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Viser resultat for 'Joe Borgenicht'

    Baby - en bruksanvisning

    Baby - en bruksanvisning: veiledning, feilsøkinstips og råd for første års vedlikehold

    Joe Borgenicht, Louis Borgenicht

    Endelig er den her, boken som inneholder alt du trenger å vite om installasjon, stell og vedlikehold av din baby. Dette er boken alle bør få på "føden"! Dette er rett og slett boken for deg som ikke vet opp ned på en baby. I våre dager har vi bruksanvisninger for alt fra bilen og PCen til stereoanlegget og mobiltelefonen. Så hvorfor ikke for babyen? Boken forteller deg hvordan du behandler og vedlikeholder verdens største teknologiske under: din nyfødte baby! Her får du vite hvordan du best forbereder deg til babyens ankomst. Hvordan du installerer barnerommet, hva du trenger av utstyr osv. Du får også en grundig innføring i stell og vedlikehold av den nyankomne babyen, deriblant gode råd om hvordan du installerer bleier og bringer babyen i hvilemodus. Boken er kort sagt proppfull av gode råd til alle som trenger grunnkurs i babystell.

    4.2 av 5

    Pocket · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69
    kr 69

    The Baby Owner's Manual

    The Baby Owner's Manual

    Louis Borgenicht

    At Last! A Beginner's Guide to Newborn Baby Technology. You've programmed your DVR, you've installed a wireless Internet connection, you can even check Facebook on your cell phone. But none of this experience will prepare you for the world's biggest technological marvel: a newborn baby. Through step-by-step instructions and helpful schematic diagrams, "The Baby Owner's Manual" explores hundreds of frequently asked questions: What's the best way to swaddle a baby? How can I make my newborn sleep through the night? When should I bring the baby to a doctor for servicing? Whatever your concerns, you'll find the answers here - courtesy of celebrated pediatrician Dr. Louis Borgenicht and his son, Joe Borgenicht. Together, they provide plenty of useful advice for anyone who wants to learn the basics of childcare.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012


    kr 69
    kr 69

    The action heroine's handbook

    The action heroine's handbook: how to win a catfight, drink someone under the table, choke a man with your bare thighs, and dozens of other TV and movie skills

    Jennifer Worick, Joe Borgenicht

    Compiles information from action movies and television programs, including Aliens, The Matrix, and Scream, to teach readers skills such as how to outrun a fireball, profile a serial killer, and land a failing helicopter.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2003


    kr 20
    kr 20

    Managing Innovation

    Managing Innovation

    Joe Tidd, John Bessant

    Now in its seventh edition, Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change enables graduate and undergraduate students to develop the unique skill set and the foundational knowledge required to successfully manage innovation, technology, and new product development. This bestselling text has been fully updated with new data, new methods, and new concepts while still retaining its holistic approach the subject. The text provides an integrated, evidence-based methodology to innovation management that is supported by the latest academic research and the authors’ extensive experience in real-world management practice. Students are provided with an impressive range of learning tools—including numerous case studies, illustrative examples, discussions questions, and key information boxes—to help them explore the innovation process and its relation to the markets, technology, and the organization. “Research Notes" examine the latest evidence and topics in the field, while "Views from the Front Line" offer insights from practicing innovation managers and connect the covered material to actual experiences and challenges. Throughout the text, students are encouraged to apply their knowledge and critical thinking skills to business model innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, service innovation, and many more current and emerging approaches and practices.

    4.9 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020


    kr 409

    Pocket · 2018


    kr 299

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 409

    Strategic Innovation Management

    Strategic Innovation Management

    Joe Tidd, John Bessant

    This first edition of Strategic Innovation Management is an exciting new addition to the established bestselling texts Managing Innovation and Innovation and Entrepreneurship written by Joe Tidd and John Bessant.

