division enables circuit designers to recognize quickly, understand, and choose optimal configurations. Characterization of operational amplifiers is given by macro models and error matrices, together with measurement techniques for their parameters. Definitions are given for four types of operational amplifiers depending on the grounding of their input and output ports.Many famous designs are evaluated in depth, using a carefully structured approach enhanced by numerous figures. In order to reinforce the concepts introduced and facilitate self-evaluation of design skills, the author includes problems with detailed solutions, as well as simulation exercises.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    Imperial German Uniforms And Equipment 1907-1918

    Imperial German Uniforms And Equipment 1907-1918

    Johan Somers

    This three-volume set provides the reader with an insight into the wide range of uniforms, weapons and field equipment used by the Imperial German Army during the First World War. The devastating and dramatic character of the war required many innovations in military clothing and equipment. New uniforms and adequate protection was a must, and steel helmets appeared on the battlefield, replacing the outdated spiked helmets. Even medieval-looking items, like steel breastplates and trench clubs, were produced, giving the soldiers a fearful appearance. The threat of poison gas caused the immediate development of gas masks. It was also the time of the tank, observation balloons, mine warfare, the Zeppelin, airplanes, flame-throwers, deadly machine guns, and other war machinery that saw service, sometimes for the first time. Using over 1,000 color and period photographs from private collections and museums, the author succeeds in showing a broad range of artifacts, together with full and to the point descriptions. This series is aimed towards the novice or advanced German World War I collector and enthusiast, military history student, modeller, researcher and re-enactor.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2006



    Imperial German Field Uniforms And Equipment 1907-1918

    Imperial German Field Uniforms And Equipment 1907-1918

    Johan Somers

    This two-volume set provides the reader with an insight into the wide range of uniforms, weapons and field equipment used by the Imperial German Army during the First World War. The devastating and dramatic character of the war required many innovations in military clothing and equipment. New uniforms and adequate protection was a must, and steel helmets appeared on the battlefield, replacing the outdated spiked helmets. Even medieval-looking items, like steel breastplates and trench clubs, were produced, giving the soldiers a fearful appearance. The threat of poison gas caused the immediate development of gas masks. It was also the time of the tank, observation balloons, mine warfare, the Zeppelin, airplanes, flame-throwers, deadly machine guns, and other war machinery that saw service, sometimes for the first time. Using over 1,000 colour and period photographs from private collections and museums, the author succeeds in showing a broad range of artefacts, together with full and to the point descriptions. This series is aimed towards the novice or advanced German World War I collector and enthusiast, military history student, modeller, researcher and re-enactor.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2006



    Doing Business in Europe

    Doing Business in Europe

    Gabriele Suder, Johan Lindeque

    The new third edition provides readers with the fundamental theories and concepts for understanding how business is done in Europe, linking it to the current European business environment through a range of up-to-date case studies and examples.Revised and updated to include recent changes in the economic and political climate of Europe, and thematic perspectives on key contemporary European challenges, the authors also bring into consideration non-EU Business in the EU as well as the way Brexit is likely to affect businesses.Also new to this edition:Examples and cases from a wider range of European member states, including Tesla, Airbnb, Ryanair, Belgian AB InBev's acquisition of British SABMiller, and the expansion of Alibaba Group in Europe. Enhanced material on business in EFTA and CEFTA areas. Analysis of the effects digitalisation, business analytics and Artificial Intelligence have on business in Europe. Coverage of the challenges and opportunities stemming from migration and the refugee crisis. A specific focus on the gig and shared economy. An investigation into how sustainability and climate change agreements impact on business. The book is supported by online resources for lecturers and students, including an instructor's manual, PowerPoint Slides, multiple choice questions, class-based role play instruction guides, chapter summaries, and links to relevant videos and podcasts.Suitable reading for students on European business modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Pocket · 2018


    Creating Value-Added Services and Applications for Converged Communications Networks

    Creating Value-Added Services and Applications for Converged Communications Networks

    Johan Zuidweg

    This resource provides a comprehensive survey of current and emerging intelligent telecommunications networks, including underlying software, implementation, deployment, and standards. Readers are given an overview of new technologies and standards that allow operators and service providers to create and deploy value-added services in a changing world increasingly dominated by packet switched networks using the internet protocol (IP). The main goal of this book is to inform telecommunications engineers, ICT managers, and students about building applications and services over communications networks and managing them.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015


    The Geometrical Beauty of Plants

    The Geometrical Beauty of Plants

    Johan Gielis

    This book focuses on the origin of the Gielis curves, surfaces and transformations in the plant sciences. It is shown how these transformations, as a generalization of the Pythagorean Theorem, play an essential role in plant morphology and development. New insights show how plants can be understood as developing mathematical equations, which opens the possibility of directly solving analytically any boundary value problems (stress, diffusion, vibration...) . The book illustrates how form, development and evolution of plants unveil as a musical symphony. The reader will gain insight in how the methods are applicable in many divers scientific and technological fields.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017



    Coding for Kids: Animated Stories

    Coding for Kids: Animated Stories

    Johan Aludden, Frederica Gambel

    With this easy, fun guide, even children new to coding can learn how to tell their own, original animated stories! Why should children experience technology passively when they can use this powerful tool to bring their own ideas to life? Starting from simple, two-dimensional drawings, Coding for Kids 2 teaches students how to build animations . . . and gradually make them more complex as their skills grow. Written especially for ages 8 to 12, this book uses Scratch 2.0, the free software created by the MIT Media Labs specifically for young people. With step-by-step instructions, the projects are arranged by difficulty and each features a series of challenges for older readers.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    50 years

    50 years: 100 peace & conflict perspectives

    Johan Galtung

    Fifty years ago, in 1958, Galtung for the first time was in a mediation situation. The conflict was between black and white over desegregation of the schools in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. Since then there have been many and one hundred of them are reported in this book; most of them macro conflicts, some personal and social. The reader can read the densely written book in many ways. Scan the Table of Contents for a conflict of special interest. Read the Diagnosis sections for analysis of current affairs. Read the Prognosis sections for forecasts, future studies. Read the Therapy sections for remedies, beyond critical commentary, constructive, concrete and creative, 3 Cs. Read the whole book as a text in peace studies, much beyond conventional security and international studies, and ask yourself, what can I do for peace, including improving the many proposals? Johan Galtung, 77, lives in Spain, France, Japan and the USA and is mainly engaged in mediation and research. He founded TRANSCEND: A Network for Peace and Development in 1993, and was the first rector of the Transcend Peace University 2003-2007. This book is the first publication from Transcend University Press.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008



    Pocket · 2008



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