    4.3 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    kr 199
    kr 199

    Becoming Supernatural

    Becoming Supernatural

    Dr Joe Dispenza

    What would it mean to become supernatural? What if you could tune in to frequencies beyond our material world... change your brain chemistry to access transcendent levels of awareness... create a new future... andtransform your very biology to enable profound healing?This is what Dr. Joe Dispenza offers in this revolutionary book: a body of knowledge and a set of tools that allow ordinary people-people just like you-to reach extraordinary states of being.Dr. Joe, author of the New York Times bestseller You Are the Placebo as well as Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain, draws on up-to-the-minute research in neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to show how this kind of transformation takes place and what it can mean for our lives. In these pages, you'll explore:- How to free yourself from the past by reconditioning your body to a new mind- How changing your frequency allows you to create reality in the "generous present moment"- The secret science of the pineal gland and its role in accessing mystical realms of reality- How to shift your awareness beyond the limited, predictable material world and move into the quantum field ofinfinite possibilities- And much moreUsing tools and practices ranging from state-of-the-art brain imaging to exercises such as a walking meditation, Dr. Joe offers nothing less than a program for stepping outside our physical reality and into a new world. "This iswho we really are," he writes, "and this is the future I'm creating-one in which each and every one of us becomes supernatural."

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Mørk kyst

    Mørk kyst

    Lucinda Riley

    VINNER AV DAGGER AWARDS SOM VERDENS BESTE KRIM Det skjer noe med deg når du har vært så nær ved å dø. Derfor hadde Joe Cashin søkt avskjed fra drapsavsnittet, og flyttet tilbake til kysten der han ble født. Nå er han bare landsbypurk. Sjelden tenker han på hvem han har vært. Helt til Charles Bourgoyne blir slått ned og drept. Alt peker mot tre aboriginergutter, alle vil helst peke på dem. Men Cashin er ikke overbevist. Mens tragedie ubønnhørlig følger tragedie, og stadig nye hemmeligheter avsløres, prøver han å holde fast på noe han burde latt gå. Mørk kyst er ikke bare en av de største internasjonale krimsuksessene de siste årene, men også en moderne litterær klassiker. Peter Temples bok overskrider de fleste sjangergrenser: et unikt portrett av det australske samfunnet, en hardkokt krim om makt, politikk og rasemotsetninger, en egenartet psykologisk roman om håp og desillusjon, familie og hjemsted, om behovet for å leve ærlig i en løgnaktig verden.

    4.5 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Pocket · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Great Expectations

    Great Expectations

    Charles Dickens

    Great Expectations is the beloved coming-of-age classic by Charles Dickens that follows the life of an orphan named Pip and his quest to discover the truth about himself. With its timeless themes involving love, loyalty, and struggle to aspire to greatness in society, the novel remains one of Dickens's most popular works. It is now available in a limited Olive Edition from HarperPerennial.Olive Editions are exclusive small format editions of some of our bestselling and celebrated titles, featuring beautiful and unique hand-drawn cover illustrations. All Olive Editions are available for a limited time only.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 139

    Pocket · 2016

    kr 119

    Andre utgaver · 33

    kr 139

    Hvordan selge hva som helst til hvem som helst

    Hvordan selge hva som helst til hvem som helst

    Joe Girard

    I løpet av sin femten års salgskarriere solgte forfatteren Joe Girard 13.001 biler, og det er verdensrekord. Han hadde ingen økonomisk utdannelse, isteden lærte han ved å være i «skyttergraven» hver dag at ingenting kan erstatte «gode gammeldagse» salgsferdigheter. Han insisterer på at ved å bygge på grunnleggende prinsipper for tillit og hardt arbeid, kan alle klare det han gjorde. Joe Girard innehar tittelen som «Verdens beste selger» i Guinness rekordbok. Denne klassiske bestselgeren har hjulpet millioner av lesere til å nå sine mål - og det vil du også. Joe viser deg hvordan du alltid kan gjøre et godt salg, ved å la deg inspirere av teknikkene han perfeksjonerte i sin rekordkarriere. Du kan også: - snu ett salg til 250 flere salg - skape en vinnerspillplan for å unngå salgstap - lære fem måter å snu en potensiell kunde på til å bli en kjøper - snu tvilen som hindrer kunden i å inngå kjøpet - selge med et tap og skape en formue.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2022

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 199
    kr 199

    Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change

    Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change

    Joe Tidd

    <p><i>Managing Innovation</i>?is the bestselling text for graduate and undergraduate students and a classic in the field. Emphasizing practical, evidence based tools and resources, this title provides students with the knowledge base to successfully manage innovation, technology, and new product development. The holistic approach addresses the interplay between the markets, technology, and the organization, while relating the unique skill set required to manage innovation and innovation processes.</p><p>The sixth edition of?<i>Managing Innovation</i>?continues to include the popular Innovation in Action sections in each chapter which are now newly titled Case Studies, and also features a number of new cases, updated and new research notes and references, and links to videos, audio interviews, activities, and case studies. The sixth edition also features new material on emerging innovation themes, including business model innovation, user innovation, crowd-sourcing, creativity, entrepreneurship, service innovation, public services, and more.</p><p>The rapid pace of the field's evolution has brought an increase in multi-disciplinary approaches and skills, while expanding the available tool kit and pushing the boundaries of possibility forward. This text provides expert navigation through the abundance of new data, new methods, new concepts, and approaches but it is designed to?<i>encourage and support</i>?tailored experimentation, not replace it. Equipped with a strong foundation and a productive innovation management mindset, todays students will be equipped to bring about the eras next great advances.</p>

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 139

    Pocket · 2013


    kr 139

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 139

    Beginning XML

    Beginning XML

    Joe Fawcett

    A complete update covering the many advances to the XML language The XML language has become the standard for writing documents on the Internet and is constantly improving and evolving. This new edition covers all the many new XML-based technologies that have appeared since the previous edition four years ago, providing you with an up-to-date introductory guide and reference. Packed with real-world code examples, best practices, and in-depth coverage of the most important and relevant topics, this authoritative resource explores both the advantages and disadvantages of XML and addresses the most current standards and uses of XML. Features the most updated content built on audience feedback from the previous edition as well as the vast knowledge from XML developer teams Boasts new chapters on RELAX NG and Schematron, XML functionality in databases, LINQ to XML, Jabber and XMLPP, XHTML, HTML5, and more Offers in-depth coverage on extracting data from XML and updated material on Web Services Beginning XML, Fifth Edition delivers the most important aspects of XML in regard to what it is, how it works, what technologies surround it, and how it can best be used in a variety of situations.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012


    kr 250
    kr 250

    The Triathlete's Training Bible

    The Triathlete's Training Bible

    Joe Friel

    The Triathlete s Training Bible is the bestselling and most comprehensive guide for aspiring and experienced triathletes. Joe Friel is the most trusted coach in the world and his proven triathlon training program has helped hundreds of thousands find success in the sport of triathlon. Joe has completely rewritten this new 4th Edition of The Triathlete's Training Bible to incorporate new training principles and help athletes train smarter than ever. The Triathlete s Training Bible equips triathletes of all abilities with every detail they must consider when planning a season, lining up a week of workouts, or preparing for race day. With this new edition, Joe will guide you to develop your own personalized triathlon training program and: . become a better swimmer, cyclist, and runner . train with the right intensity and volume . gain maximum fitness from every workout . make up for missed workouts and avoid overtraining . adapt your training plan based on your progress and conflicts . build muscular endurance with a new approach to strength training . improve body composition with smarter nutrition The Triathlete s Training Bible is the best-selling book on tri training ever published.Get stronger, smarter, and faster with this newest version of the bible of the sport. What s New in the Fourth Edition of The Triathlete s Training Bible? Coach Joe Friel started writing the fourth edition of The Triathlete s Training Bible with a blank page: the entire book is new. The science and sport of triathlon have changed much since the previous edition released. This new edition adds emphasis to personalizing training plans, incorporates new power meter techniques for cycling and running, improves on the skill development techniques, updates the strength training approach, speeds recovery for busy athletes, and cuts through the noisy volume of training data to focus athletes on the numbers that mean the most to better performance. See Joe Friel s blog or VeloPress for an expanded summary of improvements to this fourth edition. "

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

    Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

    France) Johnsen Thomas E. (ESC Rennes School of Business, UK) Howard Mickey (University of Exeter, France) Miemczyk Joe (Audencia Nantes School of Management

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Pocket · 2018


    Nattens imperium

    Nattens imperium

    Dennis Lehane

    NÅDELØSE NÅLESTRIPETE DRESSER, FORFØRENDE FEMMES FATALES OG DØDELIGE TOMMYGØNNERE ... UIMOTSTÅELIG FOR ALLE MED EN GANGSTER I MAGEN, BRENNEVIN I BLODET OG HBO's BOARDWALK EMPIRE PÅ TV'N! Boston, 1926. Joe Coughlin, sønn av generasjoner av politi menn, slår seg opp til å bli en mektig mafi aboss. I en tid da hensynsløse menn, væpnet med penger, ulovlig sprit og våpen, slåss om makten, er det ingen man kan stole på. Én skjebne peker seg ut for menn som Joe: en tidlig død. Men frem til da har han og vennene hans tenkt å leve livet på toppen av nattens imperium ... SLETTEMARK GJØR DET. NETTAVISEN GJØR DET. MANN GJØR DET. BERGENSAVISEN GJØR DET. STAVANGER AFTENBLAD GJØR DET.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Innbundet · 2013

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    The dirt

    The dirt: Mötley Crüe : confessions of the world's most notorious rock band

    Tommy Lee

    A chronicle of the career of Mötley Crüe, one of rock music's most provocative and notorious bands, provides an insider's view of rock stardom.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2003


    kr 79

    Innbundet · 2011


    kr 79

    Store forventninger

    Store forventninger

    Charles Dickens

    4.9 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89

    Pocket · 2008

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89

    Andre utgaver · 10

    kr 89

    Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One

    Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One

    Joe Dispenza

    You are not doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of your life. A new science is emerging that empowers all human beings to create the reality they choose. In "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, " renowned author, speaker, researcher, and chiropractor Dr. Joe Dispenza combines the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology, and genetics to show you what is truly possible. Not only will you be given the necessary knowledge to change any aspect of yourself, but you will be taught the step-by-step tools to apply what you learn in order to make measurable changes in "any" area of your life. Dr. Joe demystifies ancient understandings and bridges the gap between science and spirituality. Through his powerful workshops and lectures, thousands of people in 24 different countries have used these principles to change from the inside out. Once you break the habit of being yourself and truly change your mind, your life will never be the same

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013


    kr 169
    kr 169

    Best served cold

    Best served cold

    Joe Abercrombie

    Springtime in Styria. And that means war.There have been nineteen years of blood. The ruthless Grand Duke Orso is locked in a vicious struggle with the squabbling League of Eight, and between them they have bled the land white. While armies march, heads roll and cities burn, behind the scenes bankers, priests and older, darker powers play a deadly game to choose who will be king.War may be hell but for Monza Murcatto, the Snake of Talins, the most feared and famous mercenary in Duke Orso's employ, it's a damn good way of making money too. Her victories have made her popular - a shade too popular for her employer's taste. Betrayed, thrown down a mountain and left for dead, Murcatto's reward is a broken body and a burning hunger for vengeance. Whatever the cost, seven men must die.Her allies include Styria's least reliable drunkard, Styria's most treacherous poisoner, a mass-murderer obsessed with numbers and a Northman who just wants to do the right thing. Her enemies number the better half of the nation. And that's all before the most dangerous man in the world is dispatched to hunt her down and finish the job Duke Orso started...Springtime in Styria. And that means revenge.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010



    Pocket · 2009



    Jeg husker

    Jeg husker

    Joe Brainard

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 115
    kr 115



    Joe Sacco

    'The blessing of an inherently interpretive medium like comics is that it hasn't allowed me to ...make a virtue of dispassion. For good or for ill, the comics medium is adamant, and it has forced me to make choices. In my view, that is part of its message' - from the preface by Joe Sacco Over the past decade, Joe Sacco has increasingly turned to short-form com-ics journalism to report from conflict zones around the world. Collected here for the first time, Sacco's darkly funny, revealing reportage confirms his standing as one of the foremost international correspondents working today. Journalism takes readers from the smuggling tunnels of Gaza to war crimes trials in The Hague, from the lives of India's 'untouchables' to the ordeal of sub-Saharan refugees washed up on the shores of Malta. Sacco also confronts the misery and absurdity of the war in Iraq, including the darkest chapter in recent American history - the torture of detainees. Vividly depicting Sacco's own interactions with the people he meets, the stories in this remarkable collection argue for the essential truth in comics reportage, an inevitably subjective journalistic endeavour.Among Sacco's most mature and accomplished work, Journalism demonstrates the power of a great comics artist to chronicle lived experience with a force that often eludes other media.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2012


    kr 79

    Pocket · 2018


    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 79

